
Dash's Workout Routine [MMP]

Aug 25th, 2014
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  1. Contains:
  2. Shrink
  3. Unaware
  4. “Mistaken as bugs” Unaware
  5. EG Rainbow Dash
  6. Hand Crush
  7. Sneaker Crush
  8. Butt Crush
  9. A Whole Fucking Lot of Crush
  10. On-food Vore
  12. >Rainbow Dash entered her usual gym
  13. >She planned on doing her weekly gym workout routine
  14. >A few miles on the treadmill, then a good lunch
  15. >As she entered, she noticed something strange
  16. >The gym was empty, there wasn’t a single soul
  17. >Looked like she would have the whole place to herself today
  18. >Little did she know however, was that the building had plenty of occupants
  19. >They had all been doing their own usual routine when there was a flash
  20. >They had all suddenly shrunken down to the size of bugs
  21. >They were scattered all over the gym
  22. >On the floors, the counters, the benches, the exercise equipment
  23. >As the girl entered, some of those on the floor rushed towards the door
  24. >They hoped to get her attention so they could receive help
  25. >But due to her looking around the seemingly empty gym, they went unnoticed
  26. >She lifted up her foot, moving it forward
  27. >They let out a scream as the shadow of her sneaker-clad foot eclipsed them
  28. >Their lives were ended in the single step of a high school student
  29. >Unaware of the carnage below, Dash headed towards one of the locker rooms
  30. >Along the way many more shrunken lives were lost to soles of her shoes
  31. >She walked through the door, the mixed-gendered victims were replaced by all females
  32. >Beside a bench she set down her gym bag and a take-out bag from a local burger place
  33. >She turned around, preparing to sit down
  34. >There were two tiny girls caught in her shadow
  35. >One was paralyzed by fear, while the other ran for it
  36. >As Dash’s ass came down, she neared the edge of the shadow
  37. >But she was too late
  38. >She was crushed instantly as the athletic girl’s left cheek came down upon her
  39. >The other one was not so lucky
  40. >She was caught between Dash’s ass cheeks
  41. >The pressure was overwhelming
  42. >Her suffering was ended quickly however
  43. >She was crushed as Dash squirmed a bit, adjusting her sitting position
  44. >Both girls left tiny unnoticeable stains on the back of her skort
  45. >As she sat down, Dash noticed some of the little moving specks on the floor
  46. >She reached down, extending her index finger
  47. >She poked at one the bugs a bit, watching it get knocked around by her finger
  48. >What was weird was how it seemed to be trying to climb on
  49. >The others also kept heading towards her, rather than away
  50. >Like tiny people trying to get her attention
  51. >”Hah” she laughed at her foolishness
  52. >There’s no such thing as tiny people!
  53. >Shaking off the insect, she reached down once more, extending her thumb
  54. >The little bug made a nice *crunch* beneath it
  55. >She squished a few more with each of her other fingers
  56. >After five spots of smeared bug guts, she wondered how to take care of the last one
  57. >The remaining girl on the floor desperately jumped and waved her arms
  58. >She didn’t want to join her friends as stains on the huge athlete’s finger prints
  59. >She screamed out for Dash to realize that she wasn’t a bug
  60. >He screams were cut short, however
  61. >A huge drop of saliva shot from Dash’s mouth
  62. >The lugey landed directly on the girl, drenching her and pinning her to the floor
  63. >”Bull’s-eye!” The titanic teen exclaimed, giving a girlish giggle
  64. > Wiping her fingers off on her shirt, she lifted up her right foot
  65. >Positioning it so the bug was right under the toe of her sneaker
  66. >The tiny girl squirmed, stuck like a fly in a web
  67. >She gazed up at the rubber sole of Dash’s shoe
  68. >She saw the smeared remains of the other “bugs” before her
  69. >She screamed as she realized she would join those smears
  70. >The sneaker came down like a lightning bolt
  71. >It slammed onto the floor and the girl
  72. >The girl was crushed instantaneously
  73. >Dash twisted her foot back and forth, grinding the bug’s remains
