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Aug 12th, 2015
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  1. <1>Aug 12 11:42:44 [SRStream]:[Core] ==== SRStreamer start ====
  2. <1>Aug 12 11:42:44 [SRStream]:[Core] 3.19.0-15-generic #15-Ubuntu SMP Thu Apr 16 23:32:37 UTC 2015 x86_64
  3. <0>Aug 12 11:42:44 [SRFeatur]:[Network] NM Device 14 is not supported.
  4. <1>Aug 12 11:42:44 [SRFeatur]:[Network] Device[1] state=100 interface=eth0 mac=000c29e048c0 ipaddr=
  5. <1>Aug 12 11:42:44 [SRFeatur]:[Core] ==== SRFeature start ====
  6. <1>Aug 12 11:42:44 [SRFeatur]:[Core] server version :
  7. <1>Aug 12 11:42:44 [SRFeatur]:[Core] server feat opt : 0xFF0001FE
  8. <1>Aug 12 11:42:44 [SRFeatur]:[Core] server feat must: 0x00000003
  9. <1>Aug 12 11:42:44 [SRFeatur]:[VideoCap] CRT_Primary support : 1024x768 60.0
  10. <1>Aug 12 11:42:44 [SRFeatur]:[VideoCap] CRT_Primary support : 800x600 60.0 60.3
  11. <1>Aug 12 11:42:44 [SRFeatur]:[VideoCap] CRT_Primary original : 800x600 60.0 60.3
  12. <1>Aug 12 11:42:44 [SRFeatur]:[VideoCap] CRT_Primary default : 800x600 60.0 rotation=1
  13. <1>Aug 12 11:42:44 [SRFeatur]:[VideoCap] CRT_Slave not support : 1024x768
  14. <1>Aug 12 11:42:44 [SRFeatur]:[VideoCap] CRT_Slave not support : 800x600
  15. <1>Aug 12 11:42:44 [SRFeatur]:[VideoCap] CRT_Slave original : 0x0
  16. <1>Aug 12 11:42:44 [SRFeatur]:[VideoCap] CRT_Slave default : not found
  17. <1>Aug 12 11:42:44 [SRFeatur]:[VideoCap] CRT_Slave not support : 1024x768
  18. <1>Aug 12 11:42:44 [SRFeatur]:[VideoCap] CRT_Slave not support : 800x600
  19. <1>Aug 12 11:42:44 [SRFeatur]:[VideoCap] CRT_Slave original : 0x0
  20. <1>Aug 12 11:42:44 [SRFeatur]:[VideoCap] CRT_Slave default : not found
  21. <1>Aug 12 11:42:44 [SRFeatur]:[VideoCap] CRT_Slave not support : 1024x768
  22. <1>Aug 12 11:42:44 [SRFeatur]:[VideoCap] CRT_Slave not support : 800x600
  23. <1>Aug 12 11:42:44 [SRFeatur]:[VideoCap] CRT_Slave original : 0x0
  24. <1>Aug 12 11:42:44 [SRFeatur]:[VideoCap] CRT_Slave default : not found
  25. <1>Aug 12 11:42:44 [SRFeatur]:[VideoCap] CRT_Slave not support : 1024x768
  26. <1>Aug 12 11:42:44 [SRFeatur]:[VideoCap] CRT_Slave not support : 800x600
  27. <1>Aug 12 11:42:44 [SRFeatur]:[VideoCap] CRT_Slave original : 0x0
  28. <1>Aug 12 11:42:44 [SRFeatur]:[VideoCap] CRT_Slave default : not found
  29. <1>Aug 12 11:42:44 [SRFeatur]:[VideoCap] CRT_Slave not support : 1024x768
  30. <1>Aug 12 11:42:44 [SRFeatur]:[VideoCap] CRT_Slave not support : 800x600
  31. <1>Aug 12 11:42:44 [SRFeatur]:[VideoCap] CRT_Slave original : 0x0
  32. <1>Aug 12 11:42:44 [SRFeatur]:[VideoCap] CRT_Slave default : not found
  33. <1>Aug 12 11:42:44 [SRFeatur]:[VideoCap] CRT_Slave not support : 1024x768
  34. <1>Aug 12 11:42:44 [SRFeatur]:[VideoCap] CRT_Slave not support : 800x600
  35. <1>Aug 12 11:42:44 [SRFeatur]:[VideoCap] CRT_Slave original : 0x0
  36. <1>Aug 12 11:42:44 [SRFeatur]:[VideoCap] CRT_Slave default : not found
  37. <1>Aug 12 11:42:44 [SRFeatur]:[VideoCap] CRT_Slave not support : 1024x768
  38. <1>Aug 12 11:42:44 [SRFeatur]:[VideoCap] CRT_Slave not support : 800x600
  39. <1>Aug 12 11:42:44 [SRFeatur]:[VideoCap] CRT_Slave original : 0x0
  40. <1>Aug 12 11:42:44 [SRFeatur]:[VideoCap] CRT_Slave default : not found
  41. <1>Aug 12 11:42:44 [SRFeatur]:[Core] Udp Broadcast setting: 0x00000002
  42. <1>Aug 12 11:42:44 [SRFeatur]:[Core] TCP socket monitor is running...
