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Nov 15th, 2013
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  1. Naomii joined the chat room.
  2. [10:54pm] Naomii left the chat room.
  3. [10:56pm] Naomii joined the chat room.
  4. [10:57pm] Naomii was promoted to operator by Onee-chan.
  5. [10:57pm] Naomii: Finally home >~<
  6. [10:57pm] maou-san: Welcome home.
  7. [10:57pm] Naomii: Thanks xD
  8. [10:59pm] • hotsauce2000 pokes AxionAzure
  9. [11:00pm] • Naomii pokes hotsauce2000
  10. [11:00pm] • AxionAzure pokes Ophis-chan
  11. [11:00pm] AxionAzure: welcome home Nao~
  12. [11:00pm] ultimatejam joined the chat room.
  13. [11:01pm] • Ophis-chan headbutts Zu-chan
  14. [11:01pm] • Kuupai sighs
  15. [11:01pm] hotsauce2000: Congratulations on the influx of FB likes, Naomii !
  16. [11:01pm] Naomii: Aww thanks guys~! xD
  17. [11:02pm] Naomii: I'm super excited about it too~!
  18. [11:02pm] AxionAzure: why so violent Sioxz?
  19. [11:02pm] Ophis-chan: i felt like it
  20. [11:02pm] AxionAzure: sorry for using thy name over something so trivial
  21. [11:06pm] Naomii: AxionAzure~
  22. [11:07pm] Naomii: I need a nicknme for you.
  23. [11:07pm] Nobunaga_Lavi: im told naomi wants to speak to me
  24. [11:07pm] Naomii: Ah, wonderful Lavi.
  25. [11:07pm] Naomii: Thank you so much for coming.
  26. [11:07pm] Nobunaga_Lavi: please, no need to thank me
  27. [11:07pm] AxionAzure: please Nao, call me Zu-chan
  28. [11:08pm] Naomii: So, I've got a few things to say--they might take awhile between each while I type, but just bare with me.
  29. [11:08pm] AxionAzure: it's what the closest do
  30. [11:08pm] Naomii: (Okay Zu-chan~!)
  31. [11:08pm] Wolfscythe: ;~;
  32. [11:08pm] Wolfscythe: why Axi-kun...?
  33. [11:08pm] AxionAzure: I like Scy-chan being the only one who calls me Axi-kun
  34. [11:08pm] AxionAzure: makes Scy-chan stand out
  35. [11:08pm] Naomii: Now, if I may ask, please.
  36. [11:08pm] Naomii: Could everybody hold your heyboards steady for a bit.
  37. [11:09pm] Naomii: Maybe take this to PMs.
  38. [11:09pm] Naomii: Just sit and read.
  39. [11:09pm] Kuupai made this room moderated for normal users.
  40. [11:09pm] Naomii: Thank you so much, sorry for the trouble!
  41. [11:09pm] Nobunaga_Lavi was granted voice by Kuupai.
  42. [11:09pm] Naomii: Blah, I forgot you could do that xD
  43. [11:09pm] Naomii: And I own my own IRC channel--well two--?!?!
  44. [11:09pm] Naomii: This is blasphemy, I must study up on this more.
  45. [11:10pm] Naomii: Anywho, with all playing aside.
  46. [11:10pm] Naomii: So, I wanted to discuss some things, in the light; where every single person can see.
  47. [11:10pm] Naomii: Fuwanovel is all about transparency, aren't we Lavi?
  48. [11:10pm] Nobunaga_Lavi: youre really setting the stage, arent you sweetie
  49. [11:10pm] Naomii: I am I am.
  50. [11:11pm] Naomii: So, I'm going to talk for just a bit, then I'll hush, and ask for your answer.
  51. [11:11pm] Naomii: I'll respect your time to speak if you respect mine.
  52. [11:11pm] Naomii: Sound fair?
  53. [11:11pm] Nobunaga_Lavi: that sounds equitable
  54. [11:11pm] Naomii: Great; thanks for understanding.
  55. [11:12pm] • Nobunaga_Lavi crosses her legs, sitting in a relaxed mannee
  56. [11:12pm] Naomii: Okay, so, let me have some time to type.
  57. [11:12pm] Naomii: Sorry, I'm not as fast as Trans or Madoka!
