
Mekton: Episode 2: Fires of War

Oct 26th, 2013
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  1. Never tell your password to anyone.
  2. Saturday, October 26, 2013
  3. 7:09 PM - Smas entered chat.
  4. 8:16 PM - Trogdor entered chat.
  5. 8:18 PM - Smas disconnected.
  6. 8:24 PM - Smas entered chat.
  7. 8:26 PM - Brick X: The Phantom Brick: Okay so, starting below the line
  8. 8:26 PM - Brick X: The Phantom Brick: -------
  9. 8:27 PM - Brick X: The Phantom Brick: After the repair of your mecha, and payment handling, Armen invites you to his home. A massive white granite mansion near the docks, you take in its beauty as he welcomes you in. You now sit at the dinner table, making conversation about the following day's plans.
  10. 8:28 PM - Brick X: The Phantom Brick: "My friends, it is simple, Kornev and Tyrhus's ship will be docking in the early afternoon, we will be out of the town by then, and on our way to rendezvous with Hassan, if there are no objections"
  11. 8:28 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: Or other stuff, like what I'm gonna ask
  12. 8:28 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: or not
  13. 8:28 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: "I can think of none."
  14. 8:28 PM - Brick X: The Phantom Brick: ((Feel free to ask, its an open conversation))
  15. 8:29 PM - Bishop Hemway: "What kind of man is Hassan, if I may ask?"
  16. 8:29 PM - Brick X: The Phantom Brick: "Craziest fucker on the island, but an honest buisness man, and not the biggest fan of taxes, I'm sure he'll support us"
  17. 8:30 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: "So it would seem that our appearence was a timely reason to begin waging this war?"
  18. 8:30 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: "Or perhaps rebellion would be more precise."
  19. 8:31 PM - Narrator: "Well, people haven't been big fans of the Cathedral's policy in recent years, but the fact that they would hunt down such innocent foreign guests, I will not stand for that!"
  20. 8:32 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: Perseus smiles. "Then I'm glad to have your aid. We would be all the worse without it."
  21. 8:32 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: "And this might be unrelated, but if I might inquire, what was it that you were transporting in that truck which would have spurred the Black Death himself to attack it?"
  22. 8:33 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge: "It seemed quite a bit closer than the northern routes you mentioned he patrolled."
  23. 8:33 PM - Trogdor: *eats contentedly*
  24. 8:33 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Yeah, Perseus has a point. What was up with that?"
  25. 8:34 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Beaf McBighuge has changed their name to Perseus Carpedim.
  26. 8:34 PM - Narrator: He laughed as he sipped wine out of glass. "You want to know? I was shipping reactor parts to the Powa Korn mills to the north. The owner of the Powa Korp has been amassing a small 'Company Protection Force' of mecha the past few years, but anyone with a brain knows that its for more than picking Korn and guarding mills."
  27. 8:36 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "I'm to assume the owner of a Corporation dedicated to such a large product, which seems to be under strict control of the government, could stand to make massive profits were taxes and the like to be reduced or, better yet, abolished."
  28. 8:36 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Hmm. I'd imagine that if your government was half competent they'd catch on real fast. Surely they have their suspicions?"
  29. 8:36 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "It would be the equivalent to plucking golden kernels."
  30. 8:37 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "I can only assume that the Korp has people on the inside. You don't get to become a large business without some underhanded tactics."
  31. 8:37 PM - Narrator: "Yes, but Refined Powa Korn is what powers the Cathedral, they dont have the balls, nor the resources to risk getting cut off like that, that and there is some form of bribery going on, no idea on the specifics"
  32. 8:39 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "Which brings up another point. When we first met, you said something along the lines of 'the Cathedral's current location', and now you say it requires large amounts of refined Powa Korn, which if my calculations are correct are incredibly powerful little kernels of energy."
  33. 8:39 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "Does that add up to what I suspect it adds up to?"
  34. 8:39 PM - Bishop Hemway: !!!
  35. 8:39 PM - Narrator: "When milled and processed, yes. And it depends, what are you adding this up to?"
  36. 8:40 PM - Bishop Hemway: "I think he insinuates that Korn can be used as fuel. Is this right?"
  37. 8:40 PM - Narrator: "A stable, and very powerful one, it can be"
  38. 8:40 PM - Trogdor: "What? some kind of mobile fortress or something?"
  39. 8:40 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "This Cathedral is a mecha of ludicrous proportions, isn't it?"
  40. 8:41 PM - Narrator: "More of what your friend Cedric is saying, It has some gun emplacements, but to think it could engage in the sort of combat our machines could, thats something else entirely"
  41. 8:42 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "Just as well, am I correct to postulate that the large amounts cannon fire the other day originated from it?"
  42. 8:42 PM - Narrator: "I would not be surprised, but I dont have the numbers and armament of the Cathedral on hand, most likely highly classified"
  43. 8:43 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "Hmm..." Perseus takes a few silent mouthfuls of food as he ponders the conundrum.
  44. 8:43 PM - Bishop Hemway: "I guess I'll ask a more... simple question. How does the Cathedral get around? Does it walk, or roll on treads...?"
  45. 8:43 PM - Narrator: "It walks, very slowly, but the thumping of it's six legs is something you cant forget after living there for a while"
  46. 8:45 PM - Bishop Hemway: "I see. I think I have one last question; what does this thing look like? It's gotta be huge, from what you are describing."
  47. 8:47 PM - Narrator: "I, I dont think words do it justice, but, imagine if you would, a conglomorate of every Church, federal building, and monument you've ever seen, with massive blocks of housing, titanic factories, and millitary bases all over. It's practically it's own miniture country"
  48. 8:48 PM - Bishop Hemway: "I think I understand what you are trying to get at."
  49. 8:49 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "A mobile country. I do hope our quest doesn't take us to face against it and its guns."
  50. 8:50 PM - Narrator: "Well, if we go all the way with it, you dont know, its a possibility, for now, eat up and relax! After dinner, I have some things to show you though, if you have the time"
  51. 8:50 PM - Bishop Hemway: ***Shoots Perseus a worried glance
  52. 8:51 PM - Perseus Carpedim: Nods at Bishop but says nothing
  53. 8:51 PM - Perseus Carpedim: (rip /me)
  54. 8:51 PM - Bishop Hemway: (I know right?)
  55. 8:52 PM - Narrator: Armen finishes what little food is left on the plate before getting up. "If the rest of you are done, I have a surprise that you especially will appreciate"
  56. 8:53 PM - Perseus Carpedim: Perseus gently pushes back his empty plate. "I am very much done, and it was delicious. Dare I ask if this surprise could be even moreso?"
  57. 8:54 PM - Bishop Hemway: Bishop puts down his half-finished plate. "I think I'm good too."
  58. 8:55 PM - Narrator: "Its not some delicacy, no, not now at least, but follow me, and don't break anything, very expensive things where we're going!" He laughed to himself for a few seconds before standing next to the fireplace and opening a panel in the wall to reveal a keypad. After typing in a password, the floor opened up for an elevator to come out, Armen stepping in and gesturing for them to join.
  59. 8:55 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "Classy. Hidden behind the fireplace. I like it."
  60. 8:55 PM - Trogdor: "Neat"
  61. 8:56 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Comeon half-pint, finish up. Places to see, and what not."
  62. 8:56 PM - Narrator: "Indeed, now then, step on and I will take you to my vaults"
  63. 8:57 PM - Trogdor: *finishes quickly and saunters over into the elevator"
  64. 8:57 PM - Trogdor: *
  65. 8:58 PM - Bishop Hemway: ***Climbs in after him.
  66. 8:58 PM - Perseus Carpedim: I think it goes without saying I enter too
  67. 8:58 PM - Narrator: Once they are all in, he hits the button, bringing them down into what appears to be a large hallway with a massively high ceiling. On the walls are massive steel hangar doors, each one closed at the moment. There appears to be five on each side
  68. 8:59 PM - Bishop Hemway: (which way did the elevator go? up or down?)
  69. 8:59 PM - Perseus Carpedim: AHH
  70. 8:59 PM - Narrator: (Down)
  71. 8:59 PM - Perseus Carpedim: OG GOD EMERGENCY
  72. 8:59 PM - Perseus Carpedim: S[ODER
  73. 8:59 PM - Perseus Carpedim: GOIAN
  74. 8:59 PM - Narrator: Pfftaha
  75. 8:59 PM - Perseus Carpedim: Spiders
  76. 8:59 PM - Perseus Carpedim: are
  77. 8:59 PM - Perseus Carpedim: faggots
  78. 8:59 PM - Perseus Carpedim: moving on
  79. 9:00 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Perseus, you alright? Snap out of it you're freaking me out."
