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Fun Facts

a guest
Oct 23rd, 2019
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  1. [`The first German serviceman killed in the war was killed by the Japanese.`,
  2. `The first American serviceman killed was killed by the Russians.`,
  3. `Over 100,000 Allied bomber crewmen were killed over Europe.`,
  4. `More US servicemen died in the Air Corps that the Marine Corps.`,
  5. `In World War II, British soldiers got a ration of three sheets of toilet paper a day. Americans got 22.`,
  6. `Four of every five German soldiers killed in the war died on the Eastern Front.`'
  7. `No educated person alive believes the earth to be flat`,
  8. `Only 20% of the males born in the Soviet Union in 1923 survived the war.`,
  9. `In World War II, the youngest serviceman in the US military was Calvin Graham — age 12. Graham lied about his age when he enlisted in the US Navy. His real age was not discovered after he was wounded.`,
  10. `Only one out of every four men serving on U-boats survived.`,
  11. `To avoid using the German sounding name ‘hamburger’ during World War II, Americans used the name ‘Liberty Steak.’`,
  12. `Adolf Hitler’s nephew, William Hitler, served in the US Navy during World War II.`,
  13. `Adolph Hitler and Henry Ford each kept a framed picture of the other on his desk.`,
  14. `During World War II, the largest Japanese spy ring was actually located in Mexico.`,
  15. `The mortality rate for POWs in Russian camps was 85%.`,
  16. `The first bomb dropped on Berlin by the Allies killed the only elephant in the Berlin Zoo.`,
  17. `Had it been necessary for a third atom bomb, the city targeted would have been Tokyo.`,
  18. `“I am” is the shortest complete sentence in the English language.`'
  19. `A pangram sentence is one that contains every letter in the language.`,
  20. `"Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" is NOT the longest word in English. "Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis" is`,
  21. `There are “ghost words” that mean nothing.`,
  22. `The shortest, oldest, and most commonly used word is “I.”`,
  23. `A new word is added to the dictionary every two hours.`,
  24. `There’s a name for words that we repeat often. "Crutch" words.`,
  25. `Swims will be swims even when turned upside down. Such words are called ambigrams.`,
  26. `"Girl" used to mean “child” or “young person” regardless of the gender.`]
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