
Myths (BTS a.f) Form

Dec 10th, 2016
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  1. Name: Kim Ji-Hye
  3. Slot: Witch
  4. Backup: Devil
  6. Age: 22
  7. DOB: 30th September 1994
  9. Personality:
  10. Ji-hye is a quiet and shy person. She doesn’t like talking to people or even being in large crowds. She gets stress and start panicking if she in a large crowd with no way to get out. She loves to read and learn new things, she always pushing herself to learn new things even if it a different language, culture or anything. She very strong minded and can accomplish any task that she set her mind to do. She very well-organized she likes to keep everything in order and if it goes out of order she get very upset. She a very loyal and faithful person towards to people who cares about her and also to people who she cares about. She loves helping children and animals, she always happy when she helping. Ji-hye has trouble at night with sleeping, she scream, kicks and hit anyone that goes near her. She has nightmares every night about her past that she can’t remember. Because of this she tend to stay up all night reading or learning something new so she doesn’t have to sleep. Since she so quiet and don’t talk much, it hard for her to open up about her feelings. She can never find a way to express herself and her feelings. Instead she writes them down into a book and when she ready she show the person her book. She very awkward around boys and she don’t know what to do around them. She tends to stick around girls because she feels more comfortable around them. When she does speak people get shock because of her voice. People thought she couldn’t talk at all but really her voice is soft, sweet and smooth. Her voice is very calming and people would sit there for days listening to her voice.
  12. Background:
  13. Ji-hye had lovely parents that always cared for her and looked out for her. Her parents keep a huge secret from her, that they were witches. They didn’t tell her to protect her from any danger. Ji-Hye found out when she caught her mother doing a spell and she freak out. Her parents then told her the truth and told her that her whole family was witches and she was one as well. She didn’t believe them at first until they showed her the magic they hold within. She then started reading how to control her magic and become like her parents. One night her and her parents went out for dinner, they were having fun and enjoying their night until one of village people scream out “Witch”. Her and her parents got attack by the village people, to save their daughter they erased her memories of everything about them and her being a witch and sent her to the 21st century. Ji-Hye was found in a forest covered in dirt and mud. She had no idea where she was or what was going on, the only thing she remembers was her name. These elder couple took her in and made her become their granddaughter. Over the times Ji-hye started to feel this power build up in her. She had no idea what it was or even how to explain to people what she was feeling until she meet someone who was a witch. This witch notice her power that she holding and then gave her books to read and told her that reading these books will help her.
  16. -Reading
  17. -Learning new things
  18. -sweet food
  19. -quiet places
  20. -winter
  22. Dislikes:
  23. -Crowded places
  24. -people hurting other people
  25. -Mornings
  26. -Sleeping
  27. -Not being able to express her true self.
  29. Trivia:
  30. -She uses magic without even noticing.
  31. -She knows three languages (Korean, English and Italian)
  32. -She always carries around her book with her feelings in it.
  33. -She hate being sweaty, that she has to take a shower when she sweat.
  34. -She used to bring home animals that were hurt and look after them until they were better.
  35. -She has a panic attack if she in a large crowd for too long.
  36. - She has couple witch/spell books at home.
  37. She has a pull towards magic and learning all about it and she doesn’t know why.
  38. -She slowly starting to think that she different from everyone.
  39. -She doesn’t like listening to music while she reading.
  41. Face claim: Sejeong (ioi)
  42. Backup: Hani (exid)
  44. Love Interest: J-Hope
  45. Backup: Suga
  46. Back backup: Rap-monster
  48. His Personality:
  49. He is very outgoing person, and sociable person. He always talking to people and making new friends. He not scared of going up to someone new and just talking to them. He always happy and positive about life, he likes to make other people happy. He loves pulling pranks and making horrible jokes that no one likes. People always call him the happy pill because when he around everyone happy and smiling. When he alone it a different story, He very emotionally. He doesn’t people to see him being upset or sad that why he always put on that happy smiling face. He hate being alone that why he always with other people or even making new friends. The thought of him being alone scares him so much that he made a goal to be friends with everyone.
  51. Note to others myths: H…ello. I’m happy that I’m not only one who different in the world.
  53. Note to your love interest: …..Can you please……quiet down a little bit.
  55. Note to me: Keep up the good work and I can’t wait for this a.f to start. Even if I don’t in im still going to be reading this.
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