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Apr 26th, 2017
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  1. Here's the needy part, and this is what you need:
  2. > Minimum of 10 GB of free space available
  3. > A minimum of 512MB Ram for i386 and amd64 architectures.
  4. > Internet Access
  5. That's pretty much all that you need, now we're going to install a Linux operating system on virtualbox- which is a software where you can run AS MANY operating systems as you want! Pretty cool, huh?
  6. Install virtualbox:
  7. Click windows hosts if you have windows, or click OS X Hosts if you have a mac- and so on.
  8. Once you've installed virtualbox, click New
  9. You can name it whatever you want, but I prefer naming it "Kali Linux" then hit Next
  10. I personally recommend setting the memory size between 2000-3000 because we will be installing all types of software on this machine- it's pretty cool.. trust me.
  11. Select Create a virtual hard disk now and then click Create.
  12. Make sure that VDI ( Virtual Disk Image ) is selected and then click Next.
  13. Select Dynamically allocated and then hit Next.
  14. I recommend leaving this at 10GB, but if your looking for some fun- raise it up to around 15GB.
  15. Click Create.
  16. Voila!
  17. Installing Kali Linux:
  18. Now you created your machine- but it can't run yet. We must give it the operating system!
  19. Go to and click ISO on the top ( most recent ) bar.
  20. Once installed, go to your virtual box- select your machine and hit Settings.
  21. Go to Network and make sure you're connected to an adapter.
  22. Now go to Storage and look under "Controller: IDE"
  23. Click the disk underneath it that says "Empty."
  24. Now on the right side, you're going to see something like, "Optical Drive"
  25. Then there will be a dropdown menu, but next to that you're going to see a little disc icon.
  26. Click the disc icon and select "Choose Virtual Optical Disk File..."
  27. Now navigate to the .iso file that you downloaded earlier on the Kali Linux site.
  28. Select your file and then click OK
  29. Now, select your system, and click the green arrow at the top that says Start.
  30. Now, your Kali Linux system should boot successfully!
  31. Use your arrow keys to navigate on the menu, go to Graphical Install and hit enter.
  32. Now, choose your language and hit enter.
  33. Choose your country.
  34. Then select your keymap, basically what keys your keyboard have. If you're like me- select "American English"
  35. And then make your hostname- I prefer leaving it to "kali" and click continue.
  36. Leave the domain name blank, hit "continue"
  37. Now, make a password that ONLY YOU will remember, then hit continue.
  38. Re-enter the password, then hit continue.
  39. Set your timezone, then hit enter.
  40. Select "Guided- use entire disk" and then hit enter.
  41. Select the disk to partition, I prefer selecting the top first one. Hit enter.
  42. Select "All files in one partition" and hit enter.
  43. Now, select "Finish partitioning and write changes to disk"
  44. Select "Yes"
  45. Select "Yes" again if it asks you to install the "GRUB Boot Loader"
  46. Then select the disk you installed kali on, it is normally "/dev/sda"
  47. Alright! Perfect! We installed Kali!
  48. Logging into Kali:
  49. It then asks for your username- what username.. you didn't create one?!!?
  50. No need to worry. The default username is "root" so enter in root and then continue.
  51. For your password, use the password you created during the installation process- then continue.
  52. Now, your Kali System should be showing up now, with the blue background and white looking "dragon."
  53. It should also have applications and things on the left side.
  54. If so, you've successfully started your Kali machine!
  56. Let's upgrade Kali Linux.
  57. Click the black logo on the left side that shows "$_" and when you hold your mouse over it, it says "Terminal"
  58. It should open a window, with a command input, something like:
  59. root@kali:~#_
  60. If yours looks different, it's fine.
  61. In the terminal, type in:
  62. apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
  63. Now hit enter- this could take a while, so sit back and relax.
  64. If it asks for your password, enter in your password and hit enter.
  65. TAKE NOTE that when you type in your password- you don't see it. But it's still there.
  66. If it asks you a "[y/n]" or "[yes/no]" type in "y" or "yes" depending on the question.
  67. If it asks any other questions, make sure you answer yes.
  68. Alright! If it finishes- you're ready to go! :)
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