

Jan 12th, 2021
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  1. [21:05] Dagon spots a familiar young teen in her ruins once again. She smiles as she approaches the young boy.
  3. "Hello, child. I see you've returned alone once again." She smiles a sadistic girn. Her golden hues fixed on the boy.
  5. The cat's cloths still have blood stains. The secant of blood is missing this time. Instead the slight scent of Sinka can be detected as the woman approaches.
  7. "What brings you here today?"
  8. (Dagon Hyaline)
  9. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11. [21:12] He floated around and searched the ruins once more. Aimless wandering in after this class that he just attended. In fact unlike Dagon this time. He bore the scent of blood, and a mix of other horrendous smells. Once that he didn't much care to deal with for the moment. Soon he may but first.
  13. The kid tapped his chin, softly while humming a odd tune. One that would make a normal kid feel uncomfortable. Having his eyes met with the figure he partially knew. Two actually. Dagon, and Akumu. Which instigated a squint.
  15. "Hello again. --Looking for subjects..."
  17. A wicked grin beset his visage. With a dark look in his eyes.
  19. "Would you care to help me with something~? Some vivisection?"
  21. He asked with a sinister tone.
  22. (Zeno Laskaris)
  23. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  25. [21:22] Akumu hovered above the ruins spotting and hearing Zeno once more. This was a dark place and with his scent he gave off the white haired Oshikawa could tell something was off. Regardless the duo also had their sins that they hid. Perhaps this kid will grow up to be a sinner.
  27. He land on the ground slipping his hands in his pocket. His eyes trained on him. A slight shake of the head was given.
  29. "Mox is a better place for that. They have many things you can have subjects you know." The man suddenly smile behind the mask he said that. Although he didn't like Achyon, he also didn't like Mox. Watching some chaos occur was a fun thing.
  31. His body language was relaxed as if this was a completely normal conversation they were having.
  32. (Akumu Oshikawa)
  33. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  35. [21:30] Dagon's head tilts slightly at the question presented. The child was looking for subjects for... Vivisection? The cat wondered what that even meant. She had spent most of her young childhood on the streets and her time in Esshar was mostly spent in the forest. She gained most of her knowledge from the streets or the world. So despite her intellect, she had some gaps in sertan more fancy terms.
  37. Damn child being privlaged enough to have had a real education.
  39. "Viv- What? Care to explain what that term means." She says sounding a bit confused.
  41. She shot a sideways gaze at Akumu.
  42. (Dagon Hyaline)
  43. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  45. [21:39] The kid's expression fell once more. With a look of discontent. Shaking his head at the man behind the Felinae. Letting out a heavy sigh.
  47. "I could careless about using a specific race of people for anything. I rather just wander and find ones. It reduces the likelihood of it being fully traced to places. Not that it really matters right now."
  49. He groaned looking to Dagon. His humming now stopped and he waited. Letting sometime pass as he just stared into the hues of the woman. Which was much easier to do than the man behind her. Causing him to fixate on them. Deepingly thirsting for them. Wanting them, yet... he held back for now. --His hand wiggled around within its protective leather. Sighing.
  51. "Vivisection is the act of studying, or working on a live subjects body. Such as cutting them open and watching them take breaths, or deal with certain maladies. --Now... would you care to be that subject of that... or at least give me entertainment?"
  53. 'I'd love to finally take some eyes. It doesn't matter from who... anyone will do~'
  54. (Zeno Laskaris)
  55. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  57. [21:49] He looks out the corner of his eye towards Dagon. On one hand he was a bit loopy in the head while on the other they were with him alone. Most likely it meant that he was looking at the duo for subjects. Not that it mattered at the moment. He had wanted to save Achyon for last anyways.
  59. "What he said is correct. Unfortunately for you I have not completed what I need to do before dying off. So no you can't use me as a test subject. However if you want entertainment I'm sure Dagon would be willing to keep you company."
  61. He wasn't sure who'd win from that fight. Dagon was still injured after all and had not gotten her injury healed. But Zeno? He wasn't sure about that. He looks towards him to try and see if there were any marks on him from his injury.
  63. "Oh and Dagon careful. I rather you not end up a test subject."
  64. (Akumu Oshikawa)
  65. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  67. [21:58] This concept was fascinating to Dagon. The idea of cutting open someone and seeing how they work sounded fun. Seeing, hearing them struggle. She started to get lost in thought for a moment. Only to comeback to reality at the mention of subjects.
  69. "That's a fascinating word. As much fun as it sounds, I too don't intend to die today." She said calmly.
  71. She too wasn't sure about fighting this child. She saw how he faired against the drakinight recently, and she wasn't sure she would win. However she was hungry and ready for some fun.
  73. "On the subject of entertainment, I think I can kill two birds with one stone on that. Alleviating mine and your boredom." She grins. Her golden hues fixed on the teen.