  58. [11:13pm] zhurai: o,o
  59. [11:21pm] • Nobunaga_Lavi takes a sip of her sparkling cider
  60. [11:23pm] Naomii: Since Aaeru has been gone, a lot of things have happened. A lot of drama has gone down, and a lot of people were hurt from various things. Where the IRC is concerned, there's been a lot of disrespect, trolling, and rudeness as a whole. One month ago, I saw the crumbling state of Fuwanovel, and rushed in to protect the one thing that I find most important to me. I was voted into OP, a few people didn't like that--mostly you--, whi
  61. [11:23pm] Naomii: ch is fine. I suffered a lot of pain from coming and doing that, and I'll just leave it at that--let's bury the past as much as our human natures will allow. For a month, I have worked myself IRL, and here, to the bone. I asked to have my hours at work cut from 35 to 14-15 a week so I could be here and not only keep Fuwanovel alive, but help it prosper in Aaeru-onee-sama's absence. If you haven't read it already, here's what Fuwa
  62. [11:23pm] Naomii: novel has done for me, and what's contained in my heart: Fuwanovel means more than anything else in my life. I'd give anything for it, because it saved my life, and that's not a joke. I'm trying my very hardest to help my family grow; I love my family, and I love you, Lavi. I've told you 1000 times that I believe in you, and I
  63. [11:23pm] Naomii: believe that one day, you can become an OP by changing that spiteful heart that's in you, and showing us the loving heart that Fuwanovel--the hospital for the broken of heart--deserves. We're all broken people, Lavi; we all desperately search for our own salvation.
  64. [11:23pm] Naomii: But this:
  65. [11:23pm] Naomii: 22:36 - Shining Bind: Winter is coming
  66. [11:23pm] Naomii: 22:37 - Kuupai: So~?
  67. [11:23pm] Naomii: 22:38 - Shining Bind: glad to see you havent changed
  68. [11:23pm] Naomii: 22:39 - Kuupai: What were you expecting?
  69. [11:23pm] Naomii: 22:40 - Shining Bind: for you to learn your lesson
  70. [11:23pm] Naomii: 22:40 - Kuupai: Erm?
  71. [11:23pm] Naomii: 22:43 - Shining Bind: Brace yourself
  72. [11:23pm] Naomii: 22:44 - Kuupai: Don't go doing anything awkward
  73. [11:23pm] Naomii: 23:07 - Shining Bind is now Online.
  74. [11:24pm] Naomii: 23:07 - Shining Bind: nothing awkward
  75. [11:24pm] Naomii: 23:07 - Shining Bind: but Im about to shake things up
  76. [11:24pm] Naomii: 23:08 - Shining Bind: I see you and the higher-ups are hand picking a team of new mods
  77. [11:24pm] Naomii: 23:08 - Shining Bind: I also see that naomi (somehow) got her @ back
  78. [11:24pm] Naomii: 23:09 - Kuupai: And if you really wanted to be one you wouldn't have pulled that mess you did before
  79. [11:24pm] Naomii: 23:09 - Kuupai: That knocked out off the list entirely
  80. [11:24pm] Naomii: 23:09 - Shining Bind: we'll see
  81. [11:24pm] Naomii: 23:10 - Shining Bind: I was simply obligated to make contact with you
  82. [11:24pm] Naomii: 23:11 - Shining Bind: to see if the forecoming actions would actually be nessecary
  83. [11:24pm] Naomii: 23:11 - Kuupai: do know this is why I won't make you one specifically, yes?
  84. [11:24pm] Naomii: 23:11 - Kuupai: Stop being spiteful
  85. [11:24pm] Naomii: 23:11 - Shining Bind: I've given you a few more benefits than tactically nessecary
  86. [11:24pm] Naomii: 23:12 - Shining Bind: there's no spite
  87. [11:24pm] Naomii: 23:12 - Kuupai: Then what do you call it?
  88. [11:24pm] Naomii: 23:12 - Shining Bind: desire
  89. [11:24pm] Naomii: 23:12 - Shining Bind: you see
  90. [11:24pm] Naomii: 23:12 - Kuupai: Your "desire" is what's keeping you from getting it, you do know this right?
  91. [11:24pm] Naomii: 23:13 - Shining Bind: and the forecoming actions
  92. [11:24pm] Naomii: 23:13 - Shining Bind: those could be considered a threat
  93. [11:24pm] Naomii: 23:14 - Kuupai: And you do know this isn't going to get you anywhere, yes?
  94. [11:24pm] Naomii: 23:15 - Shining Bind: you see, I've made a lot of people aware of my very real grievences. and thier response to me is the chaos you now see. it will escelate or de-escelate depending on the success of my forecoming actions.
