
Evemek: Occultism Evolved II

Apr 2nd, 2016
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  1. Not a word...
  2. He paced over to hold a hand out, surprisingly-- Tame, as though expecting her to take it rather than violently yank her around. Was it because they were totally alone for miles to come? Or-- Maybe because this Mother character was likely looming in observable distance.
  4. "Get up." He ordered, "We're going to see her, and that's that." A moment too long was enough to urk him via impatience, that was assuming she didn't take his hand; It'd be taken by force, whipping her up to her feet, if not dragging her across the sodden swampland, this time, heading southwest. Lost? His direction was hardly constant, but the goal remained the same.
  5. (Evemek)
  6. [14:13:07] She wouldn't give in. In time she found herself being dragged across the swamp floor, her face would look on the brink of tears, but she held the strength to cry... She simply laid their, Being dragged by evemek, From time-to time a soft whimper would come from her mouth..
  7. (Amethyst Rose)
  8. The giga stirred, eyes oft crimson dulled. Enthrallment holding it within it's unyielding embrace. Wandering through the marshlands thre Giga traversed thorough the soggy marsh, ignoring the various roots and shrubbery.
  10. A hollow blank gaze simply observing the landscape. Muted..everything felt..muted. Hollow and empty.As if the yokai was trapped in nothing but dark mist. Unable to find the exit. Trapped within the confines of darkness's embrace.
  12. It's footfalls resounded throughout the area. A feeling of dread would eminate from it's entity. Coldness wouldst be felt, as if an icy feeling of dread permeated forth. Looking upon it's shadowy frame.
  14. It's large hulking mass seemed to tower above a few trees. It's entity cast a large shadow that would fall upon the duo. Complete not even registering them, the yokai continued to wander through the area. Incidently almost trampling upon them.
  15. (Eglencenin)
  16. The trek through the Deadlands was a perilous one; one that he should've came to take precautions. Alas, one of the prominent threats of the land had finally surfaced, in the form of a daemonic spawn of the transmundane: A natural Seer of Darkness unlike himself: A yokai.
  18. Evemek himself, paused... Outright. The expression lined across his face, it defied what stoicism he expressed unto others. His grasp on Amethyst's hand... Was relinquished.
  20. Her fear, was no longer just her own-- For he too, understood what it mean't to be afraid. It had been years, but still he remembered it all too well. The vast prowess and horrifying capabilities of such beasts. "A- Am-... " He was choking up at the mere sight of it. "Amethyst," He managed to muster, "RUN!"
  22. It was a command he issued out of genuine terror. Even as an underling of the shadows himself, he couldn't bring himself to face the true masters of such artistry-- For it still, was a nightmare to a virgin soul such as himself.
  23. The nigh trampling was spared of Evemek himself as he dived out of the way, seemingly abandoning his Ookami companion, l'est she not act hastily on her own accord.
  24. (Evemek)
  25. he noise cause the Giga's attention to be drawn towards the screaming children. The enthrallment however detracted the Giga from making any actions that would be akin to it chasing them. However an empty presence lashed out mentally. A swift assault upon the minds of the fleeing duo. Darkness striking into their beings. Undirected or outright guided. Not used for anything than to showcase potent power simply being unleashed.
  27. The yokai however did not make any motion. Nor did the telepathic assault truly establish a telepathic communication. The feeling that simply invaded their minds seemed to quiver.
  29. Seeming to exude nothing but dread and a feeling of mute hollowness. An empty sensation, akin to naught but darknessz surrounding one within it's dark embrace. A cgilling quietness before..something would lash out from within the dark depths. The head of the yokai turned, red eyes simply tracking their movements. Not even blinking. Or moving, it was as if the yokai was simply still after it's head turned to observe the duo. It's chest seemed to rise and drop, faintly. How eerie..
  30. (Eglencenin)
  31. He took to flight, far too horrified to fight back-- Though, such was only because he was mentally unprepared. These monsters were considered the epitome of the shadows, the ultimate of the Occult, Those Seers of Everlasting Shadow; Albeit, he wouldn't let it force him into vulnerability.
  33. If only, he had the Will to ensure such wish. It was his binding and encapsulation in the natural prism that was his warped circuit, bending him to the volition of its mere presence, and by extension the masters of the element. Eglencenin had managed to abuse this, leaving one invaded by their endeavors. Such... Power...
  34. It was potent, and truly-- Demotivating down to the core. He shook violently, unable to contain himself.
  36. But why? Why couldn't he face it? Why couldn't he brazenly turn to this advarsary and fight back? Why was it, that he was truamatized by their raw capability, even to this day? Voices throughout his mind prodded from various angles, urking at him, taunting him--
  37. "How pathetic.." claimed one..
  38. "You can't even stand up for yourself. How are you going to make anything out of what you so claim?" The poured in, one after the other, soon devolving into a plethora of incoherent babble that tickled the very flesh with their intensity; It was something akin to thousands of digits stroking at his skin, frigid at their touch.
  40. He couldn't move... He was petrified: Scared stiff, losing the authoritive attitude he boasted just hours prior.
  41. "I.... I can't do it..." He admitted, "I-.... I can't fight them..."
  42. (Evemek)
  43. Without out a single thought, she’d take to a sprint, attempting to get as far as she could from the beast- it would also be noted that she did not wait for Evemek, Maybe this was her chance to escape him.
  45. Throwing her legs in front of her she’d run straight towards the nearest clearing, not taking a second to look back, if she would arrive to a opening safe and unharmed she’d collapse in exhaustion.