  80. 9:00 PM - Narrator: Okay, resume
  81. 9:00 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "Pardon the ineloquent turn of phrase, but... wow."
  82. 9:00 PM - Narrator: "Gentlemen, my... Collection"
  83. 9:01 PM - Trogdor has changed their name to Cedric.
  84. 9:02 PM - Cedric: "Impressive. All of them in working condition?"
  85. 9:02 PM - Narrator: "Indeed, and I have experience piloting every one of them, but only one, has saved my life time after time, it is my mecha of choice"
  86. 9:03 PM - Narrator: He hit the button labeled '1' and the Hangar door closest to you on the left opened
  87. 9:03 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "And what lies behind curtain number 1?"
  88. 9:04 PM - Narrator: The mecha behind the door catches your eye immediately
  89. 9:04 PM - Narrator: It has four arms, each with a sword in them, posed to look it is caught in combat. On it's head sits a helmet made out of what appears to be the armor of another mecha's head.
  90. 9:04 PM - Narrator: "The Bureedo No Ou, or if you want to be less traditional, The King of Blades"
  91. 9:05 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "I must say I approve of the limb count."
  92. 9:05 PM - Cedric: "Needs more explosives"
  93. 9:05 PM - Bishop Hemway: "I bet he'd make a strong boxer." Gives Perseus a little nudge.
  94. 9:06 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "You have a good eye, my friend. That mecha could indeed give me and Ken Kare a run for our money, without a doubt."
  95. 9:06 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "But if we're to face more opponents like Black Death, I believe we might need to upgrade."
  96. 9:07 PM - Narrator: "It hasn't seen combat in about five years now, but tomorrow, I believe that will change friends" He grinned as he took what appeared to be a matching helmet off a shelf next to some lockers and putting it on, just barely fitting. "A shame, it barely fits, my head has gotten fat after I sat down and started my buisness, ahaha!"
  97. 9:07 PM - Bishop Hemway: (What does the helmet look like?)
  98. 9:07 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "Your soul is fattened with the spices of success. It is nothing to be ashamed of."
  99. 9:07 PM - Narrator: (Samurai helmet, but made out of the head of another mecha)
  100. 9:08 PM - Narrator: "Indeed, I just hope the rest of the armor fits"
  101. 9:08 PM - Cedric: "With a steady supply of food like that i would get out of shape too"
  102. 9:09 PM - Bishop Hemway: Whispers to Cedric: "I think it was more than just his soul that fattened up over the years."
  103. 9:10 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "So, you're expecting live combat tomorrow, then? And not only that, but you intend to join the fray yourself?"
  104. 9:10 PM - Narrator: "Kornev and Tyrhus arrive by ship here tomorrow, they're going to find us, and when they do, I wont let them just execute you for being the people of Earf"
  105. 9:11 PM - Perseus Carpedim: Perseus puts his hand on Armen's shoulder. "You have our eternal gratitude. There were others who joined us on this pilgramage, and I would not wish harm to come to them."
  106. 9:12 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Speaking about that, I'd like to ask you one last question. Something's been bugging me about this place since we landed. This place was uncharted territory, but obviously that's not the case."
  107. 9:12 PM - Cedric: "I thought you said we would be gone from here?"
  108. 9:12 PM - Narrator: "Bishop, what do you mean uncharacted territory? How could the plains of Earf not have heard of the lands under the Cathedral?"
  109. 9:13 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Ah, I am sorry. As travelers we haven't heard of this land."
  110. 9:13 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "What do you mean gone from here, Cedric?"
  111. 9:13 PM - Bishop Hemway: "I am surprised that civilization can be found even this far from home, is all."
  112. 9:13 PM - Narrator: "Far from home, where on the planet are you from?"
  113. 9:14 PM - Cedric: "I thought he said that by the time they got here, we would be away from here. i assumed that meant him too"
  114. 9:14 PM - Bishop Hemway: "The plains of Earf, of course. As much as you haven't heard of our land, we haven't heard of yours."
  115. 9:14 PM - Narrator: "Interesting..."
  116. 9:16 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "So, you have your King of Blades here. Do you have pilots for the other four mechas in your collection? I figure if we're to face members of the Cathedral, they will most probably be well armed, and so all the help we can get would be needed."
  117. 9:16 PM - Narrator: (He has 10 :V)
  118. 9:16 PM - Perseus Carpedim: o
  119. 9:16 PM - Perseus Carpedim: I thought he had 5 for some reason
  120. 9:17 PM - Perseus Carpedim: then retcon my number and move on
  121. 9:17 PM - Narrator: 5 hangers on each side
  122. 9:17 PM - Perseus Carpedim: you heard what I said, moving on
  123. 9:18 PM - Narrator: "Each one has a story, and a pilot, my old caravan guard team used to own them, sadly, I out lived every one of them. Shortly after I quit and opened my own caravan buisness, their line was raided, no survivors, I managed to get a hold of the wrecks and restored them, as a sort of, memorial to my old brothers."
  124. 9:19 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "I am sorry to hear of their fate. Your respect is admirable."
  125. 9:20 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Perhaps it is best to leave those other hangers closed for now. You are already digging up part of your past life for us, and I'm sure we gladly appreciate it."
  126. 9:20 PM - Narrator: "I promised myself that I would make my routes as safe as possible, these mecha, they are reminders of that promise"
  127. 9:20 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "I can only hope to be half as respected when my soul finally departs."
  128. 9:21 PM - Narrator: "If you are to die in the protection of your people, I will see to it Perseus, though god forbid that should happen"
  129. 9:22 PM - Narrator: "Now then, head on upstairs and get some rest, I need to do a few checks before tomorrow, this thing has been dormant quite a while, you'll find your accomidations in the guest rooms on the second floor, you'll find them easily enough."
  130. 9:23 PM - Cedric: "If you have any issues let me know. its my job to do that sort of thing"
  131. 9:23 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "Once again, I give you my thanks. Should any problems arise, do not heistate to wake us."
  132. 9:23 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Again, thank you for your hospitality. And yeah, if you need help you can call on me too. I may not be as experienced, but I can provide assistance as well."
  133. 9:24 PM - Narrator: If it comes to that, I will, good dreams friends, and plenty of rest!" And with that he hits the button to send the elevator upstairs again.
  134. 9:24 PM - Perseus Carpedim: so now we're alone in the elevator?
  135. 9:24 PM - Cedric: " 'Sides, not sure how well im gonna be able to sleep with this Koffee in my system..."
  136. 9:24 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "We've known each other less than two days, and yet I am still glad to call you my friends."
  137. 9:24 PM - Narrator: In the dining room now, fast elevator
  138. 9:25 PM - Cedric: "Calm down there buddy, lets not get too hasty"
  139. 9:25 PM - Bishop Hemway: (is it just us three in the elevator/dining room)?
  140. 9:25 PM - Narrator: Yes
  141. 9:25 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "I hope you both understand the gravity of the situation. The entire crew of the ship could be in grave danger, and ignoring that entirely, this local situation demands resolvement as well."
  142. 9:27 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Look, I'm fine with what has happened so far with these locals. However, both you and I know that we are not military. The people that Armen wants us to go up against? They are trained killers. I'm just a pilot."
  143. 9:27 PM - Cedric: "Yea"
  144. 9:27 PM - Cedric: "No offence but"
  145. 9:28 PM - Cedric: "I'm more interested in surviving this and getting back home than being the hero of the day"
  146. 9:28 PM - Cedric: "I was hired to blow up rocks and clear some space, no blow up other mechs"
  147. 9:28 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "'A sword drawn in defence of the helpless, no matter how inexperienced the swordsman, is a sword drawn in righteousness.' That is something my father taught me well."
  148. 9:28 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "I can understand if you wish to back out. I can not blame you."
  149. 9:29 PM - Cedric: "Do you realize how easy it is to blow up rocks compared to mechs? pretty easy"
  150. 9:29 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "But understand that more than your own future is at stake here."
  151. 9:29 PM - Bishop Hemway: "I understand. I live on the same principle, which is why I couldn't let those caravaners die."
  152. 9:29 PM - Perseus Carpedim: He gives a wry smile. "I'd say Black Death went down fairly easily."
  153. 9:29 PM - Bishop Hemway: "However, there's a fine line between defending another's life and going on a crusade."
  154. 9:29 PM - Cedric: "With that punch of yours he was as immobile as a rock, thats for sure"
  155. 9:30 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Look, I've trusted your judgement so far, but I don't want to be involved."
  156. 9:30 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Not more than I have to be."
  157. 9:31 PM - Bishop Hemway: "I've tried the military life. I can't take it. It's just not for me. It's why I retired to be a free-lance pilot."
