Guest User

Chat By ZeroOfROR A.K.A RasyidR

a guest
Nov 21st, 2014
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  1. on load:
  2. set {chat.alay} to false
  3. set {chat.lock} to false
  6. Options:
  7. CH: &3[&aChat&3] &7
  11. command /chat [<text>] [<text>]:
  12. permission: chat.admin
  13. permission message: Anda Tidak Punya Permiss
  14. trigger:
  15. arg 1 is not set:
  16. send "&3/chat alay on/off"
  17. send "&3/chat lock on/off"
  18. send "&3/chat clearchat/cc"
  19. send "&eAuthor : ZeroOfROR A.K.A RasyidR"
  20. arg 1 is "alay":
  21. arg 2 is not set:
  22. send "{@CH}/chat alay on/off"
  23. arg 2 is "on":
  24. if {chat.alay} is false:
  25. broadcast "{@CH}Chat Alay Di Aktifkan Oleh %player%"
  26. set {chat.alay} to true
  27. else:
  28. send "{@CH}Sudah Aktif.Untuk Menon-aktifkannya Ketik /chat alay off"
  29. arg 2 is "off":
  30. if {chat.alay} is true:
  31. broadcast "{@CH}Chat Alay Di Non-Aktifkan Oleh %player%"
  32. set {chat.alay} to false
  33. else:
  34. send "{@CH}Sudah Non-Aktif.Untuk aktifkannya Ketik /chat alay on"
  35. arg 1 is "lock":
  36. arg 2 is not set:
  37. send "{@CH}/chat lock on/off"
  38. arg 2 is "on":
  39. if {chat.lock} is false:
  40. broadcast "{@CH}Chat Lock Di Aktifkan Oleh %player%"
  41. set {chat.lock} to true
  42. else:
  43. send "{@CH}Sudah Aktif.Untuk Menon-aktifkannya Ketik /chat alay off"
  44. arg 2 is "off":
  45. if {chat.lock} is true:
  46. broadcast "{@CH}Chat Lock Di Non-Aktifkan Oleh %player%"
  47. set {chat.lock} to false
  48. else:
  49. send "{@CH}Sudah Non-Aktif.Untuk aktifkannya Ketik /chat alay on"
  50. arg 1 is "clearchat" or "cc":
  51. loop 150 times:
  52. broadcast "&e "
  53. broadcast "{@CH}Chat Di Clear Oleh %player%"
  55. on chat:
  56. if {chat.lock} is true:
  57. if player has permission "chat.admin":
  58. stop
  59. else:
  60. cancel event
  61. send "&7Chat Sedang Off"
  62. stop
  63. if {chat.alay} is true:
  64. replace all "a", and "A" with "4" in the message
  65. replace all "I", and "i" with "1" in the message
  66. replace all "e", and "E" with "3" in the message
  67. replace all "s", and "S" with "5" in the message
  68. replace all "o", and "O" with "0" in the message
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