

Jan 27th, 2015
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  1. [7:04:00 AM] Wolfe: Carmen was my goddamn sister
  2. [7:04:29 AM] Wolfe: It was a harmonious unity. I was giving her life
  3. [7:04:48 AM] Wolfe: And as for Shauna
  4. [7:04:57 AM] Wolfe: She did find someone. She found Carmen
  5. [7:05:05 AM] Wolfe: YOU took Carmen away from her. Not me
  6. [7:05:42 AM] Wolfe: She wasn't being played. Carmen was real, a girl, and a lesbian
  7. [7:06:10 AM] Wolfe: Would Carmen have eventually admitted? I can't say for sure
  8. [7:06:21 AM] Wolfe: But because of you, we'll never know
  9. [7:07:11 AM] Wolfe: It's YOUR fault she's gone. it's YOUR fault that Carmen doesn't exist. It's YOUR fault that Shauna will be heartbroken
  10. [7:11:59 AM] Wolfe: I want you to answer me one thing:
  11. [7:14:21 AM] Wolfe: Now that Carmen is gone, what now of her life? What am I supposed to do about it? Am I just supposed to leave it to fade into nonexistence? Am I just to let Shauna think that Carmen abandoned her? Am I just supposed to let Distortion think their Water Gym Leader just up and left because she lost her position? Am I to let Chronos turn Carmen's life into just a joke about not calling people gay?
  12. [7:14:48 AM] Wolfe: So, you will answer me: What the hell will I tell all the people Carmen touched with her life when she existed?
  13. [7:16:57 AM] Wolfe: Fate didn't say she had to die. YOU did
  14. [2:41:19 PM] Wolfe: Geotal
  15. [2:42:04 PM] Wolfe: I know you can hear me
  16. [2:42:17 PM] Wolfe: Or rather, see what I'm typing
  17. [2:44:25 PM] Wolfe: I just want to talk man
  18. [3:11:01 PM] Ria Geotal: I don't give a fuck about your fake ass persona
  19. [3:11:05 PM] Ria Geotal: at fucking all
  20. [3:11:08 PM] Ria Geotal: she wasn't a real person
  21. [3:11:18 PM] Ria Geotal: I'm glad I fucking killed her, call me Geotal the conqueror
  22. [3:11:21 PM] Ria Geotal: because you know what
  23. [3:11:27 PM] Ria Geotal: what you were doing was fucking wrong
  24. [3:11:34 PM] Ria Geotal: I know people with DID and that's not what you have
  25. [3:11:43 PM] Ria Geotal: what you're doing is just manipulating people
  26. [3:11:51 PM] Ria Geotal: you were completely aware of what the fuck you were doing
  27. [3:12:01 PM] Ria Geotal: if this leaves this Skype
  28. I will utterly mind screw Naibu
  29. [3:12:04 PM] Ria Geotal: mother fuck you and your sister
  30. [3:12:20 PM] Ria Geotal: talking about mindscrewing someone that's real, someone that matters to me over some fake ass facade you want to keep up
  31. [3:12:25 PM] Ria Geotal: to satisfy your own sick desires
  32. [3:13:24 PM] Ria Geotal: shauna didn't care about carmen, neither did luna
  33. [3:13:25 PM] Ria Geotal: you know why
  34. [3:13:29 PM] Ria Geotal: she never fucking exited
  35. [3:13:39 PM] Ria Geotal: you think i'm fucking scared of you?
  36. [3:13:48 PM] Ria Geotal: I've seen death in real life pussy ass nigga I'll fucking screw your head open with my bare fucking hands, you can't do shit to my mind I've had a gun to my head and I've looked the grim reaper in the fucking face, do your worst i'll fucking ruin you nigga
  37. [3:30:00 PM] Wolfe: Please just stop I didn't ask for any of this
  38. [3:30:15 PM] Wolfe: I didn't mean to infuriate you please just stop saying those things to me
  39. [3:30:34 PM] Wolfe: I can't hurt other people in real life so it's not right for you to do that to me please just stop
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