  46. (Amethyst Rose)
  47. The giga gave a wanton hiss. Empty gaze observing the situation. Ever so slowly though most would see the gaze of the Yokai turning intoa more aware state. The dullnewss that grasped it, seeming to fade ever slowly. The enthrallment the yokai was under seemed to dim. A gradual process sped up by the noises piercing through the metaphysical mist shrouding it's mind. Lodcking it in nothing but paralytic black fog.
  49. Dark mana churned, a malevolent will brought to prominence a feeling of hollowness. A torrid sensation applicable due to the thrallment visited upon it's shadowy entity. Muted malignant writhing mana swirled, an invasive presence that rung forth.
  51. A malefic will filled with nothing but blessed entropic need. Nothingness..and void likened stillness eeked forth. A telepathic presence, ghollow ihn feel and lacking true sentience within it's assaulting brush upon the minds of any nearby.The yokai's frame seemed to writhe. As with a hiss, the fog that had wrought it's hold. The blackened state of Thrallment doth snap and fold into itself.
  53. Washing it's attunement from the yokai's mind. Intellect returneth. Unbidden, it blinked. Before flashing a fanged grin. With the grin came forth a feeling oft a superimposed image. The sight of it's teeth doing nothing but causing dread to formulate within the being of all who saw it. Depravity flared forth, aura discernable and heralding the miasmic taint of the yokai's being,. It's form seemed to shift, malevolent frame twitching as an arm rose.
  55. Mana, of a darker portent swirling within said limb. Falsified imagery doth seep forth brought perchance by the depravity it's being seemed to exude, it's presence slithered forth, now guided by intellect. Guided by the sway oft occultism it wielded. Blood stained teeth..half the yokai's face crushed, bone unveiled to be stained an broken.
  57. Two of it's four eyes dangling from a ruined socket. Thin membranes keeping them thus attached. Dulled in a bizarre state of haldf death...before they blinked. The superimposed impression doth fade. Occultism surging forth to invade the mind of the fleeing duo more with choking cloying vileness. The arm of the Giga lowered..looking upon the sight..perhaps even more dread seemed to eminate, more terror seemed to exude forth.
  59. It's and dark in colorization seemed to ripple with the motion, as if it was alive, and darkness wriggled throughout it's skin. A ripple lkened to moving shadow. Doth the area seem to get colder, joyless now. Depravity surged as the Giga breathed, chest expanding and rising. A hoarse sound discerned as it's breathing. Throughout all of this, coldness seemed to infest the area. Perhaps brought forth by the yokai's very presence causing fear. The coldness seemed to sap at hope. As if stealing it from the very location. A rolling miasmic heaviness reeking of despair cloyed forth. As if exuded from the yokai.
  61. But that wasn't possible was it? Nay, perhaps all of this was naught but sensations brought upon by sheer terror. Sheer terror and dread crawling along ones frame and being at seeing the frame of the Giga. Fear was the mind killer was it not?
  62. (Eglencenin)
  63. The swamps had been silent, still for oh so long. Everytime the boy returned, there were so few of the Baruch left, and now there were almost none at all. With his 'comrads' vanishing one by one, he'd chosen a survivalists path. Gradually he'd drawn away from the group he'd once followed so desperately, taking to his own studies. Studies both moral, and non, studies of those he could catch and play with, and extensions of his own control.
  65. Phaera was so quiet now. The star hardly spoke to him. It was like the slow self destruction had driven a wedge between them, and only his forceful drawing on the stars mana remained. He wasn't about to let such a connection shatter when he himself still had use for it. Once upon a time, the star had been a guide. Now, so much like Kasha himself, it was only a tool, a means to an end.
  67. Doll. Where was she as of late? He hadn't seen his mistress in so long. Actually, he hadn't seen many faces in so long. His favorite tormentor, who taught him so much of the world, or the other sin, the only being who meant much to the growing teen. Nix.. he wasn't sure how he felt about that particular subject. Thoughts, tides of mentality, flowing in and out, faces and memories spurned together in an endless mess. Where did the thread begin? Where did it end? Such a hopeless tangle of..
  69. What was that..?
  71. For a moment, the swamp air had changed. Occultism. Depravity. These feelings touched the air, and his smile slid, widening across his face. Depravity was something he knew well, something that drew him like a moth to the deadly flame. Which was he though? The moth? Or the enroaching light, ready to burn? His feet slid through the much, the end of the scythe biting into the wet grass, squealching with each step. Past one tree, then round another, the boy that stank of sin and blood rounded the bend and came upon a not so unusual sight.
  73. This Yokai was not a small, fragile thing. It reminded him of some of the Yokai he'd seen and known as a child, those he'd met at the Citadel. Powerful beasts, not just mindless monsters, but dangerous weapons cultivated by their feeding. This one seemed to be feeding, and playing all at once. The scent in the air was so familiar, his smile widened. The touch of despair rolling about the clearing added to the same sensation that wafted from him. For a moment, just a brief one, he showed his presence not with words, but with a spike of his own, depraved and sinful aura. Then it died down, coiling around him like a fine mist, then vanished altogether.
  75. "Playing with.. your food?" He spoke softly, but his words carried over the three figures easily. He drank in the feeling around him, so familiar, so beautiful. Depravity was a perfect thing, and this one was used so enticingly. "Careful.. it might.. run away..." He spoke slow and evenly, with little pauses that made him sound weary and out of breath. Even the way he leaned on his weapon, as if it were the one thing that kept him upright, suggested an exhaustion that ensnared him and those he chose to share it with.
