Guest User


a guest
Oct 17th, 2018
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  1. <?php /* $Lang:English:$ eng.php : ENGLISH language pack for miniBB. Copyright (C) 2001-2018 This file is part of miniBB. miniBB is free discussion forums/message board software, without any warranty. Check COPYING file for more details. Latest File Update: 2018-Jun-11 */ /* v1.0 */ //$l_meta='<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=iso-8859-1" />'; $l_meta='<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" />'; $l_months='Styczeń:Luty:Marzec:Kwiecień:Maj:Czerwiec:Lipiec:Sierpień:Wrzesień:Październik:Listopad:Grudzień'; $l_admin='Admin'; $l_about='Profil'; $l_forum='Forum'; $l_num_topics='Tematy'; $l_topic='Temat'; $l_replies='Odpowiedzi'; $l_posted='Posty'; $l_reply='Odpowiedź'; $l_author='Autor'; $l_lastAuthor='Ostatnia odpowiedź'; $l_sub_answer='Twoja odpowiedź'; $l_message='Wiadomość'; $l_views='Wyświetlenia'; $l_new_topic='Stwórz nowy temat'; $l_chooseForum='Przełącz forum'; $l_sub_tpc='temat'; $l_sub_msg='wiadomość'; $l_sub_name='Nazwa użytkownika'; $l_sub_pass='Hasło'; $l_sub_post_msg='Napisz wiadomość'; $l_sub_post_tpc='Napisz nowy temat'; $l_emptyTopic='Temat bez tytułu'; $l_topicTitle='Temat'; $l_loadingtime='Page loading time, sec.:'; $l_enter_admin_login='This area requires your Administrative account details. Please, sign-in!'; $l_incorrect_login='Podano niepoprawny login lub hasło'; $l_logout='Wyloguj'; $l_addforum='Stwórz forum'; $l_error_addforum='Please, specify the Title for this forum!'; $l_forum_added='Forum was successfully added!'; $l_chooseeditforum='Switch forum to edit'; $l_editforum='Edit forum'; $l_noforums='No forums to edit'; $l_noAsking='This is the final step of submission. You will be asked only once.'; $l_forumname='Title'; $l_forumdesc='Short description'; $l_forumorder='Forum order'; $l_deleteforum='Delete forum'; $l_forumdeleted='Forum deleted'; $l_mysql_error='There was a database error. Please report this problem, describing in steps you were trying to do, to the forums Administrator, or <a href="" class="mnblnk">contact</a> the developers of this software.'.$brtag; $l_adminpanel='Panel administratora'; $l_fastforumspreview='Fast preview (forums will be ordered that way on the first page):'; $l_forumUpdated='Forum updated'; $l_forums='Forums'; $l_users='Users'; $l_topicsWillBeDisplayed='Since there is only one forum, topics will be displayed immediately on the first page.'; $logged_as='Zalogowano jako:'; $l_loginpasswordincorrect='Podano niepoprawny login lub hasło.'; $l_correctLoginpassword='Click here to go back and re-enter your details.'; $l_forumnotexists='Forum doesn\'t exist'; $l_topicnotexists='Topic doesn\'t exist. It was deleted by the administrator, moved to another forum, archived, or has never existed. Please, go to the forums main page and try to locate this subject, using forum tools.'; $l_topiccannotempty='Musisz podać nazwę tematu.'; $l_back='Powrót'; $l_returntoforums='Strona główna'; $l_forbidden='Sorry! You are not granted to do this.'; $l_anonymous='Gość'; $l_enterforums='Zalogowano jako'; $l_sortBy='Sort by:'; $l_newAnswers='Recent Replies first'; $l_newTopics='Recent Topics first'; $l_sortedBy='Sorting:'; $l_lastDiscussions='Recent Stuff'; $l_topic_closed='Ten temat jest zamknięty.'; $l_closeTopic='Zamknij temat'; $l_deleteTopic='Usuń temat'; $l_unlockTopic='Odblokuj temat'; $l_areYouSureDeleteTopic='Are you sure you want to delete this topic?\nAll associated posts will be deleted immediately, AND WILL NOT BE BACKED UP!'; $l_itseemserror='Sorry, an unexpected error has occured!'; $l_submit='Submit'; $l_yes='Tak'; $l_no='Nie'; $l_topicLocked='Zablokowano'; $l_topicUnLocked='Odblokowano.'; $l_topicsDeleted='Usunięto: '; $l_postsDeleted='Usunięto: '; $l_emptyPost='Treść wiadomości jest pusta lub zbyt krótka.'; $l_forumIcon='Ikona'; $l_forumIconDesc='Forum icons are displayed near forum titles in the forums block and topic listing headings. They must be copied under the "/img/forum_icons" folder. Icons should be either .GIF or .JPG with a maximum size of 16x16 pixels. Here you just need to type the filename of an image WITHOUT any extra path or folder name. By the easy way, choose an icon by clicking one of the icons <b>on the right hand side of this page</b> (they are all under the forum_icons/ folder and are displayed automatically). If no image is specified, default.gif