
Structure 2.0 beta

Dec 4th, 2019
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  1. # Structure // Server Control System
  2. # System Version : 2.0 BETA
  4. on join:
  5. if {Rank.%player%} is "Default":
  6. set join message to " &7%player% &bさんがサーバーに参加しました!"
  7. if {Rank.%player%} is "VIP":
  8. set join message to " &2%player% &6さんがサーバーに参加しました!"
  9. if {Rank.%player%} is "Engineer":
  10. set join message to " &c%player% &6さんがサーバーに参加しました!"
  11. if {Rank.%player%} is "Admin":
  12. set join message to " &d%player% &6さんがサーバーに参加しました!"
  13. if {Rank.%player%} is "Owner":
  14. set join message to " &e%player% &cさんがサーバーに参加しました!"
  16. on quit:
  17. if {Rank.%player%} is "Default":
  18. set quit message to " &7%player% &bさんがサーバーから離脱しました"
  19. if {Rank.%player%} is "VIP":
  20. set quit message to " &2%player% &6さんがサーバーから離脱しました"
  21. if {Rank.%player%} is "Engineer":
  22. set quit message to " &c%player% &6さんがサーバーから離脱しました"
  23. if {Rank.%player%} is "Admin":
  24. set quit message to " &d%player% &6さんがサーバーから離脱しました"
  25. if {Rank.%player%} is "Owner":
  26. set quit message to " &e%player% &cさんがサーバーから離脱しました"
  28. on first join:
  29. set {Rank.%player%} to "Default"
  31. on craft:
  32. cancel event
  34. on rightclick with Brick:
  35. player's food level is not 10
  36. add 1 to the player's food level
  37. remove 1 Brick from player
  39. on rightclick with Nether Brick Block:
  40. player's food level is not 10
  41. add 3 to the player's food level
  42. remove 1 Nether Brick Block from player
  44. on rightclick with Brick Block:
  45. player's food level is not 10
  46. add 9 to the player's food level
  47. remove 1 Brick Block from player
  49. on rightclick with Sugar:
  50. player's food level is not 10
  51. add 0.5 to the player's food level
  52. remove 1 Sugar from player
  54. on rightclick with Mushroom Stew:
  55. player's food level is not 10
  56. add 5 to the player's food level
  57. remove 1 Mushroom Stew from player
  59. on chat:
  60. cancel event
  61. if {Rank.%player%} is "Default":
  62. broadcast "&f%player%: %message%"
  63. if {Rank.%player%} is "VIP":
  64. broadcast "&2[VIP]&f%player%: %message%"
  65. if {Rank.%player%} is "MVP":
  66. broadcast "&b[MVP]&f%player%: %message%"
  67. if {Rank.%player%} is "Engineer":
  68. broadcast "&4[Engineer]&c%player%&f: %message%"
  69. if {Rank.%player%} is "Admin":
  70. broadcast "&b[Admin]&d%player%&f: %message%"
  71. if {Rank.%player%} is "Owner":
  72. broadcast "&6[Owner]&e%player%&f: %message%"
  73. else:
  74. set {Rank.%player%} to "Default"
  76. every 8 minutes:
  77. broadcast "&eこのサーバーは現在テスト公開中です!&c改良点&eや&cバグ&eなどがあれば採掘さば運営に報告してください!!"
  78. broadcast "&eまた、このサーバーに&6寄付 &e又は &a投票&eすることでサーバーをサポートすることができます!"
  79. broadcast "&eVIPを購入すると様々な&6&l特別特典&eが貰えます!!"
