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a guest
Aug 12th, 2017
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  1. regulator.y0: PLEASE GET ME INTO ONE
  3. : ill see what i can do
  4. regulator.y0: GET HIM MEGGAA TILT
  5. : im on daves place 24/7
  6. : could do
  7. : just dont do obvs shit
  8. regulator.y0: pleasepleasplpelpalpls
  9. : theyd ban insta
  10. regulator.y0: pleaseplplaspel
  11. regulator.y0: just say u dont know me
  12. : how do you get them chets?
  13. : like for real
  14. : coz my old friend who cheated never said
  15. : but he fucked up and used main
  16. regulator.y0: i just knew this guy for like 5 6 years
  17. : to chet
  18. regulator.y0: from dayz
  19. regulator.y0: and then i just started talking to him again
  20. regulator.y0: and then he just u know
  21. regulator.y0: was a cheater
  22. regulator.y0: dank meme
  23. : you used them on main?
  24. regulator.y0:
  25. : thats a yeah then
  26. regulator.y0: it is
  27. : so how long till VAC lel
  28. regulator.y0: vac
  29. regulator.y0: dont make me fucking laugh
  30. : xD
  31. : you still cheating on this account then?
  32. regulator.y0: hehehe
  33. regulator.y0: secrets are called secrets because thats what they are
  34. : cheated on lan or naaaaaaaaaah fam
  35. : gambino wants to know
  36. regulator.y0: gambino
  37. regulator.y0: who know
  38. regulator.y0: who now
  39. : a rappere: got his song on now
  40. : just thought id say it xd
  41. regulator.y0: at lan
  42. regulator.y0: not even rage hack could of saved me
  43. regulator.y0: with the fatest girl i have seen in my life
  44. regulator.y0: 2 bots
  45. : so ye or nah
  46. : xD
  47. regulator.y0: couldnt find usb stick
  48. regulator.y0: was in a rush
  49. : lmao
  50. regulator.y0: train was early
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