
Stealth - Halo: The Rubicon Protocol (p. 241 - 242)

Nov 12th, 2024
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  1. Stone stood up, took a deep breath, and started toward—
  2. “Spartan Sto—!” Ouco tried to warn.
  3. Fire sliced through her spine, then her chest cavity, without warning. A gasp stuck in her throat as unimaginable pain exploded through her torso. A red glow lit on her front and the tip of an energy sword appeared in her field of vision as it pushed through her chest.
  4. “Found you,” Jega ‘Rdomnai growled. Instantaneously her wound was cauterized by the sword’s heat, preventing body fluids and blood from moving through vessels, veins, and arteries, the force and energy causing mini-ruptures throughout her body.
  5. As Jega pulled the energy sword slowly back out, he leaned in closer. “Does it hurt?” The pleasure in his voice echoed menacingly through her audio. “Take your last breath, Spartan, and behold your tomb.”
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