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  1. # Le Skript vien de MonsterCraft_YT
  5. #==================================================================================
  6. #ClearChat (By MonsterCraft_YT)
  7. #==================================================================================
  8. Options:
  10. c:&aChat &7> Le Chat à était supprimé par
  11. cp:&cTu n'as pas la permission pour ça
  12. command /chatclear:
  13. aliases: /clearchat
  14. executable by: player
  15. permission: "mod.use" or "staff.clearchat" or "staff.*"
  16. permission message: {@cp}
  17. trigger:
  18. loop 250 times:
  19. broadcast ""
  20. broadcast "{@c} %player%"
  21. #==================================================================================
  22. #Staff Chat (By MonsterCraft_YT)
  23. #==================================================================================
  24. Options:
  26. logo:&8[&6Staff&8] &7
  27. lp:&cTu n'as pas la permission pour ça
  28. la:&cTu as oublier de maittre ton message
  30. command /staffchat [<text>]:
  31. permission: "staff.*" or "" or "mod.use"
  32. permission message: {@lp}
  33. aliases: sc,
  34. trigger:
  35. if arg-1 is set:
  36. loop all players:
  37. if loop-player has permission "" or "staff.*" or "mod.use":
  38. send "{@logo} &6%player%&a: &7%arg-1%" to loop-players
  39. else:
  40. send "{@la}"
  43. on chat:
  44. if first character of message is "@":
  45. if player has the permission "" or "staff.*" or "mod.use":
  46. cancel event
  47. replace "@" with "" in the message
  48. loop all players:
  49. loop-player has the permission "" or "staff.*" or "mod.use":
  50. send "{@logo} &6%player%&a: &7%message%" to loop-players
  51. else:
  52. cancel event
  53. send "{@la}"
  54. #==================================================================================
  55. #Anti-Insulte (By MonsterCraft_YT)
  56. #==================================================================================
  57. on load:
  58. if folder "insultes" doesn't exists:
  59. create folder "insultes"
  60. on load:
  61. loop all players:
  62. if file "insultes/%loop-players%.txt" doesn't exists:
  63. create file "insultes/%loop-players%.txt"
  64. on chat:
  65. if message contains "fdp" or "connard" or "kikoo" or "salope" or "pute" or "connard" or "connasse" or "putain" or "pt1" or "je te beze" or "j'te beze" or "Fils de pute":
  66. add 1 to {insultes.%player%}
  67. cancel event
  68. send "&fLes insultes, c'est mal."
  69. wf "[%year%/%month%/%day% /%hour%/%minute%/%second%] [%player%] >> %message%" to "insultes/%players%.txt"
  70. wait 1 second
  71. loop all players:
  72. if loop-players has the permission "mod.use":
  73. send "&c&l[&a&lCHAT&c&l] &r&c&l%player% &r&a&l>> &r%message%" to loop-player
  74. send "&c&l[&a&lCHAT&c&l] &r&aNombre d'avertissement : %{insultes.%player%}%" to loop-player
  75. send "&c&l[&a&lCHAT&c&l] &r&c&l%player% &r&a&l>> &r%message%" to console
  77. command /insultes [<player>] [<text>]:
  78. permission: mod.use
  79. permission message: {@la}
  80. trigger:
  81. if arg-1 is set:
  82. if player has the permission "mod.use":
  83. send "&c&l[&a&lCHAT&c&l] &r&aNombre d'avertissement : &c%{insultes.%player-arg%}%" to player
  84. if arg-1 is set:
  85. if arg-2 is "clear":
  86. delete {insultes.%player-arg%}
  87. send "&c&l[&a&lCHAT&c&l] &a&l%player% &r&a&l>> &r&an'a plus d'insultes dans la liste !"
