
pandora's box •• form

Mar 13th, 2017
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  1. | BASICS |
  3. Name : Aaliyah el-Habhab
  4. Alternate Names : Hao Ai (Her Chinese Name)
  5. Nicknames :
  6. Lia, HabHab, Cherry, Blossom, Riceball, Ally
  8. Date of Birth : May 6th
  9. Age : 21
  11. Height : 4'11 or 150cm
  12. Weight : 105 pounds or 48kg
  14. Birthplace : Xinjiang, China
  15. Hometown : Beirut, Lebanon
  17. Ethnicity : Asian
  18. Nationality : Lebanese-Chinese
  20. Gender : Female
  21. Secondary Gender : Omega
  23. Sexuality : Bisexual
  25. Slot : Lenari
  26. Back-Up Slot : Mavina
  28. Face Claim : ALICE [HELLOVENUS]
  29. Back-Up Face Claim : LUNA [FX]
  31. | ABOUT |
  33. Background :
  34. Aaliyah's parents are quite a diverse couple. Her father being Lebanese and her mother being Chinese which a lot of people don't usually see. Her mother was raised Muslim which is why it was easier for them to connect and she could learn Arabic easily. But, the problem was that they were different species. Joumana was a rabbit and Kareem was a pigeon. Neither of their families wanted a half-breed granddaughter.
  36. The couple still got married because Joumana's parents accepted him after realizing he was a doctor in Ophthalmology, which deals with the eyesight and the eyes in general. They had gotten married at a Mosque in Xinjiang, making it easier for them. They wanted to have Aaliyah in China first so she could have a citizenship there, and then move to Lebanon.
  38. They were able to get pregnant easily, and they were glad. Some couples take quite a while because they're not lucky. Kareem stayed in Joumana's home, so he would have a place to live in in China. It was quite cozy, and actually suitable to have children in. When they're in the house, the months would pass by, and soon enough, Joumana reached the 9th month and she knew that her water would break soon. She was excited and scared at the same time because what's going to happen if Aaliyah has a birth defect? She didn't want her child to be like that and go through life like that. She didn't want her daughter to get teased if she's different from others.
  40. Aaliyah was born soon enough, and they instantly moved to Lebanon. Kareem had gotten everything settled for Joumana and Aaliyah's citizenships in Lebanon before hand. The flight didn't take a long time, only eight hours (which seems like a long time, but it's the same amount of time you spend at school).
  42. The couple and their child lived in Lebanon ever since and didn't move anywhere else. Joumana, being a ballet teacher and all, wanted her daughter to learn ballet too. She wanted Aaliyah to have elegance and be ladylike. Ballet makes your form have to be elegant which is why Aaliyah and her mother always look very ladylike. Aaliyah started ballet at 3 years old because it's good to start young. She instantly fell in love with it. Aaliyah would go to her ballet classes 4 times a week because she was soon in the advanced class.
  44. Joumana was proud that her daughter was becoming a professional ballerina, but was worried when she was about to break out. Break out as in turn into her hybrid form. Aaliyah was just starting puberty, being twelve and all. That was the most common time for girls to start.
  46. What Aaliyah was worried about was that she looked different from everyone in her school. Aaliyah looked more foreign than everyone even though she was born here. She had gotten more of her mother's looks than her father's looks. She didn't even realize that she was a hybrid until she broke out at about 13. Lia's form was mostly rabbit (aka her mother's side) and she was shook. Lia thought something was wrong with her. She wanted to run away from everything in her life.
  48. And so she did. She left her family at the age of 14. She left everything good in her life behind because she thought that she was weird. Lia was just breaking out more and more. She had learned how to fly and do other things in her form. Lia didn't know that other hybrids existed and that they were going extinct. Those thoughts never passed her mind when she would go to the river and sit under the trees with the leaves falling. She was naive to what was actually happening in this world, and will probably never know until another hybrid finds her. A person that isn't that different from her, someone that will relate to her.
  50. Personality :
  51. Aaliyah was raised to be a kind, gentle, ladylike, basically a well-mannered woman. She always shows respect to everyone and basically lives on the saying "treat others how you want to be treated." Though, she'll become rude as hell if you're being a jackass and bullshitting all the time. It's actually quite normal for her to be like that because she's reasonable about everything. She taught herself to be smart and logical, and that's what she is. She's not the type to make instant decisions because she always thinks about everything.
  53. Aaliyah can be a bit of a pain in the ass sometimes too. While her face and body screams elegance, her mouth might not. She's always correcting you on things and being a nit-picker.
  55. Lia says a lot of things very bluntly because of that, but people don't mind. She thinks it helps them (but let's be honest, it probably just annoys them). Plus, her word choice is quite excellent making people see her as if she thinks she's above everyone. Aaliyah doesn't think that at all, she thinks that she's small compared to everyone and has always thought that, being "different."
