

Apr 17th, 2020
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Lua 68.89 KB | None | 0 0
  2. --[[
  3. Demotion command should now properly check the MaxDemotion config
  4. Added bLogs support
  5. ]]
  6. JobRanksConfig = JobRanksConfig or {}
  8. //Who can access admin commands,menus etc
  9. JobRanksConfig.AdminAccessCustomCheck = function(Player) return Player:IsSuperAdmin() end
  10. //How often should it update and save?
  11. JobRanksConfig.UpdateTimer = 5
  12. //Players Required to be able to earns playtime through timer
  13. JobRanksConfig.PlayersRequired = 0
  14. //Should it give SALARY*Bonus instead of SALARY+Bonus?
  15. //NOTE: This calculates BaseSalary + (BaseSalary/100*Bonus)
  16. //So if you set BonusSalary to 15 it will be 15% of the original salary
  17. JobRanksConfig.BonusSalaryPercent = true
  18. //Disables progression if player is AFK
  19. JobRanksConfig.DisableAFKProgress = true
  20. //NOTE: These uses DarkRPs chatcommand system, which means it will always use / before the command so by default it would be -> /rpromote NICK REASON
  21. //Chatcommand to promote
  22. JobRanksConfig.PromotionChatCommands = {"rpromote"}
  23. //Chatcommand to demote
  24. JobRanksConfig.DemotionChatCommands = {"rdemote"}
  25. //Should ranks reset when you die?
  26. JobRanksConfig.ResetRanksOnDeath = false
  28. //HUD Jobranks
  29. JobRanksConfig.HUD = true
  30. //Defined 0-1000, 0 is as much left as it can and 100 is as much right as it can
  31. JobRanksConfig.UIW = 2.5
  32. //Defined 0-1000, 0 is as much up as it can and 100 is as much down as it can
  33. JobRanksConfig.UIH = 69
  34. --[[
  35. bar = a bar for progress
  36. time = text for time left
  37. number = numbers only
  38. ]]
  39. JobRanksConfig.HUDType = "bar"
  41. JobRanksConfig.UIBoxColor = Color(0,0,0,100)
  42. JobRanksConfig.UIOutlineColor = Color(0, 0, 0, 255)
  43. JobRanksConfig.UITextColor = Color(255, 255, 255, 255)
  44. JobRanksConfig.BarBackground = Color(0,0,0,99)
  45. JobRanksConfig.Bar = Color(52, 152, 219, 255)
  47. JobRanks = JobRanks or {}
  49. local function JBR_InitRanks()
  50. timer.Simple(3, function()
  52. //Add the job that should have a restrictment like the example
  53. --[[
  55.     [JOB] = RankRequirement, <---- Important to have THIS COMMA between each one
  56. }, <---- Important to have THIS COMMA between each one
  58. ]]
  59. JobRanksConfig.JobJoinRestrictments = {
  60. [TEAM_CHIEF] = {--For Chief of police
  61.     [TEAM_POLICE] = 9,--Requires rank 8 as Police to join
  62. },
  63. [TEAM_POLICE] = {--For Chief of police
  64.     [TEAM_RPOLICE] = 2,--Requires rank 8 as Police to join
  65. },
  66. [TEAM_RPOLICE] = {--For Chief of police
  67.     [TEAM_911] = 2,--Requires rank 8 as Police to join
  68. },
  69. [TEAM_DETECTIVE] = {--For Chief of police
  70.     [TEAM_POLICE] = 6,--Requires rank 8 as Police to join
  71. },
  72. [TEAM_MARSHAL] = {--For Chief of police
  73.     [TEAM_POLICE] = 7,--Requires rank 8 as Police to join
  74. },
  75. [TEAM_FBI] = {--For Chief of police
  76.     [TEAM_POLICE] = 9,--Requires rank 8 as Police to join
  77. },
  78. [TEAM_USSS] = {--For Chief of police
  79.     [TEAM_FBI] = 6,--Requires rank 8 as Police to join
  80. },
  81. [TEAM_SWAT] = {--For Chief of police
  82.     [TEAM_POLICE] = 6,--Requires rank 8 as Police to join
  83. },
  84. [TEAM_SOLDAT] = {--For Chief of police
  85.     [TEAM_POLICE] = 1,--Requires rank 8 as Police to join
  86. },
  87. [TEAM_MEDSOLDAT] = {--For Chief of police
  88.     [TEAM_SOLDAT] = 2,--Requires rank 8 as Police to join
  89. },
  90. [TEAM_SNIPSOLDAT] = {--For Chief of police
  91.     [TEAM_SOLDAT] = 2,--Requires rank 8 as Police to join
  92. },
  93. [TEAM_KAPSOLDAT] = {--For Chief of police
  94.     [TEAM_SOLDAT] = 15,--Requires rank 8 as Police to join
  95. },
  96. [TEAM_KAPSOLDAT] = {--For Chief of police
  97.     [TEAM_GENSOLDAT] = 8,--Requires rank 8 as Police to join
  98. },
  100. }
  101. -------------------------------------------
  102. -------------TEAM_SWAT---------------------
  103. -------------------------------------------
  104. JobRanks[TEAM_SWAT] = {}
  105. JobRanks[TEAM_SWAT].MaxJobRank = 11
  106. JobRanks[TEAM_SWAT].ReqRanks = {
  107. [1] = 0,
  109. [3] = 30000,
  110. [4] = 60000,
  111. [5] = 120000,
  112. [6] = 200000,
  113. [7] = 300000,
  114. [8] = 450000,
  115. [9] = 500000,
  116. [10] = 550000,
  117. [11] = 600000,
  119. }
  120. JobRanks[TEAM_SWAT].NameRanks = {
  121. [1] = "|Офицер SWAT 1|",
  122. [2] = "|Офицер SWAT 2|",
  123. [3] = "|Офицер SWAT 3|",
  124. [4] = "|Сержант SWAT 1|",
  125. [5] = "|Сержант SWAT 2|",
  126. [6] = "|Лейтенант 1|",
  127. [7] = "|Лейтенант 2|",
  128. [8] = "|Лейтенант 3|",
  129. [9] = "|Капитан 1|",
  130. [10] = "|Капитан 2|",
  131. [11] = "|Капитан 3|",
  132. }
  133. JobRanks[TEAM_SWAT].BonusStats = { --Bonus stats for ranks -> [RankID] = {Health = AmountExtraHP, Armor = AmountExtraAP}
  134. [1] = {Health = 100, Armor = 100},
  135. [2] = {Health = 150, Armor = 150},
  136. [3] = {Health = 200, Armor = 200},
  137. [4] = {Health = 300, Armor = 300},
  138. [5] = {Health = 400, Armor = 400},
  139. [6] = {Health = 500, Armor = 500},
  140. [7] = {Health = 600, Armor = 600},
  141. [8] = {Health = 700, Armor = 700},
  142. [9] = {Health = 800, Armor = 800},
  143. [10] = {Health = 900, Armor = 900},
  144. [12] = {Health = 1000, Armor = 1000},
  145. [13] = {Health = 1100, Armor = 1100},
  146. [14] = {Health = 1200, Armor = 1200},
  147. }
  148. JobRanks[TEAM_SWAT].BonusSalary = 90
  149. JobRanks[TEAM_SWAT].ExtraLoadout = {}
  150. JobRanks[TEAM_SWAT].ExtraLoadoutSingleRank = {}
  151. JobRanks[TEAM_SWAT].Model = {}
  152. JobRanks[TEAM_SWAT].PrefixSeparator = " "
  153. JobRanks[TEAM_SWAT].Prefix = {
  154. [1] = "|Офицер 1|", --Police officer rank num (TEAM_SWAT)
  155. [2] = "|Офицер 2|", --Police officer rank num (TEAM_SWAT)
  156. [3] = "|Офицер 3|", -- same as Oficcer 3
  157. [4] = "|Сержант 1|", -- Sergeant rank 1
  158. [5] = "|Сержант 2|", -- Sergeant rank 2
  159. [6] = "|Лейтенант 1|", -- Leutinant rank 1 (TEAM_FBI, TEAM_SWAT, TEAM_SWAT)
  160. [7] = "|Лейтенант 2|", -- Leutinant rank 2 (same as rank 1)
  161. [8] = "|Лейтенант 3|", -- Leutinant rank 3 (same as rank 1)
  162. [9] = "|Капитан 1|", -- Captain rank 1 (TEAM_SWAT, TEAM_DETECTIVE, TEAM_SWAT, TEAM_FBI)
  163. [10] = "|Капитан 2|", -- Captain rank 2 same as rank 1
  164. [11] = "|Капитан 3|", -- Captain rank 3 same as rank 1
  165. }
  166. JobRanks[TEAM_SWAT].Entities = { --Restrict specific entities to ranks -> [ENTCLASS] = RankRequired
  167. ["cpk_kevlar_tactical"] = 1, --Requires rank 5 in order to buy moneyprinter
  168. ["cpk_kevlar_tactical"] = 1, --Requires rank 5 in order to buy moneyprinter
  169. }
  170. JobRanks[TEAM_SWAT].Shipments = { --Restrict specific shipments to ranks -> [SHIPMENT] = RankRequired
  171. ["weapon_policeshield"] = 1, --Requires rank 5 in order to buy shotgun shipment
  172. ["m9k_m416"] = 1, --Requires rank 5 in order to buy shotgun shipment
  173. }
  174. JobRanks[TEAM_SWAT].Warrant = 1
  175. JobRanks[TEAM_SWAT].Wanted = 1
  176. JobRanks[TEAM_SWAT].Permissions = {}
  177. JobRanks[TEAM_SWAT].Icons = { --Setup Rank icons -> [RANKID] = Material("PATH TO PNG")
  178. [1] = Material("materials/police_ranks/1-6.png"),
  179. [2] = Material("materials/police_ranks/1-7.png"),
  180. [3] = Material("materials/police_ranks/2-8.png"),
  181. [4] = Material("materials/police_ranks/3-9.png"),
  182. [5] = Material("materials/police_ranks/3-10.png"),
  183. [6] = Material("materials/police_ranks/3-12.png"),
  184. [7] = Material("materials/police_ranks/3-13.png"),
  185. [8] = Material("materials/police_ranks/3-14.png"),
  186. [9] = Material("materials/police_ranks/3-15.png"),
  187. [10] = Material("materials/police_ranks/4-24.png"),
  188. [11] = Material("materials/police_ranks/4-29.png"),
  189. }
  191. -------------------------------------------
  192. -----------TEAM_FBI------------------------
  193. -------------------------------------------
  194. JobRanks[TEAM_FBI] = {}
  195. JobRanks[TEAM_FBI].MaxJobRank = 11
  196. JobRanks[TEAM_FBI].ReqRanks = {
  197. [1] = 0,
  199. [3] = 30000,
  200. [4] = 60000,
  201. [5] = 120000,
  202. [6] = 200000,
  203. [7] = 300000,
  204. [8] = 450000,
  205. [9] = 500000,
  206. [10] = 550000,
  207. [11] = 600000,
  209. }
  210. JobRanks[TEAM_FBI].NameRanks = {
  211. [1] = "|Офицер FBI 1|",
  212. [2] = "|Офицер FBI 2|",
  213. [3] = "|Офицер FBI 3|",
  214. [4] = "|Сержант FBI 1|",
  215. [5] = "|Сержант FBI 2|",
  216. [6] = "|Лейтенант 1|",
  217. [7] = "|Лейтенант 2|",
  218. [8] = "|Лейтенант 3|",
  219. [9] = "|Капитан 1|",
  220. [10] = "|Капитан 2|",
  221. [11] = "|Капитан 3|",
  222. }
