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- By CloneTrooper1019
- You'll probably need the following stuff:
- Blender (v2.66 or later):
- Blender Source Tools (Install it as a plugin. There should be a guide on that page somewhere)
- Crowbar:
- VTFEdit:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Open up Blender
- * Hit A twice, and press the Delete key (to get rid of the useless stuff)
- * Import your model into Blender (File - Import - Wavefront (obj))
- * Right click on a part in your model (If your model is just a single part, skip this part)
- * Press A to select everything else, and then hit Ctrl + J
- * Go into Edit Mode
- * Hit A, select the Axis Tool, and move the stuff to the center of your model's origin ( that yellow dot thing )
- * Move your model to the center of the grid stuff
- * Select the scale tool, Drag on an axis, and the resize thing should appear in the bottom left
- * From there, make sure all constraints are checked, and set the X/Y/Z values to a number around 8-12 (Source uses a larger scale)
- * If your model uses multiple textures, its IMPORTANT that you convert it into a single texture.
- * Unfortunately it is beyond me to explain how to do this, so if you are in this situation, watch this video (as it helped me a lot):
- * At the right hand side of the screen under the scene hierarchy, there should be a bunch of buttons.
- * The one on the very left being the render settings (it looks like a camera).
- * Two buttons to the right of that, should be a button that looks like a light with a grey sphere and a blue cylinder.
- * If you installed the Blender Source Engine tools correctly, scrolling down to the bottom should reveal something that says
- Source Engine Export.
- * Create a new folder on your desktop. You will use this to host all of the files and stuff.
- * When you see the Source Engine Export, click it (if its not open already) and set the export path to the folder you created
- * Where it says "Export Format" make sure its set to SMD (as I'm not sure if DMX works with this).
- * Finally, go to File - Export, and select Source Engine (.smd .vtx .dmx)
- * If your model has a texture, make sure you save it as a .TGA file in the folder that you exported your smd file.
- * Open up the smd file using notepad, and Hit Ctrl + H. Make sure you replace whatever image is present (for example, House.png or Handle.png) with the name of your tga file (Its important that no extensions are present to prevent issues)
- * Now here's where the fun begins. In order to actually compile this smd file into a .mdl file to be used in source, you need to
- write a QC file in NotePad.
- * A QC file is a script which controls the process of compiling SMDs into a binary model that can be loaded into a game.
- * Luckily, its not too hard.
- * The first thing you need to do is open Notepad, and paste the contents of the following pastebin url into it:
- *
- * Once you paste it, save it in the folder where you exported your model as "idle.smd"
- * This file will be used to make your prop a static non-animated prop.
- * If you wanted your model to be animated, thats a WHOLEEEEE DIFFERENT story and unfortunately I can't help you with that. Sorry ;)
- * Now we're going to write the QC file. Below I have provided an example QC file. If you'd like to know more information on some of these commands, feel free to check this out:
- * Make sure to change things accordingly based on how I labeled them.
- * When the model is compiled, it will be located in a newly created roblox folder found in the model folder, found within the games files. The model will search in materials\models\roblox for the vmt file and vtf file (the textures for your model) but we'll get to that in a moment.
- * Here is the example file:
- * Once you have adjusted everything to your needs, save it as a .qc file in the folder you exported your model. Your model is now ready to compile!
- * Open up the Crowbar application, and select the Compiler tab.
- * Set the Game you want to compile for (preferrably Gmod for testing) and select the QC file that you just created.
- * Once that is all set, press the Compile QC File button located at the bottom of Crowbar.
- * Congratulations! You have successfully ported a roblox model into the source engine.
- * Open up VTFEdit
- * Import the texture map of your character
- * Open the directory of the game you compiled the model to.
- * Go the materials folder, and open the models folder inside of the materials folder
- * If you haven't created a folder called roblox in this folder (or whatever you set your directory), do so now
- * Depending on what you named the tga file in the smd file, you need to save your imported image as that name in the folder. Source will search for it based on the name of the model's material.
- * If all went well, your model should be textured in-game now. If not, there are better guides online probably.
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