  158. 9:32 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Being put up on the front lines again..."
  159. 9:32 PM - Cedric: "I'm following you guys because so far, you've made some good decisions. But i ask you keep your head on straight and try your best to get us, and the rest of the crew for that matter, out alive."
  160. 9:32 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "Very well. But, recall that these 'Kornev' and 'Tyrhus' characters are coming here, quite obviously in search of us. If anything, there is at least one more fight before we can leave safely."
  161. 9:33 PM - Bishop Hemway: "... W-What, what'd you say? Oh sure, yeah."
  162. 9:34 PM - Narrator: With that, the lights automatically go out, except for a few dull ones to prevent tripping in the staircases, perhaps you should get rest, its late and you have a long day ahead of you
  163. 9:34 PM - Cedric: "The worst thing i've had to deal with in my career is a very large mountain that they wanted gone, i'm not really cut out for this shit"
  164. 9:35 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "I believe that might be our cue to rest. I will see you both on the morrow. Just think on what's at stake overnight."
  165. 9:35 PM - Cedric: "Right, Time to see how sleepless this drink has made me"
  166. 9:36 PM - Bishop Hemway: ".... Alright."
  167. 9:37 PM - Narrator: With that, you get the most comfortable sleep of your lives in the luxurious beds in your room.
  168. 9:37 PM - Narrator: Morning Day 2
  169. 9:37 PM - Narrator: A small bell in the rooms ring, before Armen's voice can be heard on an innercomm "Elevator is waiting, come to the hangar now!"
  170. 9:38 PM - Bishop Hemway: "...Gah!"
  171. 9:39 PM - Perseus Carpedim: Perseus awakens slowly from the crumpled covers, and wipes tears from his eyes. Tears he knows not why he has shed
  172. 9:39 PM - Perseus Carpedim: ~supa characterization~
  173. 9:39 PM - Bishop Hemway: "...Oh, yes. Rise and shine boys! Today's gonna be a long one!"
  174. 9:40 PM - Perseus Carpedim: Perseus dresses himself and straps both his new energy and his father's slagged sword to his waist. He exits his room doing a series of light stretches
  175. 9:40 PM - Narrator: On the dresser next to your beds, are mugs of Koffee for each of you, and vitamins, clearly Armen wants you in top physical condition this morning.
  176. 9:40 PM - Perseus Carpedim: o
  177. 9:40 PM - Perseus Carpedim: well then I obviously take the stuff cause it'd be rude not to
  178. 9:41 PM - Bishop Hemway: (is there a window in my room?)
  179. 9:41 PM - Narrator: (Yes)
  180. 9:41 PM - Perseus Carpedim: Perseus sips the Koffee. "Wow. I think I understand what Cedric sees in this."
  181. 9:42 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Oh, how thoughtful." Bishop takes his cup and dumps it out the window. "Now, I'm not one for being rude but something's not right about that stuff."
  182. 9:42 PM - Narrator: "I repeat, come to the hangar at once, Kornev and Tyrhus are arriving early, we have about fourty five minutes to prepare!"
  183. 9:43 PM - Perseus Carpedim: Perseus snaps out of his revere and jogs to the elevator, awaiting his companions
  184. 9:44 PM - Bishop Hemway: Bishop consumes the vitamins, and straps back into his military suit. He heads downstairs, only 10 seconds behind Perseus.
  185. 9:44 PM - Narrator: Cedric is also there because screw waiting for replies and you make the decent again
  186. 9:45 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "It seems things are starting sooner than expected. Are you ready?"
  187. 9:45 PM - Cedric: ((back sorry)
  188. 9:45 PM - Narrator: Once the doors open, you see that in the middle of the hangars, your mecha have been moved, and a large door has opened at the far end, leading out into a large artifical cave to the surface.
  189. 9:45 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Yo shortstack! Wake up a bit." Bishop slaps Cedric on the back as he walks out of the elevator.
  190. 9:46 PM - Narrator: Your attention is drawn to the Bureedo No Ou, which is currently practicing maneuvers on the far end of the hall. "Morning friends, were your accomidations comforting?"
  191. 9:46 PM - Cedric: "Couldn't... Sleep...."
  192. 9:46 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "Ken Kare! It's good as new! Your technicians are most skilled, Armen."
  193. 9:47 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Oh, don't mind Cedric. He's probably been hopped up on that Koffee stuff since we got here." Bishop smiles wryly.
  194. 9:47 PM - Narrator: "Yes, and, there was a minor modification, we took the teath out of the Black Death, and put them on your fist, with the power of your reactor, they can even heat up and burn through armor! Ammunition is also restocked, and your senors are back up"
  195. 9:48 PM - Narrator: ((Also, before anyone asks, Dan got the upgrade because punches do really low damage, literally 1, without crits))
  196. 9:48 PM - Cedric: "Were there any other modifications?"
  197. 9:48 PM - Bishop Hemway: (Yeah, it's fine)
  198. 9:48 PM - Perseus Carpedim: Wasting no further time, Perseus enters his mecha. He examines the functionality of his new fisticuffs, throwing some test punches
  199. 9:48 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "I'm detecting little to no difference in power levels between other systems. It seems flawlessly integrated."
  200. 9:49 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "I suppose it was a good thing I took out the main reactor of the Death with my original punch. I would not want to be on the recieving end of these."
  201. 9:49 PM - Narrator: Your fists feel just as fast, but the barbs on the end are very indimidating. "Yes, my men are quite adept with this sort of work, now then, suit up, we're heading out of the city, we want the element of surprise on our hand, and they are expecting you to be here."
  202. 9:50 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "Cedric! Bishop! Once this is over, we can discuss further what we talked of last night. I would like your opinions once again at that time."
  203. 9:50 PM - Narrator: Bishop, Cedric, suit up
  204. 9:51 PM - Bishop Hemway: "I guess there's no point in standing around. Cedric, shake it!"
  205. 9:51 PM - Cedric: "Ugh"
  206. 9:51 PM - Cedric: "This thing is seriously not made to fight"
  207. 9:51 PM - Perseus Carpedim: Also since I had the Koffee and have 10 Ref I get +1 Ref, right?
  208. 9:51 PM - Perseus Carpedim: Koffee is magic
  209. 9:52 PM - Cedric: *moves over to enter his mech"
  210. 9:52 PM - Narrator: Yes
  211. 9:52 PM - Bishop Hemway: Bishop calls back to Cedric as he mounts into his cockpit: "Don't worry Cedric, we'll figure something out."
  212. 9:53 PM - Cedric: *tests his only offensive weapon by waving it up and down from its shoulder mount*
  213. 9:53 PM - Narrator: Once the group is entered into the mecha, Armen takes the lead, leading them out of the cave and into the desert. "While I would like to reach Hassan before doing battle, I don't think that'll be possible, instead we will ambush them in the middle of the desert on the route to the mills. Agreed?"
  214. 9:53 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "That seems the soundest course."
  215. 9:54 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Sure. I can do air reconnosaince, if you'd prefer it."
  216. 9:55 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "Be cautious if you take to the air. You'll be an easy to spot target."
  217. 9:55 PM - Narrator: "Execellent, the point we'll be guarding is what used to be a repair station, just a few miles away, if you have any jitters, now would be a good time to get them taken care of." You see the building in the distance, and race towards it
  218. 9:55 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Yes, that's why I figured to ask."
  219. 9:56 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Cedric, how you holding up over there?"
  220. 9:56 PM - Cedric: "Fine"
  221. 9:56 PM - Cedric: "Everything looks good"
  222. 9:57 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Good to hear it. It sounds like you're starting to pep back up."
  223. 9:57 PM - Narrator: "If my clock is right, they should be here any minute, Bishop, try to get the first sighting now"
  224. 9:58 PM - Bishop Hemway: Bishop takes to a sprinting charge and jumps, converting in the process.
  225. 9:58 PM - Bishop Hemway: roll perception?
  226. 9:58 PM - Narrator: As you get up high, you manage to spot two mecha approaching, one of which is flying, at a much lower altitude, they don't seem to spot you from up above
  227. 9:58 PM - Narrator: No, they're close enough t osee
  228. 9:59 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Eyes on target. Best to disengage your safeties now kiddos."
  229. 10:00 PM - Narrator: With that, a new voice comes onto the radio
  230. 10:00 PM - Perseus Carpedim: Perseus does two quick jabs, then a spinning kick, before crouching into a combat stance
  231. 10:00 PM - Narrator: "Gentlemen, we see you proximity sensors, get out of your mecha and await your blessing and transport to the cathedral, or prepare for your legal execution"
  232. 10:01 PM - Bishop Hemway: "I'm sorry officers, but we won't be complying today. For you see, we are without our permits."