will be taken.'; $l_error_addforumicon='Error: the following image does not exist - '; $l_noTopicsInForum='This forum still has no topics. You are welcome to be first to post!'; $l_del='deleted'; $l_rows='database row(s)'; $l_stats='Statistics'; $l_stats_top='Top'; $l_stats_popular='Most popular topics'; $l_stats_aUsers='Most active partakers'; $l_stats_viewed='Most viewed topics'; $l_stats_numUsers='Partakers amount'; $l_stats_numTopics='Topics amount'; $l_stats_numPosts='Replies amount'; $l_stats_admin='Administered by:'; $l_stats_lastReg='Recently registered:'; $l_edit='Edit'; $l_editedBy='Edited by: '; $l_deletePost='Delete'; $l_quoting='Quote'; $l_postNotExist='Post does not exist!'; $l_areYouSureDeletePost='Are you sure you want to delete this post?'; $l_postID='Post ID'; $l_poster='Poster'; $l_postDeleted='Post successfully deleted'; $l_menu[0]='Begin'; $l_menu[2]='Register'; $l_menu[5]='Profile'; $l_menu[7]='Start New Topic'; $l_menu[1]='Search'; $l_menu[3]=$l_stats; $l_menu[4]='Manual'; $l_menu[6]='Logout'; $l_menu[8]='Language'; $l_editPost='Edit Message'; $l_topicTitleUpdated='Subject has been updated.'; $l_onlyAdminCanEdit='Sorry! This post has been edited and possibly censored by the forums staff, and is protected now from further editing.'; $l_topicTextUpdated='Message has been updated.'; $l_disableBbCode='Disable BB codes'; $l_whatIsIt='What\'s this?'; $l_moveTopic='Move topic'; $l_topicMoved='Topic has been moved.'; $l_goTopic='Go to the topic'; $l_to='to'; $l_searchSite='Search'; $l_search[0]='Search for'; $l_search[1]='Fields'; $l_search[2]='Formatting'; $l_search[3]='Go!'; $l_search[4]='Messages'; $l_search[5]='Topic titles'; $l_search[6]=$l_sub_name; $l_search[7]='Words starting from...'; $l_search[13]='Words containing...'; $l_search[9]='"Whole phrase"'; $l_search[8]='Period'; $l_search[10]='<b>How to search these forums?</b> <ol type="1" style="margin-left:18pt"><li>Find the <b>one</b> most important keyword in your search term. It could be a partial fragment of a word, to search wider.</li><li>Try to give it no more than 3 words to search, with a possibly shorter, yet definitive length.</li><li>Try to search by it in topic titles at first, then if you are not satisfied with results, search in message bodies (refine <strong>'.$l_search[1].'</strong> for that).</li><li>As less search options you specify, as more search results you will be offered to choose from.</li><li>Use Search boxes located on the bottom of forum pages, for immediate search in a certain forum or topic.</li></ol>'; $l_usersIPs='List of users posted from the IP address'; $l_userIP='User\'s IP'; $l_userNoIP='No IPs found'; $l_userRegistered='Congratulations to You as our forums new member!'; $l_goToLogin='You should be already logged in automatically. Go the forums first page to check for that.'; $l_thankYouReg='Thank you very much for registering!'; $l_newUserRegister='Register Now!'; $l_necessaryFields='Mandatory are only the bold fields.'; $l_fillRegisterForm='It takes less than a minute. Just fill in the form below.'; $l_max='Max.'; //$l_symbols='symbols'; $l_passOnceAgain='Repeat Password'; $l_email='Email address'; $l_websiteUrl='Website (beginning with http://)'; $l_userOcc='Occupation, duties'; $l_userFrom='Location, country'; $l_chooseCountry='Choose from the list on the right, or specify your own'; $l_userInterest='Interests, hobbies'; $l_userViewEmail='Show email address to others?'; $l_sortTopics='Default sorting:'; $l_errorUserData='Sorry! Wrong input.'; $l_undefined='Undefined'; $l_userErrors[1]='Username must contain only latin letters (a-z and A-Z), numbers (0-9), spaces and underscores, being from 3 to 15 characters in length. Username can not consist of the numbers only, it should not start or end with a specific character, should not contain multiple repeated characters. Please, verify it and try again!'; $l_userErrors[2]='Password must contain only latin letters (a-z and A-Z), numbers (0-9) and underscores, being between 5 and 30 characters in length.'; $l_userErrors[3]='Security verifycation failed: entered passwords didn\'t match!'; $l_userErrors[4]='This email address appears to be malformed, or it has been already taken by the other member.'; $l_userErrors[6]='You must provide a full URL to the website, starting with http:// or https:// .'.$brtag.'This field is possible to fill in only if you have posted at least '.