  223. JobRanks[TEAM_FBI].BonusStats = { --Bonus stats for ranks -> [RankID] = {Health = AmountExtraHP, Armor = AmountExtraAP}
  224. [1] = {Health = 80, Armor = 100},
  225. [2] = {Health = 100, Armor = 100},
  226. [3] = {Health = 150, Armor = 150},
  227. [4] = {Health = 200, Armor = 200},
  228. [5] = {Health = 250, Armor = 250},
  229. [6] = {Health = 300, Armor = 300},
  230. [7] = {Health = 350, Armor = 350},
  231. [8] = {Health = 400, Armor = 400},
  232. [9] = {Health = 450, Armor = 450},
  233. [10] = {Health = 500, Armor = 500},
  234. [12] = {Health = 550, Armor = 550},
  235. [13] = {Health = 600, Armor = 600},
  236. [14] = {Health = 700, Armor = 700},
  237. }
  238. JobRanks[TEAM_FBI].BonusSalary = 90
  239. JobRanks[TEAM_FBI].ExtraLoadout = {}
  240. JobRanks[TEAM_FBI].ExtraLoadoutSingleRank = {}
  241. JobRanks[TEAM_FBI].Model = {}
  242. JobRanks[TEAM_FBI].PrefixSeparator = " "
  243. JobRanks[TEAM_FBI].Prefix = {
  244. [1] = "|Офицер 1|", --Police officer rank num (TEAM_FBI)
  245. [2] = "|Офицер 2|", --Police officer rank num (TEAM_FBI)
  246. [3] = "|Офицер 3|", -- same as Oficcer 3
  247. [4] = "|Сержант 1|", -- Sergeant rank 1
  248. [5] = "|Сержант 2|", -- Sergeant rank 2
  249. [6] = "|Лейтенант 1|", -- Leutinant rank 1 (TEAM_FBI, TEAM_FBI, TEAM_FBI)
  250. [7] = "|Лейтенант 2|", -- Leutinant rank 2 (same as rank 1)
  251. [8] = "|Лейтенант 3|", -- Leutinant rank 3 (same as rank 1)
  252. [9] = "|Капитан 1|", -- Captain rank 1 (TEAM_FBI, TEAM_DETECTIVE, TEAM_FBI, TEAM_FBI)
  253. [10] = "|Капитан 2|", -- Captain rank 2 same as rank 1
  254. [11] = "|Капитан 3|", -- Captain rank 3 same as rank 1
  255. }
  256. JobRanks[TEAM_FBI].Entities = { --Restrict specific entities to ranks -> [ENTCLASS] = RankRequired
  257. ["cpk_kevlar_tactical"] = 1, --Requires rank 5 in order to buy moneyprinter
  258. ["cpk_kevlar_tactical"] = 1, --Requires rank 5 in order to buy moneyprinter
  259. }
  260. JobRanks[TEAM_FBI].Shipments = { --Restrict specific shipments to ranks -> [SHIPMENT] = RankRequired
  261. ["weapon_policeshield"] = 1, --Requires rank 5 in order to buy shotgun shipment
  262. ["m9k_m416"] = 1, --Requires rank 5 in order to buy shotgun shipment
  263. }
  264. JobRanks[TEAM_FBI].Warrant = 1
  265. JobRanks[TEAM_FBI].Wanted = 1
  266. JobRanks[TEAM_FBI].Permissions = {}
  267. JobRanks[TEAM_FBI].Icons = { --Setup Rank icons -> [RANKID] = Material("PATH TO PNG")
  268. [1] = Material("materials/police_ranks/1-10.png"),
  269. [2] = Material("materials/police_ranks/1-11.png"),
  270. [3] = Material("materials/police_ranks/2-12.png"),
  271. [4] = Material("materials/police_ranks/3-13.png"),
  272. [5] = Material("materials/police_ranks/3-14.png"),
  273. [6] = Material("materials/police_ranks/3-15.png"),
  274. [7] = Material("materials/police_ranks/3-16.png"),
  275. [8] = Material("materials/police_ranks/3-18.png"),
  276. [9] = Material("materials/police_ranks/3-19.png"),
  277. [10] = Material("materials/police_ranks/4-20.png"),
  278. [11] = Material("materials/police_ranks/4-21.png"),
  279. }
  280. -------------------------------------------
  281. -----------TEAM_DETECTIVE------------------
  282. -------------------------------------------
  283. JobRanks[TEAM_DETECTIVE] = {}
  284. JobRanks[TEAM_DETECTIVE].MaxJobRank = 9
  285. JobRanks[TEAM_DETECTIVE].ReqRanks = {
  286. [1] = 0,
  288. [3] = 30000,
  289. [4] = 60000,
  290. [5] = 120000,
  291. [6] = 200000,
  292. [7] = 300000,
  293. [8] = 450000,
  294. [9] = 500000,
  295. }
  296. JobRanks[TEAM_DETECTIVE].NameRanks = {
  297. [1] = "|Детектив Полиции 1|",
  298. [2] = "|Детектив Полиции 2|",
  299. [3] = "|Детектив Полиции 3|",
  300. [4] = "|Лейтенант 1|",
  301. [5] = "|Лейтенант 2|",
  302. [6] = "|Лейтенант 3|",
  303. [7] = "|Капитан 1|",
  304. [8] = "|Капитан 2|",
  305. [9] = "|Капитан 3|",
  306. }
  307. JobRanks[TEAM_DETECTIVE].BonusSalary = 90
  308. JobRanks[TEAM_DETECTIVE].ExtraLoadout = {}
  309. JobRanks[TEAM_DETECTIVE].ExtraLoadoutSingleRank = {}
  310. JobRanks[TEAM_DETECTIVE].Model = {}
  311. JobRanks[TEAM_DETECTIVE].PrefixSeparator = " "
  312. JobRanks[TEAM_DETECTIVE].Prefix = {
  313. --[1] = "|Сержант 2|", -- Sergeant rank 2
  314. [1] = "|Детектив 1|", -- Detective (TEAM_DETECTIVE)
  315. [2] = "|Детектив 2|", -- Detective rank 2
  316. [3] = "|Детектив 3|", -- Detective rank 3
  317. [4] = "|Лейтенант 1|", -- Leutinant rank 1 (TEAM_FBI, TEAM_SWAT, TEAM_POLICE)
  318. [5] = "|Лейтенант 2|", -- Leutinant rank 2 (same as rank 1)
  319. [6] = "|Лейтенант 3|", -- Leutinant rank 3 (same as rank 1)
  320. [7] = "|Капитан 1|", -- Captain rank 1 (TEAM_POLICE, TEAM_DETECTIVE, TEAM_SWAT, TEAM_FBI)
  321. [8] = "|Капитан 2|", -- Captain rank 2 same as rank 1
  322. [9] = "|Капитан 3|", -- Captain rank 3 same as rank 1
  323. }
  324. JobRanks[TEAM_DETECTIVE].Entities = { --Restrict specific entities to ranks -> [ENTCLASS] = RankRequired
  325. ["cpk_kevlar_tactical"] = 1, --Requires rank 5 in order to buy moneyprinter
  326. ["cpk_kevlar_tactical"] = 1, --Requires rank 5 in order to buy moneyprinter
  327. }
  328. JobRanks[TEAM_DETECTIVE].Shipments = { --Restrict specific shipments to ranks -> [SHIPMENT] = RankRequired
  329. ["weapon_policeshield"] = 1, --Requires rank 5 in order to buy shotgun shipment
  330. ["m9k_m416"] = 1, --Requires rank 5 in order to buy shotgun shipment
  331. }
  332. JobRanks[TEAM_DETECTIVE].Warrant = 1
  333. JobRanks[TEAM_DETECTIVE].Wanted = 1
  334. JobRanks[TEAM_DETECTIVE].Permissions = {}
  335. JobRanks[TEAM_DETECTIVE].Icons = { --Setup Rank icons -> [RANKID] = Material("PATH TO PNG")
  336. --[1] = Material("materials/police_ranks/3-10.png"),
  337. [1] = Material("materials/police_ranks/3-11.png"),
  338. [2] = Material("materials/police_ranks/3-12.png"),
  339. [3] = Material("materials/police_ranks/3-13.png"),
  340. [4] = Material("materials/police_ranks/3-14.png"),
  341. [5] = Material("materials/police_ranks/3-15.png"),
  342. [6] = Material("materials/police_ranks/3-16.png"),
  343. [7] = Material("materials/police_ranks/4-18.png"),
  344. [8] = Material("materials/police_ranks/4-19.png"),
  345. [9] = Material("materials/police_ranks/4-20.png"),
  346. }
  348. -------------------------------------------
  349. -------------TEAM_RPOLICE------------------
  350. -------------------------------------------
  351. JobRanks[TEAM_RPOLICE] = {}
  352. JobRanks[TEAM_RPOLICE].MaxJobRank = 14
  353. JobRanks[TEAM_RPOLICE].ReqRanks = {
  354. [1] = 0,
  355. [2] = 15000,
  356. [3] = 30000,
  357. [4] = 60000,
  358. [5] = 120000,
  359. [6] = 200000,
  360. [7] = 300000,
  361. [8] = 450000,
  362. [9] = 500000,
  363. [10] = 550000,
  364. [11] = 600000,
  365. [12] = 650000,
  366. [13] = 750000,
  367. [14] = 900000,
  368. }
  369. JobRanks[TEAM_RPOLICE].NameRanks = {
  370. [1] = "|Кадет|",
  371. [2] = "|Трупер 1|",
  372. [3] = "|Трупер 2|",
  373. [4] = "|Сержант Полиции 1|",
  374. [5] = "|Сержант Полиции 2|",
  375. [6] = "|Лейтенант 1|",
  376. [7] = "|Лейтенант 2|",
  377. [8] = "|Лейтенант 3|",
  378. [9] = "|Капитан|",
  379. [10] = "|Помощник шефа|",
  380. [11] = "|Шеф|",
  381. [12] = "|Помощник комиссара КДП|",
  382. [13] = "|Заместитель комиссара КДП|",
  383. [14] = "|Комиссар КДП|",
  385. }
  386. JobRanks[TEAM_RPOLICE].BonusSalary = 30
  387. JobRanks[TEAM_RPOLICE].ExtraLoadout = {}
  388. JobRanks[TEAM_RPOLICE].ExtraLoadoutSingleRank = {}
  389. JobRanks[TEAM_RPOLICE].Model = {}
  390. JobRanks[TEAM_RPOLICE].PrefixSeparator = " "
  391. JobRanks[TEAM_RPOLICE].Prefix = {
  392. [1] = "|Кадет|",
  393. [2] = "|Трупер 1|",
  394. [3] = "|Трупер 2|",
  395. [4] = "|Сержант Полиции 1|",
  396. [5] = "|Сержант Полиции 2|",
  397. [6] = "|Лейтенант 1|",
  398. [7] = "|Лейтенант 2|",
  399. [8] = "|Лейтенант 3|",
  400. [9] = "|Капитан|",
  401. [10] = "|Помощник шефа|",
  402. [11] = "|Шеф|",
  403. [12] = "|Помощник комиссара КДП|",
  404. [13] = "|Заместитель комиссара КДП|",
  405. [14] = "|Комиссар КДП|",
  406. }
  407. JobRanks[TEAM_RPOLICE].Entities = {}
  408. JobRanks[TEAM_RPOLICE].Shipments = {}
  409. JobRanks[TEAM_RPOLICE].Warrant = 1
  410. JobRanks[TEAM_RPOLICE].Wanted = 1
  411. JobRanks[TEAM_RPOLICE].Permissions = {}
  412. JobRanks[TEAM_RPOLICE].Icons = { --Setup Rank icons -> [RANKID] = Material("PATH TO PNG")
  413. [1] = Material("materials/police_ranks/0.png"),
  414. [2] = Material("materials/police_ranks/1-1.png"),
  415. [3] = Material("materials/police_ranks/4-3.png"),
  416. [4] = Material("materials/police_ranks/3-6.png"),
  417. [5] = Material("materials/police_ranks/3-7.png"),
  418. [6] = Material("materials/police_ranks/1-8.png"),
  419. [7] = Material("materials/police_ranks/2-9.png"),
  420. [8] = Material("materials/police_ranks/3-10.png"),
  421. [9] = Material("materials/police_ranks/2-11.png"),
  422. [10] = Material("materials/police_ranks/3-12.png"),