  76. (Kasha)
  77. Since running into Kaia, Sideris had endured a hellish time here. Swathes of Crelli beset him on every stone of his path it seemed- the swamp fiends were numerous, and terrible in ferocity, though they were oddly fragile to non-mundane attacks; single, great swoops of his curved blade could cut them down with ease, so long as the snow-haired bladesman did not lose focus.
  79. But he was not seeking chaff or feeble beasts to whet his sword with. He was seeking a worthy opponent: nothing else would make him stronger, he believed. And while he wanted to push on farther... a long journey and a lot of fighting already had the swordsman quite tired, and blood of varying colors, both human and monstrous, wetted his clothes and skin from the battles he'd fought to get here.
  81. Sideris paused in a clearing; mossy trees hung overhead, looming near a messy river cluttered with slow-crawling, enormous insects and clumps of moss-laden filth stuck together in clods of leafs, small rocks and in some parts, human bones. While the chitters of insects and grunts of distant monsters captured Sideris' attention, he paused at once familiar sound-
  83. Footsteps; light ones, and fleeing at that.
  85. As a Krausite, and aware of the Deadlands' dangers, he could not turn away from a soul in danger. He sprinted forward, hopping onto the back of a cart-sized scarab and leaping off it to the river's other side before it could manage to strike him with a spiny, sharp leg, running on ahead to find whoever was fleeing: much to his surprise, he found the purple-furred Ookami he had objectified prior with tender fascinations, pausing to regard her curiously before waving. "Hey! Over here! You in trouble?" He asked, cupping his free hand to the side of his mouth as so to let his voice carry better to her.
  86. (Sideris)
  87. Was he just, abandoned? Outright ditched in the face of danger? If it wasn't bad enough, the familiar voice in the distance beckoned the presence of his captive. He was robbed of his rightful catch!
  88. Here he was, stripped of such solace at mind, even if a remotely hopeless escape. He was her distraction; He was, the fodder to an endeavor that'd ultimately lead to damnation. He could hardly fathom such as a possibility just moments prior.
  90. A gander at this grotesque monstrosity and he found himself relinquished of the Will to stand-- To fight; Wrath did not come to his rescue, only cowardice. Even then, he couldn't even run-- The call of the metaphorical abyss locked his legs in place. One's heartbeat aggressively throbbed at his chest as complement to the internal warfare of mind and body. From the bone-chill of a superior shadow, to the morbid truth of pending doom, the only response one could hope to utter beyond the shortlived gasps for air-- Was a whimper.
  92. ...He was still a teenager at heart, and upon falling to his knees in prayer of salvation from what he saw to be, the end, his eyes gleamed with tears. This, Krausite, still dressed in alabaster linen had poised himself as a valid threat to such daemonic persona, and now-- He was assured that he was to pay the price for it.
  94. Fear, it was the conquistidor of his soul; Fear of the unknown, albeit he strived to perfect the darkness, he feared it so-- For, even if he could prove a master in comparison to other mages like himself, he'd always pale in comparison to those whom were born to weild it. "P- Please..." He begged, "..H- Ha-- *choke* Have mercy..."
  95. What, was mercy, to a monster manifested without concept of proper emotion? What help was plausible from a party that did not immediate involve themselves?
  96. (Evemek)
  97. The Giga tilted it's head crimson eyes gazing upon the human prostrating upon the ground infront of its frame. Its tears did nothing to the Giga. It felt no sympathy for the sight. As it spoke mentally voice slithering forth. A cadence dark in tone slipping forth to telepathically comunicate. Voice akin to silk as it shifted, a velvety embraceful tone.
  99. Filled with a rich baritone. " for the weak. Mercy is what gets the weak killed. That you would ask for mercy. It is an amusing notion." Here the Giga grinned chuckling to itself arms crossing over it's chest. Faint ccultism wafted from it's frame. It spoke again. "I am surprised that you would bow your head in fear, you did not run. Surely that means you are brave. You did not feel even though you feel nothing but terror at my mere presence." Here the Giga hissed in a mocking scoff. "Your commendable human. Tell me what do you dream for? What do you crave, is it grandeur? Know that man must dream a long time in order to act with grandeur, and dreaming is nursed in darkness . Darkness which is the way to power. To pure potential, and growth. Should you desire the same, an offer will be given." The Giga narrowed it's gaze.
  101. "Fall..fall into the abyss.Falyter sand slip into the void. Sunbmit thy entity in nothing but blackness. It's a special kind of fall, a horrible kind. The man falling isn't permitted to feel or hear himself hit bottom. He just keeps falling and falling. The whole arrangement's designed for men who, at some time or other in their lives, were looking for something their own environment couldn't supply them with. Or they thought their own environment couldn't supply them with. So they gave up looking for potential, for growth and decided to live nothing but a life of stagnancy and a life lacking growth and improvement. Become the candle comprised of darkness."
  103. The Giga nodded in the direction of the prostrate teen. Stating softly into his mind, a tempting voice that slithered further inwards. "Become empty, and hollow. A cansdle without light. The only light needed is power and strength. They will service instead. What hurts you currently in fear, blesses you in strength after understanding is achieved. Darkness shall be your candle. You way to never feel as helpless as you do now, rying pitiously. Are you thinking of your loved ones? Of how you will never see them again? Good... it is but the first step to llumination which shall cometh to grant thee understanding and guidance. Power and the desire to seek it will make you stronger than you are now. All I ask for is loyalty..and that you cut all ties with your previous life. Sever the things in your past, they will do nothing but restrict you."
