
Murlocs Rock!

Apr 29th, 2015
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  1. Annissa trembled, her body wracked by the feeling of a violation which she’d never expected. Who in their right mind ever could have conceived it; to take the wings away from a harpy? She certainly hadn’t as she begged and pleaded for her own life there down in the dirt, fallen among the bodies of the dead. One such being her own nest-mate, they’d been friends from birth, but her head was opened up like a fallen egg, cracked and oozing brilliant red. A sight which on anything else would have left her hungry, when paired with such a familiar face simply left her horrified.
  3. And now here she sat within the prison hut which she’d been placed, chains of carved stone surrounding her feet as she was left penned in and shackled next to three others. Not completely familiar faces, known, but not particularly interacted with. She was a caretaker, they were hunters. She watched over the chicks and made sure they didn’t dive over the cliff face too often, the others actively hunted food.
  5. In a way it wasn’t all that different from the life she’d led in the aviary... not like she was able to do much in the way of flying after it was noticed that she actually kept an eye on the kids well enough that they weren’t loosing half a clutch by the time a new bunch were fledged because no one was keeping an eye on them anymore. In fact she was outright bullied into staying put every chance any of the others had to make the point of just what she should be doing with her life.
  7. Belandra had not been kind whenever she felt that she was shirking her duty, and with the sheer number of others who were glad to see the ‘boring’ job foisted off on her. She’d been a virtual slave... penned in and unable to go flying as she wished.
  9. But that was still completely different to not having wings at all.
  11. With her primaries severed and the tingle of magic which would normally surge within them muted in a way which bothered her intensely, she couldn’t begin to articulate just how... violated... robbed… she felt. Even impending death was only barely as terrifying as the fact that she could no longer take to the sky.
  13. The door opened and light streamed in.
  15. Annissa watched carefully, huddling into the corner of the hut as the figure entered. It was tall, too tall to be the Murloc which tossed food into the hut ever so often every day, and different to the three large strong ones who would also every day come along and drag her and her sister Harpies into the water for some crazed arcane reason. A light shudder came, was it bath time again? Harpies were not meant for so much contact with ‘wet’.
  17. No... no this was a different Murloc, so very different that it was in fact nearly impossible to really mistake his presence for any other. He was tall, a Murloc without the hunch, his head more normal a proportion to his body... at least in her view, and his skin a strange combination of glossy white, with pearl black guard armour across his arms, fingers, shins, and knees with a beautiful metallic chest place armour. Across his back rose fin spikes bordered by deep blue splashes of colour running up his torso to his face, and a hammer hung from the belt on his waist.
  19. “You one that understand?” He asks, his voice strange as he half growls out broken Ursine.
  21. “Yes.” Her voice was slightly broken, unused for days since she’d realized that her handlers either didn’t understand her words or simply didn’t care for them. She’d been the one who need to take care of the needs of the Furbolg captive along side of all her other duties... though sneaking rides on her queen’s favorite toy had been worth that particular bit of grief. If nothing else Furbolgs were very well endowed.
  23. “Good. Understand me, is. You MINE now.” Those eyes, large and unharpy in the extreme stared into her as the large Murloc… thing… took hold of her by the neck, pulling her up for inspection. Again she shuddered as this time its pearl tipped black claws trailed upward across her midriff, working their way up to her chest in strangely enticing circles.
  25. She gasped and struggled, her legs shaking in a mixture of strange arousal and terror as he played with her body with impunity.
  27. “Is strange. So different... yet but... wanting.” He lifted her upward farther, her neck screaming with the pain of having to support her entire body, light as it was, her eyes open wide in fearful anticipation as that smooth pearl claw trailed its way down her body and between her legs.
  29. She came almost all at once from the fight and fear.
  31. For a moment she had a sudden almost unpleasant understanding of just what that Furbolg male had felt as she gazed into his eyes, riding him to ecstasy.
  33. Then, he dropped her; almost as suddenly as he’d begun, with a resounding squawk.
  35. “Beautiful is... Want I… fuck you.” The words made her shiver again, a dominating coldness to them which bit at her like regal command. “Will be back. You are MINE.”
  37. And then he left, once more leaving her in the dark as her sister harpies edged away, leaving her once more to be the one to do the job none else wanted.
  39. Annissa shrunk back against the wall and waited until her doom came back.
  47. [18:50] <@Xi|Wrk> roll 1d100+20 Arcane Buildup
  48. [18:50] <+qqbot> Xi|Wrk rolled 1d100: 89 = [69] + 20
  51. This season you thought of fire.
  53. It was not an element of the world with which most Murlocs concerned themselves, seeing as its relationship to water often put it at odds with your amphibian culture. And yet here and now you found an opportunity to gain just what was needed to ignite fires which would be useful in cleansing the infection which had taken root all too closeby.
  55. You watched with a smile as your most often preferred mate in the tribe, Ocean-Tide-Red, climbed the extravagant stone and ensorcelled wood of the her newly built Arcane Sanctum, with a grin across her broad face as she began to summon forth arcane power to infuse the structure.
  57. It was an idea which she’d gotten from a few of the carvings within the ship, a pool infused with power as she
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