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Jun 27th, 2017
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  1. [18:23] <@baconius> oh god frankie was being terrible today
  2. [18:23] <@baconius> he kept saying emi DIES
  3. [18:23] <@baconius> and tried to tell me about "a good title for a lock's quest fanfiction"
  4. [18:23] <@baconius> spoilers: it was terrible
  5. [18:24] <crepe> thats what ill title mine...
  6. [18:24] <@baconius> lock's chest
  7. [18:25] <@baconius> so then me and akki were doing more things that rhymed
  8. [18:26] <@baconius> i forget most of them ill have to ask her
  9. [18:26] <crepe> locks behest
  10. [18:26] <crepe> locks molest
  11. [18:27] <@baconius> emi is really annoying and bothers lock all day: locks pest
  12. [18:27] <crepe> locks nest: lock turns into a turaco
  13. [18:27] <@baconius> lkdnfgkldngdrGTR
  14. [18:27] <crepe> :))
  15. [18:28] <@baconius> why are turacos the best birds
  16. [18:29] <crepe> "go-away bird"
  17. [18:29] <crepe> i want this bird.
  18. [18:29] <@baconius> hehahehe
  19. [18:33] <crepe> locks best: lock wins a tournament and gets a "mayor for the day" key to antonia. he is simply the best there ever was
  20. [18:37] <crepe> locks dressed: lock is three years old and gets dressed all by himself for the first time
  21. [18:59] <@baconius> lock needs to buy nicer clothes to go to a FANCY HERO FEAST: lock's vest
  22. [19:03] <@baconius> lock puts lemon peel in some food: lock's zest
  23. [19:04] <crepe> lock goes to germany: locks (oktober)fest
  24. [19:04] <@baconius> kenan asks lock ridiculously easy questions: lock's test
  25. [19:04] <crepe> lock puts on a cowboy hat: locks west
  26. [19:06] <@baconius> lock tells a joke: lock's jest
  27. [19:06] <@baconius> lock introduces everybody to THE NEW FRIEND,: lock's guest
  28. [19:07] <crepe> lock goes to preschool for nap time: locks rest
  29. [19:07] <@baconius> puq u i was about to do that one
  30. [19:08] <crepe> lock discovers hes secretly english royalty: locks crest
  31. [19:08] <@baconius> thank you
  32. [19:08] <@baconius> i was stuck on that one
  33. [19:09] <crepe> lock has a hard day at the office: locks stressed
  34. [19:09] <Lokc> locks nest: lock turns on the ac
  35. [19:09] <crepe> LOL
  36. [19:10] <@baconius> why do you do everything right when im thinking of it
  37. [19:10] <crepe> :))))
  38. [19:10] <@baconius> swaer 2 god
  39. [19:10] <crepe> lock has to take the sat: locks guessed
  40. [19:11] <crepe> lock discovers he is secretly a woman: locks pap test
  41. [19:12] <crepe> lock wins millions on the antonian stock market: locks invest
  42. [19:12] <@baconius> lock hides his FEELINGS: locks suppressed
  43. [19:13] <crepe> lock subscribes to a popular magazine: locks digest
  44. [19:13] <@baconius> lock needs isaiah to do something for him: locks request
  45. [19:13] <Lokc> the national express- request to touch your dad
  46. [19:13] <@baconius> LOL
  47. [19:13] <Lokc> uh, lol
  48. [19:13] <crepe> OH
  49. [19:13] <crepe> I SEE.
  50. [19:13] <Lokc> oh, i see.
  51. [19:14] <crepe> lock sympathises with the plight of local railroad workers: locks protest
  52. [19:15] <@baconius> lock goes off on a tangent: locks digressed
  53. [19:17] <@baconius> lock has all the photos and a shrine in his closet: lock's obsessed
  54. [19:17] <crepe> lock doesnt like his dinner: locks detest
  55. [19:18] <crepe> lock gets best up by a ghost: locks possessed
  56. [19:18] <Lokc> locks stressed
  57. [19:18] <crepe> lol
  58. [19:18] <@baconius> lock's life really sucks: locks depressed
  59. [19:18] <crepe> lock catches a cold: locks congest
  60. [19:19] <@baconius> locks strategies are predicted: lock's outguessed
  61. [19:20] <@baconius> isaiah displays his SKILLS: locks impressed
  62. [19:20] <crepe> lock turns into a helium balloon: locks compressed
  63. [19:21] <crepe> wait better
  64. [19:21] <crepe> lock turns in to an aerosol can: locks compressed
  65. [19:22] <crepe> lock holds a competition to see who is the better waifu, him or isaiah: locks contest
  66. [19:22] <@baconius> lock thinks the source brigade is fighting the gearbots-> lock's retest
  67. [19:23] <crepe> lockj has some heart trouble: locks cardiopulmonary arrest
  68. [19:26] <crepe> lock buys a gallon of ice cream: locks ice chest
  69. [19:26] <Lokc> so he buys a cheaper superman costume.
  70. [19:26] <crepe> NO.
  71. [19:26] <@baconius> lock's incest: lets not go there please
  72. [19:26] <crepe> emi, you want this...
  73. [19:27] <crepe> locks quest/sword of truth crossover: locks confessed
  74. [19:28] <@baconius> lock becomes the pope: lock's blessed
  75. [19:28] <crepe> lock plays tug of war: locks wrest
  76. [19:29] <crepe> lock has an awkward locker room experience: locks undressed
  77. [19:30] <@baconius> lock has a vore experience: lock's digestdd wait that doesnt work exactly
  78. [19:30] <crepe> NOOOOOOFJGOKH
  79. [19:31] <crepe> kenan yells at lock: locks acquiesced
  80. [19:32] <crepe> lock testifies in court: locks attest
  81. [19:33] <crepe> lock goes to france: locks d'allest
  82. [19:34] <Lokc> locks nest: lock
  83. [19:34] <crepe> GJ LOKC.
  84. [19:34] <Lokc> gj
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