  105. The giga glanced upon the new arrival, a nod given in their direction. Interest shown at the display of their own power. As it stated mentall to all. "No, this one is not food. This is one who shall be shown the truth. Illuminated and guided to a higher calling filled with true purpose. No longer helpless." Returning it's gaze back to the prostrate teen, the Giga gave hima glance wondering what his reaction would be to it's offer.
  106. (Eglencenin)
  107. Human weakness was a beautiful thing. A rare, delicious fruit to be savoured and enjoyed. Strange to see a Yokai here, consoling the fragments of strength hidden amongst that weakness, cultivating it into an abomination, a toy. Funny how once upon a time that had been him, those first stages that led to what he was now. Once upon a time a Yokai had whispered tantalizing secrets in his ear.
  109. But who would play the tormentor? Who would encompass the role that would turn a stream into a current, and from there into an all encompassing wave? He didn't have the magic to manipulate the stream of crimson life himself, but he was creative, well-learned. Was it possible that this could be a repeated performance? A play conducted in a vicious cycle?
  111. He loved watching them break.. but could he love watching them die and be reborn as well? Watching his own past play out in the present and future of others? It was an experiment. A game. He wanted to play that game, right up until its finale, his final breath. "I want to play too," he breathed softly, unaware and uncaring that the thoughts in his mind and those on his lips only made sense to him. His eyes, soft and dreary, hidden behind panes of glass and bone, fixed on the Yokai. "Can I play too?"
  113. The boy swung forward, hanging off his scythe at an angle that might have seemed illogical, if not impossible by the sheer fact that it defied gravity, spat in its face and denied its existance. A small, breathy laugh left his lips, devoid of a natural joy that usually accompanied the action. "Can I help? I'm GREAT at helping..."
  114. (Kasha)
  115. He was crippled of his tenacity-- A notion, never before concieved in his vengeful mind. What he once expected to be the source of all his power, to enhance him beyond the common mortal man had infact been his greatest weakness. He, had ultimately managed to inadvertantly sign a metaphorical contract with these beasts, by succumbing to the urge to commit to their artistry: Imperfected at best.
  117. He could've ran... Or could he? Despite his immense, fear, he couldn't lie to the part of him beneath the surface oddly fascinated by a true master of this art. He could've gaven up his life, but even so-- The Mark scribed upon his arm would never allow such thought to pervade his mind. He couldn't fought brazenly... But had he commited to such endeavor, he would've not only recklessly endangered himself, but squander what opportunity came after.
  119. He was complemented for his stagnation... And soon, presented with an inquiry as to his conviction. Thus, he stood upright, if only to fall to a knee with head lowered in submission. This, was the very last thing he would've ever suspected in his future-- To break down to a monster of the ilk that had terrorized him for so long in his lifetime, if only from afar.
  120. "I- I..." He stuttered, gulping to force his voice some leverage... "I want to be strong." He answered simply, shivering in place.
  122. It was only a moment, before he'd continue to clarify and emphasize the depth behind his answer. " I was weak..." He whimpered, "--They took everything from me..." Slowly, he brought rise to his head, as though weary of being stricken back down. "... My mom... My dad... They killed them, for nothing but money... " The tone of his voice quivered somebit, clearly implying distraught-- "They weren't worth anymore than spare change... And they were going to kill me too... Because I was too weak..." He was shaking violently now, as though, prone to contracting a seizure to his own body's overreacting to the situation at hand.
  124. His mind was racing, heart pounding-- But strained focus pulled himself together to push onward with his origin, his conviction-- His drive, as it was requested of him. "Then, someone told me about the powers of the shadows... The Darkness... They taught me, the power that came from my emotions." The runic tattoo mised upon his arm had singed a vibrant crimson, forcing him to wince whilst illuminating the facade of his character.
  126. The Rune of Vengeance was activated upon the memory of his parents being dispatched before his eyes; The perpetrators of such sinful crime, still managing to elude his grasp. Such presence, only acted as the amplifier for the stygian radiance that hugged so tightly to the adolescent's frame, materializing into a faint onyx highlight with a lowly lavender underglow.
  127. "I... I let myself fall... So that I could get stronger... I follow Kraus... To grow stronger... I go onward to show that the rumors, the claims were all wrong... That, he can accept me too..." Finally, he picked his head up to frightenly gawk the monster back in the face.
  129. "Kraus created yokai too! Doesn't that mean he loves them like the rest of his creations?! He made your magic and your being! Can you-- Can you help me master it and prove the others wrong. All I've ever wanted was to be rewarded with his forgiveness, with his acceptance.... Can you do that?" Tears rolled down the child's eyes; They were that, of a victim to the consequences concerning descent in the mana alignment scale.
  131. Soon after, he was brought mention of... The need, to sacrifice? He knew he had to make sacrifices to be stronger, to defend himself, to make a difference and some day, be accepted in the eyes of Kraus... But, did he truly need to tear away his origins? His loved ones? It left him torn... But the bitter truth to reality was-- He was far too emotional to truly wage mastery... He'd have to garner stature, as the yokai did...
  132. To even ascend...
  133. To ever become...
  134. A mage capable of preforming, perfected, mastered-- Umbral-tier prowess.
  135. (Evemek)
  136. Occultic power flowed forth to envelop the frame of the Giga. A malevolent aura of darkness that surged upon it's entity. Drawn from vile malignant malicious circuits. Twisted pathways channeling the repulsive power outwards. A shroud of reviled blackness that ebbed an weaved across it's large countenace. Gazing to the kneeling figure.