  43. <1>Aug 12 11:42:44 [SRFeatur]:[Core] UDP socket monitor is running...
  44. <1>Aug 12 11:42:44 [SRFeatur]:[Core] monitor is running...
  45. <1>Aug 12 11:42:56 [SRFeatur]:[Core] Login request
  46. <1>Aug 12 11:42:56 [SRFeatur]:[Cloud] SIGUSR1 received
  47. <1>Aug 12 11:42:58 [SRFeatur]:[Cloud] [RelayFSM] wait connection
  48. <1>Aug 12 11:43:15 [SRFeatur]:[Network] *** client connected from ***
  49. <1>Aug 12 11:43:20 [SRFeatur]:[Network] *** client connected from ***
  50. <1>Aug 12 11:43:20 [SRFeatur]:[Auth] client feat opt: 0x00206332
  51. <1>Aug 12 11:43:20 [SRFeatur]:[Auth] client feat must: 0x00000000
  52. <1>Aug 12 11:43:20 [SRFeatur]:[Auth] cloud session id match, accept client
  53. <1>Aug 12 11:43:20 [SRFeatur]:[Auth] ok, client (Yawgmod) can connect to AV server
  54. <1>Aug 12 11:43:20 [SRFeatur]:[Auth] send ack back to client
  55. <1>Aug 12 11:43:20 [SRFeatur]:[Video] Using server resolution
  56. <1>Aug 12 11:43:20 [SRFeatur]:[Core] cmd: Using port: 6784, client res (800,600), demanded res (800, 600), Type:0
  57. <1>Aug 12 11:43:20 [SRFeatur]:[Core] Init fps: 30
  58. <1>Aug 12 11:43:20 [SRFeatur]:[Core] client AV sync enable [*]
  59. <1>Aug 12 11:43:20 [SRFeatur]:[Core] command channel enable [*]
  60. <1>Aug 12 11:43:20 [SRFeatur]:[Core] data channel enable [*]
  61. <1>Aug 12 11:43:20 [SRFeatur]:[Core] overlapping ack enable [*]
  62. <1>Aug 12 11:43:20 [SRFeatur]:[Auth] AUTH: send ack back to client[0]
  63. <1>Aug 12 11:43:20 [SRFeatur]:[Core] InitFactory: ok
  64. <1>Aug 12 11:43:20 [SRFeatur]:[Network] enable send small pkt
  65. <2>Aug 12 11:43:20 [SRFeatur]:[Core] signal 'TransConf' not found try pass event 38 to parent.
  66. <1>Aug 12 11:43:20 [SRFeatur]:[Media] Using video captor: 17
  67. <1>Aug 12 11:43:20 [SRFeatur]:[Media] Use filter CVideoFilterIpp
  68. <1>Aug 12 11:43:20 [SRFeatur]:[Media] Using video encoder: 5
  69. <1>Aug 12 11:43:20 [SRFeatur]:[Core] IRISDoRun done...
  70. <1>Aug 12 11:43:21 [SRFeatur]:[AudioCap] start capturing...
  71. <1>Aug 12 11:43:21 [SRFeatur]:[Core] update CurFPS to 30.
