
Pirates Treasure

Apr 19th, 2021
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  1. <Script>ThEShAdOw:PiratesTreasure:1.2
  2. <Description>Made by ThEShAdOw, updated by botthestrange: Start anywhere, requires about 60gp and a spade in the bank.
  3. <Boolean>TalkedToLuthas:false
  4. <Boolean>TalkedToLuthasAgain:false
  5. <Boolean>BuyRum:true
  6. <Position>PiratesTreasure_XIII:3219,3395,1
  7. <Position>PiratesTreasure_X:3010,3207,0
  8. <Position>PiratesTreasure_V:2943,3152,0
  9. <Position>PiratesTreasure_II:2924,3146,0
  10. <Position>PiratesTreasure_III:2915,3154,0
  11. <Position>PiratesTreasure_VIII:3015,3206,0
  12. <Position>PiratesTreasure_IV:2939,3150,0
  13. <Position>PiratesTreasure_DoorSpot:3011,3204,0
  14. <Position>PiratesTreasure_I:3054,3253,0
  15. <Position>PiratesTreasure_VII:3015,3225,0
  16. <Position>PiratesTreasure_XI:3054,3254,0
  17. <Position>PiratesTreasure_IX:3011,3204,0
  18. <Position>PiratesTreasure_XII:3122,3359,0
  19. <Position>PiratesTreasure_VI:2939,3154,0
  20. <Position>PiratesTreasure_XIV:2999,3383,0
  21. [0, Debug, debug, 1:[Top of file]]
  22. [0, Debug, debug, 1:[Top of file]]
  23. [1001, Dialogues, isInDialogue, {true}]
  24. [1001, Dialogues, clickContinue]
  25. [1002, RS2Widget, isVisible, {true}, 2:277, 2:15]
  26. [1002, Sleeping, sleepRandom, 2:500, 2:1500]
  27. [1002, Mouse, moveMouseAndClick, 2:441, 2:78, 2:5]
  28. [1004, RS2Widget, isVisibleContainingText, {true}, 1:[This is your bank. No one else can touch it but you.]]
  29. [1004, RS2Widget, interact, 2:664, 2:28, 1:Continue]
  30. [1005, GrandExchange, isBuyOfferOpen, {true}]
  31. [1005, RS2Widget, interactWithWidgetContainingAction, 1:[Back]]
  32. [1006, Dialogues, isInDialogue, {false}]
  33. [1006, Settings, areRoofsEnabled, {true}]
  34. [1006, Tabs, open, {false}, 1:[SETTINGS]]
  35. [1006, RS2Widget, interactWithWidgetContainingText, 1:Display, 1:Display]
  36. [1006, RS2Widget, interactWithWidgetContainingText, 1:Advanced Options, 1:Configure]
  37. [1006, RS2Widget, interactWithWidgetContainingAction, 1:[Roof-removal]]
  38. [1006, Tabs, open, {false}, 1:[INVENTORY]]
  39. [1007, Configs, isSet, {true}, 2:1055, 2:-2147474176]
  40. [1007, Dialogues, isInDialogue, {false}]
  41. [1007, Settings, openSettings]
  42. [1007, RS2Widget, interactWithWidgetContainingAction, 1:[Controls]]
  43. [1007, RS2Widget, interactWithWidgetContainingAction, 1:[Toggle shift click to drop]]
  44. [1007, Tabs, open, {false}, 1:[INVENTORY]]
  45. [1008, RS2Widget, isVisibleContainingText, {true}, 1:[currently restricted]]
  46. [1008, Dialogues, clickContinue]
  47. [1009, RS2Widget, isVisibleContainingText, {true}, 1:[want to world-hop?]]
  48. [1009, Dialogues, selectOption, 1:[Yes, and don't warn me about this again.]]
