
Shen - Chiyoko

Dec 23rd, 2013
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  1. [21:29] <~Deedles> Chiyoko headed upstairs while gently rubbing her raw hands, walking through the small hallway that lead to the bathroom at the end. She swung the door open and went inside, opening a cabinet by one of the inner walls to get to the medical supplies inside.
  2. [21:35] <Shen> One of the doors in the hallway opens and shuts again as the figure of Shen moves into the hall way. He is dressed in his normal attire apart from his undershirt is instead replaced with fresh bandages. He catches a glimpse of movement out of the corner of his eye as he notices Chiyoko and guffaws discreetly. "Glad to see you are working hard." he growls, his voice raw, speaking for the first time in the day.
  3. [21:38] <~Deedles> Chiyoko glanced behind her as she heard the door, breaking into a smile at his words. "I told you I would." she replied while having a sat on the edge of the bath, applying some of the cleaning alcohol to a cloth before carefully stroking it across one of her hands, in particular her bloody knuckles. "I did make a bet with you, after all. Next time we see each other I plan on beating you!"
  4. [21:38] <~Deedles> she said, using her grin to hide the grimace caused by the sting of the alcohol to her sore hands.
  5. [21:46] <Shen> "I'm not sure which of us taught you delusion as part of the training." he chuckled as he took a few steps closer and leant on the door frame. "I heard you have an affinity with Fire Chi." he followed up with an impressed look as he looked at the ceiling thoughtfully. "I was always jealous of fire users."
  6. [21:49] <~Deedles> She looked at him in surprise and blinked "Really? How so?" she wondered, before adding "Your lightning is really powerful, and you looked amazing using it!"
  7. [21:51] <Shen> He shrugged as he returned his gaze to the girl. "Just seemed pretty cool when I was younger. Breathing fire, blowing stuff up." he spoke rather casually with a hint of a childish demeanor. "I guess the grass will always be greener on the other side." he harped in amusement. "But I am who I am, I suppose."
  8. [21:53] <~Deedles> Chiyoko nodded, looking thoughtful for a moment "I guess so. I would of liked an affinity to water." she admitted before smiling brightly "I think lightning fits you well though, you kinda remind me of it, in a sense."
  9. [21:56] <Shen> "Why does everyone always say that?" he protests in a hopeless manner though it seems more lighthearted than serious. "You're not the first to say such a thing."
  10. [21:57] <~Deedles> "I think it's because lightning is unpredictable, fast and lethal, which seems to describe you rather well." She mused, getting started on gently cleaning her other hand now. "At least that's my impression."
  11. [22:03] <Shen> "We don't gt much choice in the matter, but I've never really thought about it." Which was a complete lie, he'd always wondered and cursed at why he cultivated such Chi that he could barely control, even after all the years of training under his family, masters in their respective ways. "But I think Fire fits you perfectly." he notes aloud, coming to think of it.
  12. [22:03] <Shen> "Your personality when we first met was very... potent."
  13. [22:06] <~Deedles> "You mean bitchy?" Chiyoko corrected him with a coy grin. "I guess you're right though. It does feel like an element that suits my nature."
  14. [22:28] <Shen> Shen looks down at her hands as she treats them and smiles faintly. "I've never been good with the philosophical side of things, Jian and Yoshi far surpass me in that aspect." he says as he bounces himself off of the frame and stretches his arms. "Get used to wrapping bandages over those too." he points to her hand. "It took me a while to figure that out."
  15. [22:30] <~Deedles> She looked down at her hands before returning her gaze to him and nodding. "Okay, I will." she said, reaching over to the cabinet to get one of the bandages stored in there. "Actually, speaking of Yoshi, he said you guys are heading towards Jinlong next." she mentioned.
  16. [22:40] <Shen> "That's the plan." he replied as he stepped closer to help with her bandages. "We have business there."
  17. [22:43] <~Deedles> "So I was told, top secret stuff." Chiyoko replied with a grateful smile as he helped her. "I told Yoshihiro you should head to the southern wing, because my uncle has a weapons shop there."
  18. [22:48] <Shen> He wavers his head slightly from side to side, almost apologetically. "It's not that we don't trust you, it's just complicated right now." he says as he crouches to his knee and begins to wrap her hands. "Fold the bandage in half and wrap the inside of your fingers, enough to support but not enough to seperate your knuckles."
