
0.1b RC3 Changelog

May 14th, 2016
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  1. Changes in 0.1b-rc3
  3. - Added guiDestroyElement client native
  4. - Blips can now be attached to players/vehicles/peds after being created
  5. - Added putPlayerInVehicle/removePlayerFromVehicle natives
  6. - Improved vehicle sync (Fixes laggy sync when vehicle is reversing)
  7. - Added automatic vehicle respawn (you can also control the timing for this via scripting functions)
  8. - Fixed 'm' key not showing map
  9. - Removed lots of debug information from log file which isn't needed anymore
  10. - Added getPlayers, getVehicles and getPeds functions to quickly get a table of active players/vehicles/peds
  11. - Added server-sided peds for better sync and more control
  12. - Added setVehicleSpeed/getVehicleSpeed natives
  13. - Added respawnPlayer/respawnVehicle natives
  14. - Quick connect now remembers last information entered
  15. - getPlayerMoney is now a shared client/server native
  16. - time() now returns real time, not server tick count (fixes issues with windows/linux binaries returning different values)
  17. - Installer now registers a custom URI scheme (m2mp://address)
  18. - Changed the installer directory file search. This will stop "Invalid directory specified" errors from occurring
  19. - Weapons now properly reset after death
  20. - Fixed a runtime error caused by createHudTimer
  21. - Cleaner font rendering on large scale fonts (over 1.0 scale - fixes pixelated font when drawing large text)
  22. - Fixed issue with camera locking after death
  23. - Added onClientOpenMap/onClientCloseMap client-side events (You can block opening the map by returning 0 inside onClientOpenMap)
  24. - Cleaned up the map screen, removed buttons and objective text
  25. - Servers can now choose between summer/winter season (setSummer fixed)
  26. - Fixed problem where gamma correction screen would show when loading m2mp if you had no previous save game
  27. - Player model is now reset properly when disconnecting from a server
  28. - Fixed issue with not being able to enter vehicle after you exit it
  29. - Added openMap and isMapOpen client natives
  30. - Game garages can no longer spawn vehicles which caused duplication problems
  31. - Fixed auto updater
  32. - Fixed problem with player turning invisible after deleting vehicle whilst inside
  33. - Added setVehicleFuel/getVehicleFuel natives
  34. - Added guiSetInputMasked/guiIsInputMasked client natives
  35. - Fixed player list in serverbrowser
  36. - Fixed serverip config bind not being sent with updates when posting to the masterlist
  37. - Fixed issue where people can post to masterlist with invalid server ip's set
  38. - Fixed issue where all bans would get duplicated on server start
  39. - Fixed crash when player is kicked from server
  40. - The server browser now uses messages boxs for connection messages instead of the black screen with white text
  41. - Main menu background images changed to a lighter theme
  42. - Smoother transitions on main menu background images (Fixed background flashing and freezes when loading new image)
  43. - Fixed sorting in server browser not working correctly when players have 10+ players
  44. - Fixed getPing() server-side native
  45. - Added F10 hotkey to hide hud, chat and the localplayer model (Requested for screenshot taking)
  46. - Fixed speed returning positive value when reversing (also fixes wheels spinning wrong way)
  47. - Reversing vehicle animation now works correctly
  48. - Vehicle fuel and handbrake states are now synced
  49. - Server will now automatically close if the <serverip> config setting is invalid
  52. Nothing adding about trailers. or passengers ... but its still not complete,
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