  49. [1291, Configs, isSet, {true}, 2:71, 2:0]
  50. [1291, Inventory, getAmount, 1:Coins, 2:60, 1:!=]
  51. [1291, Variables, addOr]
  52. [1291, Configs, isSet, {true}, 2:71, 2:0]
  53. [1291, Inventory, getEmptySlots, 1:<, 2:15]
  54. [1291, WalkTo, walkToClosestBank]
  55. [1291, Bank, open]
  56. [1291, Bank, depositAll]
  57. [1291, Sleeping, sleep, 2:[1200]]
  58. [1291, Bank, withdrawX, 1:Coins, 2:60]
  59. [1291, Bank, withdrawX, 1:Spade, 2:1]
  60. [1292, Configs, isSet, {true}, 2:71, 2:0]
  61. [1292, Inventory, getAmount, 1:Coins, 2:60, 1:>=]
  62. [1292, Dialogues, isInDialogue, {false}]
  63. [1292, WalkTo, walkToPosition, 1:PiratesTreasure_I, 3:true, 3:true, 3:true]
  64. [1292, NPC, interactWith, 1:Redbeard Frank, 1:Talk-to]
  65. [1293, Configs, isSet, {true}, 2:71, 2:0]
  66. [1293, Dialogues, isInDialogue, {true}]
  67. [1293, Dialogues, selectOption, 1:[I'm in search]]
  68. [1293, Dialogues, selectOption, 1:[Ok, I will]]
  69. [1294, Configs, isSet, {true}, 2:71, 2:1]
  70. [1294, Stores, isOpen, {false}]
  71. [1294, Inventory, contains, {false}, 1:Karamjan rum]
  72. [1294, Inventory, contains, {false}, 1:Banana]
  73. [1294, Variables, getBoolean, 1:BuyRum, 3:true]
  74. [1294, WalkTo, walkToPosition, 1:PiratesTreasure_II, 3:true, 3:true]
  75. [1294, NPC, interactWith, 1:Zambo, 1:Trade]
  76. [1295, Configs, isSet, {true}, 2:71, 2:1]
  77. [1295, NPC, isVisible, {true}, 1:[Zambo]]
  78. [1295, Inventory, contains, {false}, 1:Karamjan rum]
  79. [1295, Stores, isOpen, {true}]
  80. [1295, Stores, buy, 1:Karamjan rum, 2:1]
  81. [1296, Configs, isSet, {true}, 2:71, 2:1]
  82. [1296, Inventory, contains, {true}, 1:Karamjan rum]
  83. [1296, Inventory, getAmount, 1:Banana, 2:10, 1:<]
  84. [1296, Map, getDistance, 1:Banana Tree, 1:RS2Object, 1:>, 2:5, 1:Distance]
  85. [1296, Variables, getBoolean, 1:TalkedToLuthas, 3:false]
  86. [1296, Variables, editBoolean, 1:BuyRum, 3:false]
  87. [1296, WalkTo, walkToPosition, 1:PiratesTreasure_III, 3:true, 3:true]
  88. [1297, Configs, isSet, {true}, 2:71, 2:1]
  89. [1297, Variables, getBoolean, 1:TalkedToLuthas, 3:false]
  90. [1297, Map, getDistance, 1:Banana Tree, 1:RS2Object, 1:<, 2:5, 1:Distance]
  91. [1297, Inventory, contains, {true}, 1:Karamjan rum]
  92. [1297, RS2Object, interactWithContainingAction, 1:Banana Tree, 1:Pick]
  93. [1298, Configs, isSet, {true}, 2:71, 2:1]
  94. [1298, Inventory, getAmount, 1:Banana, 2:10, 1:>=]
  95. [1298, Inventory, isItemSelected, {false}]
  96. [1298, Variables, getBoolean, 1:TalkedToLuthas, 3:false]
  97. [1298, Dialogues, isInDialogue, {false}]
  98. [1298, MyPlayer, isMoving, {false}]
  99. [1298, WalkTo, walkToPosition, 1:PiratesTreasure_IV, 3:true, 3:true]
  100. [1298, NPC, interactWith, 1:Luthas, 1:Talk-to]
  101. [1299, Configs, isSet, {true}, 2:71, 2:1]
  102. [1299, Dialogues, isInDialogue, {true}]
  103. [1299, NPC, isVisible, {true}, 1:[Luthas]]
  104. [1299, Inventory, contains, {false}, 1:Coins]
  105. [1299, Dialogues, selectOption, 1:[Could you offer]]
  106. [1299, Variables, editBoolean, 1:TalkedToLuthas, 3:true]
  107. [1300, Configs, isSet, {true}, 2:71, 2:1]
  108. [1300, Dialogues, isInDialogue, {false}]
  109. [1300, Equipment, isWearingItem, {false}, 1:White apron, 1:CHEST]
  110. [1300, Variables, getBoolean, 1:TalkedToLuthas, 3:true]
  111. [1300, Inventory, contains, {true}, 1:Karamjan rum]
  112. [1300, WalkTo, walkToPosition, 1:PiratesTreasure_V, 3:true, 3:true, 3:true]
