
What are brothers for?

Dec 13th, 2013
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  1. //------------------------------//
  2. // What Are Brothers For?// Story: Tender Loving Care// by LetThereBeWords//------------------------------//
  4. Rumble came home, shivering a bit from the winter cold. He trotted into the kitchen, his head hanging low.
  6. "Hey, little man!" Thunderlane shouted from the living room, the sounds of a hoofball game on the television. Rumble didn’t say anything back, but he sped up his snack search, throwing open the fridge, his eyes wide.
  8. "Y'alright over there, dude?" Thunderlane yelled again, looking over his shoulder and straining to see the front door.
  10. "Fine," the younger pony muttered darkly, grabbing some bananas and trotting out of the kitchen, passing through the living room.
  12. "Whoa, alright" the older pony said, raising his hooves. Something was clearly bothering the colt, but Thunderlane figured that if he wanted to talk about it, he'd ask. They had that sort of a relationship. Rumble practically galloped up the stairs, holding in sobs as he ran into his room and slammed the door shut. Stupid Diamond Tiara! He wished that she didn't know his secret...
  14. Thunderlane looked up the stairs after the colt. He was pretty upset, but it wouldn't do any good to intrude on him now. The pegasus turned back to the hoofball game and continued to watch. Rumble collapsed onto his bed and started crying loudly, the banana beside his pillow. He shivered and sobbed, struggling to control himself.
  16. Thunderlane heard some quiet sobs, and bit his lip. He fought the urge to go running up to Rumble's room and try to comfort him. He knew he'd just make the situation worse...
  17. Rumble shook on his bed, tears streaming down his cheeks. He turned over, looked over the banana, and starts crying again. The dirty thoughts are in his head again…
  19. "Thunderlane," he whispered, giving the banana a lick.
  21. Rumble licked and suckled on the tip of the banana, his face still tearstained, and his little erection still up in the air, excited by the lewdness of the idea. Thunderlane and him...
  23. "Thunderlaaaane," Rumble moaned. His eyes shut gently, still streaming tears as he suckled on the tip of the banana, bringing a hoof down to gently stroke his own erection.
  25. ***
  27. After a few minutes, Thunderlane's stomach growled. "Hmm... dinner." The stallion muttered to himself, then got up off of the sofa, moving to the kitchen to prepare something.
  29. He searched through the fridge for some food for himself and his lil' bro. "Hmmm... Some hay burgers sound good right about now..." Thunderlane thought. He stuck his head into the living room and called to Rumble. He got no reply, so he shrugged. "Hay burgers it is."
  31. Thunderlane busied himself in the kitchen, making some hay fries and a salad to go with the burgers. Reaching for a banana to put in the salad (it was weird, but he liked the taste with the lettuce), he found nothing. "Aww, man" Thunderlane groaned. Rumble must've taken the last one.
  33. That was weird though, Rumble almost never took bananas for snacks...
  35. ***
  37. Rumble moaned blissfully as he suckled on the banana, stroking himself a bit harder, his mind filled with lewd images of Thunderlane, standing over him, stroking his mane as he milks his older brother...
  39. Mmmh..." He pulls off, gasping. "I-I love you, Thunderlane..."
  41. ***
  43. Finding everything to his satisfaction, Thunderlane smiled at his little dinner. Now only one thing was missing.
  44. "RUMBLE!" The stallion yelled, "DINNER!"
  46. ***
  48. Rumble groaned in frustration, pulling the banana from his mouth, panting as he sped up his stroking. "Th-Thunderlane... Mhh... I... I want you, sugar..." His tearstained face is blushed gently as he closed his eyes and leaned back, moaning.
  50. ***
  52. Not getting a response, Thunderlane frowned. That was odd, Rumble always came running at the mention of food... "Rumble?" he called again.
  54. ***
  56. Rumble moaned loudly, rubbing the banana against his own length, imagining Thunderlane frotting against him, groaning and rolling around the bed.
  58. "Th-Thunderlaaaane... Mmmh... P-Please..."
  60. ***
  62. Thunderlane stepped out into the living room, moving to the stairs. Something was weird... The pegasus fluttered up the stairs, and was about to call out for Rumble agan when he heard a moan behind the colt's door.
