
Cinder: The Burning Red Star

Mar 3rd, 2021
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  1. The room darkened as the lights danced across the ceiling, tracing a make-shift night sky, with certain stars shining brighter than others with small labels underneath them, listing their name. Others had lines tracing them together with the title of the constellation listed beside it. One star stood out among them all though, colored a deep crimson like freshly spilled blood, it's title written in a similar red. First in the native tongue of the islanders, then in another language, and finally underneath on a third line in common: Cinder.
  3. After mulling about the room, the group located a small neatly stacked pile of papers. Like the planetarium, the papers started in two languages they did not recognize except from the shop displays in town, before ending in common. It appeared to be a small script to be read to tourists who might visit. After flipping through small facts and folklore involving the local constellations and beliefs about the night sky, they found it. Cinder, the red star, had appeared only recently and was still being investigated. After digging, they found its date of origin of discovery: The same night the senior council (and Solomon) had defeated Azur Kull and quelled the Red Hand. The same day the Tiamat was unleashed.
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