
Group 80: Session 4

Oct 20th, 2013
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  1. [17:34] <~Radio|GM> ---Group 80: The Coltifornia Campaign---
  2. [17:34] <~Radio|GM> ---Session 3---
  3. [17:34] <~Radio|GM> Some things happen within the realm of logic. Everything has its own place in the fabric of existence, and everything happens for a reason. It’s just a matter of trying to find out the who and how.
  4. [17:34] <~Radio|GM> Yet other things happen inexplicably. Some things just seem to happen on their own, or without warning, or without any discernible meaning. At times, in this world of strangeness, there simply seems to be no rational explanation for what is at hoof.
  5. [17:35] <~Radio|GM> Our story has encountered much of the former. It is about to experience much of the latter. Just what will they make of it?
  6. [17:35] <~Radio|GM> ---Begin Session---
  7. [17:35] <~Radio|GM> We have left off along the banks of the Foalsom, the events of the morning and the sound of barking bringing our (divided) group to a new sighting. One group, consisting of Danger_Zone and Radiant_Fury, sees the tail of a dog in the brush by the banks of the torpid river.
  8. [17:36] <~Radio|GM> Yet another group, further behind by almost 300 yards, consisting of Brookwind, Chasseuse, Dumisani, and Limuko, also see a dog’s tail in the brush by the river near their positions. Neither group knows what the other is seeing, nor can they hear one another clearly yet.
  9. [17:39] * Radiant_Fury continues to be totally uninterested and uninvested in anything pretaining to this dog. She continues trotting towards the source of those spiders, eyes peeled for new clues (or more likely letters).
  10. [17:39] * Danger_Zone quickly points out the dog to Radiant_Fury. "There! It's the dog!"
  11. [17:39] * Limuko was supposed to be in Fort Trotters, conning whatever pony he could and selling his gold. But what happened instead? He ended up trotting into mares. Zebra hormones, he never understood them. Now having been /asked/ by Dumisani to assist them in finding the dog, Limuko catches a glimpse at the dog, a smile on his face to see that he wouldn't be near these
  12. [17:39] <~Radio|GM> From the bushes by Radiant_Fury and Danger_Zone, the sound of scuffing can be heard, as well as the panting of what is unmistakably a dog.
  13. [17:39] * Limuko won't be near mares anymore. "It is dog my friends!"
  14. [17:40] <~Radio|GM> At Limuko's words, he and the other three in that group can hear it clearly. "Arooof!"
  15. [17:40] * Radiant_Fury trotrotrots. "That's nice."
  16. [17:40] * Dumisani nods. "We need to catch it
  17. [17:41] * Chasseuse clicks her tongue, trying to gain the dog's attention. "Sorrel," she calls, clapping her hooves together. "come!"
  18. [17:41] * Danger_Zone glances to Radiant_Fury. "Hey! Where are you going?"
  19. [17:41] * Brookwind nods. "Mhm!" She lofts into the air.
  20. [17:41] * Radiant_Fury figures it should be pretty obvious where she's going. She keeps trotting!
  21. [17:43] <~Radio|GM> The dog perks up at the sound of Chasseuse's clicking. It is indeed a basset hound, as it turns its head, alert, in her direction.
  22. [17:44] * Danger_Zone keeps eyeing Radiant_Fury. "The dog could be important! Besides..." She grins. "Don't you want to get back at them?"
  23. [17:44] * Limuko still kept his distance away from both Chasseuse and Brookwind, preferring to stay closer to his rhino friend, the only female that didn't trigger his zebra. He then looks at the dog to see if it's the same one he saw before.
  24. [17:44] * Radiant_Fury stops, turns, and quirks an eyebrow. "For... what, exactly?"
  25. [17:45] * Danger_Zone grins more. "I saw you arguing with that mare. She's helping them, now. Wouldn't it be satisfying to finish /both/ jobs, before they can even do their own?"
  26. [17:46] <~Radio|GM> The dog seems to regard Chasseuse for a moment, before bounding over and snuffing at her hoof.
  27. [17:46] <Brookwind> "Is this the right dog?"
  28. [17:46] * Chasseuse smiles widely, letting the dog familiarize himself with her scent. After a moment, she reaches up, petting behind the dog's ears. "I believe zat it is, yes."
  29. [17:47] * Dumisani chuckles softly, being as still as possible as to not alarm the dog
  30. [17:47] * Brookwind grins, petting the dog as well.
  31. [17:48] <~Radio|GM> The dog back with Radiant_Fury and Danger_Zone suddenly lifts its head and lets out a loud howl, which both parties can hear. The other dog, with Brookwind, Chasseuse, Limuko, and Dumisani, who had been settling happily into the petting, suddenly lifts its head at the sound, ears perked. It promptly lifts its head and howls back.
  32. [17:49] <~Radio|GM> Radiant_Fury stumbles across something half-buried in the dirt as she trots away!
  33. [17:49] * Brookwind flicks her ears. "...two dogs?"
  34. [17:49] * Chasseuse blinks. "Anozer dog?... Perhaps zis -isn't- ze right one." Chasseuse leans down, looking for a collar on the dog near her.
  35. [17:49] * Dumisani blinks a bit
  36. [17:49] * Radiant_Fury kicks it with her hoof a little, before dusting it off. Another letter, perhaps?
  37. [17:49] <~Radio|GM> The dog pants, looking into Chasseuse with what looks like a smile. It has no collar.
  38. [17:49] * Limuko was quite pleased. He doesn't pet the dog, since those mares were around it. He smiled, looking at Dumisani. "Welp my Rhino friend, Limuko believes you no longer require Limuko's assistance. Limuko will be on his way to the nearest town." He then begins to trot away from the group ... but stops after hearing the other dog, a frown on his face at the
  39. [17:49] * Limuko thought that they didn't find the right dog.
  40. [17:51] * Danger_Zone looks back toward the dog. "Woah! Calm down! Come here, uhh... dog."
  41. [17:52] * Chasseuse looks through her saddlebags for a moment, pulling out a belt. She holds it in her telekinesis, smiling at the dog. "Zis will just be a temporary collar, do not mind it." She pats the dog on the head, bringing the belt to loop comfortably around the dog's neck.
  42. [17:52] <~Radio|GM> Radiant_Fury finds no letter, but she does find what seems to be a small red journal, about the size of two hooves laid side-by-side. It is surprisingly clean for something lying out in the Wasteland.
  43. [17:53] <~Radio|GM> The dog with Chasseuse licks her hoof happily, seemingly pleased with its new collar.
  44. [17:53] <~Radio|GM> The dog with Danger_Zone perks its head up and peers at her cautiously.
  45. [17:53] * Radiant_Fury flips it open quickly, resuming her trot to... wherever it is she's head. She looks for a name on the inside cover before reading it page by page.
  46. [17:54] * Brookwind hmms, landing. "We need to catch up with the others..."
  47. [17:54] * Chasseuse chuckles. "Wonderful." She reaches back into her saddlebag, telekinesis pulling out a rope, and hoof holding a piece of radhog bacon. "Sorrel," she giggles, "would you like a treat?"
  48. [17:54] <~Radio|GM> Or rather, Radiant_Fury attempts to. Try as she might, she can't seem to open the journal with her bare hooves or her magic. Though it is the size and weight of an ordinary journal, it refuses to open, the pages showing not the slightest bit of damage.
  49. [17:55] <~Radio|GM> The dog tilts its head at Chasseuse briefly, but sniffs at the bacon and proceeds to gum it gratefully nonetheless.
  50. [17:56] <~Radio|GM> The other dog, looking at Danger_Zone, suddenly turns tail and flees into the brush!
  51. [17:56] * Radiant_Fury rolls her eyes a little. All this was distracting her from the job! She tucks the journal away and huffs a little, still headed upstream.
  52. [17:56] * Limuko then relaxed a bit at seeing Chasseuse put a belt around the dog's neck. Relaxing as it /might/ be the right dog, Limuko tries to sneak out of the group without notice. He wasn't that important to them anyway, and he really needed to get away from mares. He crouched down as he snuck ... apparently you do that when you sneak.
  53. [17:57] * Danger_Zone calls out to the dog. "Hey! I said come /here/!"
  54. [17:57] * Chasseuse loops the rope into the dog's belt-collar then ties it tight! She smiles, hoof steady, and waits for the dog to finish its treat.
  55. [17:58] <~Radio|GM> A branch snaps under Limuko's hoof with a loud *crack*.
  56. [17:58] * Limuko nearly panicked as he snapped the branch. Surely none of those mares would take notice of him right?
  57. [18:00] * Chasseuse raises her eyebrow at Limuko, holding the end of the rope with her telekinesis. "Are you going back to ze town, zen?"
  58. [18:01] * Limuko really almost panicked when he heard Chasseuse. He didn't bother to look at Chasseuse from behind him. He spoke nervously. "Li-limuko was just about to head over to nearest town, yes. Has much busy stuff to do over there."
  59. [18:02] <~Radio|GM> The dog runs onwards, with surprising speed for such a stubby-legged creature, running past Radiant_Fury as it does. As Danger_Zone sees the dog turn, she cans see a collar around the dog's neck, containing a strange cylindrical pocketlike extension. Within this pocket, she can see the brief glimpse of another scrap of paper the same color as the envelopes from before.
  60. [18:02] <~Radio|GM> Radiant_Fury, unfortunately, does not notice, the dog moving too quickly for her to see.
  61. [18:02] * Chasseuse shrugs, nodding her head. "You are free to continue along wiz us if you wish, but if not," she waves, smiling. "zen goodbye!"
  62. [18:03] <~Radio|GM> Chasseuse's dog finishes the bacon happily, before flopping onto its back and proceeding to roll playfully about for a few moments. Suddenly, it raises its head and lets out another howl.
  63. [18:03] <~Radio|GM> Both groups can hear this howl, as well as the reply from the other dog.
  64. [18:03] * Chasseuse turns back to the dog. Cute! She rubs the dog's belly as it rolls.
  65. [18:03] * Radiant_Fury happens upon a /particularly/ interesting patch of dirt. It immediatelly draws all of her attention.