  95. [11:24pm] Naomii: 23:15 - Shining Bind: I hate to tell you this. but a lot of people dont like the way you high-ups are operating
  96. [11:24pm] Naomii: 23:15 - Kuupai: You say you're trying to help, when you're actually just making a mess of what you're trying to help with
  97. [11:24pm] Naomii: 23:15 - Kuupai: And who, exactly?
  98. [11:24pm] Naomii: 23:15 - Shining Bind: and if I fail to become a mod, they are prepared to walk away from #fuwanovel under my banner
  99. [11:24pm] Naomii: 23:16 - Shining Bind: its an extreme course of action
  100. [11:25pm] Naomii: [12:01:01 AM] Kuupai: 23:58 - Kuupai: Go poke your head in the IRC
  101. [11:25pm] Naomii: 23:58 - Shining Bind: why?
  102. [11:25pm] Naomii: 23:59 - Kuupai: So we can get this over with?
  103. [11:25pm] Naomii: 23:59 - Shining Bind: nope
  104. [11:25pm] Naomii: 23:59 - Shining Bind: not yet
  105. [11:25pm] Naomii: 23:59 - Shining Bind: my pawns wont be set till tomorrown
  106. [11:25pm] Naomii: 23:59 - Kuupai: Just go in the damn room already
  107. [11:25pm] Naomii: 23:59 - Shining Bind: its "winter is coming"
  108. [11:25pm] Naomii: 23:59 - Shining Bind: not "winter is here"
  109. [11:25pm] Naomii: This kind of hate is tearing our family apart.
  110. [11:25pm] Naomii: It's breaking my home into peices.
  111. [11:25pm] Naomii: Your actions are breaking Fuwanovel's very core rules, and the rules of decency.
  112. [11:25pm] Naomii: You've remained here this long because we all love you.
  113. [11:25pm] solidbatman joined the chat room.
  114. [11:25pm] solidbatman was promoted to operator by Onee-chan.
  115. [11:26pm] Naomii: Today, we made an open group was made to discuss the issue of our dying IRC.
  116. [11:26pm] Naomii: With Tay.
  117. [11:26pm] Naomii: (Welcome Batman~!)
  118. [11:26pm] solidbatman: oh.... crud
  119. [11:26pm] Naomii: We had a vote.
  120. [11:26pm] solidbatman left the chat room.
  121. [11:26pm] flamingspinach joined the chat room.
  122. [11:27pm] zhurai: o,o
  123. [11:27pm] Repiphany joined the chat room.
  124. [11:27pm] Naomii:
  125. [11:28pm] Naomii:
  126. [11:28pm] Naomii: We made a unanimous decision, that, for the betterment of Fuwanovel, the three of us would be named OPs, and restore the sanctity of the IRC.
  127. [11:29pm] Naomii: Wolf was added by Kuu because of her calm levelheadedness and clear, kind judgement.
  128. [11:29pm] Naomii: You've, Sensei, hurt me, and some of my family dearly.
  129. [11:29pm] Kuupai: And then removed because... well, she has reasons I'm assuming
  130. [11:30pm] Naomii: I took a long walk home to think about all this seriously.
  131. [11:30pm] zhurai: o..o
  132. [11:30pm] Naomii: Fuwanovel's IRC will not be a place where such drama will take place.
  133. [11:31pm] Naomii: The current OPs have the blessing from Tay, our leader.
  134. [11:31pm] Naomii: We act on proper judgement and compassion.
  135. [11:32pm] Naomii: Normally, for saying such stuff anywhere else, you'd be banned on the spot.
  136. [11:32pm] Naomii: However, Kuu gave me his blessing to offer you the olive branch.
  137. [11:33pm] Naomii: Please, we love you, support you, and want your happiness. I'm a human, and haven't been perfect, but I'm acting on my heart.
  138. [11:33pm] Naomii: Stop this.
  139. [11:33pm] Naomii: Stop helping cause the divide of our family.
  140. [11:34pm] Naomii: What the OPs here right now say is non-negotiable. We're not a ragtag team of idiots: we have the full blessing of authority from Fuwanovel's highest current authority.
  141. [11:35pm] Naomii: If I so as hear a peep of you continuing what you're doing, I will ban you from here permenantly; and there will be zero negotiation.
  142. [11:36pm] Naomii: So please, take my olive branch; let's build our family together; I'm begging you. I don't want to fight, let's stop this, please?
  143. [11:36pm] Naomii: It's your turn to speak now, please use it with compassion and love.
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