  138. The voice of the Giga resounded outwards. Touching upon all minds in the area. Having spotted the large blue frame of it's fellow Giga hidden within the foilage somewhat. As it's voice slithered forth. A bevied tone filled with awareness. "I know your their kindred. Come forth.." THe Giga stated, almost voicing it's comment like an order. Looking to the male near the crop of trees, the Giga smirked somewhat. Lips of repulsive black twisting into a mockery of said smirk. "Do what you will. I care not. My name is Eglencenin. Your power is impressive."
  140. Returning it's gaze towards the human, the voice of the Giga slipped forth. A cadence filled tone, meant to hurt. Meant to twist and dig pain furthered into the emotional tortured entity before it. "my..uit is surprising you would serve Kraus. That you would be so devoted to one whom hath hurt you in such a way. Whilst he may have created us, he also doomed us. We are a race hated and hunted without reason. Without purpose than to slate your human bloodlust. If anything..your race is the flawed creation that should be eliminated. It is more of a monstrous race than mine." Pausing the Giga rose an arm. Finger extending as it stated.
  142. "If anything, nothing but a false creator..promising love and giving none in return. A false creator, unworthy of love. He has created us, and doomed us in one master-stroke. Just as he created you..created you to be like me, one reviled and hated upon. Spat upon and tossed aside, like you are nothing and meaningless.A worthless eyesore to even exist. A flawed imperfected being as we are at the moment. Yet..through mastery, through cultured of occultism and through grasping true power we can break the shackles that bind us as flawed beings. Our creator Kraus preaches equality. Equality is a lie...a myth to appease the masses. Simply look around and you will see the lie for what it is! There are those with power, those with the strength and will to lead. And there are those meant to follow - those incapable of anything but servitude and a meager, worthless existence. Falsely believe that they're creator cares for them. A lie among lies!" The Giga hissed, frame breathing heavily. Eyes wide in anger. Before it breathed lowly.
  144. A calm cadence surging forth, as it spoke. Black speech assaulting the minds of all in the area. "NAY! I SAY NAY! I will not follow the teachings of a liar. I decry his name forevermore. I denounce Kraus as my creator. He is nothing to me now. NO, if anything I will seize the power I need to topple him from his place of superiority and falsity. I will become the true..being worthy of devotion! Of worship. I will become the one, all shall place their faith in. Place your faith in me, and I will not lead you astray as our creator has done. It is a cruel thing..isn't it. To realize that we are unwanted. Thus we must make our own place. No matter whom we must quash to do so. If Kraus will not love you, or see worth in you. Then I shall. Inexchange help me attain my goal. Allow me to become your father figure. Serve me in all things and in all faith. Your reward will be knowing your faith is not misplaced"
  146. Here the yokai grinned, a terrible smile. A smile that a liar would give as they manipulated and twisted one to their own ends. A smile filled with dark promise, and malefic intent. The smile of a puppet master seeking to ensnare one within threads and dictate their entirety and state of existance forevermore.
  147. (Eglencenin)
  148. Denounce Kraus? But that would mean to deny everything he was concieved and taught to believe! That would mean, omitting what he had come to know! What he had held on to to persevere this far. It was his only justifying conviction. If he abandoned such a God, outright... He was a sinner like the rest... and like Sinners, he'd deserve nothing but oblivion.
  150. ... But he didn't want to die..
  151. He just wanted to be strong... Stronger... More powerful... But did it require him to sacrifice? Did he need to accept this, mere mortal in the place of Kraus, the alpowerful? Then, there was another question-- How could one such as Kraus whom had created one and all, betrayed an entire race by claiming justification in their extermination. It didn't, make any sense.
  153. Then, would that make... Everything he's come to know.... A lie? Or, was it truly something that he had to look in for. He could remember his adopted 'Night Mother's words. To not let such powers control him to easily... That was the ultimate goal, was it not? Then how would he, if it outright manipulated him from start to finish? How could he, if even a Giga-class yokai could bend him to their whilm?
  155. Akin, to a mere spawnling of the daemonic ilk, he fell to a knee-- Implyingly submitting to newfound fealty-- Even as the mind wished to defy; He was enslaved, by his own artistry-- A pawn to a superiorer pupetteer.
  156. "... My f- faith..." He began, "...W- was.. misplaced..."
  157. From the very beginning, the moment he unearthed his occult capabilities, he had lost control of his very soul.
  159. Now, he was going to pay the price... via enthrallment.
  160. (Evemek)
  162. Gazing to the kneeling teen, the yokai nodded. Voice slithering forth to entangle within the mind of the teen. "Indeed your faith has been misplaced. It is but a lie. One of many. Sadly."
  164. Falling quiet the Yokai gazed upon the blue skin kindred. Malevolent aura cascading to cloak it's frame, in a surge of malicious power. Power that whilst weak would grow in usage and culpability overtime. Perhaps as the yokai aged and continued striving to push itself to greater heights of growth and prominence.
  166. "Well met Uzavox, why are you here? Besides observing. Surely you have another reason for approaching us. Waiting and hiding as you did speaks to such." The Giga gave a slight tense shift in posture. Frame starting to surge with mana.
  168. Observing briefly the nearby scene..between the two humans. The Giga hissed into their minds. "Stop that at once. Actually no, Impressive one feel free to play with the fool." The Giga then returned it's gaze towards the other Yokai, briefly stating in the direction of the kneeling teen. "Things..will turn out for the better. I will not lie to you, unlike the fools who dared to do so to you. The truth hurts far more than any lie could, You have just thing relating to darkness. It deals in absolutes and what is true. It either is or isn't."
