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- import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react'
- import { useRouter } from 'next/router'
- import { WebConfigurationType, WebConfigType } from '@/type/web'
- import { getData, postData, putData } from '@/utility/fetch'
- import { showMessage } from '@/components/alerts/showMessage';
- const STATUS_COLORS = {
- active: 'green',
- maintenance: 'red',
- };
- const STATUS_TEXT = {
- active: 'Aktif',
- maintenance: '(Maintenance)',
- };
- const CheckboxSwitch = ({ label, name, checked, onChange }: any) => {
- const labelColor = checked ? STATUS_COLORS.maintenance :;
- return (
- <div className="input-banner mb-5">
- <div className="mb-2 flex justify-between gap-4">
- <div className="flex gap-2">
- <div className="label-banner style={black}">{label}</div>
- <div className="label-banner" style={{ color: labelColor }}>
- {checked ? STATUS_TEXT.maintenance :}
- </div>
- </div>
- <label className="relative h-6 w-12">
- <input
- type="checkbox"
- className="custom_switch peer absolute z-10 h-full w-full cursor-pointer opacity-0"
- id={`custom_switch_checkbox_${name}`}
- checked={checked}
- onChange={onChange}
- name={name}
- />
- <span className={`block h-full rounded-full bg-[#ebedf2] before:absolute before:bottom-1 before:left-1 before:h-4 before:w-4 before:rounded-full before:bg-white before:transition-all before:duration-300 peer-checked:bg-primary peer-checked:before:left-7 dark:bg-dark dark:before:bg-white-dark dark:peer-checked:before:bg-white`}></span>
- </label>
- </div>
- </div>
- );
- };
- function WebConfig() {
- const router = useRouter()
- const [webConfig, setWebConfig] = useState<WebConfigType>()
- const [config, setConfig] = useState<WebConfigurationType[]>([])
- const [checkStatus, setCheckStatus] = useState(() => {
- const initial: any = {}
- config.forEach((item: any) => {
- initial[item?.name] = item?.is_maintenance
- })
- return initial
- })
- // const initialStatus = {
- // Beranda: webConfig?.Beranda || false,
- // Profil: webConfig?.Profil || false,
- // Template: webConfig?.Template || false,
- // Pekerjaan: webConfig?.Pekerjaan || false,
- // Blog: webConfig?.Blog || false,
- // Bantuan: webConfig?.Bantuan || false
- // }
- // const [status, setStatus] = useState<any>(initialStatus)
- // config.reduce((item: any, index: any) => {
- // item[item?.name] = item?.is_maintenance
- // return item
- // }, {})
- useEffect(() => {
- const getDataWeb = async () => {
- try {
- const {data} = await getData('/page-configuration')
- setConfig(data.page_configuration)
- } catch (error: any) {
- return error
- }
- }
- getDataWeb()
- },[])
- const handleChangeBox = (name: string) => {
- setCheckStatus({...checkStatus, [name]: !checkStatus[name]})
- // setStatus((prev: any) => ({
- // ...prev,
- // [name]: !prev[name]
- // }))
- // setConfig((prev) => any) => item?.name === name ? {...item, is_maintenance: !item?.is_maintenance} : {...item}))
- // setConfig((prev: any) => any) => item?.name === name))
- }
- // console.log(config)
- console.log(checkStatus)
- const generateDialog = async () => {
- // console.log(checkStatus)
- try {
- await putData('/page-configuration', checkStatus)
- showMessage('Berhasil', 'success')
- } catch (error) {
- showMessage('Gagal', 'error')
- }
- }
- const handleMultiplyCheck = async (ev: React.FormEvent) => {
- ev.preventDefault()
- generateDialog()
- }
- return (
- <>
- <div className='h-full w-full p-4'>
- <div className='w-full h-full bg-white rounded-lg shadow-md border border-slate-200 p-3'>
- <div className='w-full px-4 py-3 flex justify-between items-center mb-9'>
- <div>
- <h3 className='font-semibold text-3xl'>Web Configuration</h3>
- </div>
- {/* <button className='bg-[#376DDB] border border-[#2a5bbc] text-white font-semibold whitespace-nowrap px-5 py-2 rounded-md text-base flex items-center gap-3'
- onClick={() => router.push('./web-config/input')}
- >
- <span>+</span>
- <span>Tambah Data</span>
- </button> */}
- </div>
- <div className='w-full p-3 flex flex-col gap-4'>
- { any, index: any) => (
- <CheckboxSwitch
- label={item?.name}
- name={item?.name}
- checked={checkStatus[item?.is_maintenance]}
- onChange={() => handleChangeBox(item?.name)}/>
- ))}
- {/* <CheckboxSwitch label='Beranda' name='Beranda' checked={status.Beranda} onChange={handleChangeBox}/>
- <CheckboxSwitch label='Profil' name='Profil' checked={status.Profil} onChange={handleChangeBox}/>
- <CheckboxSwitch label='Template' name='Template' checked={status.Template} onChange={handleChangeBox}/>
- <CheckboxSwitch label='Pekerjaan' name='Pekerjaan' checked={status.Pekerjaan} onChange={handleChangeBox}/>
- <CheckboxSwitch label='Blog' name='Blog' checked={status.Blog} onChange={handleChangeBox}/>
- <CheckboxSwitch label='Bantuan' name='Bantuan' checked={status.Bantuan} onChange={handleChangeBox}/> */}
- <button
- onClick={handleMultiplyCheck}
- className='p-2 rounded-md bg-blue-400 text-white font-semibold'
- >
- Simpan
- </button>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </>
- )
- }
- export default WebConfig
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