  66. [18:04] <~Radio|GM> The dirt seems to taunt Radiant_Fury.
  67. [18:04] * Limuko sighed in relief. Limuko didn't really care about the howl, now was his chance to leave. "Then Limuko says goodbye friend!" He then runs toward the direction to town as quick as his hooves could carry him.
  68. [18:04] * Brookwind flicks her ears again. "Hmm..." She tries to pinpoint where the howl came from.
  69. [18:04] * Danger_Zone 's eyes widen. She calls out to Radiant_Fury! "Catch that dog! It's got another note!" She jumps right into the air, flying after it!
  70. [18:04] * Radiant_Fury doesn't see the blindingly fast dog! She sees only dirt. Confound this dirt! May the fires of hell consume you, soil!
  71. [18:06] <~Radio|GM> Though Danger_Zone looks high and low, the dog is nowhere to be seen or heard.
  72. [18:09] <~Radio|GM> Brookwind can easily tell that the dog's howling is coming from upstream, not too far away.
  73. [18:09] * Radiant_Fury continues to not give a molerat's ass about the freaking dog, and keeps trotting, having finished swearing vengeance against the dirt.
  74. [18:10] * Brookwind looks down at Chasseuse and Dumisani. "I'm going after the second dog." She says, before, speeding after it.
  75. [18:11] * Dumisani blinks a little, too slow to respond before Brookwind disappears
  76. [18:11] * Chasseuse blinks. "Let's follow, zen." She tugs on the dog leash, bidding it to follow, and then she trots after Brookwind!
  77. [18:11] <~Radio|GM> Limuko is able to find Trotters Fort with little difficulty, finding himself at the main gate, where two guards stand.
  78. [18:12] <~Radio|GM> The dog with Chasseuse follows obediently!
  79. [18:13] * Limuko sighs in relief at seeing Trotters Fort. If the guards were mares, then he kept his distance from them, trying to hide his blush. "Hello friends, this zebra's name is Limuko. Limuko was wondering if he could come inside and do some trade."
  80. [18:13] * Dumisani plods after Chasseuse
  81. [18:13] <~Radio|GM> As Brookwind flies, having heard the source of the dog, she can easily see the movement in the brush where the second dog must be, and she can see it is headed on a collision course with the oblivious Radiant_Fury.
  82. [18:14] * Danger_Zone is looking for that damn dog!
  83. [18:14] <Brookwind> "Hey Fury! Look out!" She calls down to Radiant_Fury, diving for the dog.
  84. [18:14] <~Radio|GM> Bam! Dog collides with pony, as the dog ends up ramming headfirst into Radiant_Fury's side.
  85. [18:15] * Radiant_Fury hears Brookwind's voice and a scowl immediately crosses her face. "What is it now? Have you come to furth- Oof!"
  86. [18:15] * Brookwind winces. "Ooooh." She lands, cantering over to the pile of dog and pony. "I told you to look out."
  87. [18:17] <~Radio|GM> The dog shakes its head, panting, seeming absurdly pleased with itself. Radiant_Fury can now clearly see the cylindrical pocket and envelope.
  88. [18:17] * Radiant_Fury isn't in a pile, and apparently isn't knocked over. She looks down at the dog in irritation for a moment, before lowering herself down to it's level and forcing a smile. "
  89. [18:18] * Radiant_Fury isn't in a pile, and apparently isn't knocked over. She looks down at the dog in irritation for a moment, before lowering herself down to it's level and forcing a smile. "Hello there."
  90. [18:18] <~Radio|GM> The twins guarding the fort are almost exact replicas of one another, and they turn as one to Limuko, speaking in turns.
  91. [18:18] <~Radio|GM> "What sort..."
  92. [18:18] <~Radio|GM> "...of trade..."
  93. [18:18] <~Radio|GM> " you wish..."
  94. [18:18] <~Radio|GM> " do?"
  95. [18:18] * Brookwind trots over to Radiant_Fury and the dog, tilting her head. "We found a second dog as well."
  96. [18:19] * Radiant_Fury doesn't look up at Brookwind. She sticks a hoof towards her. "Shhh."
  97. [18:19] <~Radio|GM> The dog sits on its haunches, scratching behind an ear.
  98. [18:19] * Limuko almost thought it was rather interesting for the guards to finish each other's sentences. "Ah, Limuko has found gold he would like to trade."
  99. [18:20] <~Radio|GM> The twins address Limuko once more.
  100. [18:20] <~Radio|GM> "We're sorry..."
  101. [18:20] <~Radio|GM> "...but we cannot..."
  102. [18:20] * Brookwind nods to Radiant_Fury, watching.
  103. [18:20] <~Radio|GM> "...let you pass..."
  104. [18:20] <~Radio|GM> "...for we know..."
  105. [18:20] <~Radio|GM> "...that must be..."
  106. [18:20] * Radiant_Fury continues smiling. She levitates out a carrot, breaks it in half, and offer half of it to the dog. "Here."
  107. [18:20] <~Radio|GM> "...a lie..."
  108. [18:20] <~Radio|GM> "...for the mines..."
  109. [18:21] <~Radio|GM> "in Coltifornia..."
  110. [18:21] <~Radio|GM> "...gave up the last of their gold..."
  111. [18:21] <~Radio|GM> "...long ago."
  112. [18:22] * Danger_Zone returns to Radiant_Fury. "You got it! Keep hold of it!"
  113. [18:22] <~Radio|GM> The dog The dog snuffs at the carrot, before recoiling and shaking its head as though it had been caught in the rain. Clearly, carrots aren't its favorite treat.
  114. [18:22] * Limuko just shook his head, giving a smile that only a zebra with a 10 in Charisma could bring about. "No no no my friends, Limuko is not lying." He then takes out the vial of gold he received out with his tail. "This is from gold mining long long ago, and there are only 100 samples of these."
  115. [18:23] * Radiant_Fury gives Danger_Zone an irritated look. "No carrots, huh? How about..." She offers him half of a potato.
  116. [18:24] <~Radio|GM> The dog simply yawns, not even gracing the potato a second glance.
  117. [18:24] * Brookwind looks at the dog curiously. "Fury, there's another letter around the dog's neck."
  118. [18:25] <~Radio|GM> The twins look to the vial in Limuko's tail for several moments. Their horns glow in unison, before they speak once more.
  119. [18:25] <~Radio|GM> "That is indeed..."
  120. [18:25] <~Radio|GM> "...genuine gold..."
  121. [18:25] <~Radio|GM> "...but we cannot let you pass..."
  122. [18:25] * Radiant_Fury nods. "Your powers of observation are /astounding/ detective." She offers the dog some Brahmin jerky.
  123. [18:25] <~Radio|GM> "...for we are unable to determine..."
  124. [18:25] <~Radio|GM> "...if this gold..."
  125. [18:25] <Brookwind> "Shut up."
  126. [18:26] <~Radio|GM> "...was fairly bought..."
  127. [18:26] <~Radio|GM> "...or if you received it..."
  128. [18:26] <~Radio|GM> " less scrupulous means."
  129. [18:26] <~Radio|GM> At that the twins seem to tense, as both of their weapons now point at Limuko.
  130. [18:26] <~Radio|GM> "Do not attempt..."
  131. [18:26] <~Radio|GM> " enter..."
  132. [18:27] <~Radio|GM> "...unless you can prove..."
  133. [18:27] <~Radio|GM> "...that this gold was fairly given."
  134. [18:27] <~Radio|GM> At that, the dog's eyes now light up, as it bounds over and proceeds to lunge at the jerky.
  135. [18:28] * Danger_Zone gives a sigh.
  136. [18:28] * Limuko gave a look of disbelief at the twin. "This ... this is because Limuko is a zebra isn't it?" With that, he begins to cry. "Limuko heard that zebra was running town from friend who gave him gold after saving him. Limuko thought you were different from other ponies." He then turns away from the twins. "Limuko will have to find another town that accepts
  137. [18:29] * Limuko zebras." With that, he starts to trot away.
  138. [18:29] <~Radio|GM> As Limuko trots off, he hears a voice call behind him. "Say, what's the ruckus?"
  139. [18:29] * Radiant_Fury sets it on the ground at her hooves. "There you go." She says, smiling. She lowers herself down to look eye to eye with the dog. She waves another piece of jerky in front of his muzzle. "You'll get this when you give me that note." She says, tugging it's collar lightly with her magic.
  140. [18:30] <~Radio|GM> The voice continues. "Oi, you there! Yeah, I'm talking to you! Get yer tail back here!"
  141. [18:31] * Limuko turns around, confused at who was the voice. He was going to guilt the guards into letting him in ... but this can work! "Hmm?" Limuko said with confusion all over his face.
  142. [18:31] <~Radio|GM> The dog wags its tail at Radiant_Fury, eyes locked on the jerky, giving a faint whine.
  143. [18:32] * Radiant_Fury lifts the jerky up high enough that the dog would have to sit up for it, all the while slowly lifting the note from the pouch around it's neck. "Good... boy..." She mutters, eyes narrowed in concentration.
  144. [18:32] <~Radio|GM> The guards' expressions remain impassive, but coming through the gate now is an enormous figure, clad in an old leather duster, a large-caliber rifle slung over his back. From beneath the brim of a large cowpony's hat, Limuko can see the face of a zebra, his eyes covered with what appear to be a pair of sunglasses.
  145. [18:33] * Chasseuse continues to look for wherever Brookwind flew off to!
  146. [18:33] <~Radio|GM> The zebra addresses Limuko the gate. "Now what's going on here?" His voice is accent free, his voice and behavior more Equestrian than zebra.
  147. [18:33] * Brookwind simply went further upstream!
  148. [18:34] <~Radio|GM> Chasseuse and Dumisani can see the others very clearly from their position!
  149. [18:35] * Limuko hasn't honestly seen another zebra other than his parents. The lack of a zebra accent didn't really bother the conzebra as he gave a friendly smile. "Ahhhhh, you must be Dusty Trotters. Friend who gave Limuko gold mentioned you."
  150. [18:35] * Dumisani continues to plod towards the other group
  151. [18:36] <~Radio|GM> The zebra raises an eyebrow. "So you know my name, huh? What friend is this?" He turns to the twins. "And what's the problem?" The twins reply:
  152. [18:36] <~Radio|GM> "He cannot prove..."