  169. (Eglencenin)
  171. One would rise to his feet, standing before the gargantuan shadow before him-- His superior, once bowed head in reverence. There were powers, simply he could not best, and in his vulnerable stature, he would never dare to taunt them. If such, was his only passage to ascension, to growing potent enough to mean something in this world, to make a difference... Then, he'd oblige.
  172. "Y-- Yes.." He answered...
  173. "The truth...Hurts..."
  175. He knew what he had to do. To severe his ties... As difficult as the thought was in his mind, sooner or later he'd had to succumb to the necessity. But, was it the only way? The only way to tap into a power beyond the limitations of humanity? To grow potent enough to challenge the daemonic masters of such stygian artistry?
  177. "I will become absolute, and so what needs to be done."
  179. . . . Two months later . . .
  181. The sole silhuoette of one's vessel taking passage in the Sarabbian desert, loomed in to the mouth of the northern prarries. The heat refracted the image of those looming up ahead, leaving one to fathom fellow comrades of the Guardians awaited his return.
  182. It was about time...
  184. "... Is that you?" He called out to the sparse numbers, hoping for any form of response. Since prior, he had grown some; More mature, stronger-- Warped, but developed.
  185. "... It's been some time."
  186. (Evemek)
  188. As he began to take his first steps across the Danarium-Sarab border,the young man began to hear a familiar voice...The voice of a comrade that he hadn't seen for quite a long time.
  190. The young mans Wolf companion immediately became alert and cautious.It began to growl,at the appearance of the man that stood before them.It was not able to distinguish whether it was a threat or not,but regardless,it wanted to protect it's friend.
  192. "Down boy"Noxx said as he began taking a few steps forward,moving closer to the place from which the voice had echoed.His companion,still alert and at dismay,watched eerily from behind.Noxx had suspected that it was his old comrade,but he couldn't say for sure cause it had been a long time,until he had finally seen him.
  194. "Well,if it isn't Evemek,hehe"Noxx said with a chuckle and a smile.
  195. (Noxx)
  197. There was a lighthearted smile on his behalf, albeit it was shortlived. There was hardly anything to smile about, given the plethora of thoughts he had to fester in his mind for days-- Weeks now...
  198. "I was just coming back from a stroll... An... Enthusiastic walk, perhaps." He appeared tired, "It was initially going to meet my mother, but, I had some trouble." He attempted to pass Noxx by, to make if to the border.
  200. "How are the others? Have they... Have they managed to settle anywhere yet? I saw the fort over yonder, maybe we can all settle there?" He inquired, badgering a superior on the topic. He hadn't much else to conform to, granted he was rather... Isolated, in comparison to the other members.
  201. (Evemek)
  203. Noxx looked at Evemek as he began to walk by,noticing that there was something very pressing on his mind.Could it be that he has been touched by dark magics? No,Noxx couldn't say for sure.
  205. "I'm not sure if the others are doing well,the last person I had talked to was Amyas.Who was with a little girl at the time,and well..."Noxx said with an uneasy look on his face."Let's just say my being there wasn't a very good idea"Noxx said as he looked back at his companion as Eve passed him,to make sure he wouldn't attack."I don't think we have settled anywhere either,last I heard our headquarters was at the abandoned mines in Frostvale,although that is my hometown,being there gives me horrid thoughts of my past.So i'd rather not be there."Noxx said with a depressing facial expression.
  207. "What about you,how have you been doing,Evemek?"
  208. (Noxx)
  210. Meiji had been pissed! How could the two warriors simply make fun of him? How could they just go on to calling his master a weak and fake warrior. Meiji hated them for it, and he wanted to get to the bottom of it no doubt. Though, there was also the problem of Algar. Some random kid claiming to be Abram's son and all. It was all just a bit to much to deal with, and Meiji figured he'd take things one at a time. Since Algar went and did his own thing for a while, Meiji figured looking for his master and speaking to him about Fafnir and his harsh words would be worth it. Sadly though, Abram wasn't in town at that point. No matter how hard the teen had looked around town he couldn't find Abram.
  212. Meiji figured it was going to simply be better for him to get out of town like he usually did. Get away from the Frostvalian knights, and sort of just breathe. He had to get his words and what not together for when he saw Abram anyhow, so some time to clear his head was good. Meiji hadn't been doing anything special, rather just walking through the forest and the northern prairie's. He almost took his journey into the desert for whatever reason, but by this point he had run into a few strangers, sort of. One of the people he slightly remembered, that being Evemek.
  214. Meiji raised a brow, and decided to speak to the people there. They seemed close and nothing hostile or whatever was going on, so he figured a quick conversation was worth it. "You're the guy from before right? The one about to fight the kid with white hair or something? How did that whole thing go for ya?"
  215. (Meiji Shidoku)
  217. They didn't settle anywhere, which left him feeling-- Homeless? A persona without a retreat. How was he to convince that his new comrades laying claim to Freedom of Self and Discipline were genuine? That others, that saw him a shining example as a Krausite, a member of an actual people? If anything, he couldn't simply sit back and do nothing, if he had the power to change things...
  218. But if he got more involved, wouldn't he ultimately manage to undo his goal? Slip-up?... Or worse...
  220. "I've been fine; It was just a visit to my mother, though, it did get a little dangerous along the way. In the end, I'm back and unscathed." He assured, hardly tempted to prove his claim through stretches and bodily exposure-- His facade and tone should've sufficed, as far as he was concerned.
