Guest User


a guest
Sep 4th, 2018
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  1. const texty= (function(){
  2. const unexpected= "Unexpected action.";
  3. return {
  4. agenda_noactivity: "No activity for this agenda item.",
  5. agenda_nofeedback: "Feedback is not possible for this agenda item.",
  6. agenda_nofile: "This agenda item has no attachments.",
  7. agenda_unexpected: unexpected,
  8. blank_title_or_content: "Either title or content is empty.",
  9. confirming: {
  10. idea_draft_to_idea: "", /* Publishing idea ("convert" draft idea to idea ) */
  11. idea_to_initiative_draft: "Do you want to transfer this idea to an initiative?", /* Converting idea to draft initiative */
  12. remove_article: "Do you really want to delete this article?",
  13. remove_comment: "Do you really want to delete this comment?",
  14. remove_note_photo: "Do you really want to delete this photo?",
  15. },
  16. empty_lists: {
  17. articless: "There are no announcements available.",
  18. events_all: "Currently, there are no events for which you are associated to as an attendee.",
  19. events_upcoming: "Currently, there are no upcoming events for which you are associated to as an attendee.",
  20. faqs: "There are no entries available yet.",
  21. },
  22. fingerprint: {
  23. actual_name_id: 0,
  24. names: ["Fingerprint", "Touch ID", "Face ID"],
  25. new: "You now can enable/disable fingerprint login in Settings",
  26. setting_fails: ["Activation of ", " login failed, please try again."],
  27. setting_success: " login is now enabled.",
  28. validation_fails: " login failed. Please login with your E-mail and password."
  29. },
  30. login_empty: "Empty E-mail or Password field.",
  31. login_new_password: "A new password will be created and sent to your email address.",
  32. login_no_internet: "You must be connected to the internet to log in.",
  33. login_validation_fails: "Invalid E-mail or password. Access not authorised.",
  34. logout_q: "Do you really want to logout?",
  35. mandatory: "All fields must be completed.",
  36. no_filled: "-",
  37. no_internet_long: "Content is not available. Please, connect to the internet.",
  38. no_internet: "Server cannot be found.",
  39. not_answer: "-",
  40. session_expired: "The session from your previous log in has expired, please log in again",
  41. submitting: {
  42. announcement: "Announcement successfully submitted",
  43. feedback_agenda: "Agenda feedback successfully submitted",
  44. feedback_app: "Thanks for your feedback", /* After submit of feedback for whole app */
  45. feedback_event: "Event feedback successfully submitted", /* After submit of feedback for whole event */
  46. idea_draft_edit: "", /* Adding/Edit draft idea */
  47. initiative_draft_edit: "", /* Edit draft initiative */
  48. note_user: "Note successfully submitted",
  49. note_agenda: "Agenda note successfully submitted",
  50. profile_form: "Profile change successfully submitted",
  51. profile_photo: "Your new profile photo will appear on your profile page but may take time to appear elsewhere."
  52. },
  53. unexpected,
  54. validation_email: "E-mail address is not valid.",
  55. };
  56. })();
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