  153. [18:36] <~Radio|GM> "...that his business..."
  154. [18:36] <~Radio|GM> " the fort..."
  155. [18:36] <~Radio|GM> " legitimate."
  156. [18:37] <~Radio|GM> The zebra nods briefly, then turns back to Limuko. "Alright, now let's hear your part of the story."
  157. [18:37] <~Radio|GM> The dog raises onto its back legs now to reach for the jerky! The note is within telekinetic reach now, if Radiant_Fury is quick!
  158. [18:38] * Limuko nods to the zebra. "Ah yes, Limuko's friend Redshift told me about you. He was friend of black furred friend I met, Catmeat; I know, crazy name."
  159. [18:39] <~Radio|GM> The zebra blinks again. "How do you know Red?"
  160. [18:39] * Chasseuse trots over to the ponies, quirking her head at the second dog. "Hmm... Radiant_Fury, do you mind me leashing zat one as well, for our mission? I am not sure which is ze one we want..."
  161. [18:41] * Danger_Zone eyes Radiant_Fury and the dog.
  162. [18:41] <Limuko> "Weeeeeeeeeellll ... it a crazy story that involves zebra ghost nearly killing Redshift. While traveling to Coltifornia to get away from all the racism, Limuko met Catmeat friend. Then Catmeat friend made me follow him to assist his master. Then Limuko saw Redshift in danger from magic zebra ghost. Zebra ghost doesn't like ponies, but I spoke with zebra ghost
  163. [18:41] * Radiant_Fury waves a hoof at Chasseuse. "Not... yet... Trying to get this note."
  164. [18:42] <~Radio|GM> Radiant_Fury is indeed quick. She manages to get the note intact. The dog briefly snaps at her hoof, but soon forgets it for the jerky.
  165. [18:42] <Limuko> to spare Redshift. After that Redshift gave Limuko gold."
  166. [18:43] * Radiant_Fury smirks, tossing the jerky towards Chasseuse. "All yours."
  167. [18:43] * Brookwind looks over Fury's shoulder.
  168. [18:43] * Radiant_Fury folds the note and tucks it away, without looking at it.
  169. [18:45] <~Radio|GM> Dusty simply stands in shocked silence at Limuko's story. He pauses and gives Limuko his full attention. "What did this zebra ghost do, exactly? Where did all this happen?"
  170. [18:45] * Chasseuse smiles at the second dog and picks up the jerky, waving it just out of reach. "'Ello," she coos, "would you like a treat as well?"
  171. [18:46] * Radiant_Fury stands up and resumes trotting back upstream. "Just don't give it too much to eat, it might start following you instead of its master."
  172. [18:46] <~Radio|GM> The second dog barks as it lifts itself to try and take the jerky. Unfortunately, so does the first dog, and the group is treated to a rather comical sight of two near-identical basset hounds, standing on their hindlegs, side-by-side as they dance about and try to reach the jerky.
  173. [18:47] * Chasseuse blinks, trying to keep the jerky away. "Sit!" Chasseuse huffs, "Or no jerky."
  174. [18:48] <~Radio|GM> Both dogs whine, as they sit on their haunches and look pitifully at the ground, two pairs of large brown eyes wide and soppy and locked right on the jerky.
  175. [18:50] * Limuko replies to Dusty with honesty ... real honesty. "Limuko saw it in nearest forest, in the lake there is an island with cavern. Limuko saw many glymphs of zebras on the wall. But Limuko would not recommend Dusty friend after zebra ghost warned me never to return. I believe zebra ghost has not gotten over racism over our kind."
  176. [18:50] * Dumisani chuckles softly at the sight.
  177. [18:50] * Chasseuse smiles, patting both dogs on the head. They are rewarded with jerky for their good behavior as Chasseuse tears the jerky into two pieces and throws it in front of them.
  178. [18:50] * Danger_Zone looks between both dogs, a look of confusion on her face, before slowly turning to follow Radiant_Fury.
  179. [18:51] * Brookwind frowns a little, resuming her trot after Radiant_Fury. "So are we going to look at the note or...?"
  180. [18:51] <Chasseuse> While the second dog is distracted, Chasseuse pulls out a second belt from her saddlebag, looping it and the rope.
  181. [18:51] <~Radio|GM> The second dog is successfully looped.
  182. [18:52] * Radiant_Fury stops to look Brookwind. "/We/ are not. /I/ will when a certain detective stops following me."
  183. [18:52] * Chasseuse pets the two dogs, looking to each fondly. "Such good dogs... I am sure whichever one of you is Sorrel will be 'appy to see Flaxseed."
  184. [18:53] <~Radio|GM> One dog barks. The other yawns.
  185. [18:53] * Brookwind sighs. "Why not?"
  186. [18:53] * Radiant_Fury can't believe what she's hearing. "Is that a serious question, detective?"
  187. [18:54] <Brookwind> "Do you want to find this mare?"
  188. [18:55] * Radiant_Fury nods. "Yes. And so far, you've proved nothing but a hinderence, Brookwind. Stop wasting both of our times and bother somepony who actually wants your help."
  189. [18:56] <~Radio|GM> Before either Radiant_Fury or Brookwind can argue any further, a sudden rustling is heard in the bushes! Brookwind herself can see it coming from several hundred feet off, in their direction.
  190. [18:56] <~Radio|GM> Dusty regards Limuko briefly in silence, before turning to the twins. "Let him in." He turns back to the conzebra. "And you come with me."
  191. [18:57] * Brookwind draws her revolver. "Movement, 100 plus feet." She says, dropping low.
  192. [18:57] * Brookwind points it out to Radiant_Fury. "In the bushes."
  193. [18:57] * Limuko nods to Dusty, happy to see that he's allowed inside the Fort now. He distances himself away from the twins as he follows Dusty.
  194. [18:58] * Radiant_Fury keeps trotting, undaunted. However, she decides to slide down the bank and cross the river, if it was going to be an issue.
  195. [18:58] * Danger_Zone is right there too, y'know. She prepares for a fight, watching the direction Brook pointed.
  196. [18:59] * Brookwind rather lofts into the air, scanning the bushline for further signs of movement.
  197. [18:59] <~Radio|GM> The movement suddenly disappears as soon as Brookwing takes off.
  198. [18:59] * Chasseuse releases the two rope-leashes and lofts them in her telekinesis. Preparing for a fight, she reaches down and pulls out her knife.
  199. [19:00] * Radiant_Fury wades through the water, slowly levitating out her dual flare-pistols.
  200. [19:00] * Brookwind snorts and dives for the bushes, scanning them closely.
  201. [19:02] <~Radio|GM> Several yards away from Danger_Zone's position, there is a sudden loud *pop!* and a large burst of dirt that erupts into the air. Out pops an enormous head, covered in brown fur, with two large pincer-like fangs. It peeks about to the left, then to the right, then straight at Brookwind, and then promptly burrows back down.
  202. [19:03] <Brookwind> "The fuck was that!?"
  203. [19:03] * Danger_Zone 's eyes widen, and she takes to the air as well! "Keep off the ground!"
  204. [19:03] <~Radio|GM> The creature does not reappear.
  205. [19:04] <~Radio|GM> Everone in the vicinity could see the creature, and hear the *pop* from the dirt.
  206. [19:04] <~Radio|GM> Dusty Trotters continues onwards, sparing Limuko a few glances every now and then. "Don't mind the twins, son. They aren't prejudiced. Just careful."
  207. [19:04] * Chasseuse looks around nervously. "'Elpful tip, wiz two dogs in tow, as well..." Chasseuse frowns, looking for some area the creature can't borrow through... hard stone, wood, etc.
  208. [19:05] <~Radio|GM> The two dogs certainly heard the creature, as they begin barking madly.
  209. [19:05] * Brookwind carefully cocks her revolver, frowning.
  210. [19:05] <~Radio|GM> Chasseuse finds nothing, the entire area covered in soft dirt and high brush.
  211. [19:05] * Radiant_Fury crosses the river? and climbs up the bank. She looks around a little, and continues trotting.
  212. [19:06] * Limuko was currently not dealing with a crazy monster buried in the ground. He smiled at Dusty. "It is alright friend, Limuko understands if twins are careful. Gold must be serious business then?" And serious business meant caps!
  213. [19:06] * Chasseuse groans, tightening her muzzle around the knife. She continues to look around for any sign of the creature...
  214. [19:07] <Brookwind> "...Keep moving!"
  215. [19:08] * Chasseuse tugs on the leashes, trying to pull the dogs to begin to move away.
  216. [19:09] * Radiant_Fury tunes out the sqabbling of the other ponies and keeps trotting. There's been enough distractions today. For once, she takes Brookwind's advice and keeps moving upstream.
  217. [19:09] * Brookwind flies along next to Danger_Zone.
  218. [19:09] <~Radio|GM> Suddenly, all characters on the ground can hear a deep rumbling...and then, just ten yards from Chasseuse, out it pops again! She can see the creature once more, as it turns now to gaze with its beady, brown eyes upon the mare and the two dogs. It blinks once, as its equally enormous paws shimmy out from under the dirt and rest on the surface. There it sits for several moments, doing...
  219. [19:09] <~Radio|GM> ...absolutely nothing.
  220. [19:10] * Chasseuse stands, silently and just as still... knife ready if the creature means to fight.
  221. [19:11] * Brookwind takes aim at the creature from above. "Keep moving!" She repeats, continuing to fly.
  222. [19:11] <~Radio|GM> Dusty sighs at Limuko. "It isn't so much that it's serious business as that gold is scarcer than hen's teeth nowadays. A lot of it went back east to fuel the war machine before the megaspells ruined it all. War don't come cheap, kiddo."
  223. [19:13] * Limuko nods to Dusty. He didn't exactly like hearing about the war. After all, that was one of the reasons most ponies shot at him. "Limuko wonders how zebra like Dusty became leader of Fort."
  224. [19:13] <~Radio|GM> The creature just blinks at Chasseuse, watching silently. One of the dogs reaches over, trying to sniff at the rodent's paw.