  233. 10:02 PM - Cedric: "I don't like the sound of execution"
  234. 10:02 PM - Narrator: "Comply, and you will be reunited with other crash survivors before your trial"
  235. 10:02 PM - Bishop Hemway: !!!
  236. 10:03 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Perseus, they know."
  237. 10:03 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "So you've found the others! If you harm a single soul, I swear on the eternal bonds of my love..."
  238. 10:03 PM - Narrator: "They have not been harmed, they are to be tried as enemies of the state, before given a blessing and rightful execution" With that, they came over the hill.
  239. 10:04 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Fuck that; Open FIRE!"
  240. 10:04 PM - Narrator: Actually, iniative
  241. 10:04 PM - Perseus Carpedim: that was 1d10+Ref?
  242. 10:04 PM - Perseus Carpedim: and none o u niggas is in the rolz
  243. 10:04 PM - Narrator: Yeah
  244. 10:05 PM - Narrator: Room is GiantRobits
  245. 10:05 PM - Narrator:
  246. 10:05 PM - Perseus Carpedim: Pow
  247. 10:05 PM - Perseus Carpedim: 20 on initative
  248. 10:05 PM - Perseus Carpedim: 1 away from max
  249. 10:06 PM - Narrator: Kornev and Tyrhus both rolled 11
  250. 10:06 PM - Narrator: :V
  251. 10:06 PM - Bishop Hemway: 15
  252. 10:06 PM - Bishop Hemway: one away from my max too
  253. 10:06 PM - Narrator: Cedric?
  254. 10:06 PM - Bishop Hemway: tied for 15
  255. 10:06 PM - Cedric: 15
  256. 10:07 PM - Perseus Carpedim: I'm looking at possible melee attacks for mechas
  257. 10:07 PM - Perseus Carpedim: and I need better feet for my mecha
  258. 10:07 PM - Perseus Carpedim: a spin kick does 6 kills of damage
  259. 10:07 PM - Perseus Carpedim: I want to buff it
  260. 10:07 PM - Narrator: Right then, the Arch-Bishop uses 9 points of his 10 luck, but the Executioner doesn't have enough
  261. 10:08 PM - Cedric: ((can i use 5 of my luck? ;o ))
  262. 10:08 PM - Bishop Hemway: can I pull in some luck too?
  263. 10:08 PM - Perseus Carpedim: just so he can match me?
  264. 10:08 PM - Narrator: So Kornev and Perseus, then Bishop and Cedric, then Tyrhus
  265. 10:08 PM - Perseus Carpedim: The plebian
  266. 10:08 PM - Narrator: How much luck do you have?
  267. 10:08 PM - Perseus Carpedim: I shall show him honor
  268. 10:08 PM - Bishop Hemway: I have 10
  269. 10:08 PM - Cedric: ((we both have 10))
  270. 10:08 PM - Narrator: Jesus
  271. 10:08 PM - Perseus Carpedim: :v
  272. 10:08 PM - Perseus Carpedim: I have 2
  273. 10:08 PM - Narrator: If you use all ten, you must roll for being shit out of luck
  274. 10:08 PM - Perseus Carpedim: c:
  275. 10:08 PM - Narrator: Potential of blowing your reactor
  276. 10:09 PM - Bishop Hemway: well, I think I"m fine
  277. 10:09 PM - Bishop Hemway: honestly
  278. 10:09 PM - Bishop Hemway: just the one guy goes first, big woop
  279. 10:09 PM - Narrator: Alright, so can we begin?
  280. 10:09 PM - Bishop Hemway: I can think of other things that luck can go into
  281. 10:09 PM - Cedric: ((yea i will save luck))
  282. 10:09 PM - Narrator: Yeah, you might want to save it
  283. 10:10 PM - Narrator: Alright, so since dan has the higher ref than Kornev
  284. 10:10 PM - Narrator: He goes first
  285. 10:10 PM - Perseus Carpedim: hmmm
  286. 10:10 PM - Narrator: Then the Arch-Bishop
  287. 10:10 PM - Narrator: WAIT, FORGOT ARMEN
  288. 10:10 PM - Perseus Carpedim: shall I punch him, or punch him?
  289. 10:10 PM - Narrator: 16
  290. 10:10 PM - Narrator: Well, he's a good distance away from you
  291. 10:10 PM - Perseus Carpedim: gay
  292. 10:10 PM - Narrator: :V
  293. 10:10 PM - Perseus Carpedim: if I only had rocket fists
  294. 10:10 PM - Narrator: You'll get em
  295. 10:11 PM - Narrator: They're just not cheap enough for starter weapons
  296. 10:11 PM - Perseus Carpedim: so that I might use them to throw myself at him
  297. 10:11 PM - Perseus Carpedim: I also want my armerang
  298. 10:11 PM - Narrator: Since they require smart missile systems to fire and return
  299. 10:11 PM - Perseus Carpedim: so how far is he?
  300. 10:12 PM - Narrator: Just cresting the closest hill, 10 hexes
  301. 10:12 PM - Narrator: Whats your MA?
  302. 10:12 PM - Perseus Carpedim: 3
  303. 10:12 PM - Narrator: So you can move 3 hexes per action
  304. 10:12 PM - Perseus Carpedim: blimey
  305. 10:12 PM - Perseus Carpedim: I think I'll just crouch down and prepare to evade any projectile attacks he sends at me between turns
  306. 10:13 PM - Perseus Carpedim: can I do that?
  307. 10:13 PM - Narrator: Right
  308. 10:13 PM - Narrator: Lemme check
  309. 10:13 PM - Narrator: Nope
  310. 10:13 PM - Perseus Carpedim: like, I'd get to roll to dodge, and maybe get a small buff since I'm prepping for it
  311. 10:13 PM - Perseus Carpedim: wow gay
  312. 10:13 PM - Narrator: :V
  313. 10:13 PM - Perseus Carpedim: then are there any large rocks nearby?
  314. 10:13 PM - Narrator: Wait
  315. 10:14 PM - Perseus Carpedim: or maybe I can throw Bishop in his jet like a paper plane
  316. 10:14 PM - Narrator: For prepping to block, you get a +4 to evade, for using both actions like that
  317. 10:14 PM - Perseus Carpedim: Well then, I do that
  318. 10:14 PM - Narrator: Right then
  319. 10:14 PM - Narrator: Kornev is next
  320. 10:15 PM - Perseus Carpedim: Ken Kare crouches down and stares at the opposition, unmoving
  321. 10:15 PM - Narrator: With an MA of 6, raises his altitude and moves 5 hexes towards the party
  322. 10:15 PM - Narrator: The torso mounted flak cannon takes aim at Bishop
  323. 10:16 PM - Narrator: Since he is below Bishop and they are flying towards eachother, it'll take a 20 to hit
  324. 10:16 PM - Perseus Carpedim: ouch
  325. 10:17 PM - Narrator: And it fires 3 shots at once, since its a flak gun
  326. 10:17 PM - Narrator: All hits
  327. 10:17 PM - Narrator: One crit
  328. 10:17 PM - Perseus Carpedim: oooooouch
  329. 10:17 PM - Perseus Carpedim: how does he have 8 to his mecha gunning skill
  330. 10:17 PM - Perseus Carpedim: op nerf
  331. 10:18 PM - Narrator: He's highly trained in fighting Dan :V
  332. 10:18 PM - Perseus Carpedim: shh
  333. 10:18 PM - Perseus Carpedim: I'm an anime hero
  334. 10:18 PM - Bishop Hemway: what's the damage?
  335. 10:18 PM - Narrator: Now then, the shots blow off the armor of the right wing, and leave a nasty dent in a torso
  336. 10:18 PM - Narrator: The crit shot hits the other wing and blows its armor off, but also hits the bomb rack
  337. 10:18 PM - Narrator: Good news and bad news
  338. 10:18 PM - Narrator: Good news
  339. 10:18 PM - Narrator: The bombs dont explode
  340. 10:19 PM - Perseus Carpedim: inb4 they drop
  341. 10:19 PM - Perseus Carpedim: on me
  342. 10:19 PM - Narrator: Bad news, they are now falling towards the party
  343. 10:19 PM - Perseus Carpedim: I'll rek u
  344. 10:19 PM - Cedric: Archbishop beats bishop
  345. 10:19 PM - Cedric: rip
  346. 10:19 PM - Perseus Carpedim: OH
  347. 10:19 PM - Perseus Carpedim: I WANT TO CATCH A BOMB
  348. 10:19 PM - Perseus Carpedim: AND HOPE IT DOESN'T GO OFF WHEN I DO
  349. 10:19 PM - Perseus Carpedim: can I
  350. 10:19 PM - Perseus Carpedim: or will it go off on me
  351. 10:20 PM - Narrator: Let me roll to see if they actually hit you
  352. 10:20 PM - Narrator: No bonus from the missiles skill, since he's not purposely firing
  353. 10:21 PM - Narrator: And since he's directly above you, 8 to hit, 6 to be near enough to catch
  354. 10:21 PM - Narrator: One is near enough to catch
  355. 10:21 PM - Perseus Carpedim: what I gotta roll to catch the sucker
  356. 10:21 PM - Narrator: Dan, roll 1d10 + Ref + Mecha Combat
  357. 10:21 PM - Narrator: If its a 20 or above, you catch it
  358. 10:22 PM - Perseus Carpedim: wouldn't mecha pilot make more sense?
