

Sep 23rd, 2018
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  1. Update 1:
  2. Added FOV slider to the options menu
  3. Added ability to delete each save independently
  4. Updated ordering of PAK files to improve loading times up through Skyhenge
  5. Tweaks to volumetric fog in many areas to reduce load on the GPU
  6. Optimization of Kael’s Rudiment VFX to improve performance issues in combat
  7. Fix for puzzle weapons not saving their puzzle state if they were equipped when solved
  8. Fix to puzzle weapon crafting icons to remove stretching issues
  9. Updated materials on some puzzle weapons handles not displaying properly on high, medium, low quality settings
  10. Increased speed of Rain of Arrows enemy animations to reduce slowdown
  11. Fix to a crash when pressing End Turn when the player has an exploding arrow on that would kill them after the turn
  12. Added skill tree icons in subterfuge for lockpick and mastery
  13. Raised FPS cap on smoothing to 260
  14. Fixes to Inner Peace, Mindful, and Quick Thinking to not activate only once
  15. Added windowed mode drop down to replace checkbox
  16. Fix for game softlocking if a tutorial popped up right as a note was read
  17. Fix for electric boon line crash with certain abilities proccing out of combat
  18. Fix for a combatants kill action that could be triggered multiple times and after the end of combat screen which could cause a soft lock, notably with conjurers mark
  19. Fix for activating a standing stone right as combat starts causing a soft lock
  20. Fix for 2 handed weapons with 2 skills that were losing the first skill when level loading or training skills
  21. Fix for issue where combat statuses weren’t being removed after combat
  22. Removed the ability to destroy ink recipes in Mangar’s Tower
  23. Updated Mangar’s horde fight in Mangar’s Tower so traps go away when defeated after save/load
  24. Fixed a fairy golf collision issue in Baedish Lowlands
  25. Audio improvements to final game scene
  26. Removed code that auto sets controller functionality if a gamepad is connected. Gamepad functionality will be added in patch 3
  27. Updated Blessing of Mathan VFX to remove untextured squares
  28. Drunk tutorial should no longer fire off when stepping into a trap
  29. Added aspect ratio adjustments when resolution is changed
  30. Fix for changing between resolution, language, and fullscreen in the options menu causing the game resolution to revert to 1 x 1
  31. Switched Sybale’s background VFX to the rogues set instead of the bards set
  32. Fix for issue where pausing the game in certain (spoilers removed) cutscenes could cause the game to be unresponsive
  33. Updates to floating damage text for readability
  34. Fixed Rabbie’s FaceFX for Snow in Summer song.
  35. Fix for issue where level transitions while dual wielding two main hand weapons would destroy the main hand weapon and dupe the offhand weapon
  36. Fix for Elven wine tooltip to show amount of spell points you generate on use
  37. Small walkability fix in Fichti forest
  38. Fighter’s mana bar shows up now if they have the Veteran passive
  39. Updated traps in base of Song of the Sentry to deal damage to the whole party
  40. Updated text on skill points tutorials
  41. Fix to Harkyn’s Castle and logic puzzle quests to properly complete
  42. Fix to secret doors in Iwon Reg that became impassable after save/load
  43. Fix for an issue where an equipped trinket would duplicate if a consumable trinket was swapped with it
  44. Made the Torr Fion key a quest item
  45. Can no longer spam a lever in Mangar’s tower that would restrict the skulls
  46. Fixed Show North so it’s not useable in combat
  47. Fix for bug where mana was using the current mana value and not the max mana value with certain items
  48. Fix for wraith sub-abilities not respecting mana costs
  49. Update to a combat space in Iwon Reg that was on top of spikes
  50. Fix for an issue in Baedish Forest where there was a chance to get stuck in a combat space
  52. Hotfix:
  53. Fixed a possible sequence break in the Isle of Stronsea where the player could speak with the selkie sisters before they should be able to.
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