  225. [19:14] * Chasseuse tugs on the leash, trying to pull the dog away. "Sorrel, no," she chastises.
  226. [19:15] <~Radio|GM> As Radiant_Fury trots away, she can suddenly hear a deep rumbling from behind her, the way she came. It is loud, extremely loud...
  227. [19:15] <~Radio|GM> The others hear nothing. Nothing at all.
  228. [19:15] * Radiant_Fury glances down into the river, the way she came. She cocks a brow.
  229. [19:15] <~Radio|GM> The dog ignores Chasseuse, straining at the leash. The creature now looks to the dog, and shuffles a paw closer for the the dog to sniff, still doing nothing.
  230. [19:18] <~Radio|GM> Chasseuse has no idea what this massive creature might be!
  231. [19:18] * Chasseuse tugs harder, trying to keep the dog back. She doesn't want it to hurt itself! She looks back to Dumisani. "Care to 'elp wiz zis creature? Or... do you know what it may be?"
  232. [19:20] * Dumisani shrugs. "Don't know what it is. Not seen it before."
  233. [19:21] <~Radio|GM> What Radiant_Fury sees, however, is entirely different. In the distance, she can see the faint outline of where Trotters Fort is, and from the hills behind that an enormous bright light, shooting into the heavens as it trails a column of white smoke from behind. Curiously, though it's early morning, the sky briefly seems as bright as midday, the light even brighter as it shoots upwards, upwards, far out of sight.
  234. [19:21] <~Radio|GM> The light fades, and that sudden vision fades away. The column of smoke is gone, as is the rumble and the light.
  235. [19:22] <~Radio|GM> Nobody else hears or sees a thing.
  236. [19:23] <~Radio|GM> The giant creature now turns its attention to Dumisani, giving a small strange noise. It squeaks loudly, its voice surprisingly high-pitched for something so large.
  237. [19:23] * Radiant_Fury isn't sure what to make of the sight. That's... No. She knows what it is. But it's... just... a vision... She stops in place, eyes fixed on the sky above.
  238. [19:23] * Danger_Zone has no damn clue what this thing is. The only reason she hasn't exploded it is because it's not been aggressive... yet.
  239. [19:24] * Dumisani flicks her ears forward and snorts in response to the sound.
  240. [19:24] * Chasseuse humms, deciding to loosen her grip on the dog collars. Perhaps it's friendly...
  241. [19:26] <~Radio|GM> The dogs come forward and sniff about at the creature's paws. The creature gives another squeak, then burrows back down beneath the soil and is gone once more.
  242. [19:27] <Brookwind> "...huh."
  243. [19:27] * Radiant_Fury sighs a little. Her gaze at the sky is longing, and she looks hesitant to break it as she floats out the note and reads it.
  244. [19:28] * Chasseuse frowns. "Odd."
  245. [19:29] * Brookwind looks down at Radiant_Fury, and decides agaisnt intruding again.
  246. [19:30] <~Radio|GM> Dusty turns to Limuko. "Long story, kid. A lot longer than I've got time for. You go ahead and tell me about Red. How's he holding up?"
  247. [19:31] * Limuko could understand Dusty. Limuko too had a long story. "Ah, RedShift is with Catmeat now. He is quite happy to be spared from zebra ghost ... though, Limuko never understood why friend was red in the face. How do you know Redshift friend?"
  248. [19:36] <~Radio|GM> The note is simple. " 23-6-8-7-2 23-12-22-8 13-12-7 8-6-8-11-22-24-7"
  249. [19:36] * Radiant_Fury folds it back up, then. "Right."
  250. [19:37] <~Radio|GM> Dusty sighs. "Suffice to say he did a few favors for me once. Good kid, Red." He turns back to Limuko. "Now, you said something about gold?"
  251. [19:37] <~Radio|GM> Several minutes pass. The creature does not reappear.
  252. [19:37] * Limuko nods happily, showing the vial of gold to Dusty. "Indeed my friend. Limuko want's to know how much gold will cost."
  253. [19:38] <~Radio|GM> Dusty gapes at the vial, taking off his sunglasses to look at it more closely. " you have any idea what this is?"
  254. [19:40] * Chasseuse shrugs, looking to Dumisani. "So, shall we go back to town wiz ze dogs?"
  255. [19:40] * Limuko nods happily. "Indeed I do. There are only 100 of these vials. No more gold in river Limuko was told by Redshift."
  256. [19:43] <~Radio|GM> As the group by the river stands around, some can hear the sound of hooves upon the soil. Somepony is approaching.
  257. [19:44] <~Radio|GM> Dusty guffaws. "Well, I'll be!" He turns to Limuko. "Do you know where I got the name 'Trotters', kid? Do you know why this place is called 'Trotters Fort'?"
  258. [19:44] * Brookwind quickly looks around!
  259. [19:45] <~Radio|GM> Brookwind is the first to see somepony approaching, who is none other than Flaxseed herself, as she trots back to the group with what appears to be a large basket.
  260. [19:45] * Limuko gives a zebra shrug. "Limuko is not so sure. Perhaps to name town after self? Or other way around?"
  261. [19:45] * Brookwind lowers her revolver. "Hey!" She calls out to Flaxseed.
  262. [19:48] * Danger_Zone thinks things are getting waaay too strange.
  263. [19:48] <~Radio|GM> Flaxseed smiles as she waves to the group. "I knew you couldn't have gone far, so I decided to bring some lunch for you!" She looks to the group. "Any luck?"
  264. [19:50] <~Radio|GM> Dusty Trotters shakes his head. "Waaaay back when, in the early days of the original Coltifornia Gold Rush, old Gravel Trotter was the first one to discover gold in the rivers. He was the first one to strike it rich, and he's the one who built this fort with his bare hooves." He grins. "He was my great-great grandpa or so. And that vial in your hands is one of the original 100 that Gravel...
  265. [19:50] <~Radio|GM> ...himself bottled and sent across Equestria as proof of what he'd found."
  266. [19:52] * Chasseuse points to the dogs as Flaxseed approaches.
  267. [19:53] <~Radio|GM> Flaxseed approaches, her face brightening. "Oh, Sorrel!" The first dog barks at once and rushes towards Flaxseed, as she holds the squirming dog in her hooves. The other dog sits back with Chasseuse, the one with the cylindrical pocket.
  268. [19:54] * Radiant_Fury takes another longing glance at the sky. "Wonderful." She isn't sure what to do with this information. It doesn't... really tell her anything.
  269. [19:54] * Chasseuse releases Sorrel's leash, then looks to the second dog. "I take it zis is not Sorrel zen?"
  270. [19:54] * Limuko nods to Dusty. "Ah, so that is story of bottled gold." He then looked at the vial while it was held in it's tail. "Redshift had told Limuko that gold would bring him many caps." He then looks at Dusty. "It is for sale no?"
  271. [19:55] * Radiant_Fury looks across the river. Slowly, she trots over to the rest of the group.
  272. [19:55] * Brook pets the other dog!
  273. [19:55] <~Radio|GM> Flax glances at the other dog, shaking her head. "No. That's the odd thing..." She trots over and pats the other dog fondly. "I know this dog very well. She's my sister's." She beams at the dog. "Barry! You remember me, doncha, boy? You remember Flaxy, right?" The other dog, now with a name, proceeds to roll about playfully in the dirt.
  274. [19:56] * Radiant_Fury hurredly trots right up to Flaxseed and taps her on the shoulder. "Excuse me."
  275. [19:56] * Chasseuse smiles, using her telekinesis to remove both collars and leashes, placing them in her saddlebag. "Glad to be of 'elp."
  276. [19:56] * Danger_Zone thinks this whole thing is very, very... strange.
  277. [19:58] <~Radio|GM> Flaxseed beams. "You should come back to the fort now. There's actually several things I'd like to talk to you about, now that Sorrel is safe and sound again!" She turns to Radiant_Fury. "Yes? What is it?"
  278. [19:58] * Radiant_Fury produces the paper, intent on not showing anypony what was on it. "I'd like to talk to you privately, if that's all right." There's a sterness in her voice that suggests it had better be all right.
  279. [20:00] <~Radio|GM> Flaxseed seems to take the hint and nods. "At the fort, then, when we can talk one-on-one." She smiles at the others. "Well, would you all care for some lunch?" She produces the basket she was carrying earlier.
  280. [20:00] * Radiant_Fury puts a hoof back on Flaxseed's shoulder. "It shouldn't take long. I insist."
  281. [20:01] <~Radio|GM> Dusty regards Limuko. "Well...I dunno. Ordinarily, I'd just take it off of you and claim it as mine, since it rightfully is, but you clearly look like you could use the caps. Besides, you look like a good kid. So why don't we strike a deal?" He grins at Limuko. "Find me two more, then we can negotiate a price. Till then, you keep this one."
  282. [20:02] * Chasseuse nods happily. "Sure! Lunch does sound nice."
  283. [20:02] * Brookwind nods as well. "I am hungry."
  284. [20:02] <~Radio|GM> Flax nods. "Alright, then." She turns to the others. "Help yourselves! Just be sure to save some for your friend here." She chuckles as she turns to Radiant_Fury out of earshot. "What is it?"
  285. [20:02] <~Radio|GM> Sorrel and Barry walk over to the rest of the group, eyeing the basket hungrily.
  286. [20:03] * Chasseuse smiles, trotting over to open the basket.
  287. [20:03] * Limuko was a bit sad that he couldn't just sell the gold right now ... but why correct Dusty's perception on him?! Much better for business. And he didn't even need to con at all for this. "Very well my friend. Limuko will be in search of more vials." He then puts the vial back into his saddle bags. "And Limuko is in very much need of caps. Not much left after
  288. [20:03] * Limuko last trip."
  289. [20:05] * Radiant_Fury lowers her head. "I found this in..." She blinks at the dogs, not really being able to tell them apart. "Barry's collar. Your dogs are probably being used to ferry messages between spies inside your Fort."
  290. [20:06] * Danger_Zone drops down next to the basket. She's definitely hungry.
  291. [20:06] * Brookwind settles down by the basket as well.
