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Jan 1st, 2017
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  1. (11:46:11 PM) mikeybadger:
  2. (11:46:13 PM) mikeybadger: shit
  3. (11:46:54 PM) cyberraver: you are fucking joking
  4. (11:46:58 PM) cyberraver: after we said no
  5. (11:47:01 PM) Londi: jesus fuck chronos
  6. (11:48:19 PM) pooki_bear [] entered the room.
  7. (11:48:28 PM) randy_mcsoggybotto mobile: It's never enough
  8. (11:48:32 PM) cyberraver: How many times do we have to say dont be dumb :/
  9. (11:48:34 PM) pooki_bear: thats his 3rd super death
  10. (11:48:36 PM) tiberizzle: literally kick cronus_maximus
  11. (11:48:43 PM) pooki_bear: between him and fucking goldsnake
  12. (11:49:01 PM) mikeybadger: also can a director accept my app
  13. (11:49:22 PM) mikeybadger: i need to get mine moving
  14. (11:49:53 PM) whitehalo117: It was his kid
  15. (11:49:59 PM) whitehalo117: not him
  16. (11:50:06 PM) whitehalo117: read telegram
  17. (11:50:35 PM) whitehalo117: before you start shiting on him, fuckin nerds
  18. (11:51:27 PM) cyberraver: He told us he was gonna do it
  19. (11:51:34 PM) cyberraver: "his kid" isnt gonan fucking work
  20. (11:52:04 PM) cyberraver: (10:38:32 PM) hows the fight going?
  21. (10:38:45 PM) I'm thinking of doing something dumb and slow boating my aeon to EX6
  22. (10:39:00 PM) dimebag_terrel: did we kill the fort
  23. (10:39:03 PM) cyberraver: Really dont
  24. (10:39:10 PM) cyberraver: fcon logged in 50 dreads earlier
  25. (10:39:11 PM) Nebbers: Sounds like a great idea. You will definitely not lose your aeon.
  26. (10:39:18 PM) cyberraver: with about 20 carriers
  27. (11:52:20 PM) whitehalo117: Dude
  28. (11:52:21 PM) cyberraver: His kid is a load of bullshit
  29. (11:52:27 PM) ulkar_aduul: something something blab blab toot toot?
  30. (11:52:32 PM) Nebbers: Cronos you actually did it. Jesus.
  31. (11:52:40 PM) cyberraver: Props for being ballsy
  32. (11:52:44 PM) cyberraver: but jesus dumb
  33. (11:52:44 PM) general_waaargh: Wtf
  34. (11:52:52 PM) whitehalo117: who the fuck even are you shut the fuck up he's talking about quiting eve
  35. (11:52:58 PM) cyberraver: So?
  36. (11:53:09 PM) winkin: (10:38:45 PM) I'm thinking of doing something dumb and slow boating my aeon to EX6
  38. LOL
  39. (11:53:11 PM) general_waaargh: And
  40. (11:53:17 PM) cyberraver: if he quits of pixels hes even more dumb
  41. (11:53:24 PM) whitehalo117: it was his fucking kid
  42. (11:53:24 PM) general_waaargh: ^^
  43. (11:53:27 PM) cyberraver: If you are a retard
  44. (11:53:29 PM) cyberraver: you get shit on
  45. (11:53:33 PM) cyberraver: Id expect the same
  46. (11:53:39 PM) ulkar_aduul: ask batuka
  47. (11:53:43 PM) cyberraver: SUUUUUURE
  48. (11:53:47 PM) ulkar_aduul: he can tell you stories
  49. (11:53:50 PM) whitehalo117: yeah no shit but it wasn't him piloting the fucking thing
  50. (11:53:55 PM) cyberraver: Suuuuuuuuuuure
  51. (11:54:00 PM) cyberraver: :iiam:
  52. (11:54:04 PM) randy_mcsoggybotto mobile: Ya I'm sure it was his kid talking about it too
  53. (11:54:05 PM) ulkar_aduul: (10:38:45 PM) I'm thinking of doing something dumb and slow boating my aeon to EX6
  54. (11:54:06 PM) spicyspice: shoulda just asked i have cyno in ex6
  55. (11:54:07 PM) ulkar_aduul: :v:
  56. (11:54:15 PM) pooki_bear: was his child piloting his other supercarrier losses as well
  57. (11:54:27 PM) ulkar_aduul: :laffo:
  58. (11:54:35 PM) chase_iii_warren: ya i think gating when it's only 3 jumps
  59. (11:54:36 PM) randy_mcsoggybotto mobile: lol
  60. (11:54:37 PM) chase_iii_warren: is a little much
  61. (11:54:57 PM) thayre left the room.
