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  2. Session Start: Wed Dec 28 15:31:22 2011
  3. Session Ident: #terrariatalk
  4. 03[15:31] * Now talking in #terrariatalk
  5. 03[15:31] * sets mode: +nt
  6. 03[15:31] * Tiy ( has joined #terrariatalk
  7. [15:31] <Tiy> o_O
  8. [15:31] <Tiy> why do we need an irc channel for just the two of us
  9. 01[15:31] <@Scizor300> not the two of us
  10. [15:31] <Tiy> im not around much longer
  11. 03[15:32] * kathy (Mibbit@kathy/kathy) has joined #terrariatalk
  12. 01[15:32] <@Scizor300> one of my friends was banned for voicing his opinions in #terraria, so
  13. 01[15:32] <@Scizor300> i'd figure it would be a bit easier to do it in here
  14. [15:32] <kathy> scizor300
  15. [15:32] <kathy> what
  16. [15:32] <kathy> oh shit gotta go
  17. [15:32] <kathy> brb
  18. 03[15:33] * ZarroTsu ( has joined #terrariatalk
  19. 01[15:33] <@Scizor300> thanks for taking the time to at least listen, tiy
  20. 01[15:33] <@Scizor300> here's zarro
  21. [15:33] <kathy> hi
  22. [15:33] <Tiy> ok but I realllly dont have much time
  23. [15:33] <Tiy> so this will have to be quick :P
  24. [15:33] <Tiy> its late here
  25. [15:33] <ZarroTsu> Alright so I'm assuming Tiy at least read over the topic Sciz mentioned?
  26. 01[15:33] <@Scizor300> yeah, i linked him to it when i first posted it
  27. [15:33] <Tiy> sure I had a look
  28. [15:33] <ZarroTsu> I'd like to know his/her opinion on the matter
  29. [15:33] <Tiy> link me again real quick
  30. 01[15:34] <@Scizor300> alright
  31. [15:34] <ZarroTsu>
  32. [15:34] <ZarroTsu> I also have another post at #3, then some dork sort of derailed the topic with spazztic fandefenses
  33. [15:35] <Tiy> ah right, yup I remember reading this
  34. [15:35] <ZarroTsu> My general problem, in summary, is I feel that the numbers in hardmode are too high
  35. [15:35] <ZarroTsu> While yes, of course easymode will eventually reach a point where everything from there is rendered superfluous
  36. [15:36] <ZarroTsu> "Immediately after" is hardly an ideal location for this to take place
  37. [15:36] <Tiy> Why do you think the numbers are too high
  38. [15:36] <Tiy> do you think the game is too difficult?
  39. [15:36] <Tiy> or?
  40. [15:36] <ZarroTsu> I feel that the difficulty is false
  41. [15:36] <ZarroTsu> the difficulty is not that inwhich we are actually given a hard time
  42. [15:37] <ZarroTsu> instead we are given the situation where enemies simply take a massive number of hits to kill
  43. [15:37] <ZarroTsu> rather than making the game difficult, it makes it tedius
  44. [15:37] <Tiy> I see
  45. [15:38] <ZarroTsu> assuming you're spelunking for cobalt ore for the first time, and enemy like the armored skeleton takes far too many hits to kill, even with night's edge (Which is probably the only easymode item to find some use in hardmode, until you produce a phasesaber)
  46. [15:38] <ZarroTsu> an enemy*
  47. [15:38] <ZarroTsu> I'm not saying everything should die in one hit with the best available weapons
  48. [15:39] <ZarroTsu> but they shouldn't take forever to kill with the less-than-best
  49. [15:39] <Tiy> it sounds to me like what you're looking for is enemies and NPCs that require more skillful play to defeat and not more time
  50. [15:39] <ZarroTsu> exactly
  51. [15:39] <Tiy> i.e. NPCs that behave more intelligently or require the player to behave more intelligently to defeat them
  52. [15:39] <ZarroTsu> however, even in the case of the revamps of older AI
  53. [15:40] <ZarroTsu> they don't need to have a massive amount of HP
  54. [15:40] <Tiy> the only issue with that is, many of the players who enjoy Terraria are casual players. Whilst I can understand your desire (i grew up on games like megaman, etc) to a lot of players, this is the kind of 'difficulty' they prefer
  55. [15:40] <Tiy> the skill requirements hit a ceiling, so that the game doesnt grow beyond a casual players ability
  56. 01[15:41] <@Scizor300> that's kind of the problem
  57. 01[15:41] <@Scizor300> you should at least have some sort of availability to non-casuals
  58. [15:41] <ZarroTsu> it's not even that
  59. [15:42] <ZarroTsu> many of the people who enjoy hardmode as-is are such to the point that they're acting like hardcore players, and flaunting it outright like children. And no offense to any of the fans who don't.