  292. [20:07] <~Radio|GM> The basket is filled with some perfectly well-made sandwiches, consisting of that bread from the kitchens as well as some grilled vegetables and slices of cooked radhog pork. There's even a bottle of Horsestershire sauce!
  293. [20:07] <~Radio|GM> Flaxseed blinks. "Messages?"
  294. [20:07] * Chasseuse smiles, taking one of the sandwiches. Chassuse sits back on her haunches, then begins nibbling.
  295. [20:08] <~Radio|GM> Dusty gives it some thought, then shrugs. "Why not? From one zebra to another, there's no reason not to be generous." He reaches into a pocket and spills out 80 caps onto the table for Limuko. "There you are. That's all I've got on me right now."
  296. [20:08] * Radiant_Fury produces the not she already produced a second ago. "These. Coded messages. I believe that Lucky Lantern was involved in this plot, somehow, and that it contributed to her disappearance."
  297. [20:09] * Brookwind picks up a sandwich and one of the slices of pork, happily biting into both.
  298. [20:09] <~Radio|GM> Flaxseed's expression changes to one of stunned amazement. "What..." She bites her lip. "Does Fortune know about this?"
  299. [20:09] * Limuko has his eyes sparkle at the oh so beautiful caps as they go into his bag. He smiles even more than before. "Thank you my friend. Is there anything you heard where Limuko might find more vials?"
  300. [20:09] * Danger_Zone grabs her own sandwich, taking a nice, big bite!
  301. [20:10] * Radiant_Fury shakes her head. "No. Nopony knows about it. It appears nopony was /that/ invested in this debacle."
  302. [20:11] <~Radio|GM> Flaxseed sighs. "Aside from Lucky, it seems. Do you have any idea what she was up to?"
  303. [20:12] <~Radio|GM> Dusty shrugs. "Not a clue, kid. Sorry."
  304. [20:12] * Radiant_Fury gives a concise "No." followed by a few moments of thinking. "Whatever it was, it very well might be putting the entire Fort in Danger."
  305. [20:13] <~Radio|GM> Flax nods soberly. "Should we talk to Dusty about this? Dusty Trotters, that is. The one who runs the fort."
  306. [20:14] * Radiant_Fury looks her over. "Now. There's an important question that you need to answer."
  307. [20:15] <Limuko> "Well, Limuko will have to find some way or another to find another vial. Though, Limuko will have to find good sleeping place where no one can steal from him." The conzebra said, always with his third-person speech.
  308. [20:15] <~Radio|GM> Flax blinks. "Oh? What's that?"
  309. [20:16] * Brookwind looks over to where Flax and Radiant_Fury were talking, hmmming a little. This was a little odd... why would she take the time to come out and deliver lunch?
  310. [20:16] * Radiant_Fury narrows her eyes. "How did they get your and your sister's dogs to deliver these message?"
  311. [20:16] <~Radio|GM> Flax seems to pick up on what's going on, as she looks to Radiant_Fury soberly. "Are you insinuating something, miss?"
  312. [20:17] * Radiant_Fury nods. "I am."
  313. [20:17] * Chasseuse continues nibbling happily and unaware of anything amiss!
  314. [20:18] <~Radio|GM> Flax continues. "Then say it out loud."
  315. [20:19] * Brookwind gets up, having barely even touched her food. "Excuse me for a moment..." She says, moving towards where Flax and Radiant_Fury were.
  316. [20:20] * Radiant_Fury takes a step back and points those flare guns she has at Flax. "You've been assisting an unknown party in all this, whatever it is. Now, if you do anything rash, I'll do something rash too."
  317. [20:20] <~Radio|GM> Dusty shrugs. "There's the Wooden Wing, in the fort. Tell them that I sent you, they should send you a room for free."
  318. [20:21] <Brookwind> "Whoa!"
  319. [20:21] <~Radio|GM> Flaxseed's eyes widen, as she steps backwards. "What are you doing?!"
  320. [20:21] * Brookwind draws her revolver, aiming it at Radiant_Fury. "The hell Fury?!"
  321. [20:21] * Limuko was even more happy then before. This was amazing. He was getting so much and didn't need to even con anypony. Nothing can go wrong now! "Very well my friend. Limuko thank you for allowing Limuko to enter and not get shot."
  322. [20:22] * Radiant_Fury has a little smirk on her face. "You didn't answer my other question, Flaxseed, so maybe you'll answer this one: Was Barry reported missing?"
  323. [20:22] <~Radio|GM> Dusty chuckles. "T'aint nothing, kiddo."
  324. [20:22] * Chasseuse blinks, mouth full of sandwich. "Fury?" She frowns. "What are you doing?"
  325. [20:22] <~Radio|GM> Flaxseed gulps. "H-how would I know? I haven't seen my sister in months!"
  326. [20:22] * Radiant_Fury smiles. "But you've talked to her, no doubt."
  327. [20:23] <~Radio|GM> Sorrel begins to bark loudly, as he rushes over until she is yards from Radiant_Fury, snarling.
  328. [20:23] <Radiant_Fury> "Using your dogs as messengers."
  329. [20:23] <~Radio|GM> Flaxseed shakes her head. "No! Why would I be involved in something so twisted?"
  330. [20:23] * Limuko nods to Dusty as he looks around for the Wooden Wing.
  331. [20:24] * Brookwind carefully watches Flaxseed, trying to determine if she was lying or not...
  332. [20:24] * Radiant_Fury shrugs a little. "We all have our reasons for things, Flaxseed. Now, answer those questions."
  333. [20:25] <~Radio|GM> Flaxseed nods and gulps, obviously very frightened. "A-ask them."
  334. [20:26] * Radiant_Fury looks around for a moment. "All right, let's start with the first one. Assuming that you /aren't/ involved with any of this, how did these ponies use your and your sister's dogs?"
  335. [20:26] * Chasseuse stands, remainder of her sandwich falling to the ground. Both her knife and sickle are lifted, held in her telekinesis. She looks between Flaxseed and Radiant_Fury with a frown. "Violence is not a proper method to question, Radiant."
  336. [20:27] <~Radio|GM> 5C03Flaxseed stutters. "L-Lucky had her room in the Wooden Wing, same as me! Sh-she could easily have used the dogs that way!"
  337. [20:28] * Danger_Zone is more than a little wary of this development. She trots closer, eyeing both Flax and Fury.
  338. [20:28] * Radiant_Fury hmmms. "I suppose that's possible, but it wouldn't explain how they got /Barry/."
  339. [20:28] <Radiant_Fury> "Where does your sister live?"
  340. [20:29] * Brookwind keeps her revolver aimed at Radiant_Fury, watching Flaxseed closely, reading her body language, facial expressions, and speach patterns.
  341. [20:29] <~Radio|GM> "In Coltamento! About two days' trotting from here!"
  342. [20:30] * Radiant_Fury gives a curt nod. Noted. "That's awfully far, isn't it... Next question, why are you out here, with a picinic lunch for six?"
  343. [20:31] <~Radio|GM> "Because you were doing work for me! I thought you'd be hungry!" Flax gives a small sob.
  344. [20:33] * Radiant_Fury gives her a dubious look. "And... you knew we'd be here? We didn't have to look very hard for your dog. He was just wandering right there on the bank... If it was safe for you to come here without a weapon and with a boxed lunch, you could have found him yourself."
  345. [20:34] <~Radio|GM> Flaxseed shakes her head fervently. "N-no! I've passed by this place countless times, and Sorrel was never here!"
  346. [20:34] <~Radio|GM> Flax begins to cry, bowing her head. "Please don't do this to me! I haven't done anything wrong, I swear!"
  347. [20:35] * Radiant_Fury gives a slight shrug. Her flare guns lower, eventually finding their way to the holsters on her flanks. "Well, he was here today. And so was your sister's dog, who lives two days away. They were both at this riverbank, on the same day, and one was carrying a letter from somepony who wants to... do something in the Fort."
  348. [20:36] * Chasseuse scowls at Fury, moving over to Flaxseed to pat her back, comforting her.
  349. [20:37] * Brookwind snorts at Fury, but gives her a small nod.
  350. [20:37] <~Radio|GM> Flax sniffles, even as CHasseuse tries to comfort her. With a strangled cry, she suddenly gets to her hooves and simply dashes off.
  351. [20:38] <Brookwind> "Nice job Fury."
  352. [20:38] <~Radio|GM> Sorrel gives a small whimper,and after giving the group a plaintive look, and Chasseuse in particular, he trundles off after Flax.
  353. [20:38] <~Radio|GM> Poor Barry seems awfully confused.
  354. [20:39] * Radiant_Fury turns a little and huffs. "I'm sorry, detective. Perhaps you'd like to explain this, then?"
  355. [20:39] * Chasseuse shakes her head at Radiant. "Violence should always be avoided." She sighs, nudging Barry to follow, and runs after Flax.
  356. [20:39] * Danger_Zone isn't sure what to think about all this. "So is she... what exactly are you accusing her of?"
  357. [20:40] * Radiant_Fury didn't use violence. She used the /threat/ of violence! Waaaaay different.
  358. [20:40] <~Radio|GM> Chasseuse's swift legs take her quickly back to Flaxseed and Sorrel, still running back to the fort.
  359. [20:41] * Brookwind sighs. "It's an interrogation tactic. Threatening violence is one of the most common interrogation tactics, and often very effective. I've used it countless times myself."
  360. [20:41] * Chasseuse continues to run, making sure to keep behind Flax while Barry follows.
  361. [20:43] <~Radio|GM> Barry is still trundling beside Chasseuse. Sorrel is with Flaxseed, the two dashing off as she comes to the gate of the fort.
  362. [20:43] * Radiant_Fury waves a hoof dismissively. "That's... not exactly what I meant, detective. But, whatever." She says, sitting down by the bank and stretching out a little.
  363. [20:43] <Brookwind> "What did you mean
  364. [20:43] <Brookwind> ?"
  365. [20:44] <~Radio|GM> It takes Limuko a while, but he finds the Wooden Wing with little difficulty.
  366. [20:44] * Radiant_Fury sighs a little. "Nothing."
  367. [20:45] * Chasseuse keeps up, persistent to apologize to Flax and deliver Barry!