  88. delete file "insultes/%player-arg%.txt"
  89. create file "insultes/%player-arg%.txt"
  90. #==================================================================================
  91. #BroadCast (By MonsterCraft_YT)
  92. #==================================================================================
  93. Options:
  95. po:&7[&6UpCast&7] &a&l
  96. command /broadcast [<text>]:
  97. trigger:
  98. if arg 1 is set:
  99. if player is op:
  100. broadcast "{@po} %arg-1%"
  101. else:
  102. send "{@la}"
  103. if arg 1 is not set:
  104. if player is op:
  105. send "&cTu as oublier de maitre l'anonce"
  106. else:
  107. send "{@la}"
  108. #==================================================================================
  109. #Lobby-Hub (By MonsterCraft_YT)
  110. #==================================================================================
  111. command /setlobby:
  112. trigger:
  113. if player is op:
  114. set {LOBBY} to player's location
  115. send "&cTu as bien créer le lobby"
  116. else:
  117. send "{@la}"
  118. command /removelobby:
  119. trigger:
  120. if player is op:
  121. delete {LOBBY}
  122. send "&cTu as bien remove le lobby"
  123. else:
  124. send "{@la}"
  125. command /hub:
  126. aliases: lobby
  127. trigger:
  128. teleport player to {LOBBY}
  129. #==================================================================================
  130. #Remane (By MonsterCraft_YT)
  131. #==================================================================================
  132. command /rename [<text>]:
  133. permission: rename.*
  134. permission message: {@la}
  135. trigger:
  136. if arg-1 is set:
  137. set name of player's tool to "%arg-1%"
  138. send "&cTon objet a bien était remane en '%arg-1%'"
  139. else:
  140. send "&cTu n'as rien dans t'a main ..."
  141. #==================================================================================
  142. #Nop (By MonsterCraft_YT)
  143. #==================================================================================
  144. command /nop:
  145. trigger:
  146. make player execute command "/broadcast §4§lNe EN AUCUN CAS RELOAD LA CONSOLE ! JE TRAVAILLE SUR QUELQUE CHOSE D'IMPORTANT ! &3&lMerci."
  147. #==================================================================================
  148. #Skin (By MonsterCraft_YT)
  149. #==================================================================================
  150. on join:
  151. make console execute command "skinsrestorer set %player% %player%"
  152. #==================================================================================
  153. #Teleportations ( Rush-SkyWars ) (By MonsterCraft_YT)
  154. #==================================================================================
  155. command /sky:
  156. trigger:
  157. make console execute command "/mv tp %player% lobbyskywars"
  158. send "§6§lVous avez été téléporté au lobby du Skywars !"
  159. command /rush:
  160. trigger:
  161. make player execute command "/mv tp BedWars-Lobby"
  162. send "§4Vous avez été téléporté au serveur Rush !"
  163. #==================================================================================
  164. #Menu Lobby (By MonsterCraft_YT)
  165. #==================================================================================
  166. command /jouer:
  167. trigger:
  168. open chest with 3 rows named "&6&lUPCOLORS" to player
  169. wait 1 tick
  170. format slot 13 of player with beacon named "&6&lUPCOLORS - Jeux" to be unstealable
  171. format slot 1 of player with grass named "&4&l♦En cours♦ &3&lHardcoreSky" to be unstealable
  172. #==================================================================================
  173. #ForceCommand (By MonsterCraft_YT)
  174. #==================================================================================
  175. command /forcecommand [<player>] [<text>]:
  176. trigger:
  177. if arg-1 is set:
  178. if arg-2 is set:
  179. if player is op:
  180. make player-arg execute command "/%arg-2%"
  181. send "&aForcecommand envoyé !"