  75. She then lowered towards the ground on to all fours. Bone claws erupting from her fingertips. Blood seemed to ooze from her form as the secant began to fill the room. She prepared to pouce if no one stopped her.
  76. (Dagon Hyaline)
  77. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  79. [22:05] The injury he had received the last time they had met him. Was fully healed. Like it was never there to begin with. Surely he wouldn't be dumb enough to hunt while injured when he ad the perfect way to just get rid of it. Its not hard to gather up a small amount of coin for it.
  81. His mismatched hues followed her down. As she aimed to fight in a more animalistic manner.
  83. "Curious..."
  85. He ushered as his mana expelled from his body. Shrouding his form once more with his snakes sliding out from his body. Into the dirt, with an auditable hiss. His staff spawning in his hand, as metal encased his body making his armor.
  87. "Very well then..."
  89. The words he held was short and concise. As he readied himself for combat. --His eyes took on a serious expression. As he didn't want to return empty-handed twice. Given the last encounter they had. Still... lets see how this will turn out this time.
  90. (Zeno Laskaris)
  91. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  93. [22:15] {Won Dangerous RPB against Dagon Hyaline}
  94. [22:15] ** Zeno Laskaris has inflicted an injury upon Dagon Hyaline. ("Temporary Injury", "Temporary Injury", "Temporary", "Duration: Medium (4 days)") **
  95. [22:39] She pouched towards him, pushing him back. As he did expect it, but her speed was rather fast. Faster than he had first expected, oddly enough. Still, he wasn't worried at all. As once he got his footing, the metallic snakes in the ground popped up, coiling around her leg. Binding her in place, allowing his magicks to press against her. Slamming into her body over and over. His energies, forcing into her body. Enough power was behind it that it eventually made his snakes give way. Running up her body. Crawling around her. The liquid metal rolling and forming against her skin. The cold sensation, which made its way to her shoulders. Locking itself there.
  97. As they found on trading blows, not allowing her the time to try and get the snakes off her frame. Another two made their way up. Swirling around her crotch, where he legs met her pelvis. Forming another two serpentine rings. Which once this happened she stopped moving. Her body ceased, she lost control. Allowing him to walk up to her. His hands running along her stomach, making their way to the abdomen. He caught his breath.
  99. "Okay... so since I have you now... I'll still use you as my subject. At least a little~... Now, since you aren't a willing target."
  101. He slammed his heel into her toes. Digging into the bone, where she couldn't focus on what he aimed to do. Which was pooling her mana together, and using it as he saw fit. --The rings constricted cutting off the flow of her blood, and most importantly stopping the mana from reaching her arms.
  103. The hand resting on her body, started to glow faintly. As his mana entered her own. Meeting and binding to each other. Forcing it to gather all together and rest underneath his palm. --A crystal grew, poking out from her skin piercing it even. The skin that peeled back extended like tendrils, encasing the crystal the best it could. Yet, it had minor complications. Meeting only in some parts... others not so much. He wasn't skilled enough to form the flesh, so it was just left there. A digesting amalgamation, left as a test. Draining her body.
  105. A groan left his lips, as he pushed her away. The snakes fading into her body. Leaving behind small marks. Which also made her feel weakened.
  107. "Well that was enough play time. --Thanks for the entertainment."
  109. He said turning with a wave. Allowing her to escape this time...
  110. (Zeno Laskaris)
  111. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  113. [22:39] * You have been awarded 3 Roleplay Points! *
  114. [22:41] Chaska approaches to Zeno and Dagon face to face... again. She shakes her head and looks ahead from where she stood, looking for any severe injuries.
  115. (Chaska Ljoss)
  116. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  118. [23:00] Dagon put up a good fight. Starting off by lunging at the boy digging her bone claws into him. Using her blood as a weapon. She however had forgotten about the snakes he had placed into the ground. Allowing them to pop up and catch her. His blows were surprisingly hard despite his age. In the end he was victorious.
  120. As he approached her running his hand along her stomach she watched. Waiting to see what he would do as at the moment she was at his mercy. How embarising really. As he lammed her toes she didn't scream, but let out a chuckle.
  122. The sensation of someone els manipulating her mana was an entirely new sensation for her. She gimmicked at the weakening sensation. Watching fascinated by the horror that was being inflicted on her abdomen. The pain would only bring a slight smirck to her face. When he was done she stumbled to the ground.
  124. "hehe.. interesting…" she muttered to her self.
  126. "We'll meet again..." She said still smircking as she backed away, not wanting to risk further harm.
  128. Seeing Chaska wanting to check her for injuries' she would just smile a little. "hehe... Come. I don't want to linger too long."
  130. (Dagon Hyaline)
  131. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  133. [23:02] Akumu Oshikawa says, "Indeed lets not linger too long."
  134. [23:02] Chaska Ljoss asks, "Dagon... How terribly are you injured?"
  135. [23:03]
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