  81. on break of cobblestone:
  82. add 1 to {Mine.All.%player%}
  83. if {Rank.%player%} is "Default":
  84. command "/give %player% cobblestone 1 0"
  85. if {Rank.%player%} is "VIP":
  86. command "/give %player% cobblestone 2 0"
  87. if {Rank.%player%} is "MVP":
  88. command "/give %player% cobblestone 2 0"
  89. if {Rank.%player%} is "Engineer":
  90. command "/give %player% cobblestone 1 0"
  91. if {Rank.%player%} is "Admin":
  92. command "/give %player% cobblestone 2 0"
  93. if {Rank.%player%} is "Owner":
  94. command "/give %player% cobblestone 2 0"
  96. on break of stone:
  97. add 1 to {Mine.All.%player%}
  98. if {Rank.%player%} is "Default":
  99. command "/give %player% stone 1 0"
  100. if {Rank.%player%} is "VIP":
  101. command "/give %player% stone 2 0"
  102. if {Rank.%player%} is "MVP":
  103. command "/give %player% stone 2 0"
  104. if {Rank.%player%} is "Engineer":
  105. command "/give %player% stone 1 0"
  106. if {Rank.%player%} is "Admin":
  107. command "/give %player% stone 2 0"
  108. if {Rank.%player%} is "Owner":
  109. command "/give %player% stone 2 0"
  111. on break of coal ore:
  112. add 1 to {Mine.All.%player%}
  113. if {Rank.%player%} is "Default":
  114. command "/give %player% coal_ore 1 0"
  115. if {Rank.%player%} is "VIP":
  116. command "/give %player% coal_ore 2 0"
  117. if {Rank.%player%} is "MVP":
  118. command "/give %player% coal_ore 2 0"
  119. if {Rank.%player%} is "Engineer":
  120. command "/give %player% coal_ore 1 0"
  121. if {Rank.%player%} is "Admin":
  122. command "/give %player% coal_ore 2 0"
  123. if {Rank.%player%} is "Owner":
  124. command "/give %player% coal_ore 2 0"
  126. on break of iron ore:
  127. add 1 to {Mine.All.%player%}
  128. if {Rank.%player%} is "Default":
  129. command "/give %player% iron_ore 1 0"
  130. if {Rank.%player%} is "VIP":
  131. command "/give %player% iron_ore 2 0"
  132. if {Rank.%player%} is "MVP":
  133. command "/give %player% iron_ore 2 0"
  134. if {Rank.%player%} is "Engineer":
  135. command "/give %player% iron_ore 1 0"
  136. if {Rank.%player%} is "Admin":
  137. command "/give %player% iron_ore 2 0"
  138. if {Rank.%player%} is "Owner":
  139. command "/give %player% iron_ore 2 0"
  141. on break of redstone ore:
  142. add 1 to {Mine.All.%player%}
  143. if {Rank.%player%} is "Default":
  144. command "/give %player% redstone_ore 1 0"
  145. if {Rank.%player%} is "VIP":
  146. command "/give %player% redstone_ore 2 0"
  147. if {Rank.%player%} is "MVP":
  148. command "/give %player% redstone_ore 2 0"
  149. if {Rank.%player%} is "Engineer":
  150. command "/give %player% redstone_ore 1 0"
  151. if {Rank.%player%} is "Admin":
  152. command "/give %player% redstone_ore 2 0"
  153. if {Rank.%player%} is "Owner":
  154. command "/give %player% redstone_ore 2 0"
  156. on break of gold ore:
  157. add 1 to {Mine.All.%player%}
  158. if {Rank.%player%} is "Default":
  159. command "/give %player% gold_ore 1 0"
  160. if {Rank.%player%} is "VIP":
  161. command "/give %player% gold_ore 2 0"
  162. if {Rank.%player%} is "MVP":
  163. command "/give %player% gold_ore 2 0"
  164. if {Rank.%player%} is "Engineer":
  165. command "/give %player% gold_ore 1 0"
  166. if {Rank.%player%} is "Admin":
  167. command "/give %player% gold_ore 2 0"
  168. if {Rank.%player%} is "Owner":
  169. command "/give %player% gold_ore 2 0"
  171. on break of diamond ore:
  172. add 1 to {Mine.All.%player%}
  173. if {Rank.%player%} is "Default":
  174. command "/give %player% diamond_ore 1 0"
  175. if {Rank.%player%} is "VIP":