  182. else:
  183. send "{@la}"
  184. else:
  185. send "&cTu as oublier la commande à envoiyer"
  186. if arg-1 is not set:
  187. if player is op:
  188. send "&cUsage: /forcecommand Joueur Comand"
  189. else:
  190. send "{@la}"
  192. command /forcechat [<player>] [<text>]:
  193. trigger:
  194. if arg-1 is set:
  195. if arg-2 is set:
  196. if player is op:
  197. broadcast "&4%player-arg% > %arg-2%" #
  198. else:
  199. send "{@la}"
  200. else:
  201. send "&cTu as oublier le Message"
  202. if arg 1 is not set:
  203. if player is op:
  204. send "&cUsage: /forcechat Joueur message"
  205. else:
  206. send "{@la}"
  207. #==================================================================================
  208. #Sanctions (By MonsterCraft_YT)
  209. #==================================================================================
  210. command /sanctions:
  211. trigger:
  212. send "&aCheat : &cBanni pendant 15 jours"
  213. send "&aCheat x2 : &cBanni pendant 30 jours"
  214. send "&aCheat x3 : &cBanni pendant 45 jours"
  215. send "&aCheat x4 : &cBannissement &4&lPERMANENT"
  216. send ""
  217. send "&aSpam : &cMute pendant 1h"
  218. send "&aSpam x2 : &cBanni pendant 1 journée"
  219. send ""
  220. send "&aRacisme : &cBanni pendant 30 jours"
  221. send "&aAntisémitisme: &cBanni pendant 30 jours"
  222. send "&aInsultes homophobes: &c Banni pendant 1 mois"
  223. send ""
  224. send "&aPropos haineux : &cMute pendant 2 heures "
  225. send "&aInsulte(s) : &cMute pendant 1 heure"
  226. send "&aInsulte(s) sur le staff : &cMute pendant 2 heures"
  227. send "&aUseBug : &cBanni pendant 1 heure"
  228. #==================================================================================
  229. #Anti-Focus (By MonsterCraft_YT)
  230. #==================================================================================
  231. Options:
  233. Prefix2:&3[&6Anti-Focus&3]&7
  234. command /focus [<text>]:
  235. trigger:
  236. if arg-1 is set:
  237. if player has the permission "focus.use":
  238. set the player's display name to "%argument%"
  239. set tablist name of player to "%argument%"
  240. stop
  241. else:
  242. send "{@Prefix2} Tu n'as pas la permission !"
  243. stop
  244. else if arg-1 is "stop" or "off" or "disable":
  245. if player has the permission "focus.use":
  246. set the player's display name to "%player%"
  247. set tablist name of player to "%player%"
  248. else:
  249. send "{@Prefix2} Tu n'as pas la permission !"
  250. stop
  251. #==================================================================================
  252. #Anti Cheat (By MonsterCraft_YT)
  253. #==================================================================================
  254. options:
  255. prefix: &f&l[&4&lCheatWarn&f&l]&r
  258. on load:
  259. if folder "plugins/CheatWarn" doesn't exists:
  260. create folder "plugins/CheatWarn"
  261. wait 1 tick
  262. on load:
  263. if folder "plugins/CheatWarn/InventoryWalk" doesn't exists:
  264. create folder "plugins/CheatWarn/InventoryWalk"
  265. if folder "plugins/cheatwarn/AutoClick" doesn't exists:
  266. create folder "plugins/cheatwarn/AutoClick"
  267. if folder "plugins/cheatwarn/FastBow" doesn't exists:
  268. create folder "plugins/cheatwarn/FastBow"
  269. if folder "plugins/cheatwarn/FastFood" doesn't exists:
  270. create folder "plugins/cheatwarn/FastFood"
  271. if folder "plugins/cheatwarn/AntiFire" doesn't exists:
  272. create folder "plugins/cheatwarn/AntiFire"
  274. # AutoClick
  276. command /cheatwarn [<text>] [<player>]:
  277. aliases: cw
  278. permission: mod.*
  279. permission message: &cTu ne peux pas faire cette commande !