  368. [20:46] <~Radio|GM> Flaxseed speaks in a flustered manner to the twins at the gate, who quickly let her in.
  369. [20:46] * Limuko is glad to have found the Wooden Wing and enters with a grin on his face.
  370. [20:48] <~Radio|GM> At the wooden wing, Limuko can find a mare sitting behind a desk, reading a novel. Behind her is a rack of keys, each peg labeled with a number.
  371. [20:48] * Chasseuse looks up to the twins as she reaches the gate, pointing to the dog following. "Anozer dog for Flaxseed... I need to speak with 'er."
  372. [20:48] <~Radio|GM> The twins look to Chasseuse.
  373. [20:49] <~Radio|GM> "Flaxseed has mentioned..."
  374. [20:49] * Brookwind sighs, tucking her revolver away. "What did the letter say Fury?"
  375. [20:49] <~Radio|GM> "...that she wants..."
  376. [20:49] <~Radio|GM> " visitors..."
  377. [20:49] <~Radio|GM> "...until she has spoken..."
  378. [20:49] * Chasseuse sighs. "I only wish to apologize for somepony else's actions... please."
  379. [20:49] <~Radio|GM> " Mr. Trotters personally."
  380. [20:49] * Radiant_Fury shrugs a little. "It was an affirmation that Dusty didn't know what she was up to." She mutters.
  381. [20:49] <~Radio|GM> The twins shake their heads in tandem, standing firm.
  382. [20:50] <~Radio|GM> As the twins stand, the gate opens, from which a large zebra appears. Chasseuse has never seen Dusty before, but he strikes an intimidating figure, and he clearly isn't happy.
  383. [20:50] * Danger_Zone eyes Radiant_Fury. "What exactly /were/ you accusing her of? What were they doing?"
  384. [20:50] * Brookwind nods lightly to Radiant_Fury.
  385. [20:51] * Chasseuse raises an eyebrow at the zebra, then looks back to the twins. "Zen at ze very least, take ze dog to her, for me."
  386. [20:51] <~Radio|GM> Dusty turns now to the twins. "No admittance to the visitors from last night until further notice. Understood?" The twins nod, as the zebra begins to turn to leave.
  387. [20:51] * Chasseuse huffs. "Wait!"
  388. [20:51] * Radiant_Fury lies back to look up at the sky. She isn't very happy either. "She... or somepony... Fuck if I know anymore... Were sending messages using her inn and her dogs."
  389. [20:52] <~Radio|GM> The twins say nothing, as the zebra turns back. "What is it?" He looks sternly at Chasseuse. "I haven't got all day. Make it quick."
  390. [20:52] * Danger_Zone taps her hooves. "And... that's bad because...?"
  391. [20:52] * Chasseuse frowns. "Why is it zat we are not allowed back in? We, barring Radiant_Fury, 'ave done nozing wrong. And we are not even a group!"
  392. [20:53] * Limuko avoids looking at the mare at the desk as he spoke to her. "Hello my friend. Mr. Dusty has allowed for Limuko to have free room."
  393. [20:53] * Radiant_Fury crosses her hindhooves. "Whoever they are, they kidnapped Lucky Lantern... or at least involved her. They were watching her from /inside/ the Fort."
  394. [20:54] * Brookwind nods to Radiant_Fury. "Mmm, what for though?" She mutters, pulling out her notebook again.
  395. [20:54] <Brookwind> "What were they up to?"
  396. [20:55] * Radiant_Fury shakes her head.
  397. [20:56] <~Radio|GM> Dusty snorts. "You ever heard this one, miss? 'Always judge a traveller by his company'. This Fury figure upset poor Flax, and pointed a weapon at her, as far as I understand. And you were on the same job, what makes you think you won't pull off the same Brahmin shit on me?" He looks down upon Chasseuse. "Do you truly know Flaxseed all that well? Do you know what kind of a life she's had?...
  398. [20:56] <~Radio|GM> ...She and her sister came to me when they were both just fillies. Parents dead, bones showing on their ribs, shot at and raped countless times by raiders. She's barely holding on as it is, years later." He snarls. "And look at her now. She's like a daughter to me, and your friend hurt her."
  399. [20:57] <~Radio|GM> Dusty turns away. "You want my advice, miss? Get yourself some better company. Until then, don't expect to be welcome here for a good long time." With that, he closes the gate behind him, the twins resuming their positions.
  400. [20:57] * Danger_Zone sighs. "Like I said... that's bad because...?"
  401. [20:57] * Danger_Zone adds, "Sending messages is hardly criminal!"
  402. [20:58] * Radiant_Fury waves a hoof around. "They're being infiltrated by ponies that aren't above kidnapping to keep a pony quiet. That being said, I'm sure they don't give a damn anymore."
  403. [20:58] * Chasseuse shakes her head, looking down. "No... I do not know her, and Radiant is not my friend. 'Always judge a traveller by his company' does not apply when she is not even my company." Chasseuse slumps, scuffing her hoof against the ground. "At ze -very- least, take zis dog and my apology to Flaxseed."
  404. [20:59] <~Radio|GM> Dusty is already gone.
  405. [21:00] <~Radio|GM> The gate opens, and then Dusty comes back out with an ugly scowl. "I'm feeling generous today. You have a minute. Make it count."
  406. [21:01] * Chasseuse frowns, looking up at the two guards. "Take zis dog to her, and my apology, since none of you 'ave the decency to help a traveler not involved in this mess." She turns, shaking her head. Now to figure out where to go...
  407. [21:01] * Chasseuse frowns at Dusty. "Radiant Fury pointed the weapons. No one else was involved. I pointed my knife at Radiant... as did Brookwind and ze ozers. We were not involved."
  408. [21:02] * Chasseuse adds, "I was looking for Flax's dogs... Radiant was not. We were not even on ze same job."
  409. [21:03] <~Radio|GM> The twins say nothing. Barry simply sits with his head between his paws, giving a small whimper. Dusty frowns at Chasseuse in silence for a good long while, before he speaks. "Give me one good reason to believe you."
  410. [21:04] * Chasseuse sighs. "You 'ave no reason to believe -me-, but ask Flaxseed. I 'ave said no untrue words."
  411. [21:05] <~Radio|GM> Dusty glowers at Chasseuse for a brief moment, before the gate suddenly slams. Moments later, it opens again, as a very distraught Flaxseed trots timidly out. Behind her, Dusty continues to scowl angrily, though he stands back and says nothing.
  412. [21:06] * Chasseuse points to Barry. "'Ere is your dog. I wanted to bring it back, since it is your sister's..." She waves a hoof. "And I apologize for zat mare's actions, zough we are not traveling in a group. Do not feel any need to pay us, since we so upset you."
  413. [21:07] <~Radio|GM> Flaxseed shudders softly, shaking her head. "Barry's my sister's dog..." She gives a small whimper. "Wh-why did she say all that to me?" She looks to Chasseuse, eyes pleading. "You believe me, don't you? I could never do something like that!"
  414. [21:08] * Chasseuse sighs. "I do not even know what all evidence she has," She shakes her head. "but no, I do not believe her accusations... especially poorly-placed with threats of violence."
  415. [21:09] <~Radio|GM> Flax smiles softly. "But...I really want to help...really, I do...Fortune was crying so much yesterday, I wanted to help her..." She shakes.
  416. [21:11] * Radiant_Fury has nothing more to say. She just mulls over the evidence in her head.
  417. [21:11] * Chasseuse looks to Dusty. "I am sorry for what Radiant did, but it was not the others' fault. They should not be blamed. Only her..."
  418. [21:12] <~Radio|GM> Flax turns to the giant zebra. "She isn't lying..." She looks briefly at Chasseuse. "She even tried to comfort me..."
  419. [21:13] * Radiant_Fury finally sits up and starts trotting back to the Fort. It was time that somepony went public with this information. "Detective, your pen, please." She says, floating out each of her letters.
  420. [21:15] * Brookwind raises an eyebrow at Radiant_Fury, before hoofing over her pen.
  421. [21:15] * Danger_Zone gives Radiant_Fury a confused look, but follows her as she trots.
  422. [21:16] * Radiant_Fury begins scribbling the decoded messages for each of the letters, underneath the code, all the while trotting to the Fort. "It's time we talk to Dusty Trotters. Whoever that is."
  423. [21:18] * Limuko was still waiting for the mare at the desk to reply. But he didn't mind, he was patient with the text in the sky.
  424. [21:19] <~Radio|GM> Dusty regards Flax and Chasseuse for a moment, then shakes his head. "I can't. Not unless you give me something more substantial than that." He turns away and gestures for Flax to come back inside. "Come inside, Flax."
  425. [21:20] * Chasseuse sighs, nudging the dog. "Zen take ze dog."
  426. [21:21] <~Radio|GM> Flax blinks, looking from Dusty, then back to Chasseuse, then back to Dusty. With an apologetic whimper, she trots back into the fort. Dusty nods, as he turns to Chasseuse, his expression softening somewhat. "Come back when you've actually got something in hoof. Until then, stay away." With that, the gate closes again.
  427. [21:21] <~Radio|GM> He did not take the dog.
  428. [21:21] <~Radio|GM> The mare at the desk looks up to Limuko, apparently annoyed at being torn away from her novel. "Whaddya want?"
  429. [21:22] * Chasseuse groans. Does no one care about this dog?
  430. [21:22] * Chasseuse places the belt-collar and rope-leash back around the dogs neck, petting his coat. "It seems zat you are stuck wiz me."
  431. [21:22] * Limuko tries his hardest not to blush when speaking to the mare as he spoke. "Mr. Dusty has allowed for Limuko to have room for free."
  432. [21:23] <~Radio|GM> The mare raises an eye. "Oh yeah? What'll it take for me to believe you, stripes?"
  433. [21:24] * Radiant_Fury arrives at the gates of the fort?, evidence floating next to her.
  434. [21:24] * Limuko frowns at that comment. "I thought town would be more pleasant to zebras like Limuko. Ask Mr. Dusty himself."
  435. [21:24] * Brookwind arrives with Radiant_Fury, nodding to Chasseuse.