  113. [1300, Inventory, interactWith, 1:Karamjan rum, 1:Use]
  114. [1300, Sleeping, sleep, 2:[1000]]
  115. [1300, RS2Object, interactWith, 1:Crate, 1:Fill]
  116. [1300, Mouse, leftClick]
  117. [1300, Sleeping, sleep, 2:[2000]]
  118. [1301, Configs, isSet, {true}, 2:71, 2:1]
  119. [1301, Inventory, contains, {false}, 1:Karamjan rum]
  120. [1301, Inventory, getAmount, 1:Banana, 2:10, 1:==]
  121. [1301, Dialogues, isInDialogue, {false}]
  122. [1301, RS2Object, interactWith, 1:Crate, 1:Fill]
  123. [1301, Sleeping, sleep, 2:[600]]
  124. [1301, WalkTo, walkToPosition, 1:PiratesTreasure_VI, 3:true, 3:true]
  125. [1301, Sleeping, sleep, 2:[600]]
  126. [1301, NPC, interactWith, 1:Luthas, 1:Talk-to]
  127. [1301, Sleeping, sleep, 2:[1500]]
  128. [1301, Keyboard, pressSpace]
  129. [1302, Configs, isSet, {true}, 2:71, 2:1]
  130. [1302, Inventory, contains, {false}, 1:Karamjan rum]
  131. [1302, Dialogues, isInDialogue, {false}]
  132. [1302, Inventory, contains, {false}, 1:Banana]
  133. [1302, Variables, getBoolean, 1:TalkedToLuthas, 3:true]
  134. [1302, Variables, getBoolean, 1:TalkedToLuthasAgain, 3:false]
  135. [1302, WalkTo, walkToPosition, 1:PiratesTreasure_VI, 3:true, 3:true]
  136. [1302, NPC, interactWith, 1:Luthas, 1:Talk-to]
  137. [1302, Sleeping, sleep, 2:[1000]]
  138. [1302, Inventory, getAmount, SLEEP_UNTIL:1000, 1:Coins, 2:30, 1:==]
  139. [1302, Variables, editBoolean, 1:TalkedToLuthasAgain, 3:true]
  140. [1302, Sleeping, sleep, 2:[2000]]
  141. [1303, Configs, isSet, {true}, 2:71, 2:1]
  142. [1303, Variables, getBoolean, 1:BuyRum, 3:false]
  143. [1303, Variables, getBoolean, 1:TalkedToLuthas, 3:true]
  144. [1303, Variables, getBoolean, 1:TalkedToLuthasAgain, 3:true]
  145. [1303, Inventory, getAmount, 1:Coins, 2:30, 1:>=]
  146. [1303, Inventory, contains, {false}, 1:Karamjan rum]
  147. [1303, Inventory, contains, {false}, 1:Banana]
  148. [1303, Inventory, contains, {false}, 1:White apron]
  149. [1303, Equipment, isWearingItem, {false}, 1:White apron, 1:CHEST]
  150. [1303, WalkTo, walkToPosition, 1:PiratesTreasure_VII, 3:true, 3:true]
  151. [1303, GroundItem, interactWith, 1:White apron, 1:Take]
  152. [1303, Sleeping, sleep, 2:[1000]]
  153. [1304, Inventory, containsAny, 1:White apron]
  154. [1304, Configs, isSet, {true}, 2:71, 2:1]
  155. [1304, Dialogues, isInDialogue, {false}]
  156. [1304, WalkTo, walkToPosition, 1:PiratesTreasure_VIII, 3:true, 3:true]
  157. [1304, NPC, interactWith, 1:Wydin, 1:Talk-to]
  158. [1304, Dialogues, isInDialogue, {true}, SLEEP_UNTIL:1200]
  159. [1305, Configs, isSet, {true}, 2:71, 2:1]
  160. [1305, Dialogues, isInDialogue, {true}]
  161. [1305, NPC, isVisible, {true}, 1:[Wydin]]
  162. [1305, Dialogues, selectOption, 1:[Can I get a job]]
  163. [1305, Sleeping, sleepRandom, 2:1200, 2:1800]
  164. [1305, Inventory, interactWith, 1:White apron, 1:Wear]
  165. [1307, Configs, isSet, {true}, 2:71, 2:1]
  166. [1307, Equipment, isWearingItem, {true}, 1:White apron, 1:CHEST]
  167. [1307, Dialogues, isInDialogue, {false}]
  168. [1307, Inventory, contains, {false}, 1:Karamjan rum]
  169. [1307, Map, canReachEntity, {false}, 2:2071, 1:RS2Object]
  170. [1307, RS2Object, interactWith, 2:2069, 1:Open]
  171. [1307, Sleeping, sleep, 2:[3000]]
  172. [1308, Dialogues, isInDialogue, {true}]
  173. [1308, NPC, isVisible, {true}, 1:[Wydin]]
  174. [1308, Dialogues, selectOption, 1:[Well, can I]]
  175. [1308, Dialogues, selectOption, 1:[Yes.]]