  280. trigger:
  281. if arg-1 is "autoclick" or "ac":
  282. if arg-2 is set:
  283. set {autoclick.%player-arg%} to true
  284. send "{@prefix} &aVous aurez le nombre de cliques de &c%player-arg%&a dans 10 secondes"
  285. wait 10 seconds
  286. set {autoclick.%player-arg%} to false
  287. send "{@prefix} &c%player-arg% &a> &4%{autoclick.%player-arg%.nombre}%"
  288. if file "plugins/CheatWarn/autoclick/%player-arg%.yml" doesn't exists:
  289. create file "plugins/CheatWarn/AutoClick/%player-arg%.yml"
  290. wf "Creation du fichier: %now%" to "plugins/CheatWarn/AutoClick/%player-arg%.yml"
  291. wf "IP : %player-arg's ip%" to "plugins/CheatWarn/AutoClick/%player-arg%.yml"
  292. wf "UUID : %player-arg's UUID%" to "plugins/CheatWarn/AutoClick/%player-arg%.yml"
  293. wf "" to "plugins/CheatWarn/AutoClick/%player-arg%.yml"
  294. wf "" to "plugins/CheatWarn/AutoClick/%player-arg%.yml"
  295. wf "[%now%] Verification par moderateur (%player%)" to "plugins/CheatWarn/AutoClick/%player-arg%.yml"
  296. wf "Nombre de cliques : %{autoclick.%player-arg%.nombre}%" to "plugins/CheatWarn/AutoClick/%player-arg%.yml"
  297. else:
  298. wf "" to "plugins/CheatWarn/AutoClick/%player-arg%.yml"
  299. wf "[%now%] Verification par moderateur (%player%)" to "plugins/CheatWarn/AutoClick/%player-arg%.yml"
  300. wf "Nombre de cliques : %{autoclick.%player-arg%.nombre}%" to "plugins/CheatWarn/AutoClick/%player-arg%.yml"
  301. delete {autoclick.%player%.nombre}
  302. else:
  303. send "{@prefix} &cIl faut mettre un joueur"
  304. if arg-1 is "Info":
  305. send "&a----------Info du plugin &4&lCheatWarn&r----------"
  309. on leftclick:
  310. if {autoclick.%player%} is true:
  311. add 1 to {autoclick.%player%.nombre}
  313. on rightclick:
  314. if {autoclick.%player%} is true:
  315. add 1 to {autoclick.%player%.nombre}
  319. on leftclick:
  320. if {} is true:
  321. add 1 to {}
  323. on rightclick:
  324. if {} is true:
  325. add 1 to {}
  329. every 10 seconds:
  330. loop all players:
  331. set {autoclick-%loop-player%} to true
  332. set {} to true
  333. wait 10 second
  334. set {} to false
  335. if {} > 80:
  336. if {} < 100:
  337. if {autoclick.%loop-player%.warn} is false:
  338. set {autoclick.%loop-player%.warn} to true
  339. else if {} > 100:
  340. if file "plugins/CheatWarn/AutoClick/%loop-player%.yml" doesn't exists:
  341. create file "plugins/CheatWarn/AutoClick/%loop-player%"
  342. wf "Creation du fichier: %now%" to "plugins/CheatWarn/AutoClick/%loop-player%.yml"
  343. wf "IP : %loop-player's ip%" to "plugins/CheatWarn/AutoClick/%loop-player%.yml"
  344. wf "UUID : %loop-player's UUID%" to "plugins/CheatWarn/AutoClick/%loop-player%.yml"
  345. wf "" to "plugins/CheatWarn/AutoClick/%loop-player%.yml"
  346. wf "[%now%] Verification par CheatWarn" to "plugins/CheatWarn/AutoClick/%loop-player%.yml"
  347. wf "Nombre de cliques : %{}%" to "plugins/CheatWarn/AutoClick/%loop-player%.yml"
  348. delete {}
  349. else:
  350. wf "[%now%] Verification par CheatWarn" to "plugins/CheatWarn/AutoClick/%%loop-player%%.yml"
  351. wf "Nombre de cliques : %{}%" to "plugins/CheatWarn/AutoClick/%loop-player%.yml"
  352. delete {}
  360. on shoot:
  361. if projectile is an arrow:
  362. if difference between {fastbow.%shooter%} and now is less than 0.1 seconds:
  363. if tps is more than 18:
  364. if shooter's ping is less than 150:
  365. set {fastbow.%shooter%} to now
  366. if file "plugins/CheatWarn/FastBow/%shooter%" doesn't exists:
  367. create file "plugins/CheatWarn/FastBow/%shooter%.yml"
  368. wf "Creation du fichier: %now%" to "plugins/CheatWarn/FastBow/%shooter%.yml"
  369. wf "IP : %shooter's ip%" to "plugins/CheatWarn/FastBow/%shooter%.yml"
  370. wf "UUID : %shooter's UUID%" to "plugins/CheatWarn/FastBow/%shooter%.yml"
  371. wf "" to "plugins/CheatWarn/FastBow/%shooter%.yml"