  359. 10:22 PM - Narrator: Hmm
  360. 10:22 PM - Narrator: True, roll that instead
  361. 10:22 PM - Perseus Carpedim: yiss
  362. 10:22 PM - Bishop Hemway: 23
  363. 10:22 PM - Perseus Carpedim: 23
  364. 10:22 PM - Bishop Hemway: nice
  365. 10:22 PM - Narrator: Damn
  366. 10:23 PM - Narrator: You catch the bomb with ease
  367. 10:23 PM - Cedric: "Damn"
  368. 10:23 PM - Perseus Carpedim: am I to assume I can't toss it since it isn't my turn?
  369. 10:23 PM - Bishop Hemway: (hey, did I take any kills of damage?)
  370. 10:23 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "Bishop! Are you alright?"
  371. 10:23 PM - Narrator: Nope, just had some armor shot off
  372. 10:24 PM - Bishop Hemway: "I'm fine for now, just a bit shaken. That man has made an enemy!"
  373. 10:24 PM - Narrator: Armen is next
  374. 10:25 PM - Narrator: With an MA of 5 on foot, he runs all 10 of them towards Tyrhus for his two actions, all four swords drawn. "YOU HAVE NO BUISNESS WITH THE PEOPLE OF EARF"
  375. 10:25 PM - Cedric: "This is starting to get scary"
  376. 10:26 PM - Cedric: ((now just how tanky is my mech compared to everyone else?))
  377. 10:27 PM - Narrator: You have more armor than everyone but Armen and Tyrhus
  378. 10:27 PM - Narrator: Cedric is first, since he drank the Koffee, than Bishop.
  379. 10:27 PM - Cedric: ((is talking free in this game or does it require an action?))
  380. 10:28 PM - Narrator: ((Free))
  381. 10:28 PM - Bishop Hemway: (talking is talking, I believe, you can do it while doint other actions)
  382. 10:28 PM - Cedric: "Uhm guys, what do i shoot?!"
  383. 10:29 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Start with the Jet! He outclasses both of you in speed, and Armen's got Thyrus!"
  384. 10:29 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "Assist Bishop! Hit the jet!"
  385. 10:29 PM - Cedric: "Thats not exactly going to be easy!"
  386. 10:29 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "Stop complaining and fire!"
  387. 10:29 PM - Cedric: "Here we go"
  388. 10:29 PM - Narrator: So, Cedric, what do you do?
  389. 10:30 PM - Cedric: *raises his grenade launcher towards the sky*
  390. 10:30 PM - Cedric: (( i attempt to shoot sky plane thing))
  391. 10:30 PM - Narrator: Twice?
  392. 10:30 PM - Cedric: ((do i use luck now or can i use luck after the roll))
  393. 10:30 PM - Cedric: ((sure))
  394. 10:30 PM - Cedric: ((if i can))
  395. 10:30 PM - Bishop Hemway: u use luck to boost your roll
  396. 10:30 PM - Bishop Hemway: after you've already rolled
  397. 10:30 PM - Cedric: ((great))
  398. 10:31 PM - Narrator: He's low enough to hit, roll 22s to hit
  399. 10:31 PM - Narrator: Ref + Gunnery + 1d10
  400. 10:31 PM - Cedric: ((wow i wouldn't be able to hit at all without luck jesus))
  401. 10:31 PM - Narrator: Your first was a crit
  402. 10:32 PM - Narrator: ROLL AGAIN
  403. 10:32 PM - Perseus Carpedim: oh shit
  404. 10:32 PM - Perseus Carpedim: it's goin DOWN
  405. 10:32 PM - Narrator: I meant a d10
  406. 10:32 PM - Cedric: (37)
  407. 10:32 PM - Narrator: :V
  408. 10:32 PM - Cedric: oh
  409. 10:32 PM - Cedric: then
  410. 10:32 PM - Perseus Carpedim: 10 10 10 10 10
  411. 10:32 PM - Cedric: (7)
  412. 10:32 PM - Perseus Carpedim: damn
  413. 10:32 PM - Cedric: so 27
  414. 10:32 PM - Narrator: So, 27 and 13
  415. 10:32 PM - Narrator: 9 luck to make that hit
  416. 10:32 PM - Bishop Hemway: no need to boost it, it's too much
  417. 10:32 PM - Bishop Hemway: too high a cost in luck
  418. 10:33 PM - Narrator: Cedric's choice
  419. 10:33 PM - Narrator: Also Cedric
  420. 10:33 PM - Narrator: That first shot is a crit, which is a signiture move
  421. 10:33 PM - Narrator: Do something over the top
  422. 10:33 PM - Cedric: ((we get it back next session how much longer are we even gonna be playing from this point on))
  423. 10:33 PM - Narrator: ((No idea))
  424. 10:34 PM - Perseus Carpedim: we went until like 1 am last time
  425. 10:34 PM - Cedric: ((how the fuck do i have a signiture move with a grenade launcher shit))
  426. 10:34 PM - Perseus Carpedim: oh oh I know
  427. 10:34 PM - Narrator: ((Something creative, anything))
  428. 10:34 PM - Perseus Carpedim: load all of your grenades into it
  429. 10:34 PM - Perseus Carpedim: and shoot them all
  430. 10:34 PM - Perseus Carpedim: at once
  431. 10:34 PM - Narrator: Like that
  432. 10:34 PM - Cedric: ((that was my idea last night, would that cost extra ammo or something))
  433. 10:34 PM - Bishop Hemway: (spout something so cheesy and rediculous that you can pour it over chips, while you are at it)
  434. 10:35 PM - Narrator: If you do what Dan said, yes
  435. 10:35 PM - Narrator: Also you do need some sort of badass line
  436. 10:35 PM - Cedric: ((would that do extra damage?))
  437. 10:35 PM - Perseus Carpedim: hence why fists are superious
  438. 10:35 PM - Narrator: Or you could like, aim the one shot into the cockpit
  439. 10:35 PM - Narrator: Also yes
  440. 10:35 PM - Perseus Carpedim: oh oh I know
  441. 10:35 PM - Cedric: ((AIM ONE SHOT??)
  442. 10:35 PM - Perseus Carpedim: rip off your gun, throw it, then have it come back to you
  443. 10:35 PM - Narrator: Like, call where it lands
  444. 10:35 PM - Cedric: ((ima move this to the other chat))
  445. 10:35 PM - Perseus Carpedim: after it hits the guy and fires some point black shots
  446. 10:41 PM - Cedric: *Aims his grenade launcher skyward and launches a couple of grenades skyward in quick succession obviously missing the target*
  447. 10:41 PM - Cedric: Wait for it...
  448. 10:42 PM - Narrator: ((Waiting))
  449. 10:42 PM - Cedric: ((oh right ;o ))
  450. 10:43 PM - Perseus Carpedim: ((fucking brilliant))
  451. 10:43 PM - Cedric: *two grenades fly up past the jets cockpit, only for one to explode and launch the other down at a perfect angle for collision*
  452. 10:44 PM - Cedric: "Nevermind, this is as easy as blowing up rocks"
  453. 10:44 PM - Narrator: The grenade hits the cockpit with enough force to blow the armored cover off and send shrapenel into the wing, rendering it useless, the Arch-Bishop comes down hard, taking severe damage to the legs and torso. "Monsters of Earth, lay your weapons down!"
  454. 10:45 PM - Perseus Carpedim: so wait, is Armen currently in melee combat with the other guy?
