
F1 Anon - Chapter 25

Nov 11th, 2015
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  1. Formula 1 Anon Chapter 25
  4. "In F1, too many things overshadow the racing. There is too much politics" - Kimi Raikkonen.
  8. >It's been 6 hours since the Fillydelphia Grand Prix ended. After the news report of Spitfire's literal banishment from Formula 1, and the ensuing conflict between Anon and Rainbow Dash over Anon's intentions of helping the Wonderbolt get her licence back. The Cloudsdale Weather #2 driver and her Crew Chief have since made it back to the hotel. Rainbows head a little cooler from before, having had time to think about the whole situation.
  10. >*At the top of the hour, Stay tuned for new details on how Wonderbolts Racing plans on fighting the ruling that banned Spitfire from competition.*
  11. >"Can you turn that off Twilight?" Rainbow asks over from the kitchen area of her hotel room.
  12. >Twi, sitting on the couch, clicks the television off. Then tosses the remote to the other side of the seat.
  13. >"Thanks." Dash says, pouring herself a cup of the complimentary cider given to all Formula One teams who stayed at the hotel for the weekend.
  14. >"This is exactly what I need right now." Dash quietly mutters to herself.
  15. >"Can you pour me a cup?" Twilight says, rising from the couch.
  16. >"Sure. Nothing beats Sweet Apple Acres eh?"
  17. >Twilight replies "You got that right." as Rainbow finishes pouring into the cup
  18. >Now at the counter, Twilight grabs her cup and motions for a toast by raising the glass to the air. Dash slowly follows suit.
  20. >"To your first win." Twilight says.
  21. >"And to many more." Rainbow adds. Glasses klang and you both down your drinks in one go.
  23. >"Ahh. Love this stuff." Twilight says, setting her empty glass down.
  24. >"Want another?" inquires Rainbow.
  25. >"No thanks. One is enough for now." Twilight exhales, "I wish Anon could be here celebrating with us."
  26. >"Yeah. If it wasn't for that damn-"
  27. >"Stop." Twilight interjects. "You really need to get over Spitfire. You're gonna lose your shot at the championship if this attitude continues over into the final race at Ponyville."
  28. >"Sorry." Rainbow rolls her eyes, "I've just gone through alot today."
  29. >"We all have Rainbow. This Grand Prix today took a ton out of every team. Some more so than others."
  30. >Rainbow walks to the couch and flops over to lie down. After a silent few moments, she asks: "Where did everyone finish? I didn't even catch the results at all today."
  31. >"Here." Twilight grabs her personal After Action Report and gives it to Rainbow. Situating herself to a reading position, Dash flips to the last page displaying the final results from today's race.
  33. -----
  35. *Official results of the Fillydelphia Grand Prix*
  37. 1. Rainbow Dash
  38. 2. Spitfire
  39. 3. Octavia
  40. 4. Cloud Chaser
  41. 5. Aloe
  42. 6. Vinyl Scratch
  43. 7. Lotus
  44. 8. Soarin
  45. 9. Blossomforth
  46. 10. Thunderlane
  47. 11. Anonymous - - - Out - Crash
  48. 12. Flitter - - - - Out - Crash
  52. Drivers Championship Standings
  54. 1. Rainbow Dash - - 37
  55. 2. Spitfire - - - - 26
  56. 3. Anonymous - - - 25
  57. 4. Soarin - - - - - 22
  58. 5. Vinyl Scratch - 18
  59. -- Cloud Chaser - - 18
  60. 7. Thunderlane - - 16
  61. 8. Octavia - - - - 15
  62. 9. Aloe - - - - - - 10
  63. -- Lotus - - - - - 10
  64. 11. Blossomforth - 3
  65. 12. Flitter - - - - 2
  67. -----
  70. >"Well at least he isn't dead last." Rainbow says, closing the folder and giving it back to Twilight. "Why did it have to be him? Of course the guy who starts this whole thing has to have a horrible accident two races in!"
  71. >"I'm just happy he's ok." Twi says, sitting down at the foot of the couch, "Yes he's out of commission for three weeks, and yes that does hurt our team standings. He's alive though. You gotta put things into perspective Dash."
  72. >Rainbow huffs. "Yeah. I guess you're right."
  73. >lying there silent in thought, looking out the window at the colorful Fillydelphia sunset, Dash speaks up after a few moments. "You have no idea how happy I was when I walked into his room and he looked straight at me. I was happier than when I won the race earlier just seeing him there awake."
  74. >"You were just as much of a mess as he was." Twilight laughs. "Dirty and sweaty in that fire suit from the race, and that helmet head? Ugh."
  75. >"Oh shut up, we had a hell of a moment." Dash says, smiling.