  372. wf "" to "plugins/CheatWarn/FastBow/%shooter%.yml"
  373. wf "[%now%] Verifié par CheatWarn" to "plugins/CheatWarn/FastBow/%shooter%.yml"
  374. else:
  375. wf "[%now%] Verifié par CheatWarn" to "plugins/CheatWarn/FastBow/%shooter%.yml"
  379. every minutes:
  380. loop all players:
  381. if file "plugins/CheatWarn/autoclick/%loop-player%.yml" doesn't exists:
  382. create file "plugins/CheatWarn/AutoClick/%loop-player%.yml"
  383. wf "Creation du fichier: %now%" to "plugins/CheatWarn/AutoClick/%loop-player%.yml"
  384. wf "IP : %loop-player's ip%" to "plugins/CheatWarn/AutoClick/%loop-player%.yml"
  385. wf "UUID : %loop-player's UUID%" to "plugins/CheatWarn/AutoClick/%loop-player%.yml"
  386. wf "" to "plugins/CheatWarn/AutoClick/%loop-player%.yml"
  387. wf "" to "plugins/CheatWarn/AutoClick/%loop-player%.yml"
  388. wf "[%now%] Verification par moderateur (%loop-player%)" to "plugins/CheatWarn/AutoClick/%loop-player%.yml"
  389. wf "Nombre de cliques : %{autoclick.%loop-player%.nombre}%" to "plugins/CheatWarn/AutoClick/%loop-player%.yml"
  390. wf "" to "plugins/CheatWarn/AutoClick/%loop-player%.yml"
  391. else:
  392. wf "" to "plugins/CheatWarn/AutoClick/%loop-player%.yml"
  393. wf "[%now%] Verification par moderateur (%loop-player%)" to "plugins/CheatWarn/AutoClick%loop-player%yml"
  394. wf "Nombre de cliques : %{autoclick.%loop-player%.nombre}%" to "plugins/CheatWarn/AutoClick/%loop-player%.yml"
  396. on consume:
  397. if player is not holding mushroom stew:
  398. if difference between {fastfood.%player%} and now < 0.7 seconds:
  399. if tps is more than 18:
  400. if player's ping is less than 150:
  401. if file "plugins/CheatWarn/FastFood" doesn't exists:
  402. create file "plugins/CheatWarn/FastFood/%player%.yml"
  403. wf "Creation du fichier: %now%" to "plugins/CheatWarn/FastFood/%player%.yml"
  404. wf "IP : %player's ip%" to "plugins/CheatWarn/FastFood/%player%.yml"
  405. wf "UUID : %player's UUID%" to "plugins/CheatWarn/FastFood/%player%.yml"
  406. wf "" to "plugins/CheatWarn/FastFood/%player%.yml"
  407. wf "" to "plugins/CheatWarn/FastFood/%player%.yml"
  408. wf "[%now%] Verifié par CheatWarn" to "plugins/CheatWarn/FastFood/%player%.yml"
  409. else:
  410. wf "" to "plugins/CheatWarn/FastBow/%player%.yml"
  411. wf "" to "plugins/CheatWarn/FastBow/%player%.yml"
  412. wf "[%now%] Verifié par CheatWarn" to "plugins/CheatWarn/FastBow/%player%.yml"
  415. on rightclick:
  416. if player is not holding mushroom stew:
  417. set {fastfood.%player%} to now
  423. on inventory open:
  424. set {inventory.%player%.position} to player's location
  425. wait 1 second
  426. if distance between player's location and {inventory.%player%.position} < 5:
  427. if file "plugins/CheatWarn/InventoryWalk/%player%.yml" doesn't exists:
  428. create file "plugins/CheatWarn/InventoryWalk/%player%.yml"
  429. wf "Creation du fichier: %now%" to "plugins/CheatWarn/InventoryWalk/%player%.yml"
  430. wf "IP : %player's ip%" to "plugins/CheatWarn/InventoryWalk/%player%.yml"
  431. wf "UUID : %player's UUID%" to "plugins/CheatWarn/InventoryWalk/%player%.yml"
  432. wf "" to "plugins/CheatWarn/InventoryWalk/%player%.yml"
  433. wf "" to "plugins/CheatWarn/InventoryWalk/%player%.yml"
  434. wf "[%now%] Verifié par CheatWarn" to "plugins/CheatWarn/InventoryWalk/%player%.yml"
  435. else:
  436. wf "" to "plugins/CheatWarn/InventoryWalk/%player%.yml"
  437. wf "" to "plugins/CheatWarn/InventoryWalk/%player%.yml"
  438. wf "[%now%] Verifié par CheatWarn" to "plugins/CheatWarn/InventoryWalk/%player%.yml"
  441. command /xray [<text>] [<player>]:
  442. permission: mod.use
  443. permission message: &cTu ne peux pas faire cette commande
  444. trigger:
  445. if arg-1 is set:
  446. if arg-1 is "player" or "joueur" or "p":
  447. send "{@prefix} &f&lMode Ghost activé !"