  423. [11] = Material("materials/police_ranks/4-13.png"),
  424. [12] = Material("materials/police_ranks/4-14.png"),
  425. [13] = Material("materials/police_ranks/4-15.png"),
  426. [14] = Material("materials/police_ranks/4-23.png"),
  427. }
  428. -------------------------------------------
  429. -------------TEAM_POLICE-------------------
  430. -------------------------------------------
  431. JobRanks[TEAM_POLICE] = {}
  432. JobRanks[TEAM_POLICE].MaxJobRank = 14
  433. JobRanks[TEAM_POLICE].ReqRanks = {
  434. [1] = 0,
  436. [3] = 30000,
  437. [4] = 60000,
  438. [5] = 120000,
  439. [6] = 200000,
  440. [7] = 300000,
  441. [8] = 450000,
  442. [9] = 500000,
  443. [10] = 550000,
  444. [11] = 600000,
  445. [12] = 650000,
  446. [13] = 750000,
  447. [14] = 900000,
  448. }
  449. JobRanks[TEAM_POLICE].NameRanks = {
  450. [1] = "|Офицер Полиции 1|",
  451. [2] = "|Офицер Полиции 2|",
  452. [3] = "|Офицер Полиции 3|",
  453. [4] = "|Сержант Полиции 1|",
  454. [5] = "|Сержант Полиции 2|",
  455. [6] = "|Детектив Полиции 1|",
  456. [7] = "|Детектив Полиции 2|",
  457. [8] = "|Детектив Полиции 3|",
  458. [9] = "|Лейтенант 1|",
  459. [10] = "|Лейтенант 2|",
  460. [11] = "|Лейтенант 3|",
  461. [12] = "|Капитан 1|",
  462. [13] = "|Капитан 2|",
  463. [14] = "|Капитан 3|",
  464. }
  465. JobRanks[TEAM_POLICE].BonusSalary = 90
  466. JobRanks[TEAM_POLICE].ExtraLoadout = {}
  467. JobRanks[TEAM_POLICE].ExtraLoadoutSingleRank = {}
  468. JobRanks[TEAM_POLICE].Model = {}
  469. JobRanks[TEAM_POLICE].PrefixSeparator = " "
  470. JobRanks[TEAM_POLICE].Prefix = {
  471. [1] = "|Офицер 1|", --Police officer rank num (TEAM_POLICE)
  472. [2] = "|Офицер 2|", --Police officer rank num (TEAM_POLICE)
  473. [3] = "|Офицер 3|", -- same as Oficcer 3
  474. [4] = "|Сержант 1|", -- Sergeant rank 1
  475. [5] = "|Сержант 2|", -- Sergeant rank 2
  476. [6] = "|Детектив 1|", -- Detective (TEAM_DETECTIVE)
  477. [7] = "|Детектив 2|", -- Detective rank 2
  478. [8] = "|Детектив 3|", -- Detective rank 3
  479. [9] = "|Лейтенант 1|", -- Leutinant rank 1 (TEAM_FBI, TEAM_SWAT, TEAM_POLICE)
  480. [10] = "|Лейтенант 2|", -- Leutinant rank 2 (same as rank 1)
  481. [11] = "|Лейтенант 3|", -- Leutinant rank 3 (same as rank 1)
  482. [12] = "|Капитан 1|", -- Captain rank 1 (TEAM_POLICE, TEAM_DETECTIVE, TEAM_SWAT, TEAM_FBI)
  483. [13] = "|Капитан 2|", -- Captain rank 2 same as rank 1
  484. [14] = "|Капитан 3|", -- Captain rank 3 same as rank 1
  485. }
  486. JobRanks[TEAM_POLICE].Entities = { --Restrict specific entities to ranks -> [ENTCLASS] = RankRequired
  487. ["cpk_kevlar_tactical"] = 3, --Requires rank 5 in order to buy moneyprinter
  488. ["cpk_kevlar_tactical"] = 1, --Requires rank 5 in order to buy moneyprinter
  489. }
  490. JobRanks[TEAM_POLICE].Shipments = { --Restrict specific shipments to ranks -> [SHIPMENT] = RankRequired
  491. ["weapon_policeshield"] = 4, --Requires rank 5 in order to buy shotgun shipment
  492. ["m9k_m416"] = 2, --Requires rank 5 in order to buy shotgun shipment
  493. }
  494. JobRanks[TEAM_POLICE].Warrant = 1
  495. JobRanks[TEAM_POLICE].Wanted = 1
  496. JobRanks[TEAM_POLICE].Permissions = {}
  497. JobRanks[TEAM_POLICE].Icons = { --Setup Rank icons -> [RANKID] = Material("PATH TO PNG")
  498. [1] = Material("materials/police_ranks/2-1.png"),
  499. [2] = Material("materials/police_ranks/3-2.png"),
  500. [3] = Material("materials/police_ranks/4-3.png"),
  501. [4] = Material("materials/police_ranks/3-6.png"),
  502. [5] = Material("materials/police_ranks/3-7.png"),
  503. [6] = Material("materials/police_ranks/1-8.png"),
  504. [7] = Material("materials/police_ranks/2-9.png"),
  505. [8] = Material("materials/police_ranks/3-10.png"),
  506. [9] = Material("materials/police_ranks/2-11.png"),
  507. [10] = Material("materials/police_ranks/3-12.png"),
  508. [11] = Material("materials/police_ranks/4-13.png"),
  509. [12] = Material("materials/police_ranks/4-14.png"),
  510. [13] = Material("materials/police_ranks/4-15.png"),
  511. [14] = Material("materials/police_ranks/4-23.png"),
  512. }
  514. JobRanks[TEAM_POLICE].BonusStats = { --Bonus stats for ranks -> [RankID] = {Health = AmountExtraHP, Armor = AmountExtraAP}
  515. [1] = {Health = 10, Armor = 10},
  516. [2] = {Health = 15, Armor = 15},
  517. [3] = {Health = 20, Armor = 20},
  518. [4] = {Health = 30, Armor = 30},
  519. [5] = {Health = 40, Armor = 40},
  520. [6] = {Health = 50, Armor = 50},
  521. [7] = {Health = 60, Armor = 60},
  522. [8] = {Health = 70, Armor = 70},
  523. [9] = {Health = 80, Armor = 80},
  524. [10] = {Health = 90, Armor = 90},
  525. [12] = {Health = 100, Armor = 100},
  526. [13] = {Health = 110, Armor = 110},
  527. [14] = {Health = 120, Armor = 120},
  528. }
  529. //Setting this to true will only allow progression through promotion manually by admin
  530. JobRanks[TEAM_POLICE].DisableProgression = false
  532. //Others jobs this job is allowed to promote/demote
  533. JobRanks[TEAM_POLICE].PermissionJobList = {
  534. --[[
  535. Example:
  536. [TEAM_CHIEF] = true, <---- Don't forget THIS COMMA
  538. This would allow this job to promote and demote the job TEAM_CHIEF
  539. ]]
  540. [TEAM_POLICE] = true,
  541. }
  543. --[[
  544. Promote = true/false -> Can this rank promote?
  545. MaxPromotion = Number -> Max rank this rank can promote to
  546. Demote = true/false -> Can this rank demote?
  547. MaxDemotion = Number -> Max rank this rank can demote to
  549. Leaving MaxPromotion empty will allow to set to highest rank
  550. Leaving MaxDemotion empty will allow to set to lowest rank
  552. NOTE: Only add ranks that you want to grant permissions to, if the rank isn't in this config it can't promote or demote
  553. ]]
  554. JobRanks[TEAM_POLICE].Permissions =
  555. {
  556. [5] = {Promote = false, Demote = true, MaxDemotion = 4}, -- Can only demote to rank 4
  557. [6] = {Promote = true, Demote = false, MaxPromotion = 5}, -- Can only promote to rank 5
  558. [7] = {Promote = true, Demote = true, MaxPromotion = 5, MaxDemotion = 3}, -- Can Promote to rank 5 and demote to rank 3
  559. [8] = {Promote = true, Demote = true}, -- Can promote to highest rank and demote to lowest
  560. }
  561. -----------------------------------
  562. --------TEAM_CHIEF-----------------
  563. -----------------------------------
  564. JobRanks[TEAM_CHIEF] = {}
  565. JobRanks[TEAM_CHIEF].MaxJobRank = 4
  566. JobRanks[TEAM_CHIEF].ReqRanks = {
  567. [1] = 0,
  568. [2] = 50000,
  569. [3] = 100000,
  570. [4] = 200000,
  571. }
  572. JobRanks[TEAM_CHIEF].NameRanks = {
  573. [1] = "|Капитан 3|",
  574. [2] = "|Командующий",
  575. [3] = "|Заместитель Шефа Полиции 1|",
  576. [4] = "|Заместитель Шефа Полиции 2|",
  577. [5] = "|Шеф Полиции",
  578. }
  579. JobRanks[TEAM_CHIEF].BonusSalary = 30
  580. JobRanks[TEAM_CHIEF].ExtraLoadout = {}
  581. JobRanks[TEAM_CHIEF].ExtraLoadoutSingleRank = {}
  582. JobRanks[TEAM_CHIEF].Model = {}
  583. JobRanks[TEAM_CHIEF].PrefixSeparator = " "
  584. JobRanks[TEAM_CHIEF].Prefix = {
  585. [1] = "|Капитан 3|", -- Captain rank 3 same as rank 1
  586. [2] = "|Командующий", -- (TEAM_CHEIF)
  587. [3] = "|Зам шефа 1|",  -- (TEAM_CHEIF)
  588. [4] = "|Зам шефа 2|", -- Same as rank 1
  589. [5] = "|Шеф Полиции", -- TEAM_CHEIF (highest)
  590. }
  591. JobRanks[TEAM_CHIEF].Entities = {}
  592. JobRanks[TEAM_CHIEF].Shipments = {}
  593. JobRanks[TEAM_CHIEF].Warrant = 1
  594. JobRanks[TEAM_CHIEF].Wanted = 1
  595. JobRanks[TEAM_CHIEF].Permissions = {}
  596. JobRanks[TEAM_CHIEF].Icons = { --Setup Rank icons -> [RANKID] = Material("PATH TO PNG")
  597. [1] = Material("materials/police_ranks/3-25.png"),
  598. [2] = Material("materials/police_ranks/3-26.png"),
  599. [3] = Material("materials/police_ranks/3-27.png"),
  600. [4] = Material("materials/police_ranks/4-28.png"),
  601. [5] = Material("materials/police_ranks/4-30.png"),
  602. }
  603. --------------------------------------
  604. --------------------------------------
  605. --------------------------------------
  607. -------------------------------------------
  608. -------------TEAM_SOLDAT-------------------
  609. -------------------------------------------
  610. --[[JobRanksConfig.JobJoinRestrictments = {
  611. [TEAM_SOLDAT] = {--For Chief of police
  612.     [TEAM_POLICE] = 1,--Requires rank 8 as Police to join
  613. },
  614. [TEAM_MEDSOLDAT] = {--For Chief of police
  615.     [TEAM_SOLDAT] = 2,--Requires rank 8 as Police to join
  616. },
  617. [TEAM_SNIPSOLDAT] = {--For Chief of police
  618.     [TEAM_SOLDAT] = 2,--Requires rank 8 as Police to join
  619. },
  620. [TEAM_KAPSOLDAT] = {--For Chief of police
  621.     [TEAM_SOLDAT] = 15,--Requires rank 8 as Police to join
  622. },
  623. [TEAM_KAPSOLDAT] = {--For Chief of police
  624.     [TEAM_GENSOLDAT] = 8,--Requires rank 8 as Police to join
  625. },
  626. --]]