  176. command "/give %player% diamond_ore 2 0"
  177. if {Rank.%player%} is "MVP":
  178. command "/give %player% diamond_ore 2 0"
  179. if {Rank.%player%} is "Engineer":
  180. command "/give %player% diamond_ore 1 0"
  181. if {Rank.%player%} is "Admin":
  182. command "/give %player% diamond_ore 2 0"
  183. if {Rank.%player%} is "Owner":
  184. command "/give %player% diamond_ore 2 0"
  186. on break of emerald ore:
  187. add 1 to {Mine.All.%player%}
  188. if {Rank.%player%} is "Default":
  189. command "/give %player% emerald_ore 1 0"
  190. if {Rank.%player%} is "VIP":
  191. command "/give %player% emerald_ore 2 0"
  192. if {Rank.%player%} is "MVP":
  193. command "/give %player% emerald_ore 2 0"
  194. if {Rank.%player%} is "Engineer":
  195. command "/give %player% emerald_ore 1 0"
  196. if {Rank.%player%} is "Admin":
  197. command "/give %player% emerald_ore 2 0"
  198. if {Rank.%player%} is "Owner":
  199. command "/give %player% emerald_ore 2 0"
  201. on break of coal block:
  202. add 1 to {Mine.All.%player%}
  203. if {Rank.%player%} is "Default":
  204. command "/give %player% coal_block 1 0"
  205. if {Rank.%player%} is "VIP":
  206. command "/give %player% coal_block 2 0"
  207. if {Rank.%player%} is "MVP":
  208. command "/give %player% coal_block 2 0"
  209. if {Rank.%player%} is "Engineer":
  210. command "/give %player% coal_block 1 0"
  211. if {Rank.%player%} is "Admin":
  212. command "/give %player% coal_block 2 0"
  213. if {Rank.%player%} is "Owner":
  214. command "/give %player% coal_block 2 0"
  216. on break of iron block:
  217. add 1 to {Mine.All.%player%}
  218. if {Rank.%player%} is "Default":
  219. command "/give %player% iron_block 1 0"
  220. if {Rank.%player%} is "VIP":
  221. command "/give %player% iron_block 2 0"
  222. if {Rank.%player%} is "MVP":
  223. command "/give %player% iron_block 2 0"
  224. if {Rank.%player%} is "Engineer":
  225. command "/give %player% iron_block 1 0"
  226. if {Rank.%player%} is "Admin":
  227. command "/give %player% iron_block 2 0"
  228. if {Rank.%player%} is "Owner":
  229. command "/give %player% iron_block 2 0"
  231. on break of redstone block:
  232. add 1 to {Mine.All.%player%}
  233. if {Rank.%player%} is "Default":
  234. command "/give %player% redstone_block 1 0"
  235. if {Rank.%player%} is "VIP":
  236. command "/give %player% redstone_block 2 0"
  237. if {Rank.%player%} is "MVP":
  238. command "/give %player% redstone_block 2 0"
  239. if {Rank.%player%} is "Engineer":
  240. command "/give %player% redstone_block 1 0"
  241. if {Rank.%player%} is "Admin":
  242. command "/give %player% redstone_block 2 0"
  243. if {Rank.%player%} is "Owner":
  244. command "/give %player% redstone_block 2 0"
  246. on break of gold block:
  247. add 1 to {Mine.All.%player%}
  248. if {Rank.%player%} is "Default":
  249. command "/give %player% gold_block 1 0"
  250. if {Rank.%player%} is "VIP":
  251. command "/give %player% gold_block 2 0"
  252. if {Rank.%player%} is "MVP":
  253. command "/give %player% gold_block 2 0"
  254. if {Rank.%player%} is "Engineer":
  255. command "/give %player% gold_block 1 0"
  256. if {Rank.%player%} is "Admin":
  257. command "/give %player% gold_block 2 0"
  258. if {Rank.%player%} is "Owner":
  259. command "/give %player% gold_block 2 0"
  261. on break of diamond block:
  262. add 1 to {Mine.All.%player%}
  263. if {Rank.%player%} is "Default":
  264. command "/give %player% diamond_block 1 0"
  265. if {Rank.%player%} is "VIP":
  266. command "/give %player% diamond_block 2 0"
  267. if {Rank.%player%} is "MVP":
  268. command "/give %player% diamond_block 2 0"