  74. >The rubber made a loud squeaking noise as it rubbed against the linoleum tiles
  75. >She gave one last good stomp, and opened her gym bag
  76. >She then proceeded to unlace her sneakers
  77. >She slipped them off, along with her current pair of socks
  78. >She noticed that her shoes actually had multiple stains on the soles
  79. >“Wow, they really need to call an exterminator”
  80. >She decided she would keep an eye out for more bugs, to help take out the infestation
  81. >As she put the footwear aside, her hand brushed against the seat of the bench
  82. >Not noticing as she knocked five shrunken souls into her bag
  83. >Three landed somewhere dark, with a semi hard, yet yielding floor
  84. >Another landed in something made of cloth
  85. >The last landed in another cloth object
  86. >They all had a strange familiar odor about them
  87. >Light suddenly shown down upon the shrunken girls as they were lifted out of the bag
  88. >They realized that they had fallen into different articles of clothing
  89. >Dash’s gym shorts, one of her unwashed socks, and inside her right trainer
  90. >Dash quickly undressed, shoving her casual clothes into a locker
  91. >After donning her shirt, she grabbed the pair of shorts
  92. >The girl within held on tight as she was lifted up into the air
  93. >Falling would surely mean certain doom
  94. >She soon regretted her decision however, as she found herself pressed against the back of Dash’s panties
  95. >The shorts were a little tight on her, squeezing her butt a bit, showing off her assets
  96. >The girl was squeezed against Dash’s left cheek, crushed slightly with each movement
  97. >She was sure she would be ended when the teen sat down
  98. >Unfortunately, she was cushioned enough that she was not crushed outright
  99. >She would be suffering against the ass cheek for a good while
  100. >Now, Dash grabbed her pair of socks
  101. >She first put the occupied one on her left foot
  102. >The shrunken girl attempted to scream, but choked on the smell of sweat
  103. >She tried to wriggle and crawl her way out
  104. >But it was too late as the huge blue foot entered her prison
  105. >She was caught between Dash’s big and second toe.
  106. >Noticing the disturbance, Dash scrunched her toes a bit
  107. >The girl cried out in pain as she was nearly crushed to death by the titanic toes
  108. >The scrunching stopped, Dash assuming it was piece of lint or something, to be empty out later
  109. >The girl was squeezed with every step that the huge athlete took, just barely alive
  110. >After putting on her other sock, Dash began to put on her trainers, starting with the left one
  111. >Her right shoe’s residents froze as they watch her monolithic form from within the shoe
  112. >As Dash was lacing up the running sneaker, another girl approached from under the bench
  113. >She hoped to get Dash’s attention while she was bent over
  114. > Running up between her feet, the girl yelled up at Dash
  115. >Not noticing the speck in her peripheral vision, Dash finished tying her shoe
  116. >To make sure the sneaker was on properly, she gave her foot a good stomp
  117. >Before she could reacted, the tiny girl was in the shadow of the huge foot
  118. >She was obliterated, becoming the first of many stains on this next pair of shoes
  119. >The sound of the stomp was enough to make two of the girls within Dash’s right shoe spring into action
  120. >The third just stood there, frozen in fear
  121. >The other two headed for the toe
  122. >The socked foot soon entered the already tight confines of the shoe
  123. >The frozen girl was quickly covered by Dash’s fabric-covered heel
  124. >She was pressed against the sneaker’s insole
  125. >The pressure was immense
  126. >All she could do was lie there under the foot, immobile
  127. >The other two ran for their lives, Dash’s socked toes coming in behind them
  128. >One of them outran the other, leaving her for the huge foot
  129. >The girl who had been left behind tripped, the toes passing her and leaving her under the ball of the foot
  130. >Her legs and right arm were caught under Dash’s foot, her body pressed into the insole
  131. >She squirmed and screamed, hoping to get the giant’s attention
  132. >No response