  62. (11:54:58 PM) whitehalo117: because Jay didn't do something more retarded or laz jumping 34 supers to their deaths
  63. (11:55:11 PM) cyberraver: Stop whine knighting him you cock gobbling retardf
  64. (11:55:13 PM) cyberraver: *white
  65. (11:55:29 PM) cyberraver: Do dumb shit get laughed at
  66. (11:55:33 PM) cyberraver: Jay still get shit
  67. (11:55:41 PM) whitehalo117: there is a time and a fucking place
  68. (11:55:48 PM) ulkar_aduul: and its now white
  69. (11:55:50 PM) ulkar_aduul: NOW
  70. (11:55:50 PM) ulkar_aduul: :D
  71. (11:55:59 PM) cyberraver: And its right now
  72. (11:56:28 PM) randy_mcsoggybotto: dont fly what you cant replace~~~
  73. (11:56:53 PM) cyberraver: And dont try to weasel out with blaming your kid
  74. (11:56:58 PM) cyberraver: man up
  75. (11:57:18 PM) cyberraver: And whiteknighting for him just makes you look as dumb
  76. (11:57:26 PM) whitehalo117: You're gonna tell me what to do when you joined this corp 4 months ago?
  77. (11:57:38 PM) randy_mcsoggybotto: ya cyber is really new
  78. (11:57:41 PM) randy_mcsoggybotto: dont make fun of him
  79. (11:57:41 PM) cyberraver: Ive been here a lot longer then that, but sure, pull you "service" time on me
  80. (11:57:42 PM) whitehalo117: Do you wanna get kicked?
  81. (11:57:45 PM) cyberraver: hahahahahhaa
  82. (11:57:47 PM) randy_mcsoggybotto: lol
  83. (11:57:51 PM) cyberraver: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  84. (11:58:01 PM) ulkar_aduul: LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL
  85. (11:58:02 PM) pooki_bear: whitehalo just has a soft spot for people lsoing shit during move ops
  86. (11:58:04 PM) whitehalo117: it doesn't matter you're being a shit head
  87. (11:58:04 PM) cyberraver: Im not even going there
  88. (11:58:14 PM) ulkar_aduul: yeah cyberraver
  89. (11:58:17 PM) whitehalo117: you're right I do
  90. (11:58:18 PM) cyberraver: Because i dont need to pull my "im more space important card"
  91. (11:58:18 PM) ulkar_aduul: shut the fuck up you 4 month pubbie
  92. (11:58:20 PM) ulkar_aduul: :D
  93. (11:58:23 PM) ulkar_aduul: :laffo:
  94. (11:58:38 PM) whitehalo117: you're just being a faggot
  95. (11:58:40 PM) cyberraver: No
  96. (11:58:42 PM) chase_iii_warren: hey
  97. (11:58:43 PM) whitehalo117: yeah
  98. (11:58:43 PM) kaladin_nakrar [] entered the room.
  99. (11:58:46 PM) chase_iii_warren: lets just all relax
  100. (11:58:49 PM) chase_iii_warren: because it dosnt fucking MATTER
  101. (11:58:54 PM) cyberraver: We are all laughing at the guy we told NOT to do this
  102. (11:58:57 PM) chase_iii_warren: it's goddman pixels
  103. (11:59:00 PM) cyberraver: because its funny
  104. (11:59:07 PM) ulkar_aduul: ^
  105. (11:59:09 PM) cyberraver: Not because we actually care
  106. (11:59:13 PM) whitehalo117: he's not even in jabber
  107. (11:59:15 PM) chase_iii_warren: oh
  108. (11:59:20 PM) pooki_bear: nice meltdown whitehalo
  109. (11:59:22 PM) randy_mcsoggybotto mobile: His kid might be
  110. (11:59:22 PM) chase_iii_warren: then cyberbully the shit out of him who cares lmao
  111. (11:59:24 PM) kyras_delani: kid turned it off for him
  112. (11:59:26 PM) cyberraver: the only butthurt one here is whitehalo
  113. (11:59:30 PM) ulkar_aduul: kyras_delani:
  114. (11:59:32 PM) ulkar_aduul: fuckin a hole
  115. (11:59:32 PM) randy_mcsoggybotto mobile: W E W
  116. (11:59:33 PM) cyberraver: LOL
  118. (11:59:36 PM) kaladin_nakrar: :munch:
  119. (11:59:37 PM) ulkar_aduul: spat some water on my keyboard
  120. (11:59:44 PM) randy_mcsoggybotto mobile: Starting off 2017 with a spicy meme
  121. (11:59:55 PM) cyberraver: BRB leaving kid playng eve
  122. (11:59:56 PM) spicyspice: you called?
  123. (1/2/2017 12:00:09 AM) ulkar_aduul: cyberraver: you telling me
  124. (12:00:18 AM) ulkar_aduul: that your kid just now was playing with me Diablo 3
  125. (12:00:22 AM) cyberraver: Yup
  126. (12:00:22 AM) ulkar_aduul: and you were still playing Eve?
  127. (12:00:24 AM) ulkar_aduul: youre a cunt
  128. (12:00:26 AM) ulkar_aduul: :'(
  129. (12:00:32 AM) cyberraver: And im being kicked for 4 months of service
  130. (12:00:33 AM) whitehalo117: it's just a super
  131. (12:00:35 AM) cyberraver: :cripes:
  132. (12:00:47 AM) randy_mcsoggybotto mobile: How would a kid know how to warp
  133. (12:00:53 AM) randy_mcsoggybotto mobile: I don't even know how to do that
  134. (12:00:54 AM) ulkar_aduul: serves you right cyberraver
  135. (12:00:58 AM) pooki_bear: "hey guys I'm going to do thing"
  136. (12:00:59 AM) ulkar_aduul: we dont mock people in amok !!!
