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Jul 9th, 2018
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  1. <Colapso> Mraaaaah!
  2. <Arcy> Wireless payment, senrath?
  3. <senrath> I haven't used that in a while but it's possible.
  4. <senrath> Lots of things are possible, and I have no idea which is more likely than others
  5. <senrath> Don't have the energy to think about it, either
  6. <senrath> It's really more annoying than anything else, though
  7. * FerretPhone ( has joined
  8. <senrath> This happened once before years ago. Took like two days for them to go "Yeah, that wasn't you, no charge, have a new card"
  9. <senrath> Which is what's going to happen again, given it was a charge from the literal other side of the country
  10. <senrath> During a time where I was purchasing things in my normal area
  11. <Arcy> But yeah, time and effort having to go through the process again.
  12. <senrath> Well, if it's at all like last time I'm already done with the process
  13. <senrath> Which was to check a box saying "I didn't make this purchase."
  14. * FerretPhone has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
  15. * senrath curls up on Col's lap
  16. * Arcy adds blanket and honeyed tea.
  17. * Lance is now known as Lance|Work
  18. * FerretPhone ( has joined
  19. * Sleepmane is now known as Greymane
  20. * Lance|Work has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
  21. * Suzune ( has joined
  22. * Sel-tablet has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
  23. * Sel-GrandTablet has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
  24. <FerretPhone> ...I need to try that. There's what seems to be a spicy pina colada and jerk spice salsa burger, on the other side of campus.
  25. * Arcy has quit (Quit: Signing out)
  26. * Arcy ( has joined
  27. * Arcy has quit (Quit: Signing out)
  28. <senrath> imma go lie down again for a bit
  29. * senrath snuggles all.
  30. * senrath is now known as sen|nap
  31. <sleepuppy> bleh
  32. * You are now known as MidnightLixsune
  33. <MidnightLixsune> elves fill multiple roles in any group (nsfw)
  34. * Suzune has quit (Quit: Leaving)
  35. * Arcy (~Arcy@owl.owl.OWL) has joined
  36. <Tiarynn> oh *my*
  37. * Workheart ( has joined
  38. * Arcy has quit (Quit: Signing out)
  39. <FerretPhone> Elves are very versatile.
  40. * Workheart is, amusingly, working on an Elves! (and others) idea.
  41. * Arcy ( has joined
  42. * Sel-tablet ( has joined
  43. * Celia is now known as CeliAsleepLove
  44. * CeliAsleepLove is now known as CeliAsleep
  45. * Colapso has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
  46. * Haunt drops out of the sky, elfs on Lix.
  47. * MidnightLixsune neis at listlessly
  48. <Haunt> <3
  49. <Workheart> (tl;dr: cosmopolitan-by-means-of-conquest-and-assimilation elves dealing with multiple internal conspiracies, urges to go full werhmacht, and the advent of the mechanically/alchemically-minded 'godless savages' known as Men)
  50. <Workheart> (Man in this are literally godless and cannot take magic-using D&D classes. :V)
  51. <Workheart> Man? Men. WHATEVER.
  52. * Disconnected (No such device or address)
  53. >nickserv< identify ****
  54. * LixieWolf sets mode +Z on LixieWolf
  55. * LixieWolf sets mode +i on LixieWolf
  56. -NickServ- This nickname is registered. Please choose a different nickname, or identify via /msg NickServ identify <password>.
  57. -NickServ- You are now identified for LixieWolf.
  58. * Now talking on #daybreak
  59. * Topic for #daybreak is: <Ciara> "...You can make spice from a mouse?" | <Ciara> "And the chickens of the sun do exist! We saw him, and his favorite food is millet!" | "Sssshould be more reptile." | <@Col> That was basically Ayesha trying to get a good one, and the Bronze refusing until they got a compromise shaped like Tylosi | HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SAMANTHA! Be loved, be great, be awesome, as always~
  60. * Topic for #daybreak set by Colapso! (Wed Jul 4 05:57:45 2018)
  61. <Workheart> Between not-gnomes created by a being of liberation and dissolution of inhibition, and that being's twin and their more zealous not-halfling 'kin'.
  62. <Workheart> You got the zealot halfers right!
  63. * Workheart has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  64. <Arcy> Finally getting back to Extella for a bit. In bath with Castaa.
  65. <Arcy> "She moves in without any resistance at all. She is.. so... "
  66. <Arcy> (dialogue option) 1. Soft. 2. Warm. 3. Thank you very much.
  67. <Arcy> Ouch, that's a tough one.
