
Fatty Farty Flutters

Mar 8th, 2015
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  1. “Oh dear oh dear oh dear.”
  3. Fluttershy ran around her cottage in a panic. Angel sat on the couch watching the panicked pony rush every which way, until she game to a quick halt. “Angel, are you sure you haven’t seen them? I’ve looked everywhere!” The bunny shook his head and Fluttershy went right back to panicking.
  5. “OH no oh no! I set them down on the counter ten minutes ago and now they’re gone! It’ll take all day to whip up another batch that’s just right, but the picnic is in a few hours, they’ll never be ready in time!” She ran back to the kitchen, searching high and low before she came running back out. “They can’t have just left, they had to-“
  7. She was finally silenced when she ran headlong into a figure suddenly standing in the center of her room. She rubbed her head as the figure leaned down.
  9. “I can hear you panicking from all the way in Canterlot.” he said. “Fluttershy, what are you fretting about this time?”
  11. “Discord! They’re gone! The cookies I spent all day baking are gone!”
  13. She continued to fret as Discord brought his paw to his face. “Cookies? Is that what this is about?”
  15. “I made a batch of cookies to bring to a picnic we’re having later tonight when we stargaze.” Fltutershy continued. “And I set them on the windowsill to cool, and now they’re gone! I’ve looked everywhere in the house to see if I misplaced them, but I can’t find them anywhere! I think somepony stole them right out of the window when I wasn’t looking!” She flopped down on the couch, sniffling. “A-And now the cookies are gone and I don’t have anything to bring after I promised them I would bring the cookies and….”
  17. “Fluttershy.” Discord interrupted. “I know being nervous is sort of your thing and far be it from me to question an expert, but you cannot tell me you are this emotional and nervous over a plate of cookies.” Fluttershy looked up at Discord, sniffling as big blubbery tears poured down her cheeks. “Oh, okay yes you are.”
  19. Fluttershy kept sobbing as Discord looked around the room, trying to figure out something that he could do. Suddenly, something crossed his mind, and a mischievous grin appeared on his face. Angel took note of it and tried to motion to Fluttershy, but Discord waved him off and took Fluttershy by the hoof.
  21. “Well, if the cookies were meant for your friends, and they meant so much to you, then we’ll just have to replace them, won’t we?” Discord said.
  23. “I don’t have the time! They took hours to put together!”
  25. “Ha!” Discord laughed. “That doesn’t mean anything to me. Watch this!” He carefully cracked the knuckles on his paw, then dramatically raised it and snapped his fingers. In a flash of light, a plate of cookies appeared on the floor in front of them. “Viola! One delicious plate of cookies a’la Discord, for the lovely pony.”
  27. She gasped “Discord! They look amazing!” She wiped her face off and wrapped her hooves around Discord’s body in a tight hug. “Thank you so much!”
  29. “Oh, don’t mention it. After all, that’s what friends are for, right?” Fluttershy jumped off the couch to look at the cookies as Discord looked over at Angel. Angel seemed suspicious, but Discord just stuck his tongue out at the bunny. “It was just a simple plate of cookies, nothing difficult to re-create.
  31. “They’re so tasty, too!”
  33. Discord looked down to see Fluttershy excitedly finishing off one of the cookies. He gulped.
  35. “Wait, you had one now? I was thinking you were saving that for your…. that is, our…. friends, later!” Discord stammered.
  37. “Well I had to try one! You were nice enough to provide them, so I wanted to compliment you on-“ She suddenly stopped as her stomach groaned loudly. She rubbed it, only for the groaning and sloshing within to continue. “Oooooh, my stomach feels odd….”
  39. As she rubbed her stomach, she gasped as she could feel it begin to swell out. In only a few seconds, it looked as though she had just eaten a gigantic meal, her stomach round and soft. She prodded it a few times in shock.
  41. “Discord!” She yelled, looking up at him in annoyance.
  43. Discord smiled. “Okay, in the interest of full disclosure, I may have applied a special little spell to the cookies.”
