
freedom 3

Sep 26th, 2019
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  1. [16:55] So stubborn..
  3. ".. Give you my cloak? See that's the reason you're bored, you're too worried about doing anything. It's strange, ain't it? Why don't--" Cutting his words short, those serpent-like eyes of his narrowing on the boy before him as he moved to smack the cigarette for his hand.
  5. As the boy's hand moved, so did the Nethradin's. They could smack his cigarette away, sure. But with his free hand he aimed to slam it into the side of their face, knocking them down to the ground like some kind of schoolyard bully.
  7. "And it ain't for my amusement, it's for yours. Now watch."
  9. Stepping over the down boy he'd make his way up the mountain, stopping before Ursha.
  11. "Give me your fucking cloak."
  12. (Saul)
  13. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  15. [16:55] Shove.
  16. (Saul)
  17. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  19. [16:59] Oof. That tiny noise seemed to leave Guerra as he was pushed onto his behind.
  21. He looked up at the man as he walked away, a jolt sent up his body from the cold. The tips of his fingers were already red from the lack of heat he could obtain when standing outside, but the threat of his collar going off if he were to only hide inside was enough to keep him there from hours upon hours.
  23. He brought himself back to his feet, turning to stare at Saul, a red mark on his face glowing with heat against the cold.
  25. My amusement?
  27. His expression was soured as that thought came to pass. All he could do was watch.
  28. (Guerra Totec)
  29. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  31. [17:04] Ursha was shoved for no apparent reason though he heard bits and pieces about some form of amusement. No matter how long he was away it seems these people didn't change their rude behavior, why? There could have been plenty of people to harass. Ursha turned towards the male, and as much as the flames wanted to explode he compressed the feel for the moment though the guy would notice the raging fire coming from the males eyes.
  33. "Keep your hands to yourself, and if you walk down while taking a sharp left you'll see where you had me fucked up. I don't take kindly to strangers putter their hands on me, so let this be only warning and I mean your only fucking warning."
  35. Ursha didn't feel the need to waste any more breath on this worthless person, but the warning was given. Whatever the male decides to do will be solely his fault from here on out.
  37. Ursha repeated himself once more.
  39. "Fo auy hcaut im noege M'o gnoug ut trah auy."
  40. (Ursha)
  41. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  43. [17:05] Mortiphasm says, ". . ."
  44. [17:06] The Blackened Babline cranes their head, staring directly at Saul now.
  46. "Weak and disgusting human is... Not giving Saul what they want." There came a brief pause.
  48. "Does The Saul wish for this one to break the dumb, filthy human? Or shall The Saul break them?"
  50. Choices, choices.
  51. (Mortiphasm)
  52. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  54. [17:15] At first, it was just him trying to lighten up the mood. Seeing if he could get the young boy who was trapped up here to play along in his reindeer games. Just hoping that, over time, he could try and set him on a slightly different path in life. Sometimes it only took a little nudge; a sort of butterfly effect. You get them started with taking stuff from other people that they wanted, and then in a bit of time they're stomping people out for disrespecting them.
  56. Allowing for the emotions to run rampant.
  58. It was just a bit of fun, really. But then the guy decided to turn himself around, tossing insults his way. Once upon a time he might have just taken the insults, keeping his chin held high. Yet over time, he had started to change - no longer did he see himself as just some strange amalgamation of human emotions that had been given a corporeal form. He was a Demon, a Nethradin.
  60. .. And he was above these humans. That little silvery band that was still being worn on his finger was a constant reminder of such, a promise made by an ally who had rolled themselves up beside him, already offering their support. He'd glance down at them, his head slowly shaking to and fro, completely ignoring the man he was trying to mug for the time being.
  62. ".. Naw', see I can't just keep having you do all this stuff for me, Morti." His thumb moved, running itself across the ring on his finger as he spoke. A faint grin creeping its way onto his features, "See I gotta be able to do stuff on my own. And after the way this one was trying to speak to me?"
  64. Giving a light shrug of his shoulders he'd swivel on his heel, turning to face the man once more. A strange feeling of ill-omen and dread suddenly radiating off him. Clinging closely to his form as if it were worn like a cologne. Sickly flames erupting within his hands, dropping to the ground beneath his feet to melt away the snow, and sear the land.Creating a few tiny little purple crystals slowly started to sprout up.