  133. >The last girl reached the toe section just as the actual toes caught up to her
  134. >She too was pressed into the sweat soaked insole
  135. >The socked toes pounded her into their indents in the insole as Dash wiggled them unconsciously
  136. >Five girls were pinned to Dash’s body as she stood up after lacing her right trainer
  137. >She gave each of her feet one last good stomp on the heels to make sure her shoes were on tight
  138. >The girl trapped under her right heel let out a cry of pain as she was crushed into the insole
  139. >She heard and felt a loud *CRUNCH* as most of her bones broke
  140. >She lay there, twitching under the foot, hoping it would end
  141. >Her wish was granted as Dash began to walk out of the locker room, carrying the fast food bag
  142. >The girl was crushed more and more with each step, her blood soaking into the sock
  143. >Dash noticed the wetness beneath her heel, but dismissed it as sweat that been soaked into the sock
  144. >She hadn’t washed this pair in a while, after all
  145. >The girl lost consciousness within a few steps, the pain becoming too much to take
  146. >She was soon crushed completely, her pasted corpse destined to mix with Dash’s sweat during her workout
  147. >Exiting the locker room, Dash went and set down the fast food bag next to one of the benches in the gym
  148. >She crouched down as she set it down, not noticing the group of specks on the bench
  149. >They had gathered there, hoping to work together to get her attention
  150. >Unfortunately, she had come to them first
  151. >As she stood back up, she braced herself on the bench with her hand
  152. >Her hand was coming down upon the shrunken group, about to crush them under her palm
  153. >With nowhere else to go, they jumped off the bench
  154. >Into the bag below
  155. >A few who didn’t manage to jump ended up under Dash’s hand
  156. >Feeling a few tiny crunches under her palm, Dash lifted it to seem what it was
  157. >She saw a few crushed bugs, with one or two still alive
  158. >She smiled as she stuck out her thumb once more
  159. >After squishing the remaining insects, she stood back up completely, wiping her hand on her shorts
  160. >She walked away, unaware of the fast food bag’s new occupants
  161. >Not knowing that her lunch would have some extra toppings
  162. >Dash headed for the treadmills for her run
  163. >Inside her shorts, the small girl was in agony
  164. >Every time Dash’s left leg moved, she was pressed tight against the huge ass cheek
  165. >The pressure was just enough for her to feel her bones creak and cry out in pain
  166. >It was just enough to cause her agony, but not enough to actually crush her
  167. >She would be suffering for good while longer
  168. >As she approached one of the treadmills, Dash didn’t notice another shrunken group on it
  169. >Three men and a woman were on the belt of the treadmill itself
  170. >A man and woman were up on the upper part of it, among the controls
  171. >As she stepped on, they all started calling out to her
  172. >Suddenly, the woman’s cries turned into ones of terror
  173. >She was in the shadow of Dash’s foot
  174. >She looked up at the temporarily clean sole of the running sneaker
  175. >The toe of the shoe came down upon her
  176. >One of the men was right behind her and let out a yelp as the foot narrowly missed him
  177. >The woman burst like a ketchup packet under the sneaker sole
  178. >Some of her blood squirted out onto the shrunken man
  179. >As the foot rose again, the man back out of the way just in time for it to miss him again
  180. >He and the other men backed up to the end of treadmill belt
  181. >Dash kept moving her feet as she adjusted the controls, and they didn’t want to caught up in that
  182. >As they heard the beeping of the controls, they came to a realization
  183. >They needed to run fast very soon
  184. >Dash set the treadmill to start with a walk, escalate to a jog, then a full-on sprint
  185. >Failing to catch her attention, the two among the controls sat down to rest
  186. >They would try again once she went to turned it off
  187. >Below, the belt of the treadmill began to move
  188. >The men began to run, the simple walking cycle being enough to require running