  455. 10:45 PM - Perseus Carpedim: or is he still some ways away
  456. 10:45 PM - Bishop Hemway: he's about to be
  457. 10:45 PM - Narrator: Yeah
  458. 10:45 PM - Narrator: Now then
  459. 10:45 PM - Bishop Hemway: he didn't swing, but he's right up on him
  460. 10:45 PM - Perseus Carpedim: because I have an idea
  461. 10:45 PM - Narrator: Bishop's turn
  462. 10:46 PM - Perseus Carpedim: but if he's so close, nevermind then
  463. 10:46 PM - Bishop Hemway: I'd like to dive and elbow drop the Jet's open cockpit
  464. 10:46 PM - Narrator: It landed in upright position, it's a hybrid like you :V
  465. 10:46 PM - Perseus Carpedim: Transforming mid dive?!?!?!?!?! :Ooooooo
  466. 10:47 PM - Bishop Hemway: still, I'd love to tackle that thing
  467. 10:47 PM - Bishop Hemway: and yeah, mid dive transformation
  468. 10:47 PM - Bishop Hemway: I think that costs and action though
  469. 10:47 PM - Narrator: Yeah
  470. 10:47 PM - Narrator: So one action to transform, one to grapple and preform another hand to hand attack
  471. 10:48 PM - Bishop Hemway: yeah, premuch
  472. 10:48 PM - Narrator: Alright, roll Mecha combat + Ref + 1d10, youre literally falling onto him, but to tackle him it takes 18
  473. 10:48 PM - Bishop Hemway: k
  474. 10:48 PM - Bishop Hemway: give me a mom
  475. 10:48 PM - Bishop Hemway: mome*
  476. 10:48 PM - Narrator: :V
  477. 10:49 PM - Bishop Hemway: k
  478. 10:49 PM - Bishop Hemway: alright
  479. 10:49 PM - Bishop Hemway: 14+4 luck to hit
  480. 10:50 PM - Narrator: Right
  481. 10:51 PM - Bishop Hemway: "There shall only be one Bishop in this Heirarchy!" Aoi Yokai transforms and prepares to slam.
  482. 10:51 PM - Narrator: As you steer into a dive, you pull your limbs out to get the drop on Kornev, the force of the impact sheers off his other wing and crushes one his legs as you smash him into the ground, he cushions your fall.
  483. 10:51 PM - Perseus Carpedim: a metal machine cushions a metal machine's fall
  484. 10:51 PM - Perseus Carpedim: anime logic
  485. 10:51 PM - Narrator: Damn right
  486. 10:51 PM - Narrator: Now then
  487. 10:52 PM - Narrator: Tyrhus
  488. 10:53 PM - Narrator: With a grin from inside the cockpit, Tyrhus uses his single arm to remove the soul smasher from his mecha's waist. At the mean time, he engages the three tails behind him, coming out to meet three of Armen's swords. With a deft swing of the arm, he swings the hammer of the Justice towards the head of the Bureedo No Ou
  489. 10:53 PM - Narrator: 18 to hit, no modifier
  490. 10:54 PM - Narrator: 22
  491. 10:54 PM - Perseus Carpedim: NOT ARMEN
  492. 10:54 PM - Bishop Hemway: NOoooooooooooooooooooooo
  493. 10:54 PM - Perseus Carpedim: I will rip that fuck apart
  494. 10:55 PM - Narrator: The Soul Smasher clears past the swords of Armen, smashing into the head at full velocity, ripping it off the body in an instant. Luckily, like most sensible pilots, his cockpit is in his torso
  495. 10:55 PM - Perseus Carpedim: good man
  496. 10:55 PM - Narrator: One action left
  497. 10:55 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Armen, you alright!?"
  498. 10:55 PM - Perseus Carpedim: aw shit
  499. 10:55 PM - Narrator: The Justice tries to impale its three tail tips into the arms of the Bureedo No Ou
  500. 10:55 PM - Perseus Carpedim: how does activating and parrying with 4 tail sword things not count as an action 0/10
  501. 10:55 PM - Narrator: 18 to hit, but he can parry
  502. 10:55 PM - Narrator: All hits
  503. 10:56 PM - Narrator: 1d10+Ref+Piloting
  504. 10:56 PM - Perseus Carpedim: oh my god
  505. 10:56 PM - Narrator: Going from first to last
  506. 10:56 PM - Perseus Carpedim: I had the most brilliant idea in history
  507. 10:56 PM - Narrator: So they need to be higher than 19, 20, 25
  508. 10:56 PM - Perseus Carpedim: it's so stupid it's genius
  509. 10:56 PM - Bishop Hemway: two parry, one hit?
  510. 10:57 PM - Narrator: Armen dodges all but one of the blades
  511. 10:57 PM - Narrator: That was the evade
  512. 10:57 PM - Narrator: Parry
  513. 10:59 PM - Narrator: With the Parry he turns the last of the tail tips away before yelling over the radio. "IT'LL TAKE MORE THAN A BRUTE OF THE CATHEDAL TO TAKE ME DOWN FRIEND, AHAHA!"
  514. 10:59 PM - Narrator: Now then
  515. 10:59 PM - Narrator: Persues
  516. 10:59 PM - Narrator: seus*
  517. 10:59 PM - Perseus Carpedim: pow
  518. 10:59 PM - Perseus Carpedim: so Armen is in melee with that faggotdick
  519. 10:59 PM - Perseus Carpedim: which means the bomb is out of the question
  520. 10:59 PM - Narrator: Yes
  521. 11:00 PM - Perseus Carpedim: and the jet's already down
  522. 11:00 PM - Narrator: And the arch-bishop is being pummeled by Bishop
  523. 11:00 PM - Narrator: Not dead, but close to it
  524. 11:00 PM - Perseus Carpedim: nothing else to kill?
  525. 11:00 PM - Narrator: You can join in in kicking Kornev while he's down
  526. 11:01 PM - Perseus Carpedim: I think Bishop has that covered
  527. 11:01 PM - Narrator: Not much to do :V
  528. 11:01 PM - Perseus Carpedim: I got dis
  529. 11:01 PM - Narrator: Makes up for crit wrecking the last bosses main weapon
  530. 11:01 PM - Perseus Carpedim: Perseus stares at the bomb he's holding, before shrugging Ken Kare's shoulders and casually tossing it over his shoulder behind him (assuming there isn't anything friendly back there)
  531. 11:01 PM - Perseus Carpedim: Then he makes a break for Tyrhus
  532. 11:01 PM - Perseus Carpedim: as the bomb explodes behind him
  533. 11:02 PM - Perseus Carpedim: I demand extra movement from the concussion
  534. 11:02 PM - Narrator: Oh jesus
  535. 11:02 PM - Narrator: Fine, you move 10 units, getting you next to Armen, but half your torso armor is blown off
  536. 11:02 PM - Perseus Carpedim: but I threw it behind me
  537. 11:02 PM - Perseus Carpedim: no fair
  538. 11:02 PM - Narrator: Shh
  539. 11:02 PM - Narrator: Its a 20 damage bomb
  540. 11:02 PM - Narrator: It'll fuck you up
  541. 11:02 PM - Narrator: Anyways
  542. 11:03 PM - Narrator: Thats one action of movement
  543. 11:03 PM - Narrator: Attack time?
  544. 11:03 PM - Perseus Carpedim: you're damn fucking straight
  545. 11:03 PM - Perseus Carpedim: I deck his ugly mug twice with my new toys
  546. 11:03 PM - Perseus Carpedim: while going fastly from the bomb's force
  547. 11:03 PM - Perseus Carpedim: should give me bonus damage
  548. 11:03 PM - Narrator: No :V
  549. 11:03 PM - Perseus Carpedim: fuk u
  550. 11:03 PM - Narrator: Roll 1d10+Ref+Mecha combat
  551. 11:04 PM - Narrator: 18 to hit stationary target blah blaj
  552. 11:04 PM - Perseus Carpedim: 22 25
  553. 11:04 PM - Perseus Carpedim: yet again 1 away from crit
  554. 11:04 PM - Bishop Hemway: almost another crit
  555. 11:04 PM - Bishop Hemway: damn
  556. 11:05 PM - Perseus Carpedim: what's the damage on these saturnite spikes of death?
  557. 11:05 PM - Narrator: You sink your claws into his chest, turning up the heat
  558. 11:05 PM - Narrator: 2d8
  559. 11:05 PM - Narrator: Kills
  560. 11:05 PM - Perseus Carpedim: 11 15
  561. 11:06 PM - Narrator: The torso is a mangled piece of steel at this point, barely holding together
  562. 11:06 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "THE FIRE OF MY SOUL BURNS WITHIN MY FISTS!:
  563. 11:06 PM - Narrator: 2 kills left on it before falling apart
  564. 11:06 PM - Perseus Carpedim: Worth the damage to sanic my way towards him
  565. 11:07 PM - Narrator: Now then, the Arch-Bishop
  566. 11:08 PM - Narrator: In the desperation of the situation, he fires his pod, and hops out of it mid-air
  567. 11:08 PM - Narrator: And stays there
  568. 11:08 PM - Bishop Hemway: can I roll to catch him?