  66. "Say sorry and give me the cloak before I make you eat it."
  67. (Saul)
  68. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  70. [17:17] Ursha says, "Make me do it or go fuck yourself."
  71. [17:17] Saul says, "Alright."
  72. [17:17] Saul's hand surged out, blackened flames rolling across his arm as he aimed to shove the man forwards. His other hand reaching out, a small crystal sprouting up out of the ground. Twisting itself around, forming a mighty spear.
  74. It was go time.
  75. (Saul)
  76. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  78. [17:18] Mortiphasm says, "Keh."
  79. [17:18] Luna looks up from her books to observe the spar.
  80. (Luna Invidia)
  81. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  83. [17:19] Helos Fengari says, "That's new."
  84. [17:32] She landed upon Mortiphasm's head lightly, wings fluttering.
  85. (Siofra)
  86. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  88. [17:33] * You have been awarded 1 Roleplay Points! *
  89. [17:33] Ursha gave him the warning, and he still decided to attack him though he wasn't able to bring him down ultimately. The male looked visibly disappointed in his lack of speed when it came to trying to capture him for the star.
  91. "Shame I wasn't able to capture, and free you to the almighty. The power courses through my body and the fact you are trying to force me to do anything is a slap in the face to me." "You spit on my freedom, and those that spit on my freedom taste my wraith... You aren't the first, and you won't be the last thought you are a survivor..."
  93. The energy is given to him that blessed body the flames that were in his eyes turned a deep crimson. He failed to free another soul from there selfish views, but how could he make up for his transgressions? He needs to hunt the next unlucky soul that crossed his path...
  95. "This s your lucky day, and your soul won't be given to fuel the star above. If you wish to keep it that way, then avoid spitting on my freedom. However, if you do it again, then you might not get so lucky with just a few burns."
  97. Ursha chuckles a little he'd been away from home for quite a while, and this was the greeting he received. It was terrific, truly beautiful, and he wouldn't expect it any other way.
  99. He'd drag a claw slowly down his cheek causing him to shiver at the thought of freeing a soul from this plain. After a while, he finally came back into reality while floating over towards the side, returning to his ideas.
  100. (Ursha)
  101. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  103. [17:33] Mortiphasm seems to be intently watching the spar! Nudging only slightly as Siofra landed atop the demon.
  104. (Mortiphasm)
  105. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  107. [17:46] At first, it seemed like a good idea.
  109. But that's all how trouble started, though. Things seem like really good ideas at first, only for the consequences of your actions to hit you like a speeding truck. And that speeding truck hit him the moment the Dragon's flames rose, a fiery, celestial filled flame that threatened to burn all in its path.
  111. Getting those grandiose ideas that pop up in his head, only for him to be on the receiving end of a major beat down. And that's happened time and time again. It's a curse he couldn't shake, a streak of bad luck that just he just couldn't shake off him. It's a fate that he was destined for, it seemed.
  113. One that he had every intention of breaking.
  115. So as the fight raged on, once snow covered fields were, for a moment, reminiscent of times as that blanket of white that covered them was melted away. Allowing for the grass and dirt to be finally see the light of the sun once more, only for it to be scorched and singed as their flames clashed.
  117. One sickly, and blackened. The other burning red hot, fueled by the power of the stars. And in the end, it was Saul's flames that just weren't strong enough to compete.
  119. He was beaten.
  121. There's a few moments there where Saul stands there, slouching forwards a bit. A hand resting on his knee as he tried to catch his breath. A myriad of burns, cuts and scrapes now littering his once pristine form. If anything, it was insulting to have to carry those marks.
  123. It was insulting to have to be the one to walk away.
  125. "To-.." His words were cut short as he tried to straighten himself back up, wincing out in pain. "-.. It's your lucky day today. A fluke. You got lucky. That's it."
  127. He huffs, already starting to storm off. Stopping only so that he could crane his neck back, glancing over his shoulder towards the pink-haired man once more.
  129. "If I want your cloak, I'm gonna have your cloak. I don't even wanna wear it. I'm just gonna shove it in the back of my fucking closet and let it collect dust." It wasn't about the cloak at first. But after being beat down, after being humiliated..
  131. .. It was going to be his, just because.
  133. "Watch yourself."
  135. (Saul)
  136. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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