  448. send "{@prefix} &f&lMode X-Ray activé !"
  449. make player execute command "/v on"
  450. clear player's inventory
  451. wait 1 tick
  452. give diamond ore named "appat" to player
  453. wait 30 ticks
  454. teleport player to player-arg
  455. if arg-1 is "random" or "r":
  456. if arg-2 is not set:
  457. send "{@prefix} &f&lMode Ghost activé !"
  458. send "{@prefix} &f&lMode X-Ray activé !"
  459. make player execute command "/v on"
  460. clear player's inventory
  461. wait 1 tick
  462. give diamond ore named "appat" to player
  463. wait 30 ticks
  464. teleport player to a random player out of all players
  465. else:
  466. send "{@prefix} &cIl ne faut pas mettre %arg-2%"
  472. #==================================================================================
  473. #Staff (By MonsterCraft_YT)
  474. #==================================================================================
  475. command /administration:
  476. trigger:
  477. open chest with 1 rows named "&6&lLe staff" to player
  478. wait 1 tick
  479. format slot 0 of player with emerald named "&f[&4Fondateur&f] &3InaraTeam" to be unstealable
  480. format slot 1 of player with emerald named "&f[&4Fondateur&f] &3MonsterCraft_YT" to be unstealable
  481. format slot 2 of player with emerald named "&f[&4Fondateur&f] &3FunkyFight" to be unstealable
  482. format slot 3 of player with diamond named "&f[&3Développeur&f] &bBlocksFox" to be unstealable
  483. format slot 4 of player with diamond named "&f[&3Développeur&f] &bImLalilas" to be unstealable
  484. format slot 5 of player with diamond named "&5[Builder] Erisuim_HugoHaut" to be unstealable
  486. #==================================================================================
  487. #Advert (By MonsterCraft_YT)
  488. #==================================================================================
  490. options:
  491. name: &4&l[UpWarn] >
  494. command /warn [<player>] [<text>]:
  495. executable by: players and console
  496. permission: staff.warn
  497. permission message: &cTu n'as pas les permissions nécessaires !
  498. trigger:
  499. if arg 1 is not set:
  500. make player execute command "/warns help"
  501. if arg 1 is set:
  502. if arg 2 is not set:
  503. send "{@name} &cMerci de préciser une raison !" to player
  504. else:
  505. broadcast "&4&l[UpWarn] &c %arg 1% a reçu un avertissement pour :&4 %arg 2%&c !"
  506. add arg 2 to {warnings.%arg 1%::*}
  507. play raw sound "mob.bat.death" at players with pitch 1 volume 10
  508. if size of {warnings.%arg 1%::*} is more than 1:
  509. send "&4&l[UpWarn] &cTu as désormais &4%size of {warnings.%arg 1%::*}%&c avertissements. &cAu 5ème, tu es ban du serveur. Attention ! " to arg 1
  510. else:
  511. send "&4&l[UpWarn] &c Tu as &4&lun&c avertissement. Au 5ème, tu es ban du serveur. Attention !" to arg 1
  512. if size of {warnings.%arg 1%::*} is more than or equal to 5:
  513. kick arg 1 due to "Tu as atteint 5 avertissements. Tu es donc banni de ce serveur."