  72. <1>Aug 12 11:43:21 [SRFeatur]:[VideoCap] Received Screen Change
  73. <1>Aug 12 11:43:21 [SRFeatur]:[Video] Change scale: src_w=800 h=600 dst_w=800 h=600 cur_w=0 h=0
  74. <1>Aug 12 11:43:22 [SRFeatur]:[Core] probably client does not ping me..
  75. <1>Aug 12 11:43:22 [SRFeatur]:[Network] disable send small pkt
  76. <1>Aug 12 11:43:23 [SRFeatur]:[Network] got ping, clear timeout
  77. <1>Aug 12 11:43:27 [SRFeatur]:[AudioCap] Sink device[0]: alsa_output.pci-0000_02_02.0.analog-stereo
  78. <1>Aug 12 11:43:27 [SRFeatur]:[AudioCap] Source device: alsa_output.pci-0000_02_02.0.analog-stereo.monitor
  79. <1>Aug 12 11:43:27 [SRFeatur]:[AudioCap] Sample format: Signed 16 Bit PCM, little endian
  80. <1>Aug 12 11:43:27 [SRFeatur]:[AudioCap] Sample rate: 44100
  81. <1>Aug 12 11:43:27 [SRFeatur]:[AudioCap] Channels: 2
  82. <1>Aug 12 11:43:27 [SRFeatur]:[AudioCap] Channel[0] = Front Left
  83. <1>Aug 12 11:43:27 [SRFeatur]:[AudioCap] Channel[1] = Front Right
  84. <1>Aug 12 11:43:27 [SRFeatur]:[AudioCap] Source device: alsa_input.pci-0000_02_02.0.analog-stereo
  85. <1>Aug 12 11:43:27 [SRFeatur]:[AudioCap] Sample format: Signed 16 Bit PCM, little endian
  86. <1>Aug 12 11:43:27 [SRFeatur]:[AudioCap] Sample rate: 44100
  87. <1>Aug 12 11:43:27 [SRFeatur]:[AudioCap] Channels: 2
  88. <1>Aug 12 11:43:27 [SRFeatur]:[AudioCap] Channel[0] = Front Left
  89. <1>Aug 12 11:43:27 [SRFeatur]:[AudioCap] Channel[1] = Front Right
  90. <1>Aug 12 11:43:27 [SRFeatur]:[AudioCap] Capture device: alsa_output.pci-0000_02_02.0.analog-stereo.monitor
  91. <1>Aug 12 11:43:28 [SRFeatur]:[Core] Recv disconnect from client
  92. <0>Aug 12 11:43:28 [SRFeatur]:[Network] recv ack from SRC error: err=-1(0xFFFFFFFF)
  93. <1>Aug 12 11:43:28 [SRFeatur]:[Video] error - read ack. ret:-1
  94. <0>Aug 12 11:43:28 [SRFeatur]:[Network] recv input msg from SRC error: err=0(0x0)
  95. <1>Aug 12 11:43:28 [SRFeatur]:[VideoCap] stop capturing...
  96. <1>Aug 12 11:43:28 [SRFeatur]:[Control] stop handle input
  97. <1>Aug 12 11:43:28 [SRFeatur]:[VideoCap] Received Screen Change
  98. <1>Aug 12 11:43:28 [SRFeatur]:[Cloud] virtual void SRSProRelayEventObject::HandleEvent(const CObjEvent&) receive event type 0
  99. <1>Aug 12 11:43:28 [SRFeatur]:[Core] successfully send command to close socket
  100. <1>Aug 12 11:43:29 [SRFeatur]:[Core] close socket
  101. <1>Aug 12 11:43:29 [SRFeatur]:[Network] socket closing...
  102. <1>Aug 12 11:43:29 [SRFeatur]:[AudioCap] stop capturing...
  103. <1>Aug 12 11:43:29 [SRFeatur]:[AudioEnc] stop encoding...
  104. <1>Aug 12 11:43:29 [SRFeatur]:[VideoEnc] stop encoding...
  105. <1>Aug 12 11:43:29 [SRFeatur]:[Media] manager stop done
  106. <1>Aug 12 11:43:30 [SRFeatur]:[Core] Stop done
  107. <1>Aug 12 11:43:30 [SRFeatur]:[Network] *** client connected from ***
  108. <1>Aug 12 11:44:09 [SRFeatur]:[Network] *** client connected from ***
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