  569. 11:08 PM - Narrator: Upon closer inspection, he's wearing a suit of powered armor with jet propullision, and flees the mecha as he activates the fifteen second self destruct
  570. 11:08 PM - Narrator: Hmm
  571. 11:08 PM - Narrator: Roll Ref + Mecha Piloting + 1d10
  572. 11:09 PM - Narrator: You need a 24 to catch him
  573. 11:09 PM - Bishop Hemway: this will be tough
  574. 11:09 PM - Bishop Hemway: i'ma go for it anyways
  575. 11:10 PM - Bishop Hemway: nice, the d10 gave me a 1
  576. 11:10 PM - Perseus Carpedim: well that didn't go as planned
  577. 11:10 PM - Narrator: You tried
  578. 11:10 PM - Bishop Hemway: it's what I've always wanted
  579. 11:10 PM - Bishop Hemway: :V
  580. 11:10 PM - Narrator: The Arch-Bishop managed to take off before shouting into his radio "TYRHUS, FIGHT TILL THE DEATH OR I DAMN YOUR SOUL TO ETERNAL HELLFIRE"
  581. 11:11 PM - Perseus Carpedim: shoulda held onto the bomb and chucked it at him
  582. 11:11 PM - Perseus Carpedim: I can only imagine the look on his face in his little floaty chair as a giant fucking bomb smacks him in the face before exploding
  583. 11:12 PM - Narrator: :V
  585. 11:13 PM - Narrator: He doesn't reply, he's too busy flying off into the distance, as soon as he appears to be out of range a voice is heard on the radio, hard and weezy, the words of a dying man. "He's gone, please, stop."
  586. 11:14 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Are you the Thyrus? If so, disengage now, or you shall suffer from Armen's blade!"
  587. 11:15 PM - Narrator: He drops the hammer at once and recoils his tails, opening the cockpit to reveal a man wired into the mecha. "I am, please, get me out of this infernal device"
  588. 11:15 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Armen, your thoughts?"
  589. 11:16 PM - Narrator: "I wouldn't put it past the cathedral to weaponize prisoners, someone with more knowledge, let him out."
  590. 11:16 PM - Bishop Hemway: (which stat is knowledge?)
  591. 11:17 PM - Bishop Hemway: (int?)
  592. 11:17 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "But just how do we disengage him from the setup?"
  593. 11:17 PM - Narrator: (Yeah, int, but I figured it'd be more Basic Repair or Mecha Tech)
  594. 11:17 PM - Narrator: "I-I don't know, they put me in this thing unconcious and told me to protect the Arch-Bishop"
  595. 11:18 PM - Bishop Hemway: so basically a 1d10+int+skills?
  596. 11:18 PM - Narrator: Yes
  597. 11:18 PM - Narrator: 1d10+Int+Skills
  598. 11:19 PM - Narrator: Mecha Tech actually
  599. 11:19 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Cedric, I think that you are the man for the job. Get over there and help him out!"
  600. 11:20 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Perseus, watch over him, make sure nothing funny happens."
  601. 11:21 PM - Bishop Hemway: "I'll take to the sky, make sure that no one else is coming."
  602. 11:21 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "I am prepared for anything. You may proceed."
  603. 11:21 PM - Bishop Hemway: Bishop untangles himself from the wrecked mecha, and takes a running jump to take off.
  604. 11:23 PM - Narrator: Roll Awareness + Int + 1d10
  605. 11:23 PM - Narrator: To see how much you can see
  606. 11:24 PM - Bishop Hemway: 17, near crit
  607. 11:24 PM - Narrator: You see nothing, but thick black smoke on the horizon, in the direction of town
  608. 11:25 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Armen, I believe we've got trouble!"
  609. 11:25 PM - Narrator: "Trouble? We just took care of the fuckers from the Cathedral, we're in the clear!"
  610. 11:26 PM - Bishop Hemway: "There's smoke coming from the town, tons of it. I don't think it's a coincidence!"
  611. 11:28 PM - Narrator: "Whatever it is, the fire department will handle it, right now I'm worried about this Tyrhus man, if he doesn't survive, we may lose valuable information, and worse, we'd be no worse than the Arch-Bishop to leave him
  612. 11:28 PM - Narrator: (Also, Cedric appears to be gone)
  613. 11:29 PM - Narrator: Bisho
  614. 11:29 PM - Narrator: 1d10+Int+Mecha Tech
  615. 11:30 PM - Cedric: ((fuck sorry had to help family))
  616. 11:30 PM - Narrator: Nevermind
  617. 11:30 PM - Narrator: Cedric, roll
  618. 11:30 PM - Bishop Hemway: k
  619. 11:30 PM - Cedric: ((one second, im rolling mecha tech?))
  620. 11:30 PM - Bishop Hemway: yea
  621. 11:30 PM - Bishop Hemway: and int
  622. 11:30 PM - Bishop Hemway: and d10
  623. 11:31 PM - Cedric: ((oh boy ))
  624. 11:31 PM - Cedric: ((24))
  625. 11:32 PM - Cedric: "Don't worry, i got this"
  626. 11:32 PM - Narrator: You manage to unhook the man from the sensors and wires, and he breathes a sigh of relief, looking better already. "No time to explain, you have to turn around, the Arch-Bishop, he, he blew up the fuel depots in the town after they refused to reveal the location of the wreck."
  627. 11:32 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "Does this mean they don't know the location of the wreck?"
  628. 11:33 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "And not only that, but that the townsfolk DO know?"
  629. 11:33 PM - Bishop Hemway: (this is the same town we just came from, right?)
  630. 11:33 PM - Narrator: "They dont, just, dont worry, turn back now and lets hope it didnt spread" With that, Armen was off without a word, full speed. Tyrhus settled himself into the cockpit, no longer under restraint
  631. 11:33 PM - Narrator: (Yes)
  632. 11:34 PM - Perseus Carpedim: so how are we taking Tyhrus back
  633. 11:34 PM - Perseus Carpedim: I think I'll carry him
  634. 11:34 PM - Perseus Carpedim: like a wee little babe
  635. 11:34 PM - Perseus Carpedim: the other two plebs can carry the mechas
  636. 11:35 PM - Narrator: He can opperate his mecha, he's just unhooked from the brain control device
  637. 11:35 PM - Perseus Carpedim: o
  638. 11:35 PM - Perseus Carpedim: well I thought we wrekt it
  639. 11:35 PM - Perseus Carpedim: in that case I gotta go fast back to town
  640. 11:36 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Cedric, grab the downed jet mecha, you'd probably want that flak cannon. Everyone else, try to keep up!"
  641. 11:36 PM - Cedric: "I want to look at this device ,sometime it seems really interestesting"
  642. 11:36 PM - Bishop Hemway: ***Bishop takes off after Armen.
  643. 11:37 PM - Narrator: You all head off behind Armen, who already has a strong lead, but as you arrive you realize it's too late, the town is ablaze, and then, you feel it, the shaking of the ground, the same kind as you felt yesterday near the overturned truck.
  644. 11:38 PM - Bishop Hemway: (uhm, excuse me narrator, but my jet is flying through the air: immersement ruined)
  645. 11:38 PM - Narrator: ((Everyone else feels it, pleb))
  646. 11:39 PM - Perseus Carpedim: I stop and survey the burning town, trying to figure out my next course of action as the rumbling intensifies
  647. 11:39 PM - Narrator: Before you know whats happening, the recently repaired Black Death rises out of the ground, well away from the fire. It stops, and the mid section unloads, handfulls of civilains running out.
  648. 11:39 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Black Death, are you here to assist?"
  649. 11:40 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "Well, that was unexpected."
  650. 11:40 PM - Narrator: "The prisssson burned to the ground, I got out and reunited with my mecha, I sssssaved everyone who showed up on the bio-scanners. They are the only sssssurvivors in the town"
  651. 11:40 PM - Narrator: The cockpit opens, and he steps out, unarmed. "I am willing to accept being put back into cusssstody."
  652. 11:41 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Do not worry about that now, for we are not the authorites. Who set these fires, and where did they go?"
  653. 11:41 PM - Narrator: "I do not know, I was in the prissssson until the walls fell"
  654. 11:41 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "And is there a way to extinguish them? There must be a water source nearby,"
  655. 11:42 PM - Narrator: Tyrhus chimes in "Powa Korn fueled fire, water will do fuck all, he wanted to raze the town."
  656. 11:42 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Perseus, our extinguishing material is right under us; the soil."
  657. 11:43 PM - Bishop Hemway: "We need to shovel it over the fires, to remove the oxygen."