  64. "Aahn! Mmmh!"
  66. Thunderlane was shocked... he was about to turn tail and run, but then he heard something that made him pause...
  68. ***
  70. Rumble moaned, the tip of the banana slipping into his rear end. His rear is up in the air, his cock bobbing underneath him as he stroked himself desperately.
  72. "Th-Thunderlane! Please! P-Put it in! Ff... Nnnh!"
  74. ***
  76. Thunderlane’s jaw dropped... Was... Rumble... about him? Putting an eye to the door, he saw his younger brother having a bit too much fun with a certain yellow fruit.
  78. Rumbled moaned, his ass clenching and smushing the banana.
  80. Thunderlane just stood there, watching his little brother fuck a banana... He didn't know how to feel, so many emotions rushing through his head. Soon, though, one feeling rose above the others; Lust. His lil' bro wanted him, and badly if the scene before him was any hint. Thunderlane felt a stirring in his loins.
  82. Rumble moaned adorably, humming and groaning, slipping the flaccid banana from his rear, collapsing forward onto the bed. "Aah... Th-Thunderlane, I... I'm sorry..."
  84. The colt hopped down from the bed and trotted over to his drawers, taking out some socks and a pair of panties. He let out an excited giggle, skipping over to the mirror.
  86. Thunderlane looked on at his brother and just couldn't contain his arousal. He reached down to his growing erection and began to clop at the sight.
  88. Rumble blushed heavily as he slipped the green socks onto his hooves, sighing. Biting his lip, he rolled onto his back and slips up the little frilly panties up onto his rear.
  90. "Mhh... Th-That better, Thunder... Thunderlane?!"
  92. Well, fuck.
  94. "Uhh... H- Hi?..."
  96. Thunderlane had been caught red-hooved (or cock-hooved as it were), and had no idea how to respond to his brother.
  97. Rumble blushed heavily, turning around, sniffling and trying to hold back tears. His biggest secret was now known to the one pony that he wanted least of all to know.
  99. "I... Thunderlane?"
  101. Thunderlane saw the sadness in his brother's eyes, and he immediately switched to big brother mode. "Hey, Rumble..." he said, walking into the room, erection swaying between his legs, "It's okay..."
  103. "I'm so sorry! I... I didn't mean to! I... I just... I'm so sorry, Thunderlane!" Rumble sobbed.
  105. "Hey, look here." He said softly. He was smiling warmly, forgivingly. "Does this look like an angry face? Or a dissappointed one?"
  107. "N-No..." Rumble shifted in place, sniffling. "I... I just... Big Brother, I... I love you too much."
  109. Thunderlane smiled again. "There's nothing wrong with that, Rumble. We... we all have urges. We can't control them, but we can't let them sit around and fester either." the pegasus said to his little brother. To be honest, it was getting really hard to not just pounce him right now...
  111. Rumble sniffled, looking down at the ground and shuddering, his own cock throbbing for attention.
  113. "B-But... You're not... Do you... Do you love me too, Big Brother?"
  115. "Of course I do, Rumble!" Thunderlane said, confused... "Oh! Oh... you mean..."
  117. "Yeah," Rumble sighs. "Do you... Do you think I'm cute in my panties and socks?"
  119. Thunderlane blushed, unable to speak out of the sheer embarassment of the situation. He gestured to his cock, erect and throbbing.
  121. "Uhh... Yeah... I do..."
  123. "Thunderlane?" Rumble says, breathless. He grabs Thunderlane's leg and looks up at his face.
  125. Thunderlane flushed again, and looked away for a moment. He couldn't believe what was going on. Was he... really
  126. going to....
  128. "Thunderlane," Rumble said with a swallow, "Will you... D-Do me?"
  129. Thunderlane looked back at his brother at the question. Fuck his inhibitions; this was too Celestia-damned hot.
  131. "Y...Yes, Rumble. I will."
  133. Rumble's eyes went wide and teary, and he pulls his brother into his hug. "Yes!"
  135. "" Thunderlane began, "How you want to d-do this?"
  137. Rumble blushed heavily, pawing at the ground. "I... I don't know, I... Uhm. I always... Thought you'd just come in and... And d-dominate me..."