  19. [22:48] <Shen> he speaks as he deftly tightens the bandage. "Don't cut off the blood flow, if you can feel the bandage tighten when you make a fist, it's too tight."
  20. [22:51] <~Deedles> She opened and closed her hand to test it "It feels fine." she assured him, smiling at him "Thank you..." she paused for a moment before she added "And it's okay, I'll admit, I'm curious, and wish I could help somehow, but ... that's why I'm telling you about my uncle's shop. The least I can do is point you in the direction of somewhere to stay while in the Capitol. Someone you know that you can trust."
  21. [22:52] <~Deedles> she tilted her head to the side as she frowned. "The Capitol has been quite unsafe for a long time, what with the Black Lotus basically doing whatever they want without any officials trying to stop them."
  22. [22:58] <Shen> Shen frowns at her at first. "Of course it's 'fine'. 'I' wrapped it." he says in an incredulous manner as he rises back to his feet, listening as she spoke. "The Black Lotus. They sound scary." he jests back at her defiantly. "But we are thankful for the help, Chiyoko. I just don't want to endanger anyone in something that may not concern them."
  23. [23:00] <~Deedles> "They are scary..." Chiyoko insisted quietly, lifting one of her newly bandaged hands to push back some of her hair. "Just be careful, okay? I've heard some real bad stuff about them from my cousin."
  24. [23:10] <Shen> "Don't worry about us. Alone we are powerful, but together we are a force of nature." he said simply with a distant, but friendly smile.
  25. [23:12] <~Deedles> She nodded, faintly returning his smile. "I don't doubt that." she answered softly
  26. [23:17] <Shen> "Besides..." he started as he folded his arms. "You should not fear those who choose to rely on fear to conquer, if you do you've already been defeated." for the first time he grins with that defiant spark in his eyes. "I refuse to be beaten by such a coward."
  27. [23:18] <~Deedles> Chiyoko looked at him for a moment before she smiled "I think you and my cousin will get along well." she stated with bright certainly.
  28. [23:21] <Shen> "Then I look forward to meeting them." he nodded in agreement. "Does your cousin practice Kung Fu?" he asks curiously.
  29. [23:24] <~Deedles> "She does, yeah!" She told him, rather proudly. "With my uncle making so many weapons she tried to master them all, and she was doing quite well last I heard, but it's been a couple of years since I saw her last, so I don't know how good she is now."
  30. [23:29] <Shen> "A couple of years is a long time and plenty enough to improve drastically." he agreed with a curious smile. "I'll have to watch I don't get on her bad side."
  31. [23:34] <~Deedles> Chiyoko laughed slightly "That is a solid plan." she said, getting a leather chord from around her wrist before she began pulling her hair back to tie it into a ponytail. "She's serious about improving herself, but she's always been easy enough to get along with."
  32. [23:44] <Shen> "Trouble has its way of finding me." he chuckles sheepishly. "Unless I find it first."
  33. [23:53] <~Deedles> "Well, I'm happy you did." Chiyoko told him honestly with a soft smile.
  34. [00:01] <Shen> "Fate is on your side it seems, you're likely meant for greater deeds." he said in a voice not his own. "Jian would probably say something like that, at least." he said as he slipped backwards out of the door.
  35. [00:04] <~Deedles> She blinked at that, a look of realization on her face "Oh yeah, that reminds me!" she pushed herself off the bath, rising to her feet "I asked Yoshi about where you guys came from. About your home town, your family, friends and significant others, anything, just... You've seen what my life is like, so I couldn't help but be curious about yours." she explained, scratching the back of her head.
  36. [00:04] <~Deedles> "But Yoshi said he didn't feel comfortable talking about that stuff and thought it better if I ask you and Jian."
  37. [00:08] <Shen> Shen didn't stop or even turn around, he just waved the back of his hand back at her. "Ask Jian." he said as he made his way down the stairs.
  38. [00:11] <~Deedles> Chiyoko just stood there for a moment and then shrugged, concluding that she'll do so then before she began her hunt for the swordsman.
  39. [00:20] <~Deedles> --------------------------------
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