  628. JobRanks[TEAM_SOLDAT] = {} --Each rank table REQUIRES this one to work, otherwise it will BREAK!
  629. JobRanks[TEAM_SOLDAT].MaxJobRank = 15 --Max rank achieveable
  630. JobRanks[TEAM_SOLDAT].ReqRanks = {-- XP/Playtime required for each rank -> [RANKID] = AmountRequired,
  631. [0] = 0,
  633. [3] = 5000,
  634. [4] = 6000,
  635. [5] = 12000,
  636. [6] = 20000,
  637. [7] = 30000,
  638. [8] = 45000,
  639. [9] = 50000,
  640. [10] = 55000,
  641. [11] = 60000,
  642. [12] = 65000,
  643. [13] = 75000,
  644. [14] = 90000,
  645. [15] = 100000,
  646. }
  647. JobRanks[TEAM_SOLDAT].NameRanks = { -- Names for each rank -> [RANKID] = "|Name"
  648. [0] = "|Рядовой",
  649. [1] = "|Рядовой 1",
  650. [2] = "|Специалист",
  651. [3] = "|Капрал",
  652. [4] = "|Сержант",
  653. [5] = "|Штаб-Сержант",
  654. [6] = "|Сержант Первого Класса",
  655. [7] = "|Мастер Сержант",
  656. [8] = "|Первый Сержант",
  657. [9] = "|Сержант Майор",
  658. [10] = "|Команд-Сержант-Майор",
  659. [11] = "|Сержант-майор Сухопутных вйоск",
  660. [12] = "|Лейтенант 3",
  661. [13] = "|Капитан 1",
  662. [14] = "|Капитан 2",
  663. [15] = "|Капитан 3",
  664. }
  665. JobRanks[TEAM_SOLDAT].BonusSalary = 30 --Extra salary bonus for EACH rank -> 15*RANK -> At rank 2 $30 extra salary, rank 3 $45 extra salary and so on
  666. --JobRanks[TEAM_SOLDAT].ExtraLoadout = {--Bonus Equipments for rank X and higher, [RANKID] = WEAPONCLASS
  667. --["weapon_pumpshotgun2"] = 5, --Rank 5 or higher spawns with shotgun
  668. --["weapon_mp52"] = 7,--Rank 7 or higher spawns with MP5
  669. --}
  670. --JobRanks[TEAM_SOLDAT].ExtraLoadoutSingleRank = {--Bonus Equipments for a SPECIFIC rank only, [RANKID] = {WEAPONCLASS}
  671. --[5] = {"weapon_pumpshotgun2"}, -- Gives a shotgun to rank 5 only
  672. --[7] = {"weapon_pumpshotgun2","weapon_mp52"} -- Gives a shotgun and mp5 to rank 7 only
  673. --}
  674. JobRanks[TEAM_SOLDAT].Model = { --Setup different models for each rank, leave it empty to keep default, if you want specific ranks to use default models dont add it in this table
  675. --[[
  676. If you just want one model, this structure is fine, otherwise to avoid confusion you should use the one below the first
  677. [RankID] = {{Model = "|MODELPATH", Bodygroups{{BodygroupID, Amount}}, Skin = SKINID}}
  678. [RankID] = {
  679.             {Model = "|MODELPATH", Bodygroups{{BodygroupID, Amount}}, Skin = SKINID},
  680.             {Model = "|MODELPATH", Bodygroups{{BodygroupID, Amount}}, Skin = SKINID}, <- this comma is super important, should be one between each one
  681.             {Model = "|MODELPATH", Bodygroups{{BodygroupID, Amount}}, Skin = SKINID}
  682.         }
  683. ]]
  684. --[1] = {{Model = "|models/player/police.mdl", Bodygroups = {{0,0},{2,1}}, Skin = 1}}, --Sets model, two custom bodygroups and skin to 1
  685. --Skipped rank 2, it will now set default model on rank 2
  686. --[3] = {{Model = "|models/player/police_fem.mdl", Bodygroups = nil, Skin = 3}}, --Sets model, no bodygroups, sets skin to 3
  687. --[4] = {{Model = nil, Bodygroups = nil, Skin = 2}}, --Sets default model, no bodygroups, sets skin to 2
  688. }
  689. JobRanks[TEAM_SOLDAT].PrefixSeparator = "|." -- What separates the prefix from the name, for example if set to a space it would be Pvt ToBadForYou, if set to a . then Pvt.ToBadForYou etc
  690. JobRanks[TEAM_SOLDAT].Prefix = { --It's set infront of the name for example Pvt.ToBadForYou, Sgt.ToBadForYou -> [RANKID] = "|Prefix"
  691. [0] = "|Рядовой",
  692. [1] = "|Рядовой 1",
  693. [2] = "|Специалист",
  694. [3] = "|Капрал",
  695. [4] = "|Сержант",
  696. [5] = "|Штаб-Сержант",
  697. [6] = "|Сержант Первого Класса",
  698. [7] = "|Мастер Сержант",
  699. [8] = "|Первый Сержант",
  700. [9] = "|Сержант Майор",
  701. [10] = "|Команд-Сержант-Майор",
  702. [11] = "|Сержант-майор Сухопутных вйоск",
  703. [12] = "|Лейтенант 3",
  704. [13] = "|Капитан 1",
  705. [14] = "|Капитан 2",
  706. [15] = "|Капитан 3",
  707. }
  708. --JobRanks[TEAM_SOLDAT].Entities = { --Restrict specific entities to ranks -> [ENTCLASS] = RankRequired
  709. --["money_printer"] = 5, --Requires rank 5 in order to buy moneyprinter
  710. --}
  711. --JobRanks[TEAM_SOLDAT].Shipments = { --Restrict specific shipments to ranks -> [SHIPMENT] = RankRequired
  712. --["weapon_pumpshotgun2"] = 5, --Requires rank 5 in order to buy shotgun shipment
  713. --}
  714. JobRanks[TEAM_SOLDAT].Warrant = 5 --Allows warranting for rank it set to and higher, so Rank 5 and higher can warrant: SET TO NIL TO DISABLE WARRANT FOR ALL RANKS
  715. JobRanks[TEAM_SOLDAT].Wanted = 5--Allows wanted for rank it set to and higher, so Rank 5 and higher can wanted: SET TO NIL TO DISABLE WANTED FOR ALL RANKS
  716. //THESE ARE JUST TEMPLATES, download icons online and insert their path here (Also upload it on workshop or to your FastDL and add it to force download)
  717. --[[JobRanks[TEAM_SOLDAT].Icons = { --Setup Rank icons -> [RANKID] = Material("PATH TO PNG")
  718. [1] = Material("jobranks/police/rank1.png"),
  719. [2] = Material("jobranks/police/rank2.png"),
  720. [3] = Material("jobranks/police/rank3.png"),
  721. [4] = Material("jobranks/police/rank4.png"),
  722. [5] = Material("jobranks/police/rank5.png"),
  723. [6] = Material("jobranks/police/rank6.png"),
  724. [7] = Material("jobranks/police/rank7.png"),
  725. [8] = Material("jobranks/police/rank8.png"),
  726. }--]]
  727. JobRanks[TEAM_SOLDAT].BonusStats = { --Bonus stats for ranks -> [RankID] = {Health = AmountExtraHP, Armor = AmountExtraAP}
  728. [1] = {Health = 100, Armor = 100},
  729. [2] = {Health = 150, Armor = 150},
  730. [3] = {Health = 200, Armor = 200},
  731. [4] = {Health = 300, Armor = 300},
  732. [5] = {Health = 400, Armor = 400},
  733. [6] = {Health = 500, Armor = 500},
  734. [7] = {Health = 600, Armor = 600},
  735. [8] = {Health = 700, Armor = 700},
  736. [9] = {Health = 800, Armor = 800},
  737. [10] = {Health = 900, Armor = 900},
  738. [12] = {Health = 1000, Armor = 1000},
  739. [13] = {Health = 1100, Armor = 1100},
  740. [14] = {Health = 1200, Armor = 1200},
  741. [15] = {Health = 1300, Armor = 1300},
  742. }
  743. //Setting this to true will only allow progression through promotion manually by admin
  744. JobRanks[TEAM_SOLDAT].DisableProgression = false
  746. JobRanks[TEAM_SOLDAT].Entities = { --Restrict specific entities to ranks -> [ENTCLASS] = RankRequired
  747. ["cpk_kevlar_tactical"] = 3, --Requires rank 5 in order to buy moneyprinter
  748. ["cpk_kevlar_tactical"] = 1, --Requires rank 5 in order to buy moneyprinter
  749. }
  750. //Others jobs this job is allowed to promote/demote
  751. --JobRanks[TEAM_SOLDAT].PermissionJobList = {
  752. --[[
  753. Example:
  754. [TEAM_CHIEF] = true, <---- Don't forget THIS COMMA
  756. This would allow this job to promote and demote the job TEAM_CHIEF
  757. ]]
  758. --[TEAM_SOLDAT] = true,
  759. --}
  761. --[[
  762. Promote = true/false -> Can this rank promote?
  763. MaxPromotion = Number -> Max rank this rank can promote to
  764. Demote = true/false -> Can this rank demote?
  765. MaxDemotion = Number -> Max rank this rank can demote to
  767. Leaving MaxPromotion empty will allow to set to highest rank
  768. Leaving MaxDemotion empty will allow to set to lowest rank
  770. NOTE: Only add ranks that you want to grant permissions to, if the rank isn't in this config it can't promote or demote
  771. ]]
  772. --[[JobRanks[TEAM_SOLDAT].Permissions =
  773. {
  774. [5] = {Promote = false, Demote = true, MaxDemotion = 4}, -- Can only demote to rank 4
  775. [6] = {Promote = true, Demote = false, MaxPromotion = 5}, -- Can only promote to rank 5
  776. [7] = {Promote = true, Demote = true, MaxPromotion = 5, MaxDemotion = 3}, -- Can Promote to rank 5 and demote to rank 3
  777. [8] = {Promote = true, Demote = true}, -- Can promote to highest rank and demote to lowest
  778. }--]]
  779. -------------------------------------------
  780. -------------TEAM_MEDSOLDAT----------------
  781. -------------------------------------------
  784. JobRanks[TEAM_MEDSOLDAT] = {} --Each rank table REQUIRES this one to work, otherwise it will BREAK!
  785. JobRanks[TEAM_MEDSOLDAT].MaxJobRank = 16 --Max rank achieveable
  786. JobRanks[TEAM_MEDSOLDAT].ReqRanks = {-- XP/Playtime required for each rank -> [RANKID] = AmountRequired,
  787. [0] = 0,
  789. [3] = 5000,
  790. [4] = 6000,
  791. [5] = 12000,
  792. [6] = 20000,
  793. [7] = 30000,
  794. [8] = 45000,
  795. [9] = 50000,
  796. [10] = 55000,
  797. [11] = 60000,
  798. [12] = 65000,
  799. [13] = 75000,
  800. [14] = 90000,
  801. [15] = 100000,
  802. [16] = 110000,
  804. }
  805. JobRanks[TEAM_MEDSOLDAT].NameRanks = { -- Names for each rank -> [RANKID] = "|Name"
  806. [0] = "|Специалист |",
  807. [1] = "|Специалист 2|",
  808. [2] = "|Специалист 3|",
  809. [3] = "|Капрал |",
  810. [4] = "|Сержант |",
  811. [5] = "|Штаб-Сержант |",
  812. [6] = "|Сержант Первого Класса |",
  813. [7] = "|Мастер Сержант |",
  814. [8] = "|Первый Сержант |",
  815. [9] = "|Сержант Майор |",
  816. [10] = "|Команд-Сержант-Майор |",
  817. [11] = "|Сержант-майор Сухопутных вйоск |",
  818. [12] = "|Лейтенант 3 |",
  819. [13] = "|Капитан 1 |",
  820. [14] = "|Капитан 2 |",
  821. [15] = "|Капитан 3 |",
  822. [16] = "|Командующий |",
  824. }
  825. JobRanks[TEAM_MEDSOLDAT].BonusSalary = 35 --Extra salary bonus for EACH rank -> 15*RANK -> At rank 2 $30 extra salary, rank 3 $45 extra salary and so on
  826. --JobRanks[TEAM_SOLDAT].ExtraLoadout = {--Bonus Equipments for rank X and higher, [RANKID] = WEAPONCLASS
  827. --["weapon_pumpshotgun2"] = 5, --Rank 5 or higher spawns with shotgun
  828. --["weapon_mp52"] = 7,--Rank 7 or higher spawns with MP5
  829. --}
  830. --JobRanks[TEAM_SOLDAT].ExtraLoadoutSingleRank = {--Bonus Equipments for a SPECIFIC rank only, [RANKID] = {WEAPONCLASS}
  831. --[5] = {"weapon_pumpshotgun2"}, -- Gives a shotgun to rank 5 only
  832. --[7] = {"weapon_pumpshotgun2","weapon_mp52"} -- Gives a shotgun and mp5 to rank 7 only
  833. --}
  834. JobRanks[TEAM_MEDSOLDAT].Model = { --Setup different models for each rank, leave it empty to keep default, if you want specific ranks to use default models dont add it in this table
