
telegram-cli help

Nov 12th, 2016
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  1. Ready] 0> help
  2. account_change_username <username> Sets profile username
  3. account_change_name <first_name> <last_name> Sets profile name
  4. account_change_photo <file> Sets profile photo. Photo will be cropped to square
  5. add_contact <phone> <first_name> <last_name> Tries to add user to contact list
  6. block_user <user> Blocks user
  7. channel_get_admins <channel> [limit] [offset] Gets channel admins
  8. channel_get_bots <channel> [limit] [offset] Gets channel bots
  9. channel_get_kicked <channel> [limit] [offset] Gets channel kicked members
  10. channel_get_members <channel> [limit] [offset] Gets channel recent members
  11. channel_change_about <channel> <about> Changes channel about info
  12. channel_change_username <channel> <username> Changes channel username
  13. channel_edit <channel> <param> <enabled> changes value of basic channel parameters. param=sign|invites. enabled=yes|no
  14. chat_add_user <chat> <user> [msgs_to_forward] Adds user to chat. Sends him last msgs_to_forward messages (only for group chats) from this chat
  15. chat_change_photo <chat> <file> Changes chat photo. Photo will be cropped to square
  16. chat_change_title <chat> <title> Renames chat
  17. chat_change_role <chat> <user> <role> changes user's role in chat. role=creator|moderator|editor|general|kicked
  18. chat_del_user <chat> <user> Deletes user from chat
  19. chat_info <chat> Prints info about chat
  20. chat_join <chat> Joins to chat
  21. chat_leave <chat> Leaves chat
  22. chat_check_invite_link <link> Print info about chat by link
  23. chat_create_broadcast <title> <about> Creates broadcast channel
  24. chat_create_group <title> <members ...> Creates group chat
  25. chat_create_supergroup <title> <about> Creates supergroup channel
  26. chat_export_invite_link <chat> Exports new invite link (and invalidates previous)
  27. chat_import_invite_link <link> Get chat by invite link and joins if possible
  28. chat_with_peer <chat> Interface option. All input will be treated as messages to this peer. Type /quit to end this mode
  29. compose <chat> Sends text message to peer
  30. compose_reply <chat> Sends text message to peer
  31. contact_list [limit] Prints contact list
  32. contact_delete <user> Deletes user from contact list
  33. delete_msg <msg_id> Deletes message
  34. dialog_list [limit] [offset] List of last conversations
  35. fwd <chat> <msg_id> Forwards message to peer. Forward to secret chats is forbidden
  36. get_message <msg_id> Get message by id
  37. group_upgrade <group> Upgrades group to supergroup
  38. help [command_name] Prints this help
  39. history <chat> [limit] [offset] Prints messages with this peer. Also marks messages as read
  40. load_file <file_id> Downloads file to downloads dirs. Prints file name after download end
  41. main_session Sends updates to this connection (or terminal). Useful only with listening socket
  42. mark_read <chat> Marks messages with peer as read
  43. msg <chat> <text> Sends text message to peer
  44. mute <chat> <mute_for> mutes chat for specified number of seconds (default 60)
  45. push_button <message> <button_id> Tries to push inline button
  46. resolve_username <username> Find chat by username
  47. reply <msg_id> <text> Sends text message to peer
  48. reply_file <msg_id> [type] <file> [caption] Replies to peer with file
  49. reply_fwd <msg_id> <fwd_id> Forwards message to peer. Forward to secret chats is forbidden
  50. reply_location <msg_id> <longitude> <latitude> Sends geo location
  51. search [chat] [limit] [from] [to] [offset] <query> Search for pattern in messages from date from to date to (unixtime) in messages with peer (if peer not present, in all messages)
  52. send_file <chat> [type] <file> [caption] Sends file to peer
  53. send_location <chat> <longitude> <latitude> Sends geo location
  54. send_typing <chat> [action] [progress] Sends typing action action=[typing|cancel|record_video|upload_video|record_voice|upload_voice|upload_photo|upload_document|choose_location|choose_contact]
  55. show_license Prints contents of GPL license
  56. start_bot <user> <chat> <data> Adds bot to chat
  57. timer <timeout> sets timer (in seconds)
  58. unblock_user <user> Unblocks user
  59. unmute <chat> unmutes chat
  60. version Prints client and library version
  61. view_file <file_id> Downloads file to downloads dir. Then tries to open it with system default action
  62. quit Quits immediately
  63. safe_quit Waits for all queries to end, then quits
  64. set <variable> <value> Sets value of param. Currently available: log_level, debug_verbosity, alarm, msg_num
  66. [Ready] 0>
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