  269. if {Rank.%player%} is "Engineer":
  270. command "/give %player% diamond_block 1 0"
  271. if {Rank.%player%} is "Admin":
  272. command "/give %player% diamond_block 2 0"
  273. if {Rank.%player%} is "Owner":
  274. command "/give %player% diamond_block 2 0"
  276. on break of emerald block:
  277. add 1 to {Mine.All.%player%}
  278. if {Rank.%player%} is "Default":
  279. command "/give %player% emerald_block 1 0"
  280. if {Rank.%player%} is "VIP":
  281. command "/give %player% emerald_block 2 0"
  282. if {Rank.%player%} is "MVP":
  283. command "/give %player% emerald_block 2 0"
  284. if {Rank.%player%} is "Engineer":
  285. command "/give %player% emerald_block 1 0"
  286. if {Rank.%player%} is "Admin":
  287. command "/give %player% emerald_block 2 0"
  288. if {Rank.%player%} is "Owner":
  289. command "/give %player% emerald_block 2 0"
  291. command /rank [<text>] [<offline player>] [<text>]:
  292. permission: Server.Staff
  293. permission message: &c[Structure] このコマンドの使用権限を所持していないためこのコマンドを使用することができません。
  294. trigger:
  295. if arg 1 is not set:
  296. send "&c[Structure Ranks] 使用方法がわからない場合は、 &e/rank help &cと入力してください。"
  297. if arg 1 is "help":
  298. send "&c[Structure Ranks] 現在実装されているコマンドは以下の通りです。"
  299. send "&9/rank help &8// &eランクコマンドのヘルプを表示できます。"
  300. send "&9/rank set (プレイヤー名) (ランク名) &8// &eプレイヤーにランクを与えます。"
  301. send "&9/rank list &8// &eランクのリストを表示します。"
  302. if arg 1 is "list":
  303. send "&c[Structure Ranks] 現在実装されているランクは以下の通りです。"
  304. send "&7Default Rank &8// &e/rank set (プレイヤー名) Default"
  305. send "&2VIP Rank &8// &e/rank set (プレイヤー名) VIP"
  306. send "&dVIP Rank &8// &e/rank set (プレイヤー名) MVP"
  307. if arg 1 is "set":
  308. if arg 2 is not set:
  309. send "&c[Structure Ranks] プレイヤーを指定してください。"
  310. if arg 2 is set:
  311. if arg 3 is "Default":
  312. set {Rank.%arg 2%} to "Default"
  313. if arg 3 is "VIP":
  314. set {Rank.%arg 2%} to "VIP"
  315. if arg 3 is "MVP":
  316. set {Rank.%arg 2%} to "MVP"
  317. if arg 3 is "Engineer":
  318. set {Rank.%arg 2%} to "Engineer"
  319. if arg 3 is "Admin":
  320. set {Rank.%arg 2%} to "Admin"
  321. if arg 3 is "Owner":
  322. set {Rank.%arg 2%} to "Owner"
  324. command /open <text>:
  325. trigger:
  326. if arg-1 is not set:
  327. send "&c[Structure] 使用方法がわからない場合は、&8/open help &cと入力してください。"
  328. if arg-1 is "help":
  329. send "&9/open (TP先、またはhelp) &8// &eオープンコマンドの基本構文です。"
  330. send "&9/open help &8// &eオープンコマンドの使用可能コマンドを表示できます"
  331. send "&9(TP先の一覧)"
  332. send "&9TP先:&elobby1&8(ロビー)&e , lobby2&8(丸石採掘場)&e , bank&8(銀行)&e , adminlist&8(運営紹介)"
  333. send "&9TP先:&etrade&8(取引所)&e , athletic&8(アスレチック)&e , shop&8(デパート)&e , afk&8(放置場)"
  334. send "&9TP先:&eallblock&8(オールブロックステージ)"
  335. if arg-1 is "allblock":
  336. send "&c[Structure] &9オールブロックステージへテレポートしています..."
  337. wait 2 seconds
  338. command "/teleport %player% 942 4 1604"
  339. send "&c[Structure] &9オールブロックステージへのテレポートが完了しました。"
  340. if arg-1 is "afk":
  341. send "&c[Structure] &1放置場へテレポートしています..."
  342. wait 2 seconds
  343. command "/teleport %player% n"
  344. send "&c[Structure] &1放置場へのテレポートが完了しました。"
  345. if arg-1 is "shop":
  346. send "&c[Structure] &7デパートへテレポートしています..."
  347. wait 2 seconds
  348. command "/teleport %player% n"
  349. send "&c[Structure] &7デパートへのテレポートが完了しました。"
  350. if arg-1 is "trade":
  351. send "&c[Structure] &e取引所へテレポートしています..."
  352. wait 2 seconds
  353. command "/teleport %player% 967 4 1239 0 4"
  354. send "&c[Structure] &e取引所へのテレポートが完了しました。"
  355. if arg-1 is "athletic":
  356. send "&c[Structure] &1アスレチックへテレポートしています..."
