

Apr 11th, 2016
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  2. version 5.0226
  3. build: 5.0226.1838
  4. GameSession::assetsLoaded ok
  5. session key: 82907f8d31265c7e6fa9f4bb647d290b
  6. peekFile - file actual t= 1460121804
  7. peekFile - update file from server
  8. peekFile - update file from server
  9. launch time server: 1460391551, client: 1460391630
  10. <- addRes[WRH_GLOBAL] 6269 (RES_BARN_CAPACITY:200) <- void EventCleaner::clearResources():147
  11. <- addRes[WRH_GLOBAL] 6004 (RES_MONEY:100000301) <- void EventCleaner::clearResources():147
  12. <- addRes[WRH_GLOBAL] 6005 (RES_REAL:99995) <- void EventCleaner::clearResources():147
  13. <- addRes[WRH_GLOBAL] 6633 (RES_OWL:1) <- void EventCleaner::clearResources():147
  14. <- addRes[WRH_GLOBAL] 6763 (RES_HUSKY:1) <- void EventCleaner::clearResources():147
  15. <- addRes[WRH_GLOBAL] 6929 (RES_CHIPMUNK:1) <- void EventCleaner::clearResources():147
  16. <- addRes[WRH_GLOBAL] 7076 (RES_PH16_STRAT_OLD_MAP:1) <- void EventCleaner::clearResources():147
  17. <- addRes[WRH_GLOBAL] 7240 (RES_START_EVENT_OLD_MAP:1) <- void EventCleaner::clearResources():147
  18. <- addRes[WRH_GLOBAL] 6007 (RES_EXP:22) <- void EventCleaner::clearResources():147
  19. <- addRes[WRH_GLOBAL] 6400 (RES_ACH_GET_BUILDINGS:2) <- void EventCleaner::clearResources():147
  20. <- addRes[WRH_GLOBAL] 6399 (RES_ACH_BATIER_DESTROYED_COUNTER:3) <- void EventCleaner::clearResources():147
  21. <- addRes[WRH_GLOBAL] 7093 (RES_ART16_SHOPTAB:1) <- void EventCleaner::clearResources():147
  22. <- addRes[WRH_GLOBAL] 7086 (RES_ART16_PROVISION_CAPACITY:60) <- void EventCleaner::clearResources():147
  23. <- addRes[WRH_GLOBAL] 6279 (RES_MAP_DISTRICT:2) <- void EventCleaner::clearResources():147
  24. <- addRes[WRH_MAIN] 6001 (RES_FOOD:35) <- void EventCleaner::clearResources():147
  25. <- addRes[WRH_MAIN] 6003 (RES_WOOD:17) <- void EventCleaner::clearResources():147
  26. <- addRes[WRH_MAIN] 6002 (RES_WATER:5) <- void EventCleaner::clearResources():147
  27. <- addRes[WRH_MAIN] 6190 (RES_CANE:2) <- void EventCleaner::clearResources():147
  28. <- addRes[WRH_ART16_PROVISION] 7088 (RES_ART16_PROVISION:30) <- void EventCleaner::clearResources():147
  29. AppLifeCycle Preparing -> Running
  30. <- humans: HID_NONE [1] from server
  31. <- humans: HID_ALBERT [2] from server
  32. <- humans: HID_JULES [5] from server
  33. <- humans: HID_CHIPMUNK [3] from server
  34. <- humans: HID_HUSKY [4] from server
  35. <- l(505608) buildings: skip loging: [35 - -32] Del[]:4 Del[]:5 Del[]:6 Del[]:7 Del[]:8 Del[]:9 Del[]:10 Del[]:11 Del[]:12 Del[]:13 Del[]:14 Del[]:15 Del[]:16 Del[]:17 Del[]:18 Del[]:19 Del[]:20 Del[]:21 Del[]:22 Del[]:23 Del[]:24 BK_BARN:25 Del[]:26 Del[]:27 Del[]:28 Del[]:29 Del[]:30 Del[]:31 Del[]:32 Del[]:33 Del[]:34 Del[]:35
  36. <- commit: (1) CHECK_PRIZES
  37. <- commit: (2) TRANSACTIONS Get available
  38. <- add rating 1 from BK_HOUSE_WOOD[12] boosted false; rating = 1 <- void RatingAspect::onStateChanged(int):111
  39. <- commit: (3) START_SALE
  40. <- commit: (4) PRODUCTION_COMPLETE BK_HOUSE_WOOD[12]
  41. <- commit: (5) START_CRAFT BK_HOUSE_WOOD[12]
  42. <- addRes[WRH_GLOBAL] 6004 (RES_MONEY:5) <- virtual void ResourceContainer::releaseButton():174
  43. ~~ QT_GET_RESOURCE[403724] progress to 5
  44. <- commit: (6) TAKE_DROP RES_MONEY:5(WRH_GLOBAL) from BK_HOUSE_WOOD[12] land 505608
  45. <- commit: (7) FINISH_QUEST qid = 403724 : QT_GET_RESOURCE l(505608) get 1 RES_MONEY to WRH_GLOBAL
  46. <- addRes[WRH_GLOBAL] 6004 (RES_MONEY:5) <- virtual void ResourceContainer::releaseButton():174
  47. <- commit: (8) TAKE_DROP RES_MONEY:5(WRH_GLOBAL) from BK_HOUSE_WOOD[12] land 505608
  48. <- commit: (9) READ_MAIL
  49. <- commit: (10) READ_MAIL
  50. <- addRes[WRH_GLOBAL] 6004 (RES_MONEY:10) <- void MailNewsLogic::onTaken(MailContent::ID):191
  51. <- commit: (11) TAKE_MAIL_ATTACHMENTS
  52. <- commit: (12) PING
  53. <- l(505608) buildings: BK_BOGOMOL:36
  54. <- commit: (13) EVENT_DROP mole spowned
  55. <- commit: (14) PING
  56. <- addRes[WRH_GLOBAL] 6005 (RES_REAL:-1) <- bool EventAction::tryBoostReal():242
  57. <- commit: (15) BOOST_PRODUCTION BK_HOUSE_WOOD[12]
  58. <- commit: (16) PRODUCTION_READY BK_HOUSE_WOOD[12]
  59. <- commit: (17) PING
  60. !! applicationDidEnterBackground
  61. <- commit: (18) PING
  62. !! applicationWillEnterForeground
  63. !! time stepped to future on 290
  64. <- commit: (19) CHECK_PRIZES
  65. <- commit: (20) TRANSACTIONS Get available
  66. <- commit: (21) CHECK_PRIZES
  67. <- addRes[WRH_GLOBAL] 6004 (RES_MONEY:75) <- void DailyBonusController::onGetCurrentDayReward():310
  68. <- commit: (22) TAKE_DAILY_BONUS
  69. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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