  60. [15:42] <ZarroTsu> The thing with the high numbers is that, you aren't fighting these enemies one-on-one
  61. [15:42] <ZarroTsu> you're liable to fight 10 at a time
  62. [15:42] <Tiy> sure, but the point is that with the way the game is currently set out. Any player, regardless of their skill level, can progress with time
  63. [15:43] <ZarroTsu> and that's not a problem
  64. [15:43] <Tiy> if the game simply gets harder in terms of skill requirement, that cuts a lot of people off
  65. [15:43] <ZarroTsu> but the thing is
  66. [15:43] <ZarroTsu> and I mean no broken offense by it
  67. [15:44] <ZarroTsu> if you were to strip out the high numbers, would there _actually_ be something time consuming there?
  68. [15:44] <Tiy> that depends on your definition of time consuming
  69. [15:44] <Tiy> the game is priced well for casual play, and for casual players, 100s of hours is a great deal of time
  70. [15:44] <ZarroTsu> assuming your statement to allow players to progress 'with time'
  71. [15:45] <ZarroTsu> if enemies didn't have as pointlessly high HP as they do at the moment, how many hours would be shaved off of gameplay time?
  72. [15:45] <ZarroTsu> And if the answer there is "Most of it", something is wrong
  73. [15:45] <Tiy> the answer isn't most of it
  74. [15:46] <ZarroTsu> then has it been considered at all yet?
  75. [15:46] <Tiy> What hasn't?
  76. [15:46] <ZarroTsu> lowered numbers
  77. [15:47] <Tiy> The idea behind the numbers is to stop the player from mowing through the higher level mobs once they gain good hard mode equipment
  78. [15:47] <Tiy> if those numbers are lowered, all of the enemies will become fodder once you've leveled up your shit
  79. [15:47] <Tiy> and the world doesnt feel challenging at all
  80. [15:47] <ZarroTsu> And... isn't that the point?
  81. [15:47] <Tiy> No
  82. [15:48] <Tiy> there shouldnt be a point at which nothing in the world is a threat
  83. [15:48] <Tiy> that's dull
  84. [15:48] <ZarroTsu> Okay let me put this another way
  85. [15:48] <ZarroTsu> assuming there is more after hardmode, with tougher enemies and new challenges
  86. [15:49] <ZarroTsu> will hardmode as-is be toned down numerically, since it is no longer the end-game?
  87. [15:49] <ZarroTsu> because I understand where you're coming from
  88. [15:49] <Tiy> it wouldnt need to be, if the game continues to progress, the players will get stronger and the hard mode enemies wont be a threat anymore
  89. [15:50] <ZarroTsu> but
  90. [15:50] <ZarroTsu> they'll still be a threat to new players
  91. [15:50] <ZarroTsu> it's great to try to cater to the end-game
  92. [15:50] <Tiy> they should be a threat to new players
  93. [15:50] <ZarroTsu> but nobody truly PLAYS the game anymore once they reach that point
  94. [15:50] <Tiy> which point?