  835. --[[
  836. If you just want one model, this structure is fine, otherwise to avoid confusion you should use the one below the first
  837. [RankID] = {{Model = "|MODELPATH", Bodygroups{{BodygroupID, Amount}}, Skin = SKINID}}
  838. [RankID] = {
  839.             {Model = "|MODELPATH", Bodygroups{{BodygroupID, Amount}}, Skin = SKINID},
  840.             {Model = "|MODELPATH", Bodygroups{{BodygroupID, Amount}}, Skin = SKINID}, <- this comma is super important, should be one between each one
  841.             {Model = "|MODELPATH", Bodygroups{{BodygroupID, Amount}}, Skin = SKINID}
  842.         }
  843. ]]
  844. --[1] = {{Model = "|models/player/police.mdl", Bodygroups = {{0,0},{2,1}}, Skin = 1}}, --Sets model, two custom bodygroups and skin to 1
  845. --Skipped rank 2, it will now set default model on rank 2
  846. --[3] = {{Model = "|models/player/police_fem.mdl", Bodygroups = nil, Skin = 3}}, --Sets model, no bodygroups, sets skin to 3
  847. --[4] = {{Model = nil, Bodygroups = nil, Skin = 2}}, --Sets default model, no bodygroups, sets skin to 2
  848. }
  849. JobRanks[TEAM_MEDSOLDAT].PrefixSeparator = "| | " -- What separates the prefix from the name, for example if set to a space it would be Pvt ToBadForYou, if set to a . then Pvt.ToBadForYou etc
  850. JobRanks[TEAM_MEDSOLDAT].Prefix = { --It's set infront of the name for example Pvt.ToBadForYou, Sgt.ToBadForYou -> [RANKID] = "|Prefix"
  851. [0] = "|Специалист 1|",
  852. [1] = "|Специалист 2|",
  853. [2] = "|Специалист 3|",
  854. [3] = "|Капрал|",
  855. [4] = "|Сержант|",
  856. [5] = "|Штаб-Сержант|",
  857. [6] = "|Сержант Первого Класса|",
  858. [7] = "|Мастер Сержант|",
  859. [8] = "|Первый Сержант|",
  860. [9] = "|Сержант Майор|",
  861. [10] = "|Команд-Сержант-Майор|",
  862. [11] = "|Сержант-майор Сухопутных вйоск|",
  863. [12] = "|Лейтенант 3|",
  864. [13] = "|Капитан 1|",
  865. [14] = "|Капитан 2|",
  866. [15] = "|Капитан 3|",
  867. [16] = "|Командующий|",
  868. }
  869. --JobRanks[TEAM_SOLDAT].Entities = { --Restrict specific entities to ranks -> [ENTCLASS] = RankRequired
  870. --["money_printer"] = 5, --Requires rank 5 in order to buy moneyprinter
  871. --}
  872. --JobRanks[TEAM_SOLDAT].Shipments = { --Restrict specific shipments to ranks -> [SHIPMENT] = RankRequired
  873. --["weapon_pumpshotgun2"] = 5, --Requires rank 5 in order to buy shotgun shipment
  874. --}
  875. JobRanks[TEAM_MEDSOLDAT].Warrant = 5 --Allows warranting for rank it set to and higher, so Rank 5 and higher can warrant: SET TO NIL TO DISABLE WARRANT FOR ALL RANKS
  876. JobRanks[TEAM_MEDSOLDAT].Wanted = 5--Allows wanted for rank it set to and higher, so Rank 5 and higher can wanted: SET TO NIL TO DISABLE WANTED FOR ALL RANKS
  877. //THESE ARE JUST TEMPLATES, download icons online and insert their path here (Also upload it on workshop or to your FastDL and add it to force download)
  878. --[[JobRanks[TEAM_SOLDAT].Icons = { --Setup Rank icons -> [RANKID] = Material("PATH TO PNG")
  879. [1] = Material("jobranks/police/rank1.png"),
  880. [2] = Material("jobranks/police/rank2.png"),
  881. [3] = Material("jobranks/police/rank3.png"),
  882. [4] = Material("jobranks/police/rank4.png"),
  883. [5] = Material("jobranks/police/rank5.png"),
  884. [6] = Material("jobranks/police/rank6.png"),
  885. [7] = Material("jobranks/police/rank7.png"),
  886. [8] = Material("jobranks/police/rank8.png"),
  887. }--]]
  888. JobRanks[TEAM_MEDSOLDAT].BonusStats = { --Bonus stats for ranks -> [RankID] = {Health = AmountExtraHP, Armor = AmountExtraAP}
  889. [1] = {Health = 200, Armor = 200},
  890. [2] = {Health = 350, Armor = 350},
  891. [3] = {Health = 400, Armor = 400},
  892. [4] = {Health = 500, Armor = 500},
  893. [5] = {Health = 600, Armor = 600},
  894. [6] = {Health = 700, Armor = 700},
  895. [7] = {Health = 800, Armor = 800},
  896. [8] = {Health = 900, Armor = 900},
  897. [9] = {Health = 1000, Armor = 1000},
  898. [10] = {Health = 1100, Armor = 1100},
  899. [12] = {Health = 1200, Armor = 1200},
  900. [13] = {Health = 1300, Armor = 1300},
  901. [14] = {Health = 1400, Armor = 1400},
  902. }
  903. //Setting this to true will only allow progression through promotion manually by admin
  904. JobRanks[TEAM_MEDSOLDAT].DisableProgression = false
  906. JobRanks[TEAM_MEDSOLDAT].Entities = { --Restrict specific entities to ranks -> [ENTCLASS] = RankRequired
  907. ["cpk_kevlar_tactical"] = 3, --Requires rank 5 in order to buy moneyprinter
  908. ["cpk_kevlar_tactical"] = 1, --Requires rank 5 in order to buy moneyprinter
  909. ["smart_disease_med_antibiotic"] = 1, --Requires rank 5 in order to buy moneyprinter
  910. ["smart_disease_med_antianxiety"] = 1, --Requires rank 5 in order to buy moneyprinter
  911. ["smart_disease_med_antipsychotic"] = 1, --Requires rank 5 in order to buy moneyprinter
  912. ["smart_disease_med_antiviral"] = 1, --Requires rank 5 in order to buy moneyprinter
  913. ["smart_disease_vaccine_diptheria"] = 1, --Requires rank 5 in order to buy moneyprinter
  914. ["smart_disease_vaccine_ebola"] = 1, --Requires rank 5 in order to buy moneyprinter
  915. ["smart_disease_vaccine_flu"] = 1, --Requires rank 5 in order to buy moneyprinter
  916. ["smart_disease_vaccine_panic"] = 1, --Requires rank 5 in order to buy moneyprinter
  917. ["smart_disease_vaccine_polio"] = 1, --Requires rank 5 in order to buy moneyprinter
  918. ["smart_disease_vaccine_sars"] = 1, --Requires rank 5 in order to buy moneyprinter
  919. ["smart_disease_vaccine_schizo"] = 1, --Requires rank 5 in order to buy moneyprinter
  920. ["smart_disease_vaccine_staph"] = 1, --Requires rank 5 in order to buy moneyprinter
  921. ["smart_disease_vaccine_zombie"] = 1, --Requires rank 5 in order to buy moneyprinter
  922. }
  924. //Others jobs this job is allowed to promote/demote
  925. --JobRanks[TEAM_SOLDAT].PermissionJobList = {
  926. --
  927. --Example:
  928. --[TEAM_CHIEF] = true, <---- Don't forget THIS COMMA
  930. --This would allow this job to promote and demote the job TEAM_CHIEF
  932. --[TEAM_SOLDAT] = true,
  933. --
  934. --]]
  935. --[[
  936. Promote = true/false -> Can this rank promote?
  937. MaxPromotion = Number -> Max rank this rank can promote to
  938. Demote = true/false -> Can this rank demote?
  939. MaxDemotion = Number -> Max rank this rank can demote to
  941. Leaving MaxPromotion empty will allow to set to highest rank
  942. Leaving MaxDemotion empty will allow to set to lowest rank
  944. NOTE: Only add ranks that you want to grant permissions to, if the rank isn't in this config it can't promote or demote
  945. ]]
  946. --[[JobRanks[TEAM_SOLDAT].Permissions =
  947. {
  948. [5] = {Promote = false, Demote = true, MaxDemotion = 4}, -- Can only demote to rank 4
  949. [6] = {Promote = true, Demote = false, MaxPromotion = 5}, -- Can only promote to rank 5
  950. [7] = {Promote = true, Demote = true, MaxPromotion = 5, MaxDemotion = 3}, -- Can Promote to rank 5 and demote to rank 3
  951. [8] = {Promote = true, Demote = true}, -- Can promote to highest rank and demote to lowest
  952. }--]]
  954. -------------------------------------------
  955. -------------TEAM_SNIPSOLDAT---------------
  956. -------------------------------------------
  959. JobRanks[TEAM_SNIPSOLDAT] = {} --Each rank table REQUIRES this one to work, otherwise it will BREAK!
  960. JobRanks[TEAM_SNIPSOLDAT].MaxJobRank = 16 --Max rank achieveable
  961. JobRanks[TEAM_SNIPSOLDAT].ReqRanks = {-- XP/Playtime required for each rank -> [RANKID] = AmountRequired,
  962. [0] = 0,
  964. [3] = 5000,
  965. [4] = 6000,
  966. [5] = 12000,
  967. [6] = 20000,
  968. [7] = 30000,
  969. [8] = 45000,
  970. [9] = 50000,
  971. [10] = 55000,
  972. [11] = 60000,
  973. [12] = 65000,
  974. [13] = 75000,
  975. [14] = 90000,
  976. [15] = 100000,
  977. [16] = 110000,
  979. }
  980. JobRanks[TEAM_SNIPSOLDAT].NameRanks = { -- Names for each rank -> [RANKID] = "|Name"
  981. [0] = "|Специалист 1|",
  982. [1] = "|Специалист 2|",
  983. [2] = "|Специалист 3|",
  984. [3] = "|Капрал|",
  985. [4] = "|Сержант|",
  986. [5] = "|Штаб-Сержант|",
  987. [6] = "|Сержант Первого Класса|",
  988. [7] = "|Мастер Сержант|",
  989. [8] = "|Первый Сержант|",
  990. [9] = "|Сержант Майор|",
  991. [10] = "|Команд-Сержант-Майор|",
  992. [11] = "|Сержант-майор Сухопутных вйоск|",
  993. [12] = "|Лейтенант 3|",
  994. [13] = "|Капитан 1|",
  995. [14] = "|Капитан 2|",
  996. [15] = "|Капитан 3|",
  997. [16] = "|Командующий|",
  999. }
  1000. JobRanks[TEAM_SNIPSOLDAT].BonusSalary = 35 --Extra salary bonus for EACH rank -> 15*RANK -> At rank 2 $30 extra salary, rank 3 $45 extra salary and so on
  1001. --JobRanks[TEAM_SNIPSOLDAT].ExtraLoadout = {--Bonus Equipments for rank X and higher, [RANKID] = WEAPONCLASS
  1002. --["weapon_pumpshotgun2"] = 5, --Rank 5 or higher spawns with shotgun
  1003. --["weapon_mp52"] = 7,--Rank 7 or higher spawns with MP5
  1004. --}
  1005. --JobRanks[TEAM_SNIPSOLDAT].ExtraLoadoutSingleRank = {--Bonus Equipments for a SPECIFIC rank only, [RANKID] = {WEAPONCLASS}
  1006. --[5] = {"weapon_pumpshotgun2"}, -- Gives a shotgun to rank 5 only
  1007. --[7] = {"weapon_pumpshotgun2","weapon_mp52"} -- Gives a shotgun and mp5 to rank 7 only
  1008. --}
  1009. JobRanks[TEAM_SNIPSOLDAT].Model = { --Setup different models for each rank, leave it empty to keep default, if you want specific ranks to use default models dont add it in this table
  1010. --[[
  1011. If you just want one model, this structure is fine, otherwise to avoid confusion you should use the one below the first
  1012. [RankID] = {{Model = "|MODELPATH", Bodygroups{{BodygroupID, Amount}}, Skin = SKINID}}
  1013. [RankID] = {
  1014.             {Model = "|MODELPATH", Bodygroups{{BodygroupID, Amount}}, Skin = SKINID},
  1015.             {Model = "|MODELPATH", Bodygroups{{BodygroupID, Amount}}, Skin = SKINID}, <- this comma is super important, should be one between each one
  1016.             {Model = "|MODELPATH", Bodygroups{{BodygroupID, Amount}}, Skin = SKINID}
  1017.         }
  1018. ]]
  1019. --[1] = {{Model = "|models/player/police.mdl", Bodygroups = {{0,0},{2,1}}, Skin = 1}}, --Sets model, two custom bodygroups and skin to 1