  57. Family :
  62. NASREEN EL-HABHAB / HAO NING | SISTER | 3 | PRE-SCHOOLER | 1 (Has never met her before)
  65. * Peppers
  66. * Children
  67. * Bubbles
  68. * Ballet
  69. * Dancing in general
  70. * Museums
  71. * Painting
  72. * Lebanese food (aka her dad's cooking)
  73. * Being outside
  74. * The sun
  75. * Jell-o
  76. * The Powerpuff Girls
  78. Dislikes :
  79. * Gore
  80. * Horror movies
  81. * Confined/cramped spaces
  82. * Onions
  83. * Getting dirty
  84. * Cats
  85. * Helicopters
  86. * Cold temperatures
  87. * Custard
  88. * Jelly
  89. * Cheese
  91. Habits :
  92. * Doing a variety of stretches
  93. * Flipping her hair obnoxiously
  94. * Blinking repeatedly
  95. * Swinging her feet when she sits
  96. * Sniffling
  98. Hobbies :
  99. * Drawing
  100. * Gardening
  101. * Cooking
  103. Talents :
  104. * Ballet (cause it takes hard work and stuff so..)
  105. * Waterbottle flipping
  107. Trivia :
  108. * She thinks that Waterbottle flipping is a talent because it took her forever to actually get one to land.
  109. * She can speak Fluent Arabic and conversational Mandarin.
  110. * She went en pointe (on your toes) at the age of 9. It takes a while to get to that level.
  111. * She loves the smell of the outside.
  112. * She can still do the splits and other flexible actions.
  113. * She enjoyed painting when she was younger because she would create landscapes, her favorite being a cherry blossom tree.
  114. * Lia can still do a ballet bun without hesitation.
  115. * Peppers are her favorite vegetable because of the colors they have.
  116. * One time in elementary school, her 3rd grade teacher said that if they want extra credit, they would have to cross dress for a day, and Aaliyah actually did.
  117. * She always sing the "I believe I can fly" song for some reason.
  118. * Lia loves art. All types of art. Music, painting, dance, you name it.
  119. * She would like to have children soon because she loves kids.
  120. * She loves to wear leggings all the time because they're super comfy and make her butt look bigger than it actually is.
  121. * When she was younger, she had a collection of porcelain dolls from China. They were quite old because the dolls were passed down through her mother's family.
  122. * The Powerpuff Girls was her favorite show and will forever be her favorite show.
  124. | HYBRID STUFF |
  126. Species : Half Rabbit, Half Pigeon (Rabbigeon????)
  127. Identification : Half Breed
  129. Animal Features :
  130. What makes them like the animals is the fact that she literally looks like a rabbit and a pigeon combined. She has a face of a rabbit and the body of a pigeon. It actually looks really cool when she is flying and people see her head. It's cool because no one would ever imagine a rabbit and pigeon together, but it would be able to defend its self easily. Rabbits usually hide in a bush, but since Aaliyah is a Rabbigeon, she can fly away for her safety. Plus, she has super sharp vision as a rabbit, helping her when she flys.
  132. Trivia :
  133. * She enjoys eating vegetables as a rabbit (and as a human) because that's what rabbits eat.
  134. * Since Pigeons don't migrate, she doesn't migrate either. She has always stayed in a certain place and always felt that it was unnecessary to migrate.
  135. * The average sleeping time for a rabbit is about 8.4 hours, and she actually sleeps that much.
  136. * Lia enjoys being a Rabbigeon, despite thinking that she was different. It took her a while to cope with it, but she just got used to it after a while.
  137. * Lia tends to hop a lot in her human form because she's quite fast at it, and also because it's fun for her.
  138. * Carrots are her least favorite vegetable even though everyone thinks that rabbits only eat carrots.
  140. | LOVE LIFE |
  141. since I still don't feel like filling this out, the slots I think would be good would the nyctir slot or the mavina since they're both like lowkey dominant. plus, the mavina slot is a bear, that's badass.
  144. | EXTRA STUFF |
  146. Suggested Scenes : min. 3 - scenes you wanna see with them and the other hybrids - paragraph form
  148. The first scene that I can think of is all the hybrids finding out about each other, so they're meeting each other or they find out each other somewhere. It could be in the forest, a city, anywhere.
  150. The second scene I can think of is where everyone is telling their story (their background). Where they came from so we can learn about them more and get more depth into their character.
  152. The third scene I could make up is if all the hybrids are together, one of them gets taken away because hybrids are rare and show wealth apparently so everyone wanted one. The rest of the hybrids try to figure out to get whoever back because they don't want them to get taken away. Hybrids should be free, not be held hostage.
  154. Anything Else? : not really?? i can't think of anything
  156. Note to Satan (me) : mom i'm actually sending my form in early omg. this is shocking for me because I always delay forms, but i promised myself to do yours first so here it is. i feel that this is lowkey sucky, but here you go mom. i love you. quick question, how do you come up with all these ideas, they're so creative oh my god.
  158. Password : Wings
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