  45. Fluttershy was about to respond when a loud grumble came from her expanded belly, and a pressure built up inside quickly.
  49. A large and noisy fart erupted from Fluttershy’s petite behind, causing her to gasp in embarrassment. “E-E-Excuse me…..”
  51. Discord giggled. “Okay, two spells.”
  53. “Discord!!”
  55. Discord turned away in defiance. “Well excuse me for wanting to bring a little levity to the picnic with a harmless prank. I thought it would be quite funny to see the six of you, all fat and farty. I have a counter spell so it would have been a momentary bit of fun, nothing more.”
  57. Discord waited, but there wasn’t an immediate response. When he turned around, he saw something he wasn’t quite expecting; Fluttershy was rubbing her newly grown paunch with both hooves, a pronounced blush on her face, biting her lower lip as if she was enjoying the moment. She looked up at Discord and her hooves stopped their massage session.. “Fluttershy, am I interrupting something?”
  59. “Oh dear, um, see, uh….” she stuttered. She awkwardly tapped her hooves together in front of her belly, her face going even redder. “Can you keep a secret? I, um… I’ve always wanted to be…. big.”
  61. “Big?”
  63. “Y-Yes.” Fluttershy, clearly embarrassed to be talking about it, tried not to look directly at Discord while she was talking. “I’ve always felt so much smaller than ever pony else. I’ve always wondered what it would be like to be bigger than everypony for once. I know there are spells and potions that can do it, but I’ve never been able to work up the courage to ask about them…..”
  65. Discord rubbed his chin. “Huh, you learn something new every day. I never would have thought you to be into something like that.” Neither one said anything for a few seconds, Discord being the one to break the silence. “So…. what are you waiting for?”
  67. Fluttershy looked up at Discord. “What?”
  69. He motioned towards the cookies. “You said you wanted to be big, yes? You saw the effect of one cookie, the rest should be enough to make you plenty big.”
  71. “R-Really? And you won’t tell anypony?”
  73. Discord smiled. “It’ll be our little secret, Fluttershy.”
  75. Fluttershy turned back to the plate of cookies, her heart now pounding not out of anxiety but in excited anticipation. Without waiting another moment she began to eat the rest of the cookies, one after another. It only took a few seconds to begin feeling the effects as she ate; her stomach quickly was bloating out again. This time, though, it was effecting more of her than just her stomach, as her butt was expanding at the same rate, quickly going from small to thick; her legs were gaining fat, and even her neck began to droop a bit. Her whole body was slowly inching outward, and by the time the plate of cookies was half empty, her stomach was pressing up against her now thicker limbs. She was just starting on the second half of the plate when the other effect of the cookies took hold.
  79. Louder and louder farts burst from her growing behind. Fluttershy momentarily stopped eating the cookies, her face going red again.
  81. “E… Excuse me.” She said, looking up at Discord. Discord just chuckled, and Fluttershy went back to the cookies, shoving them into her mouth faster and faster. Discord was amazed: he had never seen Fluttershy act like that before, so eager to do something she was clearly embarrassed about. But as he watched as she ate and continued to swell, he couldn’t help but admit he liked seeing her like that, both personality-wise and body-wise. In fact, there was something almost alluring about the way she was acting….. not to mention her new size.
  83. As Fluttershy crammed another handful of the cookies into her mouth, she felt an unexpected sensation; a tickling at the very tip of her gut. She looked down to see that her belly had grown so much that it was just beginning to press against the floor. She took the time to admire her new size; her butt extended many inches out from her body, jiggling and swaying with every move she made. Her legs were thickened trunks, sticking out of the round, soft mass of her body. She could even feel her cheeks drooping and her neck hanging more than it had before. It was just what she wanted; she was finally big, and she loved how she looked. Completely taken in by her new size, she swayed her body back and forth, watching and feeling it jiggle and loving every second of it, not noticing how mesmerized Discord was by the scene as well. There was a loud groan from her stomach, and she carefully lifted her back leg and let out one more massive fart.