$allowHyperlinks.' useful messages on forum.'; $l_errorUserExists='Sorry, the Username you are trying to register, is already taken. Please, choose another one!'; $l_removeUser='Delete Profile'; $l_enterID='User ID'; $l_cantDeleteUser='Unable to delete this user!'; $l_removeUserMessages='Remove all user\'s messages and topics (user\'s topics will be deleted with possible other users messages inside); not ticking this box means the account will be removed, but all messages posted will stay on forum, as being posted from'.$brtag.'<input type="radio" name="guestname" value="current" checked="checked" /> the current Username, or'.$brtag.'<input type="radio" name="guestname" value="guest" /> the Guest account.'; $l_userDeleted='User has been deleted'; $l_userNotDeleted='There was an error: User was not deleted!'; $l_userMsgsDeleted='User messages were deleted'; $l_userMsgsNotDeleted='User messages were not deleted'; $l_userUpdated0='Username has been updated to a guest profile on forums'; $l_userNotUpdated0='User info has not been updated'; $l_stillNoForums='It\'s a beautiful time, but so far, no forums have been installed here. Please, come to check for them later.'; $l_send='Send'; $l_pwdWillBeSent='Please, enter the email address, which has been provided for Registration the forums Profile.'.$brtag.'Follow the message in your Inbox. You will get an instruction on resetting your Password.'; $l_emailNotExists='Sorry! The email address you\'ve entered, doesn\'t exist in our database.'; $l_emailSent='A new password has been sent to your email address. Please read the letter CAREFULLY, and follow all instructions to get it up!'; $l_passwdUpdate='Your password was succesfully updated. You can now go to the Profile page and change it to something memorable.'; $l_editPrefs='Edit Profile'; $l_onlyIfChangePwd='Fill in only in a case of password change; otherwise leave empty'; $l_prefsUpdated='Profile has been updated!'; $l_prefsNotUpdated='It appears no changes were made to your Profile, so no details were updated.'; $l_prefsPassUpdated=$brtag.'Because of the Password change, you will need to re-login on the main forums page.'; $l_restoreDataAdmin='Restore Admin data in database'; $l_userNotExists='Sorry! This profile doesn\'t exist anymore.'; $l_userInfo='User info'; $l_usrInfo[1]='Username'; $l_usrInfo[2]='Registration date'; $l_usrInfo[4]=$l_email; $l_usrInfo[5]='Instant messenger'; $l_usrInfo[6]='Website'; $l_usrInfo[7]=$l_userOcc; $l_usrInfo[8]='Location'; $l_usrInfo[9]=$l_userInterest; $l_usrInfo[10]=$l_stats_numTopics; $l_usrInfo[11]=$l_stats_numPosts; $l_usrInfoActivities='Forum activity'; $l_antiSpam='Bang! The system prevents you from making more than one post every '.$postRange.' seconds.'; $l_emailNotify='Watch this topic and get updates by email'; $l_delSendMais='Type an email address to delete, then click the 1st button; OR click the 2nd button for clearing up the whole table.'.$brtag.'In the case of deleting certain emails (the 1st button), you may use `*` (an asterisk) before `@` for deleting only certain domain emails;'.$brtag.'for example: typing `*` will delete all subscriptions associated with `` <em>only</em>.'.$brtag.'<strong>Attention:</strong> click with care, you are asked just once!'; $l_delete='Delete'; $l_completed='Action completed!'; $l_enterIP='Enter user\'s IP address or ID'; $l_ban='Ban user\'s IP/ID'; $l_unsetBan='Unset/unban users\' IPs/IDs'; $l_IpBanned='IP/ID banned'; $l_IpExists='IP/ID already exists'; $l_noBans='No banned IPs/IDs in database!'; $l_incorrectIp='Incorrect IP or user ID!'; $l_accessDenied='Wham!.. You are trying to make a step which is wrong. If you are sure this is a mistake, contact the Forums Administrator.'; $l_forumProtected='Our forums are hidden from public. Please, enter the password'; $l_userLastTopics='Recent topics posted'; $l_userLastPosts='Recent replies posted'; $l_exportEmails='Export emails'; $l_deleteSendmails='Delete email notifications'; $l_separator='Separator'; $l_comma='Comma'; $l_tab='Tab'; $l_screen='Screen'; $l_attach='Attachment'; $l_warnEncoding='Please check your browser\'s character encoding settings, before posting a message containing non-Latin characters!'; /* v1.1 */ $l_unsubscribe='Unsubscribe from email notifications'; $l_member='Partaker'; /* v1.2 */ $l_searchUsers='Search users'; $l_haventReg='Haven\'t posted since YYYY-MM-DD'; $l_wrongData='Incorrect input!'; $l_recordsFound='Results