

Oct 19th, 2016
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  1. There are 3 Academies for Pokemon and everything Pokemon related such as Pokemon centers, marts, contests, and more...Our main 2 MCs are aspriring trainers who aims to become the best trainers ever in their region of Akanenia where the Ylisse Academy awaits for them...Ylisse have an even focus on Battlling and Non-Battling where they focus on each trainer's individual strength and groom them
  3. Jalen
  4. Rhiannon
  5. Lucina
  6. Severa
  7. Inigo
  8. Brady
  9. Kjelle
  10. and more.
  12. St.Nohr is located in the region of Germany and is the nation's captial. The Nation of German focus more on battling if anything, developing many new ways to focus their Pokemon's power, at the cost of being behind on many subjects, most noticeably Pokemon Health and Contests, Nohr boasts some of the world's best trainers.
  14. Siegbert
  15. Forrest
  16. Paul
  17. Diego
  18. Nina
  19. Soleil
  20. Percy
  21. And more
  24. Hoshido, while not bad in the Battling department, They boast far more of their progress in Pokemon healthcare, Agriculture, And Contests. Nevertheless, Hoshido have plenty of strong and capable Pokemon Trainers in their Hoshido Gakkou(Japanese for School) along with outstanding Doctors and Contesters..
  26. Shiro
  27. Kiragi
  28. Hisame
  29. Mitama
  30. Asuna
  31. Midori
  32. and more
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