  222. "... I don't see why we don't just meet up where we can all gather. Like a decently sized fort..." He pointed out to the west, still oblivious as to Brighthold's identity. "--So, I'm going to try talking t--" He was cut off, having caught glimpse of someone in the approach. " a..... coun--....--cilor..." There was a prolonged silence, before Meiji finally chipped in, fully anticipated to do so once eyes were lain upon him: He was recognized with ease, not a face he could exactly forget, granted he popped up so many times before.
  224. "Yes." He answered to the inquiry aimed at him, "Yes, I am." Answering both of the initial questions with a single answer.
  225. "... It went fluidly... Though, I'm more curious as to what you're doing here."
  226. (Evemek)
  228. As Evemek had finished replying to Noxx questions,Noxx's wolf companion Obito sprung up from his position,immediately sniffing around and moving closer toward Danarium.Although he was told to stand down,another person had arrived at the scene,an Ookami? It looks like.
  230. "Stand down Obito"Noxx repeated with assertiveness."Sorry,he is very suspicious when it comes to strangers,we've been attacked many times in this desert so we've learned to always stay alert.It's a second nature to us."Noxx said as he analyzed the Ookami.
  232. "And yeah our leader does tend to be a little..uh...eccentric"Noxx said replying to something Evemek had earlier said.After that he remained quiet and continued to analyze the Ookami,he was not going to make assumptions,but he sure did have suspicions about the Ookami.
  233. (Noxx)
  234. Meiji's eyes first looked to Evemek who had acknowledged him and what not. "I see, good work then I suppose." he'd add. Giving the younger teen a small compliment just before getting asked a question. He pondered for a moment, he hadn't thought about why he came so far away from Frostvale, it was merely something that he had done while thinking about the whole Abram thing. He'd soon shrug in response to Evemek, going on to adding "I was simply walking. I suppose I only came here by mere mistake or something." he'd sigh a bit then just before turning to look at Noxx who had refered to the teen as his 'leader'.
  236. Meiji had gotten confused. "Leader?" he'd ask as he'd cross his arms suddenly. "Leader of what? I figured you guys were just a group of friends, not warriors following some leader." hed look to Evemek for a moment as he inspected him up and down, soon turning back to Noxx and asking "What sort of goals does your orginization even have?"
  237. (Meiji Shidoku)
  238. Eccentric? Well, it'd seem he'd end up becoming an enigma of a cohort in such case, taking to a role of motivator to the numbers of the faction of people he called his comrades: Brothers in arms, from the day of his initiation and beyond. Then, came one's misinterpretation of what was said, which garnered the fullest of Evemek's undivided attention-- That was to claim, it ever left the Ookami.
  240. "You mistake me for someone else." He answered calmly, "I'm not a leader of any person, aside from my own self-made decisions. I am, Bellator Evemek, of The Guardians... If you want to meet any leader concerning my alignment, you'd be looking for Jako."
  242. "The Guardians teach Self-liberation, discipline and magics abroad a vast variety. They can help fledgling mages like how I was, become greater... Perhaps, they can help you too." Oddly enough, he claimed himself inferior to his own current stature, as though, having improved-- And maybe, he did. Though, the history of his person affiliated with his entry in the faction was not known to others such as Meiji.
  243. (Evemek)
  244. [10:00:06] "Ahaha"Noxx snickers in the background of Evemek and Meiji's conversation."Evemek,leader of the guardians?"He continued to laugh in a rather quiet manner,almost as if he was holding himself back.He did not dismiss the fact that Evemek was stronger than him,but what was funny to him was Evemek's age.15 Year old's are too young to be able to lead a multitude of men older than that age.
  246. As he finished up laughing,he was able to gather himself again."Yes,like Eve said,the purpose of our organization is to teach freedom of self,aswell as discipline.We are not strictly confined to any area,we actually tend to wander around a lot,as we have not figured out the right place to settle down yet."Noxx said adding on to Eve's earlier statement.
  248. "Hmm,could it be that our organization has piqued your interest,Ookami? Or are you just curious as to know what we are all about?"Noxx said with a look of curiousity on his face.
  249. (Noxx)
  250. Meiji looked to Evemek again and figured out his mistake quickly. Seems he was wrong in thinking the teen was a leader. At least that was put to rest. But now the two warriors began to explain the orginization they were apart of along with the things they did. Both of them seemed to be making points about what their faction had done, and the types of things it taught people, along with what it stood for. It was nothing to interesting to Meiji in all honesty. He could only shrug his shoulders as he'd go on to adding "It doesn't really seem all that fun or beneficial to me honestly. On top of that, i've already gotten myself a good swordsmen to teach me and train me. I doubt a orginization could do better."
  252. His eyes would then wonder over to Evemek who's words made it seem as if he were somehow above Meiji in strength. "I supposed they've helped you up from the gutters yes? You sure that i'm even in such a position like you once were? Im sure they've helped, though, I doubt it helped you that much. Unless you care to prove your new strength this orginization has given you, Bellator."
  253. (Meiji Shidoku)
  254. The Bellator nodded in reverence, " They have... They were my support when I was lost in the Dark, but now, I am found..." He answered with a double meaning behind the rhetoric, hardly badgering himself to further explain of such.
  255. " In realization of such, I've grown... Soon, I'll feel confident that I'll be able to see a dream as they do. Until then, I work myself to my hardest." There was a distinct pause, one such that left him to recall something-- Something said... Something, promised.