  95. [15:50] <ZarroTsu> hallow gear
  96. [15:51] <Tiy> it's a game
  97. [15:51] <ZarroTsu> and I'm not saying that the enemies shouldn't be threatening to new people
  98. [15:51] <Tiy> it's not supposed to last forever
  99. [15:51] <ZarroTsu> but
  100. [15:51] <ZarroTsu> you don't stand ANY chance in killing them once you start hardmode
  101. [15:51] <Tiy> at least not in its current form
  102. [15:51] <ZarroTsu> My first time in hardmode I was swarmed by upwards to 3 giant bats, a couple of armored skeles, and a few archers
  103. [15:51] <ZarroTsu> and my /molten armor/ could not stand up to them
  104. [15:52] <ZarroTsu> my /nights edge/ was meaningless against them
  105. [15:52] <Tiy> perhaps youd grown used to enemies not being a threat
  106. [15:52] <Tiy> "hard mode" is certainly playable, defeatable, if challenging
  107. [15:52] <ZarroTsu> I'm not saying that either, and I know it's beatable, I've done so
  108. [15:52] <ZarroTsu> but
  109. [15:52] <Tiy> a testament to that is the number of players that have enjoyed it and 'completed' it
  110. [15:52] <ZarroTsu> there's a gap
  111. [15:53] <ZarroTsu> There's a massive hole where difficulty should curve
  112. [15:53] <ZarroTsu> instead of a curve there is a wall there
  113. [15:53] <Tiy> the difficulty jumps
  114. [15:53] <Tiy> but the entire world changes
  115. [15:53] <Tiy> first it would be difficult to change the entire world and maintain a curve, given that the player has access to the entire world by that point and the ore distribution is random
  116. [15:53] <Tiy> second, players wanted a challenge, they wanted to feel out matched
  117. [15:53] <Tiy> and this is for those players
  118. [15:54] <ZarroTsu> but what do you do next?
  119. [15:54] <Tiy> there are a million ways we could take the game
  120. 01[15:54] <@Scizor300> well, you can make them feel outmatched without just giving everything a massive boost in health and ATP
  121. [15:54] <ZarroTsu> Do you continue to challenge the very, very few players who "want a challenge", and then leave every other player to suck it up and fail?
  122. [15:54] <Tiy> Scizor300, then we're back to raising the skill requirement
  123. [15:55] <Tiy> ZarroTsu, I don't think you're in a position to know how many players want a challenge
  124. 01[15:55] <@Scizor300> it would be better for them to learn how to defeat new enemies with new challenges presented
  125. [15:55] <Tiy> I receive hundreds and hundreds of emails
  126. [15:55] <Tiy> from people telling me what they want
  127. [15:55] <Tiy> I also have sales data, forums, tweets, blablabla
  128. [15:55] <Tiy> I have a relatively good idea
  129. [15:56] <ZarroTsu> is hundreds a general or litteral term
  130. [15:56] <Tiy> literal
  131. [15:56] <Tiy> its closer to thousands
  132. [15:56] <ZarroTsu> compared to hundreds of thousands of players...
  133. [15:56] <ZarroTsu> that's a rather loose minority, honestly
  134. [15:56] <Tiy> ZarroTsu, who continue to buy and support us
  135. [15:56] <ZarroTsu> not to put words in your mouth
  136. [15:57] <Tiy> no game is all things to all people
  137. [15:57] <ZarroTsu> how about this, as an idea to throw out there, while miniscule and stupid and likely dropped because 'too many options' or something
  138. [15:58] <ZarroTsu> some specific setting that dictates, not difficulty, but how generally 'tough' enemies are numerically
  139. [15:58] <ZarroTsu> whether this is set to cope with players who want higher enemy stats for their determined fabricated 'challenge'
  140. [15:58] <Tiy> A lot of players would complain about that I think, I think players who achieve things on a higher level would feel cheated by those who turn down the numbers and achieve the same
  141. [15:58] <Tiy> players like to feel like the items and armor they've got have been earned
  142. [15:58] <Tiy> and have value based on the difficulty of earning them
  143. [15:59] <ZarroTsu> Alright then
  144. [15:59] <Tiy> the challenge isn't fabricated
  145. [15:59] <ZarroTsu> what of my heaven/hell scenario
  146. [15:59] <Tiy> it's just not the challenge you want
  147. [15:59] <Tiy> if an enemy requires you survive longer, you'll have to play well for a longer period of time
  148. [15:59] <ZarroTsu> "What if everything in the game, including you, died in only one hit"
  149. [15:59] <Tiy> that in itself is a challenge
  150. [15:59] <Tiy> that would be an interesting idea