  436. [21:25] * Chasseuse frowns at Radiant_Fury. "We are no longer welcome in zis town due to your actions. Questioning is viable without threats." She shakes her head, petting Barry.
  437. [21:25] <~Radio|GM> The mare rolls her eyes. "Tough luck, kid. Until I hear it from his own muzzle, get lost. I want my book." She turns back to her novel and gives Limuko no further regard.
  438. [21:25] * Radiant_Fury calls out in a loud voice. "Where," she begins, "Is Dusty Trotters?" She says, ignoring Chasseuse for the moment.
  439. [21:25] <~Radio|GM> Barry whines softly, though he licks at Chasseuse's hoof.
  440. [21:26] <~Radio|GM> The twins at the gate stiffen at once, both their rifles pointed directly at Radiant_Fury. They speak in unison. "You are not welcome here."
  441. [21:26] * Limuko was no longer affected by his zebra hormones, speaking normally now. She was a bitch, why let hormones control him now. "Well then, Limuko will just have to tell Dusty friend that you called Limuko stripes. See if Dustly let's you keep job." He then prepares to trot out.
  442. [21:27] <~Radio|GM> The mare blinks. "Hey hey! Wait up!" She calls after Limuko.
  443. [21:27] * Radiant_Fury doesn't look phased by their rifles. "I don't intend on going in. I have here with me evidence that suggests /somepony/ in your Fort is responsible for foalnapping Lucky Lantern."
  444. [21:27] <Radiant_Fury> "I just want to speak with Dusty Trotters."
  445. [21:28] <~Radio|GM> The twins stand firm, speaking once again. "You are not welcome here." They pay her words no heed.
  446. [21:28] * Danger_Zone points her grenade rifle at the twins in response! She grins. "My gun is bigger. You need to calm down."
  447. [21:28] * Radiant_Fury smiles and bows gratefully. "Then I'll be on my way." She trots out of sight, than sprints for the south gate!
  448. [21:28] * Limuko pauses, a grin on his face. "What was that? Limuko thought you were too racist to me, so he is leaving to tell Dusty how much you hate zebras ... especially Dusty himself."
  449. [21:29] * Radiant_Fury smiles. Thank you for the distraction, Danger_Zone! She'd have to properly thank her for that later.
  450. [21:29] <~Radio|GM> One twin aims her rifle at Danger_Zone, the other still trained on Radiant_Fury until she is out of sight. Both rifles then snap towards Danger_Zone.
  451. [21:29] <~Radio|GM> "Do not try..."
  452. [21:29] * Brookwind groans.
  453. [21:29] <~Radio|GM> " will regret the consequences."
  454. [21:30] * Radiant_Fury skids to a halt at the south gate and calls up for Treasure. "Excuse me? Are you up there?"
  455. [21:30] * Danger_Zone is still grinning. "Funny! I was about to say the same thing!"
  456. [21:30] * Brookwind looks at Chasseuse. "I think we might be the only sane ones here, along with Dumi."
  457. [21:30] * Chasseuse shakes her head, petting the dog.
  458. [21:31] <~Radio|GM> The twins do not move, still speaking in unison. "Do not interfere."
  459. [21:31] <~Radio|GM> As Radiant_Fury flies, she can see that Fortune Finder is indeed still guarding the south wall.
  460. [21:32] * Danger_Zone rolls her eyes. "Don't you two even listen? I said to calm down!"
  461. [21:32] <~Radio|GM> "Lower your weapons..."
  462. [21:32] <~Radio|GM> "...and we shall do the same."
  463. [21:32] * Radiant_Fury smiles up at her. "Hello! Before you start shooting me, I have something that Dusty Trotters needs to see!" She floats the stack of evidence up the wall to the guard. "Tell him Radiant_Fury sent it."
  464. [21:33] * Danger_Zone gives the twins a blank look. "It's called a /battle saddle/. You might as well ask a hellhound to put away its claws!"
  465. [21:33] <~Radio|GM> Fortune blinks. "Huh? It's yo-aaugh!" She leaps back in surprise, not expecting a faceful of evidence. "The hell is this?"
  466. [21:34] * Radiant_Fury trots in place. "Evidence suggesting that somepony in the Fort is guilty! Show it to Dusty immediately!"
  467. [21:35] * Danger_Zone eyes the twins. "You threatened us first! So you have to calm down first!"
  468. [21:35] <~Radio|GM> Fortune reads through the papers, before calling back down to Radiant_Fury. "It's a bunch of numbers and letters and shit! What's this supposed to mean?"
  469. [21:35] * Limuko waits for the mare's response.
  470. [21:36] <~Radio|GM> Fortune reads through the papers, before calling to Radiant_Fury with a shocked look. "Where'd these come from?"
  471. [21:36] <~Radio|GM> The twins stand firm.
  472. [21:36] <~Radio|GM> "In any case..."
  473. [21:37] <~Radio|GM> " are not welcome here."
  474. [21:37] <~Radio|GM> "Consider it..."
  475. [21:37] * Radiant_Fury shakes her head. "All over! We found one with Flax's sister's dog! One was in your sister's room, just give them to Dusty dammit!"
  476. [21:37] <~Radio|GM> "...a precaution."
  477. [21:38] <~Radio|GM> Fortune calls back down to Radiant_Fury. "What should I tell him? Who's the insider?"
  478. [21:38] * Danger_Zone rolls her eyes, and jumps into the air, before flying off toward where Radiant_Fury ran off to.
  479. [21:39] * Radiant_Fury frowns. "I have no idea! Just tell him!"
  480. [21:39] * Brookwind looks to the twins, frowning. "So why can't we come in exactly?"
  481. [21:41] <~Radio|GM> Fortune grits her teeth, looking torn, but then she dashes off without a word.
  482. [21:41] * Radiant_Fury gives a little sigh and plops back on her haunches. This was more than she wanted to deal with right now.
  483. [21:42] <~Radio|GM> The mare at the desk flails her hooves at Limuko. "No! Nonono! It's not that! I love zebras! Really, I do!" Her book goes flying in her desperation.
  484. [21:43] * Limuko gave the mare a confused look ... and it was just that, a look. "Then why did you refer to Limuko as stripes? He is just curious."
  485. [21:43] <~Radio|GM> The twins open their mouths to reply, but then the gate opens with tremendous force, knocking both twins comically off their hooves. Out comes Dusty, face dark. " He looks to the figures at the gate. "What is the meaning of this?"
  486. [21:44] <~Radio|GM> The mare stutters. "Well, uh...cause you have stripes! That's all! Yeah, that's it!"
  487. [21:44] * Brookwind acks, stumbling backwards. "Th-the meaning of what?!"
  488. [21:45] <~Radio|GM> (Shoo, random quotation mark)
  489. [21:45] <Limuko> "Which is sad. Because many racist ponies refer to zebras as just stripes. It's not a polite word I'm afraid." He said with feigned seriousness, then smiling brightly. "But do not worry, Limuko will let it pass under something small he would like."
  490. [21:47] <~Radio|GM> Dusty snarls at Brookwind. The zebra is very big, towering over Brookwind. He takes the documents Radiant_Fury delivered through Fortune and slams them onto the ground. "These! What else would I be talking about?"
  491. [21:48] <~Radio|GM> The mare nods fervently at Limuko. "Yes! Yes, of course!"
  492. [21:49] * Limuko then smiled. "Along with the free room that Dusty promised, Limuko would like a free meal as well. Nothing big, and only once." He was always careful when he did this. Going too far wouldn't be good for him.
  493. [21:50] * Brookwind recovers quickly, standing and straightening her tie. "The evidence? Well, we have reason to believe there is a person amongst you that is responsible for the disappearence of Lucky. This is the evidence that has been gathered so far in support of that."
  494. [21:52] * Danger_Zone finds Radiant_Fury on the other side of the town, landing next to her. "What was that about!?"
  495. [21:52] <~Radio|GM> The mare nods. "Yes! Of course! Wh-what kind of meal do you want? Erm...sir?"
  496. [21:52] * Radiant_Fury sighs, a smile on her face as she looks back up at the sky. "Just had to get the message across. Albeit indirectly."
  497. [21:52] * Limuko smiled at how much he was in power now. "Bread, Fruit, anything without meat. Limuko never liked meat."
  498. [21:52] <~Radio|GM> Dusty turns to Brookwind, raging. "Well, I can see that! I know exactly whose writing it is! Both of them!"
  499. [21:53] * Brookwind blinks. "Whose is it?"
  500. [21:53] * Chasseuse quirks her head, listening in while petting Barry.
  501. [21:55] <~Radio|GM> Dusty snarls again. "First things first. /Where/ did these come from?"
  502. [21:56] <~Radio|GM> The mare nods, and then disappears in a tornado-like blur, returning immediately with a nice plateful of bread, grapes, and grilled vegetables.
  503. [21:56] <Brookwind> "One was found in Lucky's room, another in the hall out side of it, the third along the riverbank, and the last one attatched to this dog's collar." She replies, gesturing to Barry.
  504. [21:58] * Radiant_Fury finally sits up and starts trotting for the front gate. "Let's see if that worked."
  505. [21:58] <~Radio|GM> Dusty growls. "Are you sure all of this is correct?"
  506. [21:59] * Limuko was just amazed. He got far more than he wanted. He places them all into his bag, giving a happy nod to the mare and acting like nothing ever happened. "Thank you. Now Limuko would like his room."
  507. [21:59] * Brookwind nods to Dusty. "I am."
  508. [21:59] * Radiant_Fury gives a slight yawn as she approaches the group and the... big zebra. That must be the buck in charge.
  509. [22:00] * Danger_Zone trots behind Radiant_Fury
  510. [22:01] <~Radio|GM> The mare tosses a key at Limuko. "H-here you are! Room 109 is a good one! Yes! And there's a young mare staying right across from you if you want company! Yes! Hehehe..." She laughs nervously. "I must be going now, bye!" With that, she dashes out of the Wooden Wing.
  511. [22:01] <~Radio|GM> Dusty scowls to the ones coming in. He scans the group, then asks. "What are your names?"
  512. [22:01] <~Radio|GM> Barry snuffs at Chasseuse's hoof.