  76. >The two share a short giggle before Twilight turns to gaze out the window at the huge island below housing the circuit.
  77. >"What will you do if Anon manages to get Spitfire's licence back before the final race?"
  78. >"Punch him. Hard." replies Rainbow without missing a beat.
  79. >"Not too hard I hope. Remember, he'll still be recovering from that concussion."
  80. >"He'll be fine. I'm not gonna cripple him." Dash grabs the remote. "I'm just going to show him how much I didn't want her to be in the final race with a solid strike to the arm." Dash says pointing the remote to her friend. "He'll be lucky if it doesn't fracture."
  81. >"Don't hit him that hard!" Twilight pleads, "I still need him for next season!"
  82. >"I'm kidding Twilight." says Dash showing a small smirk. Twilight looks at her with an eyebrow raised.
  83. >"Are you sure you're kidding?" says Twilight, "Judging from when you stormed out of his room earlier, you seemed like you would have been willing to break anything that got in your way."
  84. >"Yeah." Dash says. "Now that I've had time to think though, I think I reacted a little over the top back there. I'm still frustrated with him, I'm just really not 'that' mad at him."
  85. >"Well that's good." a relieved Twilight states. "I didn't want to see you guys break up already after what, half a day?"
  87. >"I was never going to do that in the first place. Why would I break up with him over something as asinine as a simple disagreement?" Rainbow says, trying to balance the tv remote on her nose.
  89. >"I don't know. I've just never seen you that irritated. I had every reason to expect the worst." Twilight says giving out a laugh.
  90. >"Eh, I guess I'm just unpredictable." Dash states, before immediately losing balance of the remote. "dammit."
  91. >Just then, a worrying thought crosses Rainbows mind.
  92. >"You don't think he'll immediately want to go to Canterlot, do you?"
  93. >"I wouldn't think so." Twi replies. "I think Wonderbolts Racing said that they were going to appeal on Wednesday anyway. So I don't see why he would."
  94. >Rainbow continues "I don't know why I thought that. It's probably because I haven't really spent any real time with Anon yet since last night. You know, just sitting around and chatting. Enjoying each others company."
  95. >"He doesn't seem like the kind of person who would do that anyway Rainbow. Trust me, he'll come home with us. For at least a couple days."
  96. >"I sure hope so." Dash says staring up at the ceiling.
  97. >"Well what say we start packing up for tomorrow?" says Twi, getting up from the couch and heading towards her room.
  98. >"Sounds like a plan." Dash yawns. "Lemme stay here for a while though. I'm absolutely exhausted and this couch is heavenly."
  99. >"Sure." agrees Twilight, "I'll see you in the morning then."
  102. ----
  105. >Ah, fresh air. Finally outside in the Fillydelphia sun.
  106. >Twilight is on your left, Rainbow hovering to your right, all of you carrying your respective luggage heading toward the train station.
  107. >Ankle feels like shit, but you can stand on it at least. Twilight insisted to get your luggage for you, but you declined. This is nothing you haven't been able to handle before.
  108. >Even though you only spent a night in that hospital room. You could have sworn it felt like 2 solid years went by.
  109. >Considering everything that happened, yeah, of course it would feel like that. Also, not being allowed to sleep because of your injury didn't help matters.
  110. >You had pretty much the worst incident of your racing career yesterday. Your prized racing vehicle is no more.
  111. >Fuck, you really had a soft spot for that thing. Had a chance at clinching the actual F1 Drivers Championship back on Earth with it.
  112. >Was the best car you ever drove. By far.
  113. >But oh well, you gotta move on. That's just life sometimes.
  114. >At least you've got the thunderbolt cutie mark shard that Rainbow recovered for you. That's gonna be a hell of a good luck charm you bet.
  115. >Speaking of Rainbow, she is a bit more calm today compared to when you last saw her. Seems like her and Twilight had a talk last night.
  116. >She doesn't want to hurt you as much now it looks like, but you're sure there is still some animosity towards that Wonderbolt.
  117. >As the three of you enter the foyer of Fillydelphia's main train station, Twilight speaks up.
  119. >"So. Are you gonna go to Canterlot or are you coming home with us?"
  121. >Ah ok. That's why Dash has been quiet this morning.
  122. >Looking at her, you can tell that she wants you to come home. Doing anything else, with what happened this weekend, would just be horrible, you think.
  123. >"I would really like to go home. I can go in and state my case in Canterlot at any time. Besides, Everypony in Ponyville needs to know I'm ok."
  124. >With that, Dash slowly approaches and hugs you. "Thank you." She replies with a relieved sigh.
  125. >As you return the embrace, Twilight walks over and purchases 3 tickets to Ponyville.
  127. >You can deal with those stewards later. For now, friends and... Family... are your top priority.
  130. ------
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