  257. "... Wait... I remember you from before.." He onward, "You were there once, when I was lost in the Deadlands. You were there, and offered to show me strength." He glanced over to Noxx by his side, before reaffirming his gander upon Meiji. "If you wish, I can show you the strength they've aided with with... It won't be of much trouble. However, I'd recommend practicing such in an open ground. For your own advantage, of course."
  259. He hadn't a clue of what powers he was challenging, but granted his achievement, he was confident in his own ability.
  260. (Evemek)
  261. Noxx's laughter begin to increase,uncontrollably,uncontainable.He began to burst out laughing,unable to contain it much longer.His wolf companion began tilted his head,giving him a strange look.
  263. "i'm sorry,i just can't hehe"Noxx said as he tried to stop his laughing from interfering with his speech."If he want's a battle,so be it,I don't think it'll go against our clan rules if you were to fight him,even though we are to protect the innocence.Just don't go too ruff on him,Evemek"Noxx said as he gave Evemek a nod of conformation and agreement.
  264. (Noxx)
  265. [10:21:26] Meiji raised a brow as he though of such a moment about the marshes. he could remember such a time, but it was long ago. He had almost forgotten about the child, but now that he could see him again he was at least some what happy that the boy had found something he belonged to just like Meiji. Still, a fight between the two was to happen. Meiji took Evemek's warning to heart, moving out of the narrow area and further into the desert for a more wider, and open space. Meiji took himself out into said space, and once Evemek did as well he'd start getting ready.
  267. Soon drawing his sword, Lambent, and lifting himself up into the sky with gravity magic, soon following up with the help of wind magic that'd begin to violently circle around the mans body in a continious motion. Afterwards, Meiji would slash his blade to his side, now using his illusion magic as he'd conjure a clone next to him. "Good luck to you then, Bellator, let your training show in this battle!" Meiji had hoped to do the same. He couldn't allow Abram's teachings to go to waste. He could only hope that what he's learned could be of use to him now.
  268. (Meiji Shidoku)
  269. Soon after, he took to a pace southbound, into the open range of the Sarab Desert's north face; the canyons they'd wander off from would soon be the aegis to those whom would dare to venture close enough to spectate the pending brawl. "A part of me was kind've hoping not to fight... " He admitted, "-- But I suppose, I can't escape this nature." Rhetoric, although spoken from one individual, was in actuality derived from another-- All the while, coming from one vessel.
  271. He, was the host of several personalities, all tethered to the very malignant force that rolled off his figure in the form of a pungent miasma; Lavender pyre brooded from the flesh, rolling off apparel without searing it to ashes. He had to sword to contest Lambert, aside from a simple, common dagger sheathed at his side, nor had he any visible metaphysical arcanes to his person that were clearly visible.
  273. ...Instead, he only beared... Himself... And the overwhelming presence that'd challenge those of the shadows and light alike.
  274. "The name is Evemek." He corrected to one's acknowledgement, prior to charging into battle. Mother's teachings could not be outright omitted... But just as much, he couldn't let himself go all-out.
  275. ... Not yet...
  276. (Evemek)
  277. Then...
  278. There was one's gaze... Stagnant, just like his posture. Infact, he didn't take to the urge to budge from the charge. Almost as though he was accepting it...
  279. Irises shrunken, attempting to encapsulate an oblivious magi in a spell casted via occular means. To look back into his eyes, would transport a combatant to the fabricated realm of the void, one of Evemek's making.
  281. It was a world without design, one without light-- One, devoid of reality: Oblivion. Almost as though to answer an unspoken prayer of company in such bleak surrealitiy, ethereal figurines phased into existence, appearing from the blind spots in one's perception, soon enough-- To surround Meiji, by the dozens... By the hundreds...
  282. By the thousands...
  284. Thousands of replicants of Evemek now surrounded one in this empty world, charging with daggers in hand, clearly implying that the young adult had been captured in an illusion. Though, it was clear that Meiji himself was an illusionist... How could an illusionist be trapped inside an illusion, in itself? A paradox started from the beginning? No, one started from the very utterance of pending battle.
  285. "You're strong...."
  286. Evemek's voice narrated, "You can fight the darkness..."
  287. As one's brawl continued onward... As bodies of Evemek clones piled only to shatter into thousands of iotas-- Insignificant in themselves, shattering like glass to ooze away in ghastly mannerism...
  288. "... But I'm stronger..."
  289. Breath would be caught, lungs seized at the command of pseudo-telepathic means. Arms were forced apart, mising one into a crucifixion formation, still surrounded by an infinite lot of clones as such carried out.
  291. It was as though, the very fabric of reality had been torn asunder, replacing Kraus with Evemek in the high throne of authority, for the duration of this battle's climax.
  292. Blades were pried back, only to stab at Meiji from all angles: Abdomen, Legs, Arms... Chest and back... All impaled by dozens of blades sinking through flesh and omitting armor. The splash of sanguine was the last of it... Before, it all faded away...
  294. It, all... Wasn't real?
  295. An elaborate illusion from the start... A fight, completely in his head.
  296. However, it was real enough to trick his body into fatigue, into feeling pain, into understanding defeat.
  297. Whilst an intense battle was in tow, all that had truly carried out, was Evemek casually pacing towards the swordsman with a visage riddled with stoicism.
  299. " I've grown, much stronger..."
  300. He reached up to place a hand along the man's shoulder, as though to comfort them in their loss, before turning away to meet Noxx.
  301. "Some time soon, I'd like to speak with Jako... I want to help us settle soon enough, in a place fit to support fifteen magi."
  302. (Evemek)
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