  87. *Excuse me.” she shyly said again, returning to rub her large belly.
  89. “So, Fluttershy.” Discord said, floating over to her and rubbing her back, feeling how soft and plush the pegasus had become. “How does it feel to be big?”
  91. “N-Nice.” Fluttershy replied.
  93. “Nice? Nice??” Discord said. “No no, that won’t do at all.”
  95. “What?”
  97. “You can’t just feel nice. You said you’ve always wanted this, right? We’ll have to do more than just nice!”
  99. Before Fluttershy could say anything, Discord snapped his fingers. There was a bright white flash, and when it settled, a gargantuan cake sat in front of Fluttershy. It was nearly twice as big as she was, dripping with chocolate. Fluttershy’s eyes went huge as she could feel her stomach grumbling.
  101. “This whole cake? There’s no way I could eat it all!” Fluttershy said, before there was an even louder grumble from her floor-resting stomach.
  105. “Excuse me. Discord, I couldn’t possibly eat anything else, I’m completely full! Full….. and big…..” Fluttershy looked down at herself, blushing as she again took in how fat she was.
  107. “Oh, I’m willing to bet you could. Besides, you said you wanted to be big, right?” Discord rubbed the side of Fluttershy’s gut, drawing a coo from her. “The cake has the same magic as those cookies, you know. Look how big you got with just them….. now imagine how big you could be with this.”
  109. The very idea of getting even bigger sent Fluttershy’s heart racing, and she waddled her body over and took her first bite of the giant cake; it was sweet and chocolatey, more delicious than anything she had ever eaten in her life. Without hesitation she tore in, scooping hooffuls of cake into her mouth as fast as she could. She couldn’t help herself; her already massive body was craving more and more, and there was something about the cake Discord had created that almost seemed to be begging for her to eat the whole thing, even though it could have served a whole party.
  111. With each swallow, Fluttershy’s plump body swelled up more and more. Her fat had begun to fold onto itself as she grew, her belly swelling outward and pushing her further and further off the ground. Her face began to plump out and her neck was slowly disappearing under a cavalcade of fat, and her limbs were ever so slowly sinking in to the expanding fat of her body. But as she ate, it seemed like much of the fat was now going straight to her behind, which was expanding outward faster than the rest of her. Eventually her hind legs ceased to touch the ground, forcing her to reach out with her front hooves to move forward, and her cutie mark had become ridiculously stretched across her massive booty, the top of which seemed to stick out a good foot above the rest of her.
  113. And it seemed as though the bigger she got, the gassier she got. What had started as a few scattered farts had quickly become a rapid storm of flatulence, with gassy blast after gassy blast trumpeting out of her plush behind. She was deeply embarrassed at all the gas she was producing and tried to say “Excuse me” after each one, but couldn’t stop herself from continuing to eat the enchanted desert. But her body was also becoming more and more sensitive with each inch of growth, and each gas draft was making her whole body jiggle in the most pleasurable way. Discord himself took notice of how much Fluttershy’s growing body was swaying and trembling, partially entranced by how she looked and realizing just how much he loved seeing Fluttershy this way.
  115. The cake was over halfway gone and Fluttershy reached out, only for the cake to be just out of reach. She tried to take a few steps forward, only to realize that she had gotten so big that all four legs had sunken far enough into her fat that they couldn’t reach the ground.
  117. “Oh dear…. Angel, could you help out a bit?” She said, waving her hooves around helplessly. Angel climbed behind her and tried to push her forward towards the rest of the cake, but the pony’s butt had become so large and soft that his hands and arms sunk deep into the fur and flesh.
  119. “Here, let me help you with that.” Discord said, and snapped his fingers. The cake seemed to take on a life of its own, moving forward towards Fluttershy’s face.
  121. “Thank you.” she said.
  123. “Don’t mention it.” Discord said, playfully smacking Fluttershy on her massively cushy behind.