  137. (12:01:05 AM) pooki_bear: "don't do thing you're gonna die"
  138. (12:01:11 AM) pooki_bear: "no lol i'll be fine"
  139. (12:01:11 AM) randy_mcsoggybotto mobile: amock
  140. (12:01:13 AM) dimebag_terrel: amock dotte
  141. (12:01:15 AM) pooki_bear: *does thing*
  142. (12:01:21 AM) ulkar_aduul: am0kbutte
  143. (12:01:23 AM) pooki_bear: "guys im dead because I did the thing"
  144. (12:01:32 AM) ulkar_aduul: "but my kid piloted it so cheers"
  145. (12:01:40 AM) cyberraver: *WHITEKNIGHTFAGGOT APPEARS*
  146. (12:01:47 AM) ulkar_aduul: aw man you ruined it
  147. (12:01:56 AM) whitehalo117: What is this fucking reddit?
  148. (12:01:58 AM) ulkar_aduul: * a wild Whiteknightfaggot appears*" :D
  149. (12:02:01 AM) cyberraver: hahahhaa
  150. (12:02:31 AM) pooki_bear: "just kidding guys I wasn't really piloting the aeon it was my son with autism don't yall feel like jerks now"
  151. (12:02:32 AM) cyberraver: "u no laugh! i been here longer"
  152. (12:02:50 AM) cyberraver: on the plus side
  153. (12:03:16 AM) cyberraver: I am reaping MAD karma
  154. (12:03:42 AM) chase_iii_warren: oh nice
  155. (12:03:52 AM) chase_iii_warren: reddit karma i hope?
  156. (12:03:54 AM) cyberraver: ofc
  157. (12:03:57 AM) ulkar_aduul: cyberraver: if you get a positive rep on our forums we have to kick you from am0k btw
  158. (12:04:04 AM) cyberraver: I doubt that
  159. (12:04:06 AM) dimebag_terrel: i have -72k
  160. (12:04:09 AM) dimebag_terrel: i am safe
  161. (12:04:15 AM) cyberraver: Im farming reddit hard, as we only got to hold dicks over this
  162. (12:04:16 AM) chase_iii_warren: ya same here
  163. (12:04:21 AM) chase_iii_warren: my first post was me shitting on some dude
  164. (12:04:26 AM) ulkar_aduul: fuck
  165. (12:04:29 AM) chase_iii_warren: i got like -8000 karma
  166. (12:04:33 AM) ulkar_aduul: -2713Soon to be recruited by Am0k.
  167. (12:04:40 AM) ulkar_aduul: -2713Soon to be recruited by Am0k.
  168. (12:05:11 AM) chase_iii_warren: is that mine?
  169. (12:05:12 AM) pooki_bear: whitehalo117:
  170. (12:05:13 AM) chase_iii_warren: or yours
  171. (12:05:19 AM) pooki_bear: did his son plug snakes into his aeon pilot
  172. (12:05:27 AM) pooki_bear: or does he just not know the difference between snakes and slaves
  173. (12:05:27 AM) randy_mcsoggybotto mobile: lol
  174. (12:05:29 AM) pooki_bear:
  175. (12:05:32 AM) whitehalo117: Pooki fuck off
  176. (12:05:43 AM) cyberraver: Is it pooki typing, or his son
  177. (12:05:43 AM) ulkar_aduul: yeah pookie
  178. (12:05:46 AM) cyberraver: :iiam:
  179. (12:05:51 AM) randy_mcsoggybotto mobile: Fuck off pooki
  180. (12:05:55 AM) ulkar_aduul: :D
  181. (12:05:57 AM) whitehalo117: I don't care anymore
  182. (12:05:59 AM) randy_mcsoggybotto mobile: NO MEME 2017
  183. (12:05:59 AM) cyberraver: Fuck off pookis son
  184. (12:06:04 AM) ulkar_aduul: LOOOOOOOOOOL
  185. (12:06:06 AM) randy_mcsoggybotto mobile: Therr u go
  186. (12:06:13 AM) lux_libertas: its ok its not whitehalo that's salty its his kid
  187. (12:06:17 AM) randy_mcsoggybotto mobile: Hilary actually won
  188. (12:06:17 AM) cyberraver: Ahh yes
  189. (12:06:21 AM) randy_mcsoggybotto mobile: LOL
  190. (12:06:23 AM) pooki_bear: never speak to my wife or my wifes son again
  191. (12:06:28 AM) chase_iii_warren: goddamn
  192. (12:06:35 AM) norrec_lafisques [] entered the room.
  193. (12:07:08 AM) chase_iii_warren: pookie needs to have a talk with his son about cyberbullying
  194. (12:07:12 AM) chase_iii_warren: this is just too much
  195. (12:07:33 AM) randy_mcsoggybotto mobile: These memes are so spicy
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