  514. ban arg 1 due to "Tu as atteint 5 avertissements. Tu es donc banni de ce serveur."
  515. broadcast "&4&l[UpWarn] &4 %arg 1% &ca été banni pour avoir eu 5 avertissements !"
  516. play raw sound "mob.wither.death" at players with pitch 1 volume 10
  517. delete {warnings.%arg 1%::*}
  518. stop
  520. command /warns [<text>] [<player>]:
  521. executable by: players and console
  522. permission: henoria.admin.warns # Mettez ici le nom de votre permission. Mon serveur s'appelle Hénoria, mais vous êtes libres de la modifier à votre guise ! (cf. ligne 6)
  523. permission message: &cTu n'as pas les permissions nécessaires !
  524. trigger:
  525. if arg 1 is not set:
  526. make player execute command "/warns help"
  527. if arg 1 is "check":
  528. if arg 2 is not set:
  529. send "{@name}&c Merci de préciser un nom de joueur !" to player
  530. else:
  531. set {_warningsSize} to size of {warnings.%arg 2%::*}
  532. send "{@name}&3 Le joueur a&b %{_warningsSize}%&3 avertissements."
  533. if arg 1 is "reset":
  534. if size of {warnings.%arg 2%::*} is 0:
  535. send "{@name}&3 Le joueur n'a pas d'avertissement !"
  536. else:
  537. clear {warnings.%arg 2%::*}
  538. send "{@name}&b Avertissements de &3%arg 2%&b supprimés !" to player
  539. send "{@name}&b Tes avertissements ont été remis à zéro !" to arg 2
  540. if arg 1 is "help":
  541. send "&3&m---------------&c[&8Warnings&c]&3&m---------------"
  542. send "&4/warn <player> <reason>&7&l |&c&o Donne un avertissement à un joueur. "
  543. send "&a/warns check <player>&7&l |&3&o Vérifie les avertissements d'un joueur."
  544. send "&a/warns reset <player>&7&l |&c&o Supprime les avertissements d'un joueur. "
  545. send "&3&m----------------------------------------"
  547. #===================================================
  548. #KITS (By MonsterCraft_YT)
  549. #===================================================
  550. Command /listkit:
  551. trigger:
  552. open chest with 1 row named "&6&lUPCOLORS - KITS" to player
  553. wait 1 tick
  554. format slot 0 of player with diamond sword named "&3&l♦Kit chevalier♦" to run [make player execute command "/kit chevalier"]
  555. format slot 1 of player with golden sword named "&c&lKit Mastodonte" to run [make player execute command "/kit mastodonte"]
  556. format slot 2 of player with iron sword named "&6&lKit assasin" to run [make player execute command "/kit assasin"]
  557. format slot 3 of player with ender pearl named "&5&lKit EnderMan" to run [make player execute command "/kit enderman"]
  558. format slot 4 of player with nether star named "&fKit Ninja" to run [make player execute command "/kit ninja"]
  559. #===================================================
  560. #Sign Color(s) (By MonsterCraft_YT)
  561. #===================================================
  562. on sign change:
  563. if line 1 contains "&":
  564. replace all "&" with "§" in line 1
  565. if line 2 contains "&":
  566. replace all "&" with "§" in line 2
  567. if line 3 contains "&":
  568. replace all "&" with "§" in line 3
  569. if line 4 contains "&":
  570. replace all "&" with "§" in line 4
  571. #==================================================================================
  572. #Chat mentionnement (By MonsterCraft_YT)
  573. #==================================================================================
  574. Options:
  575. PlayerTextColor: &6
  576. BaseChatColor: &7
  577. on chat:
  578. loop all players:
  579. set {_lplayer} to loop-player
  580. if chat message contains "%loop-player%":
  581. replace "%loop-player%" with "{@PlayerTextColor}&l%loop-player%{@BaseChatColor}" in message
  582. play raw sound "random.pop" at {_lplayer} with pitch 1 volume 1
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