  127. The slap caused another fart to explode out of the plumping pony, so loud and forceful that it shook the room and sent Angel flying back, tumbling across the floor into the wall. Fluttershy’s face went bright red.
  129. “E…. excuse me…..” she said.
  131. “You don’t need to keep saying that.” Discord said. “I assure you, I don’t mind. You’re cute when you’re big and gassy like this, in fact.”
  133. Fluttershy smiled, then a loud grumble from her stomach sent another wave of hunger through her and she turned back to the cake suddenly noticing that she reached far higher up near it than she did just a minute ago; her belly had grown so much that it was now lifting her several feet above the ground. Without even needing her hooves she dove back in, eating more and more of what was left of the cake. Her body now began to grow exponentially, ballooning outward in every direction as fat folded and layered on top of fat, and her butt cheeks continued to balloon outward. She was nearing the end of the cake when she felt an intense pressure building inside her again.
  137. She had grown so impossibly massive that the immense fart caused her fat to ripple and jiggle, sending pleasurable tingles through her whole body. It felt so nice that it overrode any embarrassment she had left, and she closed her eyes and let them rip.
  141. Her whole body jiggled, and this time she just giggled at her flatulence before returning to the cake and going after the final few mounds left.
  143. Discord stood completely stiff in the corner of the room, just watching the entire scene unfold. There was a permanent blush affixed to his face and a trickle of blood coming from his nose as he watched Fluttershy grow and grow. He knew that the cake would make her big, but he hadn’t expected her to get this big; her body now took up a good portion of the center of the room, while her butt was so massive that the top of it stretched higher than the top of his head. He was absolutely infatuated with her new figure, and as her whole body shook from another room-shaking fart, he couldn’t help himself anymore. He rushed over and wrapped his arms around her butt in a tight hug; she was so gigantic that he was only able to grab one of her cheeks, and he snuggled his head into her girth.
  145. With every bite of food, Discord could feel Fluttershy growing fatter and fatter. Her plush, massive butt pressed itself into his body, enveloping him in the mountain of ass-flesh. It was constantly vibrating and shaking from every movement Fluttershy made. Discord couldn't help himself and he worked his way over to be directly behind her, burrying his face into her titanic butt crack and letting himself be smothered by her booty. He reached out and massaged both of her cheecks with each claw, causing Fluttershy to gasp at the incredible feeling, then lightly moan as each grope and massage sent her body into rivulets of ecstacy.
  147. As he buried his head further, Fluttershy could feel her stomach start to grumble lightly.
  149. "Um... Discord..." she said. "You should move..."
  151. Discord reached back with one hand and snapped his fingers, then again grabbed Fluttershy's butt. Fluttershy gasped as the grumbling suddenly got significantly louder and the most immense pressure yet built up at such a rapid pace that she was unable to stop it.
  155. A powerful fart yet exploded out of Fluttershy. The gas blasted into Discord, so forcefully that he had to hold on tight to the cart-sized booty in front of him, the rest of his body being blown back by the gas. The fart continued for seconds on end, Fluttershy's face going red as the pressure slowly was pushed out of her.
  157. When the gas finally subsided, she looked back. Discord was still holding onto Fluttershy's butt, the rest of him pressed up against her masssive cheeks. His face was bright red, a dreamy look in his eyes as hearts fluttered overhead.
  159. Fluttershy blushed. "You're enjoying this, aren't you?"
  161. Discord nodded. "In fact, if you don't mind a bit of indulgence..." he reached up and snapped his finger twice.
  163. Within seconds, another groan came from Fluttershy's stomach, even louder than before. She felt her stomach grow out by several feet as the pressure quickly raced through her to her behind, and Angel leapt for cover behind a chair.
  167. An even louder, longer fart exploded out of the giant pony, lifting Discord completely off the ground as he hung on to Fluttershy's butt to keep from blowing back into the wall. The gas continued for a full minute, sending furniture scattering around the room as Fluttershy's whole body rumbled, until finally the gass petered out. Fluttershy exhailed a long sigh of bliss as Discord snuggled himself further in between her massive butt cheeks.