  68. <FerretPhone> Snrk
  69. <FerretPhone> DH, belatedly. Thing sounds cool :D
  70. * selphone ( has joined
  71. * Sel-tablet has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
  72. * Workheart ( has joined
  73. <Arcy> "Change of plans! I hope you do not mind if I shop for tomorrow's ingredients! FThe finest meat, potatoes, and onions! Enough garlic to make Mr. Vlad croak!"
  74. * Suzune ( has joined
  75. <Haunt> Lo Suz
  76. <Suzune> bgubj
  77. <Haunt> Agreed
  78. <Arcy> "If she wants to feed me curry, I'm perfectly okay with that. I don't think she'll go into "Curry Harlot" mode, or anything like that."
  79. <Arcy> As much as of a doormat Mr. Soul is, at least he's starting to have opinions. ^_^;
  80. <Suzune> a cz mm
  81. * Arcy puts Suzune behind a table. Feeds curry.
  82. <Suzune> nnrf
  83. <Arcy> Are you all right, Suzune?
  84. <Workheart> :<
  85. <Suzune> no
  86. <Workheart> Ugh.
  87. <Haunt> :(
  88. <Workheart> Anything we can do to help?
  89. <Suzune> I have no idea
  90. <Suzune> is it safe to talk about why
  91. <Haunt> Fine by me.
  92. <Haunt> I'm only me, though
  93. <Workheart> For me, shoar
  94. <Suzune> okay
  95. <Suzune> I have been at risk of running out of some psych meds. I want to ask for a letter from the psych for starting HRT. So, being a Good Girl, I call to set up an appointment since 'wow I should get shit done'
  96. <Suzune> this
  97. <Suzune> is in spite of how trying to seek an option to avoid the payee bit with social security, lead to me just getting nothing done and booted to the ER for high blood sugar
  98. <Suzune> ...
  99. <Suzune> my medicare part B is suspended by social security
  100. <Haunt> Uh oh. :(
  101. <Suzune> because of the long standing whatever-the-fuck they did that I can't solve
  102. <Suzune> I was so mad
  103. <Suzune> I went to the office and tried to fix it anyway
  104. <Suzune> was told I need my mom to call them
  105. <Suzune> go home
  106. <Suzune> mom was about to wake up for an appointment in 10m or so anyway
  107. <Suzune> she's bleary and low blood sugar and basically either dozing off or acting confused and upset
  108. <Suzune> I'm so pissed at ss that I'm trying ANYWAY
  109. <Suzune> finally get them on the line, they say I need her to physically come there, can't do ito ver the phone, 'cause it's handling backpay in checks
  110. <Suzune> but I'm already terminally upset so I make the mistake of screaming "BUT I CAN'T"
  111. <Suzune> ...
  112. <Haunt> Uh oh
  113. * Haunt hugs.
  114. <Suzune> I get told to either bring her there, or hang up and "stop whining over the phone"
  115. <Suzune> no amount of "I know it's frustrating"
  116. <Suzune> is going to make up for such open bald insults
  117. <Suzune> or make me feel more like I can get shit done
  118. <Suzune> and while my mom is fine with going and doing it now (assuming we get there in time, they close in half an hour)
  119. <Suzune> she rescheduled an appointment
  120. <Suzune> and this is her birthday
  121. <Suzune> all because I tried to do the right thing
  122. <Suzune> and got punished
  123. <Suzune> by everyone
  124. <Suzune> in fact I don't think I'll make it there
  125. <Suzune> I might
  126. <Workheart> I would say head out anyway. If it's important, it's important.
  127. <Suzune> but it'd be cutting it close
  128. <Suzune> yeah
  129. <Suzune> I need her
  130. <Suzune> ...I'm shut down now so I can be ready
  131. * Suzune has quit (Quit: Leaving)
  132. <Haunt> Good luck
  133. <Haunt> I don't blame her stress, fighting social security is AWFUL
  134. <Haunt> I've had to do it.
  135. <Workheart> I'm reminded how fortunate I am that I've continually had jobs that provided insurance.
  136. <Workheart> So yeah. :(
  137. * Droidheart (~AndChat69@ has joined
  138. <Arcy> The weird thing is, you'd imagine people working in the health sector would know the proper bed-side manner with patients. Their problems might not seem _that_ big to your eyes, but they tend to be very important to _them_, so patience and respectful conduct should be a given.
  139. <Haunt> hahahahahahhahahah
  140. <Haunt> no
  141. <Workheart> It's not a very friendly sector statesite. Understaffed and in a lot of cases overworked, as well as being in results-based climates. :/
  142. <Haunt> These are angry government beaurucrats
  143. <Haunt> Not people persons
  144. * Workheart switches to phone to do a thing~
  145. <Haunt> Also it is basically their job, almost literally, to keep as many people off the social safety net as they can.