  189. >They heard each and every *THUMP* as Dash’s trainers came down behind them
  190. >What was a simple walk to her was a death sprint to them
  191. >One of them, an out of shape man who just came to the gym with his friends, couldn’t keep up
  192. >He fell behind more and more, the thumping growing louder and the vibrations becoming stronger with every lost inch
  193. >He dared to look behind, dooming himself as he slowed himself down as he did so
  194. >The belt brought him backward, right beneath the sole of an approaching sneaker
  195. >He was flattened against the belt, becoming just a little red splotch on it
  196. >The other two let out yelps as they passed the pasted corpse when it came back around
  197. >The belt sped up, Dash moving up to a jog as she began to work up a sweat
  198. >Inside her right sneaker, the girl under that ball of her foot was in absolute pain
  199. >With each impact the foot made on the ground, she was being crushed more and more
  200. >Most of her bones were already broken, only her left arm and some of her upper bod y had been spared
  201. >She was barely alive
  202. >She soon noticed that she was moving
  203. >She had begun sliding more and more beneath the foot
  204. >She panicked, attempting to squirm her way out
  205. >However, she only quickened her demise
  206. >With one last jolting movement of the foot, she slid under the foot completely
  207. >She let out a scream as the foot came down one last time
  208. >She was crushed completely into the insole, her smeared corpse just another sweat stain
  209. >As the treadmill sped up, another one of the shrunken men began to feel drained
  210. >He had reached his wall
  211. >Suddenly, he tripped
  212. >He screamed as he was pulled back
  213. >Right into the shadow of a foot
  214. >His corpse joined the first, a stain on the belt
  215. >The remaining man sprinted for his life
  216. >He was a star athlete, and was used to long arduous runs
  217. >He would not die so easily
  218. >However, the unexpected happened
  219. >One of Dash’s feet didn’t come down right
  220. >She let out a yelp as she tripped
  221. >She grabbed onto the control panel, bringing her feet to the front bar
  222. >Not expecting this sudden occurrence, the man was stunned as the heel of a shoe hit him in the back
  223. >He was pushed forward, into the bar
  224. >The heel was right behind him
  225. >His small body hit the bar, the heel pressing him against it
  226. >He was smeared across the bar as Dash regained her composure
  227. >Within that same sneaker, she clenched her toes harder than ever before
  228. >The little girl caught between them let out one final shriek
  229. >He body popped liked a grape, added to Dash’s toe jam
  230. >Taking the chance while Dash’s hand was holding onto the panel, the woman climb on
  231. >Deciding that it was time to stop, Dash turned off the treadmill
  232. >She then noticed a strange tickling sensation on the back of her hand
  233. >Looking down, she saw another one of the bugs climbing up her arm
  234. >Dispatching it with a quick swat, she looked among the controls for any others
  235. >She noticed one, and got a cruel idea
  236. >The man screamed and begged to be noticed
  237. >He cried out in terror as a huge blue index finger hovered in front of him, the tip held back by a thumb
  238. >The finger shot out, flicking him off the treadmill
  239. >He felt most of his bones break as he flew through the air
  240. >He landed on the floor, breaking the rest of his bones
  241. >The man just lay there, alive, but in agony
  242. >He soon felt huge thumps as the ground shook, growing closer with each one
  243. >Soon, Dash came into his line of sight.
  244. >She placed both feet off to his sides
  245. >She crouched down, poking and prodding at his broken body
  246. >He manage to squirm just a little
  247. >Dash frowned
  248. >“Still alive, huh?”
  249. >She stood back up
  250. >“Don’t worry, I’ll fix that.”
  251. >She lifted up her foot
  252. >The sole of her sneaker entered his view
  253. >“I don’t want you bugs ruining my gym, after all.”
  254. >She slowly lowered her foot
  255. >The man began screaming again
  256. >“Sorry, little guy.”
  257. >The sole came to rest on his tiny body
  258. >“Not really, though.”