  169. Fluttershy could feel Discord massaging her behind, but she didn’t mind; it was an amazing sensation. She took the last handful of cake and popped it into her mouth, swallowing it with a satisfied gulp and feeling her body make one last surge outward. Discord could feel her butt pressing back on him and he cuddled in deeper, the two not saying anything for a few moments.
  171. Discord finally tore himself away from her behind and strolled alongside the new Fluttershy. Her body nearly reached to the ceiling, with her butt just grazing it. Fat was folded on top of fat, but there was still a soft roundness to her body that made her sway almost elegantly back and forth with every breath. Fluttershy tried turning her head to admire herself, but there was so much flesh surrounding her that she couldn’t get a good look. Discord, seeing her dilemma, snapped his fingers, causing a massive mirror to appear in front of her. She looked at herself; her body stretching so far in every direction, her butt reaching the ceiling, every little movement causing her to shake, and the view made her smile.
  173. “Now then, I’ll ask again.” Discord said. “How does it feel to be big?”
  175. Fluttershy sighed. "Wonderful." She shifted her weight around, admiring herself in the mirror, then giggled. "Oh my, I didn't realize I was this big. If I got any biger I'd..."
  177. She stopped talking. Discord took the trip around her to find that she was staring at herself in the mirror, her face bright red."You'd.... what?"
  179. "I'd... break my house apart," Fluttershy said, her voice extremely quiet.
  181. Discord's face went red too, before a mischeavous grin spread across it. "Well, I think we can accomplish that."
  183. "Oh, no!" Fluttershy said, trying to shake the blush from her chubby cheeks. "I'm already so big and gassy, I could never get b-bigger. And ponies would surely notice, and my house would-"
  185. Discord held a finger up to her mouth and shook his head.
  187. "Oh don't you worry about that," Discord said. "I'll make sure your house is fine. In fact, I can promise you that no matter how big you get, nopony will notice."
  189. "Are you sure?"
  191. Discord snapped his fingers and there was a flash, then leaned forward and gave her a long kiss on the forehead. "I assure you, this is as much for my own enjoyment as yours."
  193. Fluttershy turned and gasped; hundreds upon hundreds of cookies were floating in front of her. Despite being almost big enough to fill the room, her stomach suddenly rumbled, as though she was hungrier than she ever had been in her life. Without hesitation, she opened her mouth and cookies began to fly in.
  195. The effect was practically immediate. With each cookie she swallowed, she ballooned out another few inches, and with how quickly she was eating them, her growth was like a hot-air balloon inflating. Furniture was pushed out of the way of her growing belly, her butt began to press tighter and tighter along the walls and ceiling. Discord snuggled himself into her massive booty as he found himself squeezed against the wayy, completely enveloped by fur and flesh.
  197. Fluttershy continued to wolf down the special cookies, her body filling out every inch of the cottage. She moaned as she could feel herself pressing against every wall, every inch of the ceiling, the whole cottage beginning to rumble.
  199. With one great
  204. The massive fart that erupted from Fluttershy's ever-growing behind caused a huge chunk of the wall of her house to burst away and go flying off into the forest. The gas continued, blowing over several trees completely and shaking the foundation of the rapidly crumbling cottage. The rest of the wall wasn't far behind, as her growing booty pressed up against it and cracked it open. Her belly pressed her
  206. Fluttershy wobbled back and forth, her every move shaking the ground, until she lost her balance and fell back. In a flash, Discord snapped his fingers and disappeared; an instant later, he re-appeared under the rapidly-growing shadow beneath her. Fluttershy's mountain-sized butt cheeks slammed down into the ground with enough force to leave craters; the rest of her body rumbled and jiggled as she settled. Discord found himself completely envealoped in fur and flesh on all sides. With a grin, he snapped his fingers. Far above, Fluttershy's belly, nwhich was so large the top was poking above the clouds, gave a groan that made all of Equestria shake. Fluttershy giggled.
  208. "Oh dear..." she said with a smile.
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