  139. Thunderlane looked at his brother, and smiled as he got the idea. "A-alright... Turn over, bud."
  141. Rumble blushed again, still pawing at the ground. "I... You'll use l-lube, right?"
  143. “Yeah, of course. Wouldn't want to hurt my favorite lil' guy, after all."
  145. Rumble gave Thunderlane a little nod, turning over shakily. "O-Okay, Thunderlane..."
  147. The older colt's cock throbbed as his little brother turned around, still covered by the panties. He moved a hoof up to
  148. the undergarments, prompting a cute squeak from the colt. Thunderlane smiled and started to move the panties out of the way of his real prize.
  150. Rumble's eyes widened, blushing. "N-No foreplay?..."
  152. Thunderlane looked up at the colt and grinned. "Just trust me, bro." And with that he took a lick up his brother's ass. The simple idea of what he was doing drove him wild. He could taste the banana on Rumble, and pulled away, licking his lips.
  154. Rumble squeaked, lifting his hips up to Thunderlane's lick. He never thought this would actually happen...
  156. Liking the response from Rumble, Thunderlane moved into a full-scale rimjob, determined to get more cute squeaks from the colt.
  158. Rumble squealed, rolling his shivering hips into Thunderlane's tongue.
  160. "Ooooh! Big Brother, yesss..."
  162. With Rumble melting under his ministrations, Thunderlane reached up and lightly touched his brother's cock.
  164. "Eeeah! B-Big Brother! Aahn..." Rumble moaned at Thunderlane's touch, moving his hips back and swinging his cock down, begging for more.
  166. Satisfied with his work, Thunderlane pulled away from Rumble's ass, but continued to lightly stroke the colt's prick.
  168. Rumble hummed, biting his lip, sighing from Thunderlane's hoofjob, his eyes closed gently and his tongue hanging out of his mouth. "Ohhh... B-Big Brother, mhh..."
  170. Thunderlane looked down at his brother's lust-wracked form and grinned. "You wouldn't happen to have lube, lil' bro?"
  172. Rumble blushed, raising his hips into Thunderlane's ministrations. "I... Haaan... Mmh... I-In the c-cabinet... I... Ohhh... I have l-lemon, and ch-cherry and... Aaah... I st-stole them from M-Miss Cheeriliee..."
  174. Thunderlane smiled a bit at this. "You naughty boy... You know stealing's wrong, don't you?"
  176. Rumble blushed slightly, looking up at his brother and giggling. "B-Big Brother? Are you... Are you g-going to punish meeee?..."
  178. "Hmm... I guess so..." Thunderlane replied, playfully thoughtful. He moved his hoof from Rumble's cock to stroke his chin.
  180. Rumble's eyes filled with tears, but they were happy ones this time. He smiles up at Thunderlane, his breaths shaky.
  181. "I can't believe we're f-finally doing this..."
  183. Thunderlane looked down at Rumble and smiled. "Neither can I, lil' man." He gave Rumble a little smack on his ass and moved over to the cabinet to grab some lubricant.
  185. Rumble squeaked from the smack, his eyes widening as Thunderlane went to the cabinet. "P-Pick the one you like best, sugar," he calls after him, wriggling his rump.
  187. Thunderlane looked up again. "Sugar, eh?" the older pony chuckled. He reached into Rumble's cabinet and grabbed the bottle of cherry lubricant. Then, like a flash, he had flapped back onto the bed and was on top of his brother's prone form.
  189. Rumble let out a squeak, giggling at Thunderlane on top of him. "You like it, sugar?" he giggles, licking Thunderlane's snout.
  191. "Mmph... I like it a lot, lil' bro..." Thunderlane replied, then pulled his brother into a full-on kiss, slipping his tongue into the younger pony's mouth.
  193. Rumble squealed, his eyes widening as his little tongue lapped submissively against Thunderlane's larger muscle.
  194. As his tongue invaded Rumble's mouth, Thunderlane spread a bit of lube on his hoof, then moved it down to the colt's plothole, pressing the hoof against the virgin flesh.
