
Celestia and Anon: Twilight

Apr 20th, 2012
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  1. >Your trip back from Neighpon was uneventful
  2. >