  151. [16:00] <Tiy> i wouldnt apply it to the game though
  152. [16:00] <Tiy> perhaps a challenge or biome, where each monster does 9999 damage and has 1 health
  153. [16:00] <ZarroTsu> and why not
  154. [16:00] <ZarroTsu> well
  155. [16:00] <Tiy> because it's too much of a departure from what the game is meant to be
  156. [16:00] <ZarroTsu> assume it encompasses the whole game
  157. [16:00] <Tiy> I'm sorry I need to go, I had very little time to do this as I said
  158. [16:00] <ZarroTsu> alright
  159. [16:01] <Tiy> Zarro, we listen to what people want, and if you can get people to support your ideas we'll take them into account
  160. [16:01] <ZarroTsu> the problem is
  161. [16:01] <ZarroTsu> and no strict insults intended
  162. [16:01] <ZarroTsu> a majority of users are pedestrians who refuse change
  163. [16:01] <Tiy> those users deserve a product they enjoy too
  164. [16:01] <ZarroTsu> so does the other 50,000
  165. [16:02] <Tiy> if everyone was as unhappy with the game as you suggest
  166. [16:02] <Tiy> we wouldnt have the sales figures we have
  167. [16:02] <Tiy> or the support we have
  168. [16:02] <Tiy> anyway
  169. [16:02] <Tiy> I really have to run
  170. [16:02] <ZarroTsu> it's a very tricky situation
  171. [16:02] <ZarroTsu> I can't deny that
  172. [16:02] <Tiy> we have other ideas, I'm working on other games, other bits and pieces that might fulfil your desires
  173. [16:02] <ZarroTsu> lemme ask one more thing
  174. [16:02] <Tiy> but games are made with an audience in mind, and that's often difficult to get around
  175. [16:02] <Tiy> ok
  176. [16:02] <Tiy> quick
  177. [16:02] <Tiy> i really have to run!
  178. [16:02] <Tiy> im in trouble
  179. [16:02] <ZarroTsu> will armor eventually return to a similar fashion as shadow/meteor/molten/jungle?
  180. [16:02] <ZarroTsu> or ar ethey going to continue in the linear fashion
  181. [16:03] <Tiy> it's unplanned and entirely open to suggestion at the moment
  182. [16:03] <ZarroTsu> sorry for keeping you
  183. [16:03] <Tiy> I appreciate your passion for the game
  184. [16:03] <Tiy> and I appreciate your passion for a game that challenges you in the way you want to be challenges. Honestly if I were making the game purely for myself, it might be closer to what youre describing, but theres a lot to be said for making a product that the majority can enjo`y
  185. [16:04] <Tiy> that doesnt mean that your desires will be ignored, so you should continue to post them and try to gather support
  186. [16:04] <ZarroTsu> and again, it's very tricky
  187. [16:04] <Tiy> and ill continue to listen
  188. [16:04] <ZarroTsu> however I feel the game might do well developing in width rather than depth
  191. [16:04] <Tiy> i'll be announcing some stuff soon that might catch your interest
  195. [16:04] <Tiy> anyways, im sorry i REALLY have to run
  196. [16:04] <ZarroTsu> more to do at the same difficulty, rather than pushing forward indefinitely
  197. [16:04] <ZarroTsu> alright
  198. [16:04] <Tiy> im about to be slapped by my wife
  199. [16:05] <Tiy> have a good evening!
  200. 01[16:05] <@Scizor300> See you later Tiy
  201. 02[16:05] * Tiy ( Quit
  202. [16:05] <ZarroTsu> that went nowhere fast
  203. 01[16:05] <@Scizor300> welp
  204. 01[16:06] <@Scizor300> that's what happens when you prefer your dumbshit community's opinions to opinions of people who know what makes a good game
  205. [16:06] <ZarroTsu> better speaking it with a dev than with a bunch of retards circle jerking on the forum
  206. [16:06] <ZarroTsu> at least
  207. [16:06] <ZarroTsu> I see what they're going for, but
  208. [16:07] <ZarroTsu> the problem is ultimately in nothing to do at one time
  209. 01[16:07] <@Scizor300> better speaking with tiy*
  210. [16:07] <ZarroTsu> there's no transitioning point
  211. 01[16:07] <@Scizor300> redigit's a fucking retard
  212. [16:07] <ZarroTsu> I mean easymode you have a ton to do
  213. [16:07] <ZarroTsu> and I suppose it overwhelms the community's tiny little brains
  214. [16:07] <ZarroTsu> but
  215. [16:07] <ZarroTsu> more to do means more fun to have
  216. [16:07] <ZarroTsu> more to do is what would ACTUALLY lengthen the game
  217. [16:07] <ZarroTsu> rather than jacking the numbers up
  218. 01[16:09] <@Scizor300> anyways, this channel's served its purpose
  219. Session Close: Wed Dec 28 16:09:01 2011
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