  1020. --Skipped rank 2, it will now set default model on rank 2
  1021. --[3] = {{Model = "|models/player/police_fem.mdl", Bodygroups = nil, Skin = 3}}, --Sets model, no bodygroups, sets skin to 3
  1022. --[4] = {{Model = nil, Bodygroups = nil, Skin = 2}}, --Sets default model, no bodygroups, sets skin to 2
  1023. }
  1024. JobRanks[TEAM_SNIPSOLDAT].PrefixSeparator = "| | " -- What separates the prefix from the name, for example if set to a space it would be Pvt ToBadForYou, if set to a . then Pvt.ToBadForYou etc
  1025. JobRanks[TEAM_SNIPSOLDAT].Prefix = { --It's set infront of the name for example Pvt.ToBadForYou, Sgt.ToBadForYou -> [RANKID] = "|Prefix"
  1026. [0] = "|Специалист 1|",
  1027. [1] = "|Специалист 2|",
  1028. [2] = "|Специалист 3|",
  1029. [3] = "|Капрал|",
  1030. [4] = "|Сержант|",
  1031. [5] = "|Штаб-Сержант|",
  1032. [6] = "|Сержант Первого Класса|",
  1033. [7] = "|Мастер Сержант|",
  1034. [8] = "|Первый Сержант|",
  1035. [9] = "|Сержант Майор|",
  1036. [10] = "|Команд-Сержант-Майор|",
  1037. [11] = "|Сержант-майор Сухопутных вйоск|",
  1038. [12] = "|Лейтенант 3|",
  1039. [13] = "|Капитан 1|",
  1040. [14] = "|Капитан 2|",
  1041. [15] = "|Капитан 3|",
  1042. [16] = "|Командующий|",
  1043. }
  1044. --JobRanks[TEAM_SNIPSOLDAT].Entities = { --Restrict specific entities to ranks -> [ENTCLASS] = RankRequired
  1045. --["money_printer"] = 5, --Requires rank 5 in order to buy moneyprinter
  1046. --}
  1047. --JobRanks[TEAM_SNIPSOLDAT].Shipments = { --Restrict specific shipments to ranks -> [SHIPMENT] = RankRequired
  1048. --["weapon_pumpshotgun2"] = 5, --Requires rank 5 in order to buy shotgun shipment
  1049. --}
  1050. JobRanks[TEAM_SNIPSOLDAT].Warrant = 5 --Allows warranting for rank it set to and higher, so Rank 5 and higher can warrant: SET TO NIL TO DISABLE WARRANT FOR ALL RANKS
  1051. JobRanks[TEAM_SNIPSOLDAT].Wanted = 5--Allows wanted for rank it set to and higher, so Rank 5 and higher can wanted: SET TO NIL TO DISABLE WANTED FOR ALL RANKS
  1052. //THESE ARE JUST TEMPLATES, download icons online and insert their path here (Also upload it on workshop or to your FastDL and add it to force download)
  1053. --[[JobRanks[TEAM_SNIPSOLDAT].Icons = { --Setup Rank icons -> [RANKID] = Material("PATH TO PNG")
  1054. [1] = Material("jobranks/police/rank1.png"),
  1055. [2] = Material("jobranks/police/rank2.png"),
  1056. [3] = Material("jobranks/police/rank3.png"),
  1057. [4] = Material("jobranks/police/rank4.png"),
  1058. [5] = Material("jobranks/police/rank5.png"),
  1059. [6] = Material("jobranks/police/rank6.png"),
  1060. [7] = Material("jobranks/police/rank7.png"),
  1061. [8] = Material("jobranks/police/rank8.png"),
  1062. }--]]
  1063. JobRanks[TEAM_SNIPSOLDAT].BonusStats = { --Bonus stats for ranks -> [RankID] = {Health = AmountExtraHP, Armor = AmountExtraAP}
  1064. [1] = {Health = 200, Armor = 200},
  1065. [2] = {Health = 350, Armor = 350},
  1066. [3] = {Health = 400, Armor = 400},
  1067. [4] = {Health = 500, Armor = 500},
  1068. [5] = {Health = 600, Armor = 600},
  1069. [6] = {Health = 700, Armor = 700},
  1070. [7] = {Health = 800, Armor = 800},
  1071. [8] = {Health = 900, Armor = 900},
  1072. [9] = {Health = 1000, Armor = 1000},
  1073. [10] = {Health = 1100, Armor = 1100},
  1074. [12] = {Health = 1200, Armor = 1200},
  1075. [13] = {Health = 1300, Armor = 1300},
  1076. [14] = {Health = 1400, Armor = 1400},
  1077. }
  1078. //Setting this to true will only allow progression through promotion manually by admin
  1079. JobRanks[TEAM_SNIPSOLDAT].DisableProgression = false
  1081. JobRanks[TEAM_SNIPSOLDAT].Entities = { --Restrict specific entities to ranks -> [ENTCLASS] = RankRequired
  1082. ["cpk_kevlar_tactical"] = 3, --Requires rank 5 in order to buy moneyprinter
  1083. ["cpk_kevlar_tactical"] = 1, --Requires rank 5 in order to buy moneyprinter
  1084. }
  1086. --------------------------------------
  1087. ------------TEAM_KAPSPLDAT------------
  1088. --------------------------------------
  1091. JobRanks[TEAM_KAPSOLDAT] = {} --Each rank table REQUIRES this one to work, otherwise it will BREAK!
  1092. JobRanks[TEAM_KAPSOLDAT].MaxJobRank = 8 --Max rank achieveable
  1093. JobRanks[TEAM_KAPSOLDAT].ReqRanks = {-- XP/Playtime required for each rank -> [RANKID] = AmountRequired,
  1094. [0] = 0,
  1096. [3] = 60000,
  1097. [4] = 70000,
  1098. [5] = 130000,
  1099. [6] = 240000,
  1100. [7] = 350000,
  1101. [8] = 450000,
  1104. }
  1105. JobRanks[TEAM_KAPSOLDAT].NameRanks = { -- Names for each rank -> [RANKID] = "|Name"
  1106. [0] = "|Капитан 3|",
  1107. [1] = "|Майор 1|",
  1108. [2] = "|Майор 2|",
  1109. [3] = "|Майор 3|",
  1110. [4] = "|Подполковник 1|",
  1111. [5] = "|Подполковник 2|",
  1112. [6] = "|Подполковник 3|",
  1113. [7] = "|Полковник|",
  1114. [8] = "|Бригадный генерал|",
  1116. }
  1117. JobRanks[TEAM_KAPSOLDAT].BonusSalary = 60 --Extra salary bonus for EACH rank -> 15*RANK -> At rank 2 $30 extra salary, rank 3 $45 extra salary and so on
  1118. --JobRanks[TEAM_KAPSOLDAT].ExtraLoadout = {--Bonus Equipments for rank X and higher, [RANKID] = WEAPONCLASS
  1119. --["weapon_pumpshotgun2"] = 5, --Rank 5 or higher spawns with shotgun
  1120. --["weapon_mp52"] = 7,--Rank 7 or higher spawns with MP5
  1121. --}
  1122. --JobRanks[TEAM_KAPSOLDAT].ExtraLoadoutSingleRank = {--Bonus Equipments for a SPECIFIC rank only, [RANKID] = {WEAPONCLASS}
  1123. --[5] = {"weapon_pumpshotgun2"}, -- Gives a shotgun to rank 5 only
  1124. --[7] = {"weapon_pumpshotgun2","weapon_mp52"} -- Gives a shotgun and mp5 to rank 7 only
  1125. --}
  1126. JobRanks[TEAM_KAPSOLDAT].Model = { --Setup different models for each rank, leave it empty to keep default, if you want specific ranks to use default models dont add it in this table
  1127. --[[
  1128. If you just want one model, this structure is fine, otherwise to avoid confusion you should use the one below the first
  1129. [RankID] = {{Model = "|MODELPATH", Bodygroups{{BodygroupID, Amount}}, Skin = SKINID}}
  1130. [RankID] = {
  1131.             {Model = "|MODELPATH", Bodygroups{{BodygroupID, Amount}}, Skin = SKINID},
  1132.             {Model = "|MODELPATH", Bodygroups{{BodygroupID, Amount}}, Skin = SKINID}, <- this comma is super important, should be one between each one
  1133.             {Model = "|MODELPATH", Bodygroups{{BodygroupID, Amount}}, Skin = SKINID}
  1134.         }
  1135. ]]
  1136. --[1] = {{Model = "|models/player/police.mdl", Bodygroups = {{0,0},{2,1}}, Skin = 1}}, --Sets model, two custom bodygroups and skin to 1
  1137. --Skipped rank 2, it will now set default model on rank 2
  1138. --[3] = {{Model = "|models/player/police_fem.mdl", Bodygroups = nil, Skin = 3}}, --Sets model, no bodygroups, sets skin to 3
  1139. --[4] = {{Model = nil, Bodygroups = nil, Skin = 2}}, --Sets default model, no bodygroups, sets skin to 2
  1140. }
  1141. JobRanks[TEAM_KAPSOLDAT].PrefixSeparator = "| | " -- What separates the prefix from the name, for example if set to a space it would be Pvt ToBadForYou, if set to a . then Pvt.ToBadForYou etc
  1142. JobRanks[TEAM_KAPSOLDAT].Prefix = { --It's set infront of the name for example Pvt.ToBadForYou, Sgt.ToBadForYou -> [RANKID] = "|Prefix"
  1143. [0] = "|Капитан 3|",
  1144. [1] = "|Майор 1|",
  1145. [2] = "|Майор 2|",
  1146. [3] = "|Майор 3|",
  1147. [4] = "|Подполковник 1|",
  1148. [5] = "|Подполковник 2|",
  1149. [6] = "|Подполковник 3|",
  1150. [7] = "|Полковник|",
  1151. [8] = "|Бригадный генерал|",
  1152. }
  1153. --JobRanks[TEAM_KAPSOLDAT].Entities = { --Restrict specific entities to ranks -> [ENTCLASS] = RankRequired
  1154. --["money_printer"] = 5, --Requires rank 5 in order to buy moneyprinter
  1155. --}
  1156. --JobRanks[TEAM_KAPSOLDAT].Shipments = { --Restrict specific shipments to ranks -> [SHIPMENT] = RankRequired
  1157. --["weapon_pumpshotgun2"] = 5, --Requires rank 5 in order to buy shotgun shipment
  1158. --}
  1159. JobRanks[TEAM_KAPSOLDAT].Warrant = 5 --Allows warranting for rank it set to and higher, so Rank 5 and higher can warrant: SET TO NIL TO DISABLE WARRANT FOR ALL RANKS
  1160. JobRanks[TEAM_KAPSOLDAT].Wanted = 5--Allows wanted for rank it set to and higher, so Rank 5 and higher can wanted: SET TO NIL TO DISABLE WANTED FOR ALL RANKS
  1161. //THESE ARE JUST TEMPLATES, download icons online and insert their path here (Also upload it on workshop or to your FastDL and add it to force download)
  1162. --[[JobRanks[TEAM_KAPSOLDAT].Icons = { --Setup Rank icons -> [RANKID] = Material("PATH TO PNG")
  1163. [1] = Material("jobranks/police/rank1.png"),
  1164. [2] = Material("jobranks/police/rank2.png"),
  1165. [3] = Material("jobranks/police/rank3.png"),
  1166. [4] = Material("jobranks/police/rank4.png"),
  1167. [5] = Material("jobranks/police/rank5.png"),
  1168. [6] = Material("jobranks/police/rank6.png"),
  1169. [7] = Material("jobranks/police/rank7.png"),
  1170. [8] = Material("jobranks/police/rank8.png"),
  1171. }--]]
  1172. JobRanks[TEAM_KAPSOLDAT].BonusStats = { --Bonus stats for ranks -> [RankID] = {Health = AmountExtraHP, Armor = AmountExtraAP}
  1173. [1] = {Health = 200, Armor = 200},
  1174. [2] = {Health = 350, Armor = 350},
  1175. [3] = {Health = 400, Armor = 400},
  1176. [4] = {Health = 500, Armor = 500},
  1177. [5] = {Health = 600, Armor = 600},
  1178. [6] = {Health = 700, Armor = 700},
  1179. [7] = {Health = 800, Armor = 800},
  1180. [8] = {Health = 900, Armor = 900},
  1181. [9] = {Health = 1000, Armor = 1000},
  1182. [10] = {Health = 1100, Armor = 1100},
  1183. [12] = {Health = 1200, Armor = 1200},
  1184. [13] = {Health = 1300, Armor = 1300},
  1185. [14] = {Health = 1400, Armor = 1400},
  1186. }
  1187. //Setting this to true will only allow progression through promotion manually by admin
  1188. JobRanks[TEAM_KAPSOLDAT].DisableProgression = false
  1190. JobRanks[TEAM_KAPSOLDAT].Entities = { --Restrict specific entities to ranks -> [ENTCLASS] = RankRequired
  1191. ["cpk_kevlar_tactical"] = 3, --Requires rank 5 in order to buy moneyprinter
  1192. ["cpk_kevlar_tactical"] = 1, --Requires rank 5 in order to buy moneyprinter