  259. >His last sight was the logo of a shoe company
  260. >Dash twisted her foot, grinding up the bug
  261. >She headed back towards the bench and food bag
  262. >Time for lunch
  263. >She sat down
  264. >Once again unknowingly compressing the girl under her ass
  265. >Dash picked up the bag, setting it to her left
  266. >She took out one of the napkins, spreading it out to her right
  267. >She picked up the box of fries and set it upright on the napkin
  268. >Within were those who had fallen into the bag earlier
  269. >All attempts to climbed out failed
  270. >She took out the burger, unwrapping the paper around it as she did so
  271. >She set it down in lap, taking the top bun off
  272. >She picked up the box of fries, shaking up its shrunken occupants
  273. >She began picking out fries and laying them across the burger
  274. >She knew it was a weirdo thing to do, but she liked it
  275. >Thinking this was their chance for help, many of the tiny people grabbed onto the fries
  276. >Their hope turned to despair as they realized they only sped up their demise
  277. >After finishing laying out the fries, Dash set the box back down to her side, it still containing a few fries and people
  278. >She took out a ketchup packet, opening it and spreading it across the burger
  279. >The tiny people were lather in the condiment
  280. >Suddenly, they were covered in darkness once again as Dash replaced the bun
  281. >They felt a sense of vertigo as the burger was lifted upwards
  282. >One man who had end up on the edge of the burger saw, and dreaded, what was happening
  283. >They had been lifted up to the huge teen’s face, her mouth in plain view
  284. >He saw her tongue dart out from her mouth, glossing her lips with a fine coat of saliva
  285. >He let out a scream as the lips parted, revealing the inside her mouth, and her teeth
  286. >The mouth came closer, enclosing around the portion where the man was located
  287. >He was shrouded in darkness as she bit down, her teeth tearing into the burger
  288. >As the piece of food came loose, he felt himself fall forward into the mouth
  289. >He was able to scream for only a short time more as he was moved over to the side, towards her molars
  290. >His screams were cut off as she began to chew, his body ground up to add to her sustenance
  291. >Those on the burger’s new “edge” watched in horror as Dash chewed up their friends
  292. >They all shuddered as they saw a bulge pass down her throat, letting them know of their friends’ fates
  293. >Soon, her mouth moved forward again
  294. >She took another bite of the burger
  295. >A woman watched as a man right in front of her disappeared behind a pearly white wall
  296. >The tooth was mere inches away from her face, close enough to see her reflection
  297. >She watched as the teeth pulled away, taking more shrunken people with them
  298. >It was now her turn to shudder as she watched Dash chew and swallow
  299. >She screamed as the mouth came forward again, now enveloping her
  300. >Dash ate her burger, enjoying her lunch
  301. >Hell, it was better than anything she’d had before
  302. >Though it was little crunchy
  303. >She finished off the burger, balling up its wrapper and putting it back in the bag
  304. >She licked her lips, getting up some ketchup and a few people who had gotten stuck on them
  305. >She looked at the box of fries, contemplating
  306. >She was full, and decided to just throw them away
  307. >She picked it up, crumpling it in her fist, unknowingly crushing a few of its nonfood occupants
  308. >It too was put into the bag, which she then picked up and walked to the trashcan with
  309. >She tossed it in, turning and heading back to lock room to get ready to head home
  310. >The few survivors were left there in the bag to join to rest of the garbage later when the can was cleaned out
  311. >Dash once again entered the locker room
  312. >She approached her locker, slipping her shirt off
  313. >She then took off her trainers
  314. >The shrunken girl within her right shoe was pulled out with her foot, stuck to sock by sweat
  315. >Dash then took off her shorts, the girl within finally being released from the intense pressure
  316. >The shorts were dropped to ground, Dash’s feet slipping out of them
  317. >The girl attempted to get to feet, trying to get out of the article of clothing
  318. >He attempts were for naught, however
  319. >Dash’s foot came down upon the shorts
  320. >The girl was crushed, becoming a stain to be wash out that night
  321. >Dash soon had put back on her casual clothes, and was about to take off her socks
  322. >She decided not to, however, she might as well wear them rather than dirtying up her other pair
  323. >She grabbed her sneakers out of locker slipping them on and lacing them
  324. >The girl stuck to her sock was thrust into darkness again
  325. >She was once again pounded by Dash’s toes as she left the locker room with her gym bag in tow
  326. >Dash exited the gym, heading home, unaware of her passenger
  327. >She had great work out today, and looked forward to next week’s
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