

May 4th, 2023
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  1. BetterBypasser is an script that will automatically bypass words based on a dictionary. This dictionary can be viewed in the console by pressing FN + F9, if the desired word you want to say is not there, make sure to let me know! This is not client-sided and is visible to everyone but except possibly those who are under 13.
  4. The keybind setting enables or disables BetterBypasser.
  8. Method 1 has a X character below in the words. This works very good in forming sentences, e.g "shut up bitch" would be bypassed as "bitch" has those X character below.
  10. Method 2 consists of a emoji letter rectangle and arabic letter. The arabic letter is in between the emoji rectangle letters. Works greatly in forming sentences but it kinda looks shit lmao.
  12. Method 3 has similar unicodes and invis letters so you can say words like "pussy" with no symbols whatsoever and with no tagging! It will look like you actually bypassed ROBLOX's Chat Filter but is very popr in sentence forming. e.g. you cant say "you are a pussy" since it would tag. However in the next update, this will be updated with pre-made sentences, e.g. "suck a cock hoe"
  14. In order to not get banned, a anti-chat logging system has been built in order to not get banned. To the mods, it will look like you have said nothing and therefore, you cannot get banned. However, this sometimes slips and in the next update, this will be strengthened so that there is absolutely NO CHANCE of getting banned while using BetterBypasser!
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