  513. [22:02] * Brookwind offers her hoof to Dusty. "Detective Brookwind."
  514. [22:02] * Limuko was quite a happy zebra. And if the mare decides to call him out ... well, he'll have an ace to use. The conzebra trots to the room number 109.
  515. [22:02] * Radiant_Fury gives an exaggerated bow. "Radiant Fury."
  516. [22:03] * Danger_Zone eyes the big zebra, with a grin. She simply says, "Danger."
  517. [22:03] <~Radio|GM> Dusty takes the hoof hesitantly, refusing even to look at Radiant_Fury. He doesn't seem surprised by Danger_Zone's name. He growls. "You best come inside and speak to me about all this."
  518. [22:04] * Radiant_Fury smiles a little. "Does that include us?"
  519. [22:04] * Chasseuse looks over. "Chasseuse."
  520. [22:04] <~Radio|GM> Dusty addresses Radiant_Fury. "It doesn't include /you/."
  521. [22:04] * Radiant_Fury chuckles a little. "If you wish to exclude the pony who knows the /most/ about this mess, be my guest."
  522. [22:05] * Brookwind nods to Dusty. "Of course sir."
  523. [22:07] <~Radio|GM> Dusty remains unperturbed, glaring briefly at Radiant_Fury before turning to the others, speaking brusquely. "Hurry up, before I change my mind."
  524. [22:07] * Brookwind nods to Dusty. "I know about as much as Miss Fury does..."
  525. [22:08] <Brookwind> "Which to be frank, at this point, isn't much."
  526. [22:08] * Radiant_Fury sits down on a nearby rock and produces a cigar from her saddlebags. "Ah, that's too bad." She glares at Brookwind. "Detective, to use your words, 'shut up.'"
  527. [22:08] * Danger_Zone glances at Radiant_Fury for a moment, before heading inside with the others.
  528. [22:09] * Chasseuse tugs lightly on Barry's leash before heading in.
  529. [22:09] * Brookwind trots in!
  530. [22:09] * Radiant_Fury smiles to the twins, wherever they are. "Mind if I smoke?"
  531. [22:10] <~Radio|GM> Dusty closes the gate and trots to another part of the fort with the others, saying nothing as he holds the door open for them, still scowling darkly.
  532. [22:10] * Radiant_Fury is going to smoke anyway. Tee hee.
  533. [22:10] <~Radio|GM> The twins make no reply.
  534. [22:11] * Brookwind simply trots along with Dusty and the others.
  535. [22:11] * Radiant_Fury takes a long, satisfying drag from this fine cigar. Ah. That's good!
  536. [22:12] * Limuko continued to search for his room in the inn.
  537. [22:12] <~Radio|GM> Dusty shuts the door behind him and speaks to the others. "From the start. Go."
  538. [22:12] <~Radio|GM> Limuko finds the room with little difficulty.
  539. [22:13] * Limuko puts in the key with his tail, opening the door to take a gander at the room and look all around the place as he flops himself onto the bed in joy. This day was just perfect!
  540. [22:16] <~Radio|GM> Barry settles by Chasseuse and sits with a small whimper.
  541. [22:17] * Danger_Zone doesn't really know what the hell is going on, herself. She shrugs. "Fury was the one who knew what was going on. You think she told me? Ha!" She eyes Brookwind. "Miss dark and mysterious over here can agree to that one!"
  542. [22:17] * Chasseuse keeps close to Barry, petting his back.
  543. [22:18] <~Radio|GM> Limuko's bed is comfortable! On the other hoof, it's clearly had its share of tenants, so to speak.
  544. [22:18] * Brookwind lays the first letter out on the table. "This is the first letter that was found, inside of Lucky's room." She says. "It's a simple cipher, reading 'The game is up, You must fly for your life. We are watching.'" She says.
  545. [22:19] * Radiant_Fury plays with Brookwind's pen, spinning it around in her magic and pretending to draw a picture in the sky. This was fun!
  546. [22:20] * Limuko didn't mind what the text in the sky said about the bed, it was better than sleeping on the ground! He then looked up to the ceiling ... thinking to himself what he was told in that cavern.
  547. [22:22] * Brookwind lays the second letter down. "This one was found in the lost-and-found after being picked up in the hall outside Lucky's room. Again, a simple cipher, much like the first."
  548. [22:23] * Brookwind lays the third letter down. "Now this is one that Miss Radiant found that I haven't seen yet, though it appears to be a different form of cipher known as a cryptograph." She says. "I'd assume that this was found along the river, since that's where we've been all day."
  549. [22:26] * Danger_Zone interjects, "Hey, that's the one I almost tripped over! It was buried by the river."
  550. [22:26] <~Radio|GM> Dusty looks to the documents, then sits back with a sigh. "I know who wrote these."
  551. [22:27] <~Radio|GM> The twins say nothing to Radiant_Fury.
  552. [22:27] * Brookwind lays down the last letter before blinking at Dusty. "Who was it?"
  553. [22:27] * Radiant_Fury wasn't expecting them to. She just keeps puffing away at her cigar, drawing another picture in the air with the pen.
  554. [22:28] * Limuko frowns as he continues to look at the ceiling ... thinking.
  555. [22:31] <~Radio|GM> He sighs, pointing to the "No" on the second letter and the main writing on the third. "That's Lucky Lantern. No doubt about it." He points to the main message on the second letter. "That's...that's Almond Butter. She's...she's Flaxseed's sister in Coltamento." He sighs. "The one I don't know-" He points to the first letter. "-is this one."
  556. [22:32] * Brookwind pulls out her notebook, realizes she doesn't have her pen, and snaps it closed again. She nods. "Alright... where is Coltamento from here?"
  557. [22:34] <~Radio|GM> Dusty takes a pen from his desk and tosses it at Brookwind. "Two days worth of good trotting from here, due west. If you take Intertrot 80, that is."
  558. [22:35] * Brookwind nods, jotting that all down before returning Dusty's pen to him. "Alright, thank you sir."
  559. [22:36] * Limuko blinks after going through a flashback. He then looked around the place more, mostly to see if there was anything interesting in the room.
  560. [22:36] <~Radio|GM> Dusty holds up a hoof. "Now. I want an explanation for what happened with Flaxseed."
  561. [22:37] * Danger_Zone hesitates. "Wait. Wait. So you're saying... Lucky wasn't kidnapped?"
  562. [22:38] * Brookwind nods to Danger_Zone, before looking to Dusty. "Miss Fury threatened Flaxseed under the inclination that she was knowingly assissting whoever had taken Lucky by lrtting them use her dog."
  563. [22:39] <~Radio|GM> Dusty turns to Danger_Zone, shaking his head. "What I'm saying is that, more likely than not, Lucky herself was involved in this mess." He turns back to Brookwind. "What, exactly, did she do?"
  564. [22:40] <~Radio|GM> Limuko finds a bed, a table, and not much else.
  565. [22:40] <Brookwind> "Pointed her weapons at her and demanded that she answer her questions."
  566. [22:40] * Limuko looks to see if there's anything on the table ... and if nothing is on there he decides to get out of his room.
  567. [22:43] <~Radio|GM> Dusty scowls. "Idiot." He turns to Danger_Zone. "Do you have anything to add?"
  568. [22:44] * Danger_Zone shrugs. "It /is/ a bit suspicious. How could she not notice somepony using her dog?"
  569. [22:49] <~Radio|GM> Dusty shrugs. "That dog goes about all over the place. He rarely stays in one place for long, but he'll always come back to Flax in the end."
  570. [22:50] * Limuko probably didn't see anything on the table. Shaking his head to get thoughts ... those thoughts, out of his head, he decided a nice exploration of Trotters Fort would be nice. He heads out of his room, heading towards the exit of the Wooden Wing.
  571. [22:50] * Danger_Zone nods. "Exactly. She should always know where it's stuck its nose."
  572. [22:54] * Radiant_Fury plays with the rings of smoke she puffs from the cigar.
  573. [22:54] <~Radio|GM> Dusty sighs. "She rarely steps outside the Wooden Wing as it is. Coming out to give you lunch? That was the most she's said and the farthest she's trotted in a very long time."
  574. [22:57] * Chasseuse sighs, slumping into Barry.
  575. [22:58] * Danger_Zone just responds by shrugging.
  576. [22:58] <~Radio|GM> Dusty glares at Danger_Zone. "If you have something to say, say it."
  577. [22:59] * Danger_Zone has nothing to say, otherwise she would have said it.
  578. [23:00] * Danger_Zone just offers another shrug in response.
  579. [23:01] <~Radio|GM> Dusty then turns to the group. "What have you to say about your companion, then? Will you defend her? Or leave her to her own devices?"
  580. [23:02] * Chasseuse shakes her head. "She is not my companion. I've said this already."
  581. [23:03] * Brookwind nods. "Nor is she mine."
  582. [23:08] <~Radio|GM> Dusty Trotters turns to Danger_Zone.
  583. [23:11] * Danger_Zone returns with another shrug. "I don't understand her. But she seems a lot more practical, and less judgemental, than some ponies I've met." She eyes Chasseuse.
  584. [23:13] * Limuko doesn't leave the room actually ... he was always there, still having his flashback.
  585. [23:13] * Chasseuse ignores Danger_Zone.
  586. [23:14] <~Radio|GM> Dusty regards Danger_Zone for a moment, before turning to the others. "You are dismissed." He turns to Danger_Zone. "You. Come with me." He stands up and trots out of the room.
  587. [23:15] * Danger_Zone glances at the zebra, then back at the others, before following behind, warily.
  588. [23:16] * Chasseuse sighs and trots out, leading Barry. She decides to head for Flaxseed's motel, perhaps she'd want Barry!
  589. [23:16] <~Radio|GM> Such is the state of our heroes for now - divided, without cohesion, and without a discernible goal in sight. Where, then, will the next adventure take us...?
  590. [23:16] * Brookwind trots after Chasseuse!
  591. [23:16] <~Radio|GM> ---End Session---
  592. [23:16] <~Radio|GM> ---All party members gain 500 EXP!---
  593. [23:17] <~Radio|GM> ---Radiant_Fury loses 3 Karma!---
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