  146. <LixieWolf> social security isn't about helping people
  147. <LixieWolf> it's about spending as little money as possible
  148. <Haunt> Yeah.
  149. <LixieWolf> getting a job in government welfare requires you to prove you sold your soul for a 1% efficiency increase
  150. <Tiarynn> when my sister went on maternity leave, its covered under the same rules as social assistance up here... rules on regulations, all stupid, and we don't have people actively working to sabotage the system from above
  151. <Droidheart> Canada is at least better about leave than the States
  152. <Tiarynn> absolutely. sounds utterly terrible down there, and only some places in europe seem to be good.. and even then you hear its not as good as it could be
  153. <Haunt> I mean at this point, DH, that's like saying "Chad is better about having a hospitable living space than the surface of Mars."
  154. <Haunt> Sadly.
  155. <Tiarynn> i dunno.. at least you won't need aircon on mars >_>
  156. <Haunt> you'd need air, though
  157. <Tiarynn> exactly! no air, no conditioning of said air! <_<
  158. <Droidheart> Someone would be selling the good stuff
  159. <Tiarynn> Perri-Air?
  160. <Haunt> Fresh Pints of Mars Air?
  161. <Droidheart> The standard air is like the air equivalent of Flint's water
  162. <Droidheart> Which is to say AAAAAAAAAA
  163. <Droidheart> It's DLC
  164. <Droidheart> Deluxe Lung Content
  165. <Haunt> Haha
  166. * Sel-tablet ( has joined
  167. * Eniko ( has joined
  168. * sen|nap is now known as senrath
  169. * Workheart has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  170. * Lance|Work ( has joined
  171. * Lance|Work is now known as Lance
  172. * KeyBu takes Haunt and nuzzles on her >w<
  173. * LixieWolf whines for pets
  174. * Darkheart ( has joined
  175. <Haunt> I live again.
  176. * Haunt pets Lix and KB
  177. <senrath> Have a shy, naked dragon
  178. <Haunt> wily dargons
  179. <Haunt> HEy KB!
  180. <Haunt> Want to be my friend?
  181. <senrath> gasp
  182. <senrath> such commitment
  183. <Arcy> Oh, Samantha just wants to go Alextrasza on KB.
  184. * Arcy has quit (Quit: Signing out)
  185. <Haunt> Nah
  186. * KoF noms on Darkheart
  187. * selphone has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  188. * selphone ( has joined
  189. * Sel-sleep ( has joined
  190. * Selina has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
  191. * Suzune ( has joined
  192. <senrath> murble.
  193. <senrath> imma go lie down for a bit
  194. * senrath uses someone as a pillow
  195. * senrath is now known as sen|nap
  196. * selphone has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
  197. * Sel-tablet has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
  198. <KoF> I have upgraded from "bunch of empty rooms and sleeping on the floor and living with just blankets/pillows, a laptop, a fridge, a microwave, and an oven"
  199. <KoF> to "actually something that feels like home"
  200. <KoF> \o/
  201. <Tiarynn> there's a difference? >_> <_<
  202. <KoF> yeah
  203. <KoF> the difference is that I have somewhere other than the floor to put my laptop
  204. <Suzune> ...yeah
  205. <Suzune> even I
  206. <Suzune> someone who is very terrible about surroundings?
  207. <Suzune> I want a table or tray for computer and food
  208. <KoF> and I don't wake up to the feeling of a patch of rough carpet all in my everything :U
  209. <Suzune> I want a good chair
  210. <Suzune> I want a bed
  211. <Suzune> on top of 'laptop, fridge, microwave, oven'
  212. * Sel-sleep has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
  213. * Selina ( has joined
  214. * Sel-tablet ( has joined
  215. * Sel-GrandTablet ( has joined
  216. * sen|nap is now known as senrath
  217. * Sel-tablet has quit (Quit: Sel-tablet)
  218. * Sel-tablet ( has joined
  219. * Colapso ( has joined
  220. * ChanServ gives channel operator status to Colapso
  221. * senrath flops
  222. * Lance is now known as Lance|Sleep
  223. <LixieWolf> (snortgiggles)
  224. <LixieWolf> it's keybu if she was less of a brat!
  225. <senrath> oh my
  226. * senrath flops on Lix
  227. <KeyBu> I'm never a brat! :T
  228. <KoF> Always a brat~
  229. <LixieWolf> if you look up 'brat' in the dictionary, do you know what you get?
  230. <senrath> a definition of the word brat?
  231. <LixieWolf> yep! then you get 2 - see SUPERBRAT, aka keybu
  232. <FIAT>
  233. <LixieWolf> yup! that's our kb
  234. <Colapso> M
  235. <Colapso> Y
  236. <Colapso> A
  237. <Colapso> H
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