  176. [1308, Sleeping, sleep, 2:[1500]]
  177. [1309, Configs, isSet, {true}, 2:71, 2:1]
  178. [1309, MyPlayer, getPosition, 1:PiratesTreasure_DoorSpot, 1:==]
  179. [1309, Map, canReachEntity, {true}, 2:2071, 1:RS2Object]
  180. [1309, Inventory, contains, {false}, 1:Karamjan rum]
  181. [1309, WalkTo, walkToPosition, 1:PiratesTreasure_X, 3:true, 3:true, 3:true]
  182. [1309, RS2Object, interactWith, 2:2071, 1:Search]
  183. [1310, Configs, isSet, {true}, 2:71, 2:1]
  184. [1310, Equipment, isWearingItem, {true}, 1:White apron, 1:CHEST]
  185. [1310, Inventory, contains, {true}, 1:Karamjan rum]
  186. [1310, Dialogues, isInDialogue, {false}]
  187. [1310, Dialogues, selectOption, 1:[No]]
  188. [1310, Inventory, dropAllX, 1:Banana]
  189. [1310, WalkTo, walkToPosition, 1:PiratesTreasure_XI, 3:true, 3:true]
  190. [1310, NPC, interactWith, 1:Redbeard Frank, 1:Talk-to]
  191. [1311, Dialogues, isInDialogue, {true}]
  192. [1311, NPC, isVisible, {true}, 1:[Redbeard Frank]]
  193. [1311, Dialogues, selectOption, 1:[Ok thanks]]
  194. [1312, Configs, isSet, {true}, 2:71, 2:2]
  195. [1312, Inventory, contains, {false}, 1:Spade]
  196. [1312, WalkTo, walkToPosition, 1:PiratesTreasure_XII, 3:true, 3:true]
  197. [1312, GroundItem, interactWith, 1:Spade, 1:Take]
  198. [1313, Configs, isSet, {true}, 2:71, 2:2]
  199. [1313, Inventory, contains, {true}, 1:Chest key]
  200. [1313, Inventory, contains, {true}, 1:Spade]
  201. [1313, WalkTo, walkToPosition, 1:PiratesTreasure_XIII, 3:true, 3:true, 3:true]
  202. [1313, Inventory, interactWith, 1:Chest key, 1:Use]
  203. [1313, RS2Object, interactWith, 1:Chest, 1:Open]
  204. [1313, Mouse, leftClick]
  205. [1313, Sleeping, sleep, 2:[3000]]
  206. [1314, Configs, isSet, {true}, 2:71, 2:2]
  207. [1314, Inventory, contains, {true}, 1:Pirate message]
  208. [1314, Inventory, interactWith, 1:Pirate message, 1:Read]
  209. [1315, Configs, isSet, {true}, 2:71, 2:2]
  210. [1315, Equipment, isWearingItem, {true}, 1:White apron, 1:CHEST]
  211. [1315, Equipment, unequip, 1:White apron, 1:CHEST]
  212. [1315, Sleeping, sleepRandom, 2:400, 2:1200]
  213. [1315, Inventory, interactWith, 1:White apron, 1:Drop]
  214. [1316, Configs, isSet, {true}, 2:71, 2:3]
  215. [1316, MyPlayer, isUnderAttack, {false}]
  216. [1316, WalkTo, walkToPosition, 1:PiratesTreasure_XIV, 3:true, 3:true, 3:true]
  217. [1316, Inventory, interactWith, 1:Spade, 1:Dig]
  218. [1317, MyPlayer, isUnderAttack, {true}]
  219. [1317, Settings, enableRunning]
  220. [1317, WalkTo, walkToClosestBank]
  221. [1318, Inventory, containsAny, 1:Casket]
  222. [1318, Inventory, interactWith, 1:Casket, 1:Open]
  223. [1319, Configs, isSet, {true}, 2:71, 2:4]
  224. [1319, Sleeping, sleep, 2:[30000]]
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