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- <div class="fade">
- <div class="lyrics">A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.</div></div>
- <div id="container">
- <div id="image"></div>
- <div class="name">Hidden Hero: White Fox</div>
- <div class="title">Hidden Hero: White Fox</div>
- <div id="nav">
- <a href="#one"></a>
- <a href="#two"></a>
- <a href="#three"></a>
- <a href="#four"></a>
- </div>
- <div id="content">
- <div style="width: 40vw; height: 27vw; overflow-y: hidden;">
- <a name="one"></a>
- <div style="width: 40vw; height: 27vw; overflow: auto;" align="center">
- <span style="float:left;"><b>Name</b></span><span style="float:right;">Sato <a title="素 (su) meaning 'plain, white silk, prime' From Japanese 狐 (ko) meaning 'fox'">Suko</a></span><br>
- <span style="float:left;"><b>Alias</b></span><span style="float:right;">The Hidden Hero: White Fox</span><br>
- <span style="float:left;"><b>Gender</b></span><span style="float:right;">Female</span><br>
- <span style="float:left;"><b>Age</b></span><span style="float:right;">25</span><br>
- <span style="float:left;"><b>Race</b></span><span style="float:right;">Human</span><br>
- <span style="float:left;"><b>Voice</b></span><span style="float:right;"><a href="" target="_blank">Nana Mizuki | Collen Clinkenbeard</a></span><br><br>
- <span style="float:left;"><b>Height</b></span><span style="float:right;">5'5"</span><br>
- <span style="float:left;"><b>Weight</b></span><span style="float:right;">135 lbs</span><br>
- <span style="float:left;"><b>Eyes</b></span><span style="float:right;">Unknown</span><br>
- <span style="float:left;"><b>Hair</b></span><span style="float:right;">White</span><br>
- <span style="float:left;"><b>Build</b></span><span style="float:right;">Athletic</span><br><br>
- <span style="float:left;"><b>Orientation</b></span><span style="float:right;">Heterosexual</span><br>
- <span style="float:left;"><b>Relationship</b></span><span style="float:right;">Unshackled</span><br>
- <span style="float:left;"><b>Occupation</b></span><span style="float:right;">Pro Hero</span><br>
- <span style="float:left;"><b>Alignment</b></span><span style="float:right;">Lawful Neutral</span><br><br><br>
- </div>
- <a name="two"></a>
- <div style="width: 40vw; height: 27vw; overflow: auto;" align="left">
- <h1>Combat</h1>
- </div>
- <a name="three"></a>
- <div style="width: 40vw; height: 27vw; overflow: auto;" align="center">
- <h1>Contacts</h1>
- <a target="_blank" href="PROFILE LINK HERE"><img src="IMAGE LINK HERE" height="75" width="75" align="left" border="3"></a><br>
- <center><b>- Name -</b><br> <i>foe/friend</i><br> small note.</center><br><br><br><br>
- </div>
- <a name="four"></a>
- <div style="width: 40vw; height: 27vw; overflow: auto;" align="left">
- <h1>Out of Character</h1>
- <center><b>00</b>. Code made by <a href="/profile.php?user=RageQxeen" target="_blank">RageQxeen</a>, do not steal.<br><br></center>
- <b>01</b>. OOC.<br>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
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