  1193. }
  1195. --------------------------------------
  1196. ------------TEAM_GENSOLDAT------------
  1197. --------------------------------------
  1200. JobRanks[TEAM_GENSOLDAT] = {} --Each rank table REQUIRES this one to work, otherwise it will BREAK!
  1201. JobRanks[TEAM_GENSOLDAT].MaxJobRank = 9 --Max rank achieveable
  1202. JobRanks[TEAM_GENSOLDAT].ReqRanks = {-- XP/Playtime required for each rank -> [RANKID] = AmountRequired,
  1203. [0] = 0,
  1205. [3] = 60000,
  1206. [4] = 70000,
  1207. [5] = 130000,
  1208. [6] = 240000,
  1209. [7] = 350000,
  1210. [8] = 450000,
  1211. [9] = 650000,
  1214. }
  1215. JobRanks[TEAM_GENSOLDAT].NameRanks = { -- Names for each rank -> [RANKID] = "|Name"
  1216. [0] = "|Бригадный генерал 1|",
  1217. [1] = "|Бригадный генерал 2|",
  1218. [2] = "|Бригадный генерал 3|",
  1219. [3] = "|Генерал-майор 1|",
  1220. [4] = "|Генерал-майор 2|",
  1221. [5] = "|Генерал-майор 3|",
  1222. [6] = "|Генерал - лейтенант 1|",
  1223. [7] = "|Генерал - лейтенант 2|",
  1224. [8] = "|Генерал|",
  1225. [9] = "|Главнокомандующий Армией США|",
  1227. }
  1228. JobRanks[TEAM_GENSOLDAT].BonusSalary = 170 --Extra salary bonus for EACH rank -> 15*RANK -> At rank 2 $30 extra salary, rank 3 $45 extra salary and so on
  1229. --JobRanks[TEAM_GENSOLDAT].ExtraLoadout = {--Bonus Equipments for rank X and higher, [RANKID] = WEAPONCLASS
  1230. --["weapon_pumpshotgun2"] = 5, --Rank 5 or higher spawns with shotgun
  1231. --["weapon_mp52"] = 7,--Rank 7 or higher spawns with MP5
  1232. --}
  1233. --JobRanks[TEAM_GENSOLDAT].ExtraLoadoutSingleRank = {--Bonus Equipments for a SPECIFIC rank only, [RANKID] = {WEAPONCLASS}
  1234. --[5] = {"weapon_pumpshotgun2"}, -- Gives a shotgun to rank 5 only
  1235. --[7] = {"weapon_pumpshotgun2","weapon_mp52"} -- Gives a shotgun and mp5 to rank 7 only
  1236. --}
  1237. JobRanks[TEAM_GENSOLDAT].Model = { --Setup different models for each rank, leave it empty to keep default, if you want specific ranks to use default models dont add it in this table
  1238. --[[
  1239. If you just want one model, this structure is fine, otherwise to avoid confusion you should use the one below the first
  1240. [RankID] = {{Model = "|MODELPATH", Bodygroups{{BodygroupID, Amount}}, Skin = SKINID}}
  1241. [RankID] = {
  1242.             {Model = "|MODELPATH", Bodygroups{{BodygroupID, Amount}}, Skin = SKINID},
  1243.             {Model = "|MODELPATH", Bodygroups{{BodygroupID, Amount}}, Skin = SKINID}, <- this comma is super important, should be one between each one
  1244.             {Model = "|MODELPATH", Bodygroups{{BodygroupID, Amount}}, Skin = SKINID}
  1245.         }
  1246. ]]
  1247. --[1] = {{Model = "|models/player/police.mdl", Bodygroups = {{0,0},{2,1}}, Skin = 1}}, --Sets model, two custom bodygroups and skin to 1
  1248. --Skipped rank 2, it will now set default model on rank 2
  1249. --[3] = {{Model = "|models/player/police_fem.mdl", Bodygroups = nil, Skin = 3}}, --Sets model, no bodygroups, sets skin to 3
  1250. --[4] = {{Model = nil, Bodygroups = nil, Skin = 2}}, --Sets default model, no bodygroups, sets skin to 2
  1251. }
  1252. JobRanks[TEAM_GENSOLDAT].PrefixSeparator = "| | " -- What separates the prefix from the name, for example if set to a space it would be Pvt ToBadForYou, if set to a . then Pvt.ToBadForYou etc
  1253. JobRanks[TEAM_GENSOLDAT].Prefix = { --It's set infront of the name for example Pvt.ToBadForYou, Sgt.ToBadForYou -> [RANKID] = "|Prefix"
  1254. [0] = "|Бригадный генерал 1|",
  1255. [1] = "|Бригадный генерал 2|",
  1256. [2] = "|Бригадный генерал 3|",
  1257. [3] = "|Генерал-майор 1|",
  1258. [4] = "|Генерал-майор 2|",
  1259. [5] = "|Генерал-майор 3|",
  1260. [6] = "|Генерал - лейтенант 1|",
  1261. [7] = "|Генерал - лейтенант 2|",
  1262. [8] = "|Генерал|",
  1263. [9] = "|Главнокомандующий армией США|",
  1264. }
  1265. --JobRanks[TEAM_GENSOLDAT].Entities = { --Restrict specific entities to ranks -> [ENTCLASS] = RankRequired
  1266. --["money_printer"] = 5, --Requires rank 5 in order to buy moneyprinter
  1267. --}
  1268. --JobRanks[TEAM_GENSOLDAT].Shipments = { --Restrict specific shipments to ranks -> [SHIPMENT] = RankRequired
  1269. --["weapon_pumpshotgun2"] = 5, --Requires rank 5 in order to buy shotgun shipment
  1270. --}
  1271. JobRanks[TEAM_GENSOLDAT].Warrant = 5 --Allows warranting for rank it set to and higher, so Rank 5 and higher can warrant: SET TO NIL TO DISABLE WARRANT FOR ALL RANKS
  1272. JobRanks[TEAM_GENSOLDAT].Wanted = 5--Allows wanted for rank it set to and higher, so Rank 5 and higher can wanted: SET TO NIL TO DISABLE WANTED FOR ALL RANKS
  1273. //THESE ARE JUST TEMPLATES, download icons online and insert their path here (Also upload it on workshop or to your FastDL and add it to force download)
  1274. --[[JobRanks[TEAM_GENSOLDAT].Icons = { --Setup Rank icons -> [RANKID] = Material("PATH TO PNG")
  1275. [1] = Material("jobranks/police/rank1.png"),
  1276. [2] = Material("jobranks/police/rank2.png"),
  1277. [3] = Material("jobranks/police/rank3.png"),
  1278. [4] = Material("jobranks/police/rank4.png"),
  1279. [5] = Material("jobranks/police/rank5.png"),
  1280. [6] = Material("jobranks/police/rank6.png"),
  1281. [7] = Material("jobranks/police/rank7.png"),
  1282. [8] = Material("jobranks/police/rank8.png"),
  1283. }--]]
  1284. JobRanks[TEAM_GENSOLDAT].BonusStats = { --Bonus stats for ranks -> [RankID] = {Health = AmountExtraHP, Armor = AmountExtraAP}
  1285. [1] = {Health = 200, Armor = 200},
  1286. [2] = {Health = 350, Armor = 350},
  1287. [3] = {Health = 400, Armor = 400},
  1288. [4] = {Health = 500, Armor = 500},
  1289. [5] = {Health = 600, Armor = 600},
  1290. [6] = {Health = 700, Armor = 700},
  1291. [7] = {Health = 800, Armor = 800},
  1292. [8] = {Health = 900, Armor = 900},
  1293. [9] = {Health = 1000, Armor = 1000},
  1294. [10] = {Health = 1100, Armor = 1100},
  1295. [12] = {Health = 1200, Armor = 1200},
  1296. [13] = {Health = 1300, Armor = 1300},
  1297. [14] = {Health = 1400, Armor = 1400},
  1298. }
  1299. //Setting this to true will only allow progression through promotion manually by admin
  1300. JobRanks[TEAM_GENSOLDAT].DisableProgression = false
  1302. JobRanks[TEAM_GENSOLDAT].Entities = { --Restrict specific entities to ranks -> [ENTCLASS] = RankRequired
  1303. ["cpk_kevlar_tactical"] = 3, --Requires rank 5 in order to buy moneyprinter
  1304. ["cpk_kevlar_tactical"] = 1, --Requires rank 5 in order to buy moneyprinter
  1305. }
  1310. -------------------------------------------
  1311. -----------TEAM_911------------------
  1312. -------------------------------------------
  1313. JobRanks[TEAM_911] = {}
  1314. JobRanks[TEAM_911].MaxJobRank = 9
  1315. JobRanks[TEAM_911].ReqRanks = {
  1316. [1] = 0,
  1318. [3] = 3000,
  1319. [4] = 6000,
  1320. [5] = 12000,
  1321. [6] = 20000,
  1322. [7] = 30000,
  1323. [8] = 45000,
  1324. [9] = 50000,
  1325. }
  1326. JobRanks[TEAM_911].NameRanks = {
  1327. [1] = "|Новичок|",
  1328. [2] = "|Младший оператор|",
  1329. [3] = "|Оператор|",
  1330. [4] = "|Переговорщик 1|",
  1331. [5] = "|Переговорщик 2|",
  1332. [6] = "|Переговорщик 3|",
  1333. [7] = "|Диспетчер 1|",
  1334. [8] = "|Диспетчер 2|",
  1335. [9] = "|Глава Отдела 911|",
  1336. }
  1337. JobRanks[TEAM_911].BonusSalary = 90
  1338. JobRanks[TEAM_911].ExtraLoadout = {}
  1339. JobRanks[TEAM_911].ExtraLoadoutSingleRank = {}
  1340. JobRanks[TEAM_911].Model = {}
  1341. JobRanks[TEAM_911].PrefixSeparator = " "
  1342. JobRanks[TEAM_911].Prefix = {
  1343. --[1] = "|Сержант 2|", -- Sergeant rank 2
  1344. [1] = "|Новичок|", -- Detective (TEAM_911)
  1345. [2] = "|Младший оператор|", -- Detective rank 2
  1346. [3] = "|Оператор|", -- Detective rank 3
  1347. [4] = "|Переговорщик 1|", -- Leutinant rank 1 (TEAM_FBI, TEAM_SWAT, TEAM_POLICE)
  1348. [5] = "|Переговорщик 2|", -- Leutinant rank 2 (same as rank 1)
  1349. [6] = "|Переговорщик 3|", -- Leutinant rank 3 (same as rank 1)
  1350. [7] = "|Диспетчер 1|", -- Captain rank 1 (TEAM_POLICE, TEAM_911, TEAM_SWAT, TEAM_FBI)
  1351. [8] = "|Диспетчер 2|", -- Captain rank 2 same as rank 1
  1352. [9] = "|Глава Отдела 911|", -- Captain rank 3 same as rank 1
  1353. }
  1354. JobRanks[TEAM_911].Entities = { --Restrict specific entities to ranks -> [ENTCLASS] = RankRequired
  1355. ["cpk_kevlar_tactical"] = 3, --Requires rank 5 in order to buy moneyprinter
  1356. ["cpk_kevlar_tactical"] = 3, --Requires rank 5 in order to buy moneyprinter
  1357. }
  1358. JobRanks[TEAM_911].Shipments = { --Restrict specific shipments to ranks -> [SHIPMENT] = RankRequired
  1359. ["weapon_policeshield"] = 9, --Requires rank 5 in order to buy shotgun shipment
  1360. ["m9k_m416"] = 9, --Requires rank 5 in order to buy shotgun shipment
  1361. }
  1362. JobRanks[TEAM_911].Warrant = 1
  1363. JobRanks[TEAM_911].Wanted = 1
  1364. JobRanks[TEAM_911].Permissions = {}
  1365. --[[JobRanks[TEAM_911].Icons = { --Setup Rank icons -> [RANKID] = Material("PATH TO PNG")
  1366. --[1] = Material("materials/police_ranks/3-10.png"),
  1367. [1] = Material("materials/police_ranks/3-11.png"),
  1368. [2] = Material("materials/police_ranks/3-12.png"),
  1369. [3] = Material("materials/police_ranks/3-13.png"),
  1370. [4] = Material("materials/police_ranks/3-14.png"),