  658. 11:44 PM - Narrator: You look to the entirity of the city, burning, and realize that the Black Death saved everyone with a heart beat, as Armen puts it. "It is too late, the city, she is already dead"
  659. 11:45 PM - Bishop Hemway: Bishop opens his mouth to speak, but just sighs instead.
  660. 11:45 PM - Perseus Carpedim: I turn to my companions. "Do you still wish to opt out of the fight?"
  661. 11:46 PM - Bishop Hemway: Bishop sparks back up.
  662. 11:46 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Yes. Even if we only save half of the town, or a quarter of it, or even just one house, these people will have someplace to call home."
  663. 11:48 PM - Bishop Hemway: Bishop moves to shovel dirt over the closest building he can find.
  664. 11:48 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "While I hate to say it, Bishop, that is wishful thinking at best. Will they even wish to return after all that has occured?"
  665. 11:48 PM - Narrator: The fire starts to down, but the refined Powa Korn merely lights the dirt on fire
  666. 11:49 PM - Bishop Hemway: "AUGH!"
  667. 11:49 PM - Bishop Hemway: Bishop slams his fist into the dirt, generating a small crater.
  668. 11:49 PM - Narrator: The only thing not burning, is the single boat in the harbor, a massive white and gold mecha carrier, other than that, nothing is untouched
  669. 11:50 PM - Bishop Hemway: "...Armen, do you think your collection will survive the fire?"
  670. 11:50 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "Whose watercraft is that? Am I to assume it is yours, Armen?"
  671. 11:51 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "It seems untouched, and large enough perhaps to hold the civilians."
  672. 11:51 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Yes... a place for them to call home..."
  673. 11:52 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "His collection is likely safe, considering it was underground."
  674. 11:53 PM - Narrator: "But a fire like this can burn for weeks, Powa Korn refined for fuel is meant to be incredibly efficent, even if it survives, we wont be able to access it for a while.
  675. 11:54 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "I believe it is obvious what we must to. The Cathedral must be taken down."
  676. 11:54 PM - Cedric: "No wonder that stuff is regulated"
  677. 11:54 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "Regulated by the very people who used it to cause this."
  678. 11:54 PM - Bishop Hemway: "..."
  679. 11:55 PM - Narrator: "If you can escort me North, I have connections with Powa Korp, if we can get there, I can get us help. And what about the man who saved the civilians?"
  680. 11:55 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "The pilot of Black Death? His change of heart seems evident."
  681. 11:55 PM - Bishop Hemway: "He is a dead man to the government; he should come with us."
  682. 11:56 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "He seems to have found his soul."
  683. 11:56 PM - Narrator: ((To make things easier I shall put the characters Initial before their lines))
  684. 11:56 PM - Narrator: A:"Does he have a name?"
  685. 11:56 PM - Perseus Carpedim: woo
  686. 11:56 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "Would it not be best to ask the man himself?"
  687. 11:57 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "Pilot! You have our thanks for securing the safety of the civilians. Tell us, what is your name?"
  688. 11:57 PM - Cedric: "On a side note, if we had a source of refined Korn we could weaponize it as they have, you know fire with fire"
  689. 11:57 PM - Narrator: S:"Sssssskyren, my name is Skyren" He started to climb into the Black Death once again and began to start it back up.
  690. 11:58 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "I think the refineries up north are likely to have all the refined Korn we would need."
  691. 11:58 PM - Bishop Hemway: "Skyren, would you like to join us, not as enemies on the battlefield, but as friends?"
  692. 11:59 PM - Perseus Carpedim: "It is us against the Cathedral. What say you?"
  693. 11:59 PM - Narrator: S:"It, it would be an absssssolute honor"
  694. 11:59 PM - Narrator: T:"And me? Will you hand me over at the first town, to face my curse and execution?"
  695. Sunday, October 27, 2013
  696. 12:00 AM - Bishop Hemway: "Thyrus, you have shown that you are a man more than a puppet. Join us as well."
  697. 12:00 AM - Perseus Carpedim: "Handing you over would in turn result in our own capture. How else would we go about giving you to them other than showing up ourselves?"
  698. 12:00 AM - Perseus Carpedim: "That fact aside, it is clear you were an unwilling contender in this charade."
  699. 12:01 AM - Narrator: S:"It is settled, we take the ship, relocate the civilians, and head North, with our, our team?"
  700. 12:01 AM - Bishop Hemway: "...A team, eh? It's been a while."
  701. 12:02 AM - Perseus Carpedim: "Agreed. We are, if for now only tentatively, a team."
  702. 12:02 AM - Bishop Hemway: "What say you, Captain Armen?"
  703. 12:02 AM - Narrator: S:"I say I'm in, as long as I get to hang the ones who burned my family, my home, my city"
  704. 12:02 AM - Perseus Carpedim: wrong initial m8 :v
  705. 12:02 AM - Narrator: (A and S are next to eachother, Shhh)
  706. 12:03 AM - Perseus Carpedim: c:
  707. 12:03 AM - Perseus Carpedim: "You can hang them from the tallest gunbarrel on the Cathedral."
  708. 12:03 AM - Perseus Carpedim: "By their jockstraps, if you'd life. It matters not to me."
  709. 12:04 AM - Narrator: S: "I sssshall move the civilians to ship, and get things sssssituated" With that, The Black Death loads back up with civilians before slipping under the sand to reach the harbor in tact.
  710. 12:05 AM - Perseus Carpedim: "I do hope he doesn't mind that I took the Death's teeth."
  711. 12:05 AM - Bishop Hemway: "...Armen, what of your wife?"
  712. 12:05 AM - Bishop Hemway: (I thought he had one, anyway)
  713. 12:06 AM - Narrator: A:"I didn't see them in the group of survivors, there is no way she could have survived..."
  714. 12:06 AM - Bishop Hemway: "Are you sure she's not in the bunker? She might be safe down there."
  715. 12:07 AM - Narrator: A:"She, she didn't know about it, my wife and my son are dead, if they were in the bunker some how, they'd be on scanners"
  716. 12:07 AM - Bishop Hemway: "I... I see."
  717. 12:08 AM - Bishop Hemway: "I think I've seen enough."
  718. 12:09 AM - Perseus Carpedim: "Armen. In the name of the Carpedim family name, I draw my father's sword in defence of you, and your family's memory. I can not say for my companions, but you have my blade for your cause."
  719. 12:09 AM - Bishop Hemway: ***Bishop turns to walk towards the ship, and stops.
  720. 12:09 AM - Narrator: A:"It is an honor to see the blessing of a family upon me"
  721. 12:10 AM - Bishop Hemway: "... and you have mine as well."
  722. 12:10 AM - Narrator: T:"I dont have much of a family, but their blessing be upon you as well"
  723. 12:10 AM - Cedric: "I may just be a simple demo man but i don't like these guys"
  724. 12:10 AM - Bishop Hemway: ***Bishop begins to march towards the watercraft.
  725. 12:11 AM - Narrator: A:"Board their ship, we're going to the nearest port, and heading North, no matter what stands in the way."
  726. 12:12 AM - Perseus Carpedim: "The fists of Ken Kare and I shall demolish any obstacle in our path."
  727. 12:12 AM - Perseus Carpedim: I board the ship
  728. 12:13 AM - Bishop Hemway: "...Come on shortstack, there's no time to roast marshmellows."
  729. 12:14 AM - Cedric: "Keep that up and you'll wake up with a bomb for a cockpit"
  730. 12:14 AM - Cedric: "This thing is slow alright"
  731. 12:14 AM - Cedric: *wheels over to the ship*
  732. 12:15 AM - Narrator: Armen and Tyrhus were last on board, before long, they were off on the blue seas
  733. 12:15 AM - Narrator: (End session tonight, or keep going?
  734. 12:15 AM - Bishop Hemway: now seems like a logical place to cut it
  735. 12:15 AM - Perseus Carpedim: si
  736. 12:16 AM - Perseus Carpedim: I'm cool with stopping
  737. 12:16 AM - Perseus Carpedim: cause I only got like 4 hours of sleep and I gotta piss
  738. 12:16 AM - Narrator: Right
  739. 12:16 AM - Bishop Hemway: heh
  740. 12:16 AM - Cedric: i'm fine with whatever i just feel bad cause i had to go that one point and was distacted
  741. 12:16 AM - Narrator: Game tomorrow at noonish central time
  742. 12:16 AM - Narrator: Nah, its fine
  743. 12:16 AM - Narrator: Someone do the log
  744. 12:16 AM - Bishop Hemway: hmm, I won't be able to attend, I have to draw hands for 6 hours and hang with my dad
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