  357. wait 2 seconds
  358. command "/teleport %player% 762 20 1218 0 4"
  359. send "&c[Structure] &1アスレチックへのテレポートが完了しました。"
  360. if arg-1 is "adminlist":
  361. send "&c[Structure] &f運営紹介へテレポートしています..."
  362. wait 2 seconds
  363. command "/teleport %player% 569 4 1305 0 4"
  364. send "&c[Structure] &f運営紹介へのテレポートが完了しました。"
  365. if arg-1 is "bank":
  366. send "&c[Structure] &6銀行へテレポートしています..."
  367. wait 2 seconds
  368. command "/teleport %player% 699 13 1897 0 4"
  369. send "&c[Structure] &6銀行へのテレポートが完了しました。"
  370. if arg-1 is "lobby1":
  371. send "&c[Structure] &bロビーへテレポートしています..."
  372. wait 2 seconds
  373. command "/teleport %player% 1098 5 1222 0 4"
  374. send "&c[Structure] &bロビーのテレポートが完了しました!"
  375. if arg-1 is "lobby2":
  376. send "&c[Structure] &bロビー2へテレポートしています..."
  377. wait 2 seconds
  378. command "/teleport %player% 845 4 1282 0 4"
  379. send "&c[Structure] &bロビー2のテレポートが完了しました!"
  381. command /minepoint:
  382. trigger:
  383. if {Mine.All.%player%} is not set:
  384. set {Mine.All.%player%} to 0
  385. send "&b採掘量: %{Mine.All.%player%}%"
  386. else:
  387. send "&b採掘量: %{Mine.All.%player%}%"
  389. command /fly:
  390. trigger:
  391. if {Profile.Rank.%player%} is "Owner" or "Admin" or "Engineer" or "MVP" or "VIP+" or "VIP":
  392. if {Fly.Mode.%player%} is true:
  393. send "&c[Structure] あなたのフライモードをオフにしました"
  394. set {Fly.Mode.%player%} to false
  395. set player's flight mode to false
  396. stop
  397. else:
  398. send "&c[Structure] &aあなたのフライモードをオンにしました!"
  399. set {Fly.Mode.%player%} to true
  400. set player's flight mode to true
  401. stop
  402. else:
  403. send "&c[Structure] あなたはこのコマンドを使用することができません。 ただし、&6 VIP以上のランクを購入することで"
  404. send "&6使用することができます!"
  406. command /spawn:
  407. trigger:
  408. send "&c[Structure] &7丸石採掘にテレポートしています..."
  409. wait 2 seconds
  410. command "/teleport %player% 845 5 1281 0 4"
  411. send "&c[Structure] &a丸石採掘へのテレポートが完了しました!"
  413. command /structure [<text>] [<text>]:
  414. permission: Server.Staff
  415. permission message: &c[Structure] このコマンドの使用権限を所持していないためこのコマンドを使用することができません。
  416. trigger:
  417. if arg 1 is not set:
  418. send "&c[Structure] /Structure Server Stop &8// &eサーバーを停止します。"
  419. if arg 1 is "server":
  420. if arg 2 is not set:
  421. send "&c[Structure] /Structure Server Stop &8// &eサーバーを停止します。"
  422. if arg 2 is "stop":
  423. broadcast "&c[Structure] 1分後にサーバーが停止します!!"
  424. wait 30 seconds
  425. broadcast "&c[Structure] 30秒後にサーバーが停止します!!"
  426. wait 20 seconds
  427. broadcast "&c[Structure] 10秒後にサーバーが停止します!!"
  428. wait 5 secnds
  429. broadcast "&c[Structure] 5秒後にサーバーが停止します!!"
  430. wait 1 seconds
  431. broadcast "&c[Structure] 4秒後にサーバーが停止します!!"
  432. wait 1 seconds
  433. broadcast "&c[Structure] 3秒後にサーバーが停止します!!"
  434. wait 1 seconds
  435. broadcast "&c[Structure] 2秒後にサーバーが停止します!!"
  436. wait 1 seconds
  437. broadcast "&c[Structure] 1秒後にサーバーが停止します!!"
  438. wait 1 seconds
  439. broadcast "&c[Structure] サーバーを停止しています..."
  440. wait 1 seconds
  441. command "/stop"
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