  1371. [5] = Material("materials/police_ranks/3-15.png"),
  1372. [6] = Material("materials/police_ranks/3-16.png"),
  1373. [7] = Material("materials/police_ranks/4-18.png"),
  1374. [8] = Material("materials/police_ranks/4-19.png"),
  1375. [9] = Material("materials/police_ranks/4-20.png"),
  1376. }]]--
  1377. -------------------------------------------
  1378. -------------TEAM_END----------------------
  1379. -------------------------------------------
  1382. -------------------------------------------
  1383. -----------TEAM_USSS------------------------
  1384. -------------------------------------------
  1385. JobRanks[TEAM_USSS] = {}
  1386. JobRanks[TEAM_USSS].MaxJobRank = 11
  1387. JobRanks[TEAM_USSS].ReqRanks = {
  1388. [1] = 0,
  1390. [3] = 30000,
  1391. [4] = 60000,
  1392. [5] = 120000,
  1393. [6] = 200000,
  1394. [7] = 300000,
  1395. [8] = 450000,
  1396. [9] = 500000,
  1397. [10] = 550000,
  1398. [11] = 600000,
  1400. }
  1401. JobRanks[TEAM_USSS].NameRanks = {
  1402. [1] = "|Новобранец|",
  1403. [2] = "|Отдел по фальш Деньгам|",
  1404. [3] = "|Отдел по фальш документам|",
  1405. [4] = "|Отдел по наркотрафику|",
  1406. [5] = "|Отдел ликвидации|",
  1407. [6] = "|Агент РАНГ 1|",
  1408. [7] = "|Агент РАНГ 2|",
  1409. [8] = "|Агент РАНГ 3|",
  1410. [9] = "|Зам охраны Президента|",
  1411. [10] = "|Начальник охраны Президента|",
  1412. [11] = "|Начальник USSS|",
  1413. }
  1414. JobRanks[TEAM_USSS].BonusStats = { --Bonus stats for ranks -> [RankID] = {Health = AmountExtraHP, Armor = AmountExtraAP}
  1415. [1] = {Health = 90, Armor = 200},
  1416. [2] = {Health = 200, Armor = 300},
  1417. [3] = {Health = 250, Armor = 350},
  1418. [4] = {Health = 300, Armor = 400},
  1419. [5] = {Health = 350, Armor = 450},
  1420. [6] = {Health = 400, Armor = 500},
  1421. [7] = {Health = 450, Armor = 550},
  1422. [8] = {Health = 500, Armor = 600},
  1423. [9] = {Health = 550, Armor = 650},
  1424. [10] = {Health = 600, Armor = 700},
  1425. [12] = {Health = 650, Armor = 750},
  1426. [13] = {Health = 700, Armor = 800},
  1427. [14] = {Health = 800, Armor = 900},
  1428. }
  1429. JobRanks[TEAM_USSS].BonusSalary = 100
  1430. JobRanks[TEAM_USSS].ExtraLoadout = {}
  1431. JobRanks[TEAM_USSS].ExtraLoadoutSingleRank = {}
  1432. JobRanks[TEAM_USSS].Model = {}
  1433. JobRanks[TEAM_USSS].PrefixSeparator = " "
  1434. JobRanks[TEAM_USSS].Prefix = {
  1435. [1] = "|Новобранец|",
  1436. [2] = "|Отдел по фальш Деньгам|",
  1437. [3] = "|Отдел по фальш документам|",
  1438. [4] = "|Отдел по наркотрафику|",
  1439. [5] = "|Отдел ликвидации|",
  1440. [6] = "|Агент РАНГ 1|",
  1441. [7] = "|Агент РАНГ 2|",
  1442. [8] = "|Агент РАНГ 3|",
  1443. [9] = "|Зам охраны Президента|",
  1444. [10] = "|Начальник охраны Президента|",
  1445. [11] = "|Начальник Секретной Службы США|",
  1446. }
  1447. JobRanks[TEAM_USSS].Entities = { --Restrict specific entities to ranks -> [ENTCLASS] = RankRequired
  1448. ["cpk_kevlar_tactical"] = 2, --Requires rank 5 in order to buy moneyprinter
  1449. ["cpk_kevlar_tactical"] = 2, --Requires rank 5 in order to buy moneyprinter
  1450. }
  1451. JobRanks[TEAM_USSS].Shipments = { --Restrict specific shipments to ranks -> [SHIPMENT] = RankRequired
  1452. ["weapon_policeshield"] = 2, --Requires rank 5 in order to buy shotgun shipment
  1453. ["m9k_m416"] = 2, --Requires rank 5 in order to buy shotgun shipment
  1454. }
  1455. JobRanks[TEAM_USSS].Warrant = 1
  1456. JobRanks[TEAM_USSS].Wanted = 1
  1457. JobRanks[TEAM_USSS].Permissions = {}
  1458. JobRanks[TEAM_USSS].Icons = { --Setup Rank icons -> [RANKID] = Material("PATH TO PNG")
  1459. [1] = Material("materials/police_ranks/1-10.png"),
  1460. [2] = Material("materials/police_ranks/1-11.png"),
  1461. [3] = Material("materials/police_ranks/2-12.png"),
  1462. [4] = Material("materials/police_ranks/3-13.png"),
  1463. [5] = Material("materials/police_ranks/3-14.png"),
  1464. [6] = Material("materials/police_ranks/3-15.png"),
  1465. [7] = Material("materials/police_ranks/3-16.png"),
  1466. [8] = Material("materials/police_ranks/3-18.png"),
  1467. [9] = Material("materials/police_ranks/3-19.png"),
  1468. [10] = Material("materials/police_ranks/4-20.png"),
  1469. [11] = Material("materials/police_ranks/4-21.png"),
  1470. }
  1472. -------------------------------------------
  1473. -----------TEAM_USSS-END-------------------
  1474. -------------------------------------------
  1478. --------------------------------------
  1479. ------------TEAM_MEDIC----------------
  1480. --------------------------------------
  1481. JobRanks[TEAM_MEDIC] = {}
  1482. JobRanks[TEAM_MEDIC].MaxJobRank = 9
  1483. JobRanks[TEAM_MEDIC].ReqRanks = {
  1484. [1] = 0,
  1485. [2] = 15000,
  1486. [3] = 30000,
  1487. [4] = 60000,
  1488. [5] = 120000,
  1489. [6] = 200000,
  1490. [7] = 300000,
  1491. [8] = 450000,
  1492. [9] = 600000,
  1493. }
  1494. JobRanks[TEAM_MEDIC].NameRanks = {
  1495. [1] = "|Медик ученик|",
  1496. [2] = "|Врач|",
  1497. [3] = "|Врач-Ученый|",
  1498. [4] = "|Младший Доктор|",
  1499. [5] = "|Доктор|",
  1500. [6] = "|Хирург|",
  1501. [7] = "|Мозгоправ|",
  1502. [8] = "|Шеф Психлечебницы|",
  1503. [9] = "|Заведующий Больницей|",
  1504. }
  1505. JobRanks[TEAM_MEDIC].BonusSalary = 80
  1506. JobRanks[TEAM_MEDIC].ExtraLoadout = {}
  1507. JobRanks[TEAM_MEDIC].ExtraLoadoutSingleRank = {}
  1508. JobRanks[TEAM_MEDIC].Model = {}
  1509. JobRanks[TEAM_MEDIC].PrefixSeparator = " "
  1510. JobRanks[TEAM_MEDIC].Prefix = {}
  1511. JobRanks[TEAM_MEDIC].Entities = {}
  1512. JobRanks[TEAM_MEDIC].Shipments = {}
  1513. JobRanks[TEAM_MEDIC].Warrant = nil
  1514. JobRanks[TEAM_MEDIC].Wanted = nil
  1515. JobRanks[TEAM_MEDIC].Permissions = {}
  1517. --------------------------------------
  1518. ------------TEAM_PRISONER----------------
  1519. --------------------------------------
  1520. JobRanks[TEAM_PRISONER] = {}
  1521. JobRanks[TEAM_PRISONER].MaxJobRank = 9
  1522. JobRanks[TEAM_PRISONER].ReqRanks = {
  1523. [1] = 0,
  1524. [2] = 1500,
  1525. [3] = 3000,
  1526. [4] = 6000,
  1527. [5] = 12000,
  1528. [6] = 20000,
  1529. [7] = 30000,
  1530. [8] = 45000,
  1531. [9] = 60000,
  1532. }
  1533. JobRanks[TEAM_PRISONER].NameRanks = {
  1534. [1] = "|Я этого не делал!|",
  1535. [2] = "|Опущеный|",
  1536. [3] = "|Парашник|",
  1537. [4] = "|Питух|",
  1538. [5] = "|Шестерка|",
  1539. [6] = "|Шнырь|",
  1540. [7] = "|Мужик|",
  1541. [8] = "|Блатной|",
  1542. [9] = "|Пахан|",
  1543. }
  1544. --[[JobRanks[TEAM_PRISONER].NameRanks = {
  1545. [1] = "|Я этого не делал!|",
  1546. [2] = "|Опущеный|",
  1547. [3] = "|Парашник|",
  1548. [4] = "|Питух|",
  1549. [5] = "|Шестерка|",
  1550. [6] = "|Шнырь|",
  1551. [7] = "|Мужик|",
  1552. [8] = "|Блатной|",
  1553. [9] = "|Пахан|",
  1554. }]]
  1555. JobRanks[TEAM_PRISONER].BonusSalary = 0
  1556. JobRanks[TEAM_PRISONER].ExtraLoadout = {}
  1557. JobRanks[TEAM_PRISONER].ExtraLoadoutSingleRank = {}
  1558. JobRanks[TEAM_PRISONER].Model = {}
  1559. JobRanks[TEAM_PRISONER].PrefixSeparator = " "
  1560. JobRanks[TEAM_PRISONER].Prefix = {}
  1561. --[[JobRanks[TEAM_PRISONER].Prefix = {
  1562. [1] = "|Я этого не делал!|",
  1563. [2] = "|Опущеный|",
  1564. [3] = "|Парашник|",
  1565. [4] = "|Питух|",
  1566. [5] = "|Шестерка|",
  1567. [6] = "|Шнырь|",
  1568. [7] = "|Мужик|",
  1569. [8] = "|Блатной|",
  1570. [9] = "|Пахан|",
  1571. }--]]
  1572. JobRanks[TEAM_PRISONER].Entities = {}
  1573. JobRanks[TEAM_PRISONER].Shipments = {}
  1574. JobRanks[TEAM_PRISONER].Warrant = nil
  1575. JobRanks[TEAM_PRISONER].Wanted = nil
  1576. JobRanks[TEAM_PRISONER].Permissions = {}
  1577. --------------------------------------------------
  1578. --------------------------------------------------
  1579. --------------------------------------------------
  1580. JobRanks[TEAM_MAYOR] = {}
  1581. JobRanks[TEAM_MAYOR].MaxJobRank = 7
  1582. JobRanks[TEAM_MAYOR].ReqRanks = {
  1583. [1] = 0,
  1584. [2] = 50000,
  1585. [3] = 100000,
  1586. [4] = 150000,
  1587. [5] = 200000,
  1588. [6] = 250000,
  1589. [7] = 300000,
  1590. }
  1591. JobRanks[TEAM_MAYOR].NameRanks = {
  1592. [1] = "|Кандидат|",
  1593. [2] = "|политик|",
  1594. [3] = "|Вице спикер|",
  1595. [4] = "|Мэр|",
  1596. [5] = "|Вице Президент|",
  1597. [6] = "|Президент|",
  1598. [7] = "|Лучший Президент|",
  1599. }
  1600. JobRanks[TEAM_MAYOR].BonusSalary = 100
  1601. JobRanks[TEAM_MAYOR].ExtraLoadout = {}
  1602. JobRanks[TEAM_MAYOR].ExtraLoadoutSingleRank = {}
  1603. JobRanks[TEAM_MAYOR].Model = {}
  1604. JobRanks[TEAM_MAYOR].PrefixSeparator = " "
  1605. JobRanks[TEAM_MAYOR].Prefix = {}
  1606. JobRanks[TEAM_MAYOR].Entities = {}
  1607. JobRanks[TEAM_MAYOR].Shipments = {}
  1608. JobRanks[TEAM_MAYOR].Warrant = 1
  1609. JobRanks[TEAM_MAYOR].Wanted = 1
  1610. JobRanks[TEAM_MAYOR].Permissions = {}
  1612. end)
  1613. end
  1615. hook.Add("DarkRPFinishedLoading", "JBR_InitRanks", function()
  1616.     if ezJobs then
  1617.         hook.Add("ezJobsLoaded", "JBR_InitRanks", JBR_InitRanks)
  1618.     else
  1619.         hook.Add("loadCustomDarkRPItems", "JBR_InitRanks", JBR_InitRanks)
  1620.     end
  1621. end)
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