found:'; $l_inactiveUsers='Inactive users (haven\'t posted anything)'; $l_subscriptions='Subscriptions'; /* v1.3 */ $l_days='days'; $l_days_within='Display bars for the last'; $l_search[11]='Match whole words'; $l_moderator='Moderator'; $l_moderatorsAre='Forums moderator(s)'; /* v1.5 */ $l_makeSticky='Make sticky'; $l_makeUnsticky='Make unsticky'; $l_topicSticked='Topic has been stuck.'; $l_topicUnsticked='Topic has been unstuck.'; /* v1.7 */ $l_search[12]='When searching for topics within the last X days, you cannot exceed the default "days" interval, which is'; /* v2.0 RC2c */ $l_forumgroup='Supertitle (appears before the Title, emulating the Group of forums)'; /* v2.0 RC3a */ $l_signIn='This is allowed only to registered users.'; $l_quoteMsgAlert='For quoting an excerpt, please highlight some text from the message first, then click the link. The text you have highlighted will be automatically inserted with the proper BB codes into the message form area.'; $l_forumDeleteAlert='If you tick the box above, after submission your forum, ALL topics and ALL posts of it WILL BE DELETED with no extra backup!'; $l_poweredBy='Powered by'; /* v2.0 RC4 */ $l_searchFailed='No records are found by the search type specified.'; $l_from='from'; /* v2.0 RC5 */ $l_anonAllowed='Post as a Guest, leaving the Password field blank. You could also enter a Guest name, if it\'s not taken by a member yet. Sign-in and post at once, or just sign-in, bypassing the message\'s text.'; $l_anonDisallowed='Only registered users are allowed to post here. Please, enter your username/password details upon posting a message, or <a href="'.$main_url.'/'.$indexphp.'action=registernew" target="_blank" class="mnblnk">register first</a>.'; $l_banReason='Ban reason'; $l_im=$l_usrInfo[5]; $l_bb_bold='BB code for the Bold Style'; $l_bb_italic='BB code for the Italic Style'; $l_bb_underlined='BB code for the Underlined Style'; $l_bb_image='BB Code for the Picture'; $l_bb_url='BB code for the URL'; $l_deleteAllMsgs='Delete checked messages'; /* v2.0 RC5a */ $l_returntotopics='Return to the topics list'; /* v2.0 RC6 */ $l_emailChangeCode='Your account is currently blocked. A confirmation link has been sent to the email address you\'ve just specified. After confirmation, you will be able to use our forums again. If you don\'t receive an email, it\'s possibly that your present address is blocking messages from our site e.g. through a spam filter. In that case, please provide an alternative email address.'; $l_emailCodeConfirm='Your account has now been unblocked, and any restrictions on your account have been removed.'; /* v2.0 */ $l_postholdRepeat='Resubmit data'; $l_fixData='Please verify/update the data, and try again.'; $l_deniedWhilePost='Sorry! It appears that during the time you have submitted your posting, your access to the forum has been restricted, and in result, your post has not been added.'; $l_movedWhilePost='Sorry! It appears that during the time you have submitted your posting, the topic was either moved or closed, and in result, your post has not been added.'; $l_antiSpamWait='It appears you have posted very recently. Please wait a short amount of time and try submitting again.'; $l_promptAlt='Describe%20this%20picture:'; //should not contain direct spaces /* v2.2 */ $l_page='Page'; /* v2.3 */ $l_today='<strong>Today</strong>'; $l_yesterday='Yesterday'; /* v2.4.1 */ $l_backToPostLink='Click this icon to move up to the quoted message'; $l_goUp='TOP'; $l_pageOf='of'; //page X OF Y /* v2.5 */ $l_enterSubject='Please, enter a meaningful '.$l_topicTitle.'!'; $l_enterMessage='Please, enter a meaningful '.$l_message.'!'; /* v3.0 */ $l_previousPage='&laquo;&nbsp;Previous'; $l_nextPage='Next&nbsp;&raquo;'; $l_stats_pop_forums='Most Popular Forums'; $l_makeSupersticky='Super-sticky'; /* v3.0.1 */ $l_deleteAll='Delete All'; $l_justLockProfile='Keep this profile <strong>blocked</strong>'; $l_userDeactivated='User has been de-activated.'; /* v.3.1 */ $l_errorEmailExists='Sorry, the Email address you are trying to register, is already taken. Please, specify another one!'; /* v.3.3 */ $l_pageNotFoundLinked='<b>Page #{PAGE_NUMBER} not found</b>, probably deleted or never existed. Try to check the <a href="{FIRST_PAGE_LINK}" class="mnblnk">first</a> or the <a href="{LAST_PAGE_LINK}" class="mnblnk">last page</a>.'.$brtag; ?>
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