  196. Mmh!" Rumble's eyes squeezed shut as his plothole was played with, and he tried to relax into the bed.
  198. Thunderlane pulled his mouth from Rumble's and watched his younger brother melt into the bedsheets. He pressed a bit more into Rumble, drawing out more moans and squeaks, but finally pulled his hoof away and began to slick his cock.
  199. A string of saliva connected Rumble's mouth to Thunderlane's. He moans, his hips bobbing up and down, watching Thunderlane slather lube onto his monstrous length.
  201. "S-Sugar... What kind did you go with?"
  202. Thunderlane leaned up and nibbled on Rumble's ear. "Cherry..." he muttered into the colt's ear as he pressed his length against his brother's ass.
  204. "Ahhh!" Rumble squealed, shutting his eyes tightly and scrunching up his face adorably.
  206. "You ready, lil' man?" Thunderlane muttred into his brother's ear. He knew the answer before it was even said.
  208. "D-Do it, Big Brother," Rumble moaned. "P-Please... I... I don't just want to be your brother..."
  209. "Mmph..." Thunderlane moaned at the thought, then began to press into his brother... his lover. Both cried out as the tip slipped in. Thunderlane was doing it. He was fucking his brother... and it felt incredible.
  211. "Ohh! Aah... S-Sugar..." Rumble hummed, spreading his legs open as wide as he could and trying to stay as loose as possible.
  213. Slowly, very slowly, Thunderlane sunk into his brother's ass. The virgin hole pulled and squeezed on the intruding member, but this just helped the experience feel better. Thunderlane began to nibble on Rumble's ear again, and started rubbing his little brother's cock again.
  215. "Rrrgh... Nnnf..." Rumble's eyes teared up slightly, the sensation of his rear opening up more than it ever had before a little bit painful, but the thought that it was his brother making it more bearable. He leaned his head up and kissed Thunderlane's chin as his older brother nibbled on his ear, flexing his ass to try and stay loose enough to move.
  217. Thunderlane grunted as his little brother flexed around his length. He then felt his cock hilt inside of Rumble's ass as his large balls tapped lightly against Rumble's notably smaller ones. "How... Gah... How does it feel, lil' bro?"
  219. Rumble groaned, rolling his hips around Thunderlanes cock, sighing. "I-It hurts a little bit," he grunted, "B-But I feel so full, sugar... Nnnh..."
  221. "Nnhh..." Thunderlane sighed, as he stayed put inside his little brother, waiting for his ass to adjust to his girth. When he felt the muscles trapping his cock relax a bit, he began to pull out again, slowly.
  223. "Aah!" Rumble squeaked, his eyes squeezing shut, his tongue lolling out of his mouth. "Fff... Nnnh, Big Brother, yeessss..."
  225. Thunderlane pulled his lil' bro… his little lover into another deep kiss. He pulled his member out until only the tip remained, then paused. He pushed his tongue into Rumble's mouth and gave his smaller member a tug as he thrust into the colt, spearing him on his meat.
  227. "Ohh! Sugar!" He moaned, rolling his hips back, pushing up into Thunderlane's touch. "Sugar, yes..."
  229. "Yeah... Mmph, you're tight lil' bro..." Thunderlane moaned, settling into a rhythm of thrusting into the taut backside of his younger lover. "We should have done this... Mmph... ages ago..."
  231. "I lo-love you so much Big Brotherrrrr..."
  233. Rumble raised his hips, his eyes half lidded and a blush on his face, letting out a pant every time Thunderlane hilted himself inside of his ass.
  235. "I l-love you... Unf... too, lil' bro..." Thunderlane managed between moans. His brother's ass was amazing, the little guy just kept taking eveything that Thunderlane slammed into it each time he thrust his hips.
  237. "Y-You're s-so big! Nnh!" Rumble shut his eyes and laid his head down into the pillow, leaning back to kiss his older brother's neck. "P-Please! G-Go faster!"
  239. "You betcha, lil' bro..." Thunderlane picked up his speed, his hips pistoning his prick in and out of his brother's ass. "Agh... Fuckin' hell..."
  241. "Y-Yess! Mmhhhh! P-Punish meee!" Rumble squealed, bouncing his hips into Thunderlane's thrusts.
  243. Thunderlane took a hoof and smacked it against his brother's behind, spanking him. He repeated the action every few seconds, matching his smacks with his thrusts to maximize the pleasure that he could give to his lil' bro.
  245. Rumble practically screamed in ecstasy, his length bouncing against his belly every time Thunderlane thrusted into him. His eyes closed, and his tongue lolled out of his mouth.
  247. "Aaah! Aah... S-Sugaaaar!"
  249. Thunderlane felt a familiar pressure building in his loins. He reached down with his other hoof and began to stroke Rumble's small cock. "Mmph... lil' bro... I'm getting close..."
  251. Rumble squeals, his length throbbing, about to explode, the tip flaring. "Y-Yes! Oooh! Big Brother, please! F-Fill me!"
  253. "Well... Mmph... If you... Agh... Insist!!" Thunderlane moaned out, burying his length in his brother and releasing his seed into the virgin asshole he was fucking. He fired off a flurry of thick volleys into the depths of his lil' bro's anus, and kept tugging on the little cock in his hoof. He felt his brother clench as he came, too.
  255. Rumble's cock throbbed freely, unleasing a load onto the sheets, ropes of sticky white cum painting his belly, chest, and even as far as his neck. His eyes rolled up into his head, and he let out a long, loud, low moan.
  257. "Aaaaah... Sugaaaaaarrr..."
  259. As he finished up, Thunderlane made a few more weak thrusts into his brother before rolling to the side as the two ponies, still brothers, now lovers, collapsed into each other, panting.
  261. Rumble turned over, smashing his lips against Thunderlane’s in a passionate, afterglow-fueled kiss, his breathing rapid, tears of joy streaming down his cheeks and cum streaming down his rear in small rivulets, making him shiver.
  263. Thunderlane, tired now, pulled his energetic lover into a tight hug. "That was... really great, Rumble... Thank you..." The pegasus said to his lil' bro.
  265. "I love you, Thunderlane," Rumble sobbed. "I... I love you... I want to be yours forever..."
  267. "I love you, too lil' bro." Thunderlane replied softly, pulling on Rumble's chin and making him look into his eyes. "I will be yours whenever you need me, Rumble."
  269. Rumble sobbed, burying his face into Thunderlane's chest. "I... I w-was going to tell you s-sooner, but Diamond Tiara t-took my letter to you and she tore it up and called me a fr-freak for l-loving you so much and..."
  271. "Shhh..." Thunderlane soothed, rubbing his little lover's head. "It's okay... I'm not upset..." The pegasus smiled warmly, tightening his embrace. "I love you, Rumble. So very much." Thunderlane pulled his brother into another long kiss, loving and tender, comforting to the sobbing colt.
  273. Rumble pulled away, tears streaming down his cheeks. "Wh... What if o-other ponies find out? What about... What about Fl-Flitter and Cloudchaser? Are they gonna h-hate me too?"
  275. "No, Rumble..." the older colt was still smiling, "Nopony will think less of you or me for this. Anypony who really cares about either of us will accept our choices and be happy that we're happy."
  277. Rumble kissed Thunderlane's neck, sniffling, his eyes puffy from the past few minutes of sadness and joy. "Th-That's good," Rumble mumbled. "Th-They won't mind you... You with me? B-Because they really... Like, I... I've seen you guys... D-Do stuff..." He blushed. "I... I got the panties and socks from Flitter."
  279. Thunderlane thought about this, and come to think of it he HAD seen the garments on Flitter at some point... they were actually one of his favorite ensembles for a pony to wear... Thunderlane grinned, obviously Flitter had tried to push this to happen. "I can guarantee we won't catch any guff from those two, lil' guy."
  281. "When you guys d-do stuff again, c-can I... Uhm, join in?" Rumble said with a blush. "I... I don't w-want you doing... Stuff to ponies without me anymore, because we're lovers and... And we do stuff together, and..."
  283. Thunderlane silenced his lover's ramblings with a kiss.
  285. "Of course. I wouldn't have it any other way."
  287. "Thank you, sugar," Rumble giggles, nuzzling into Thunderlane's chest.
  289. “I love you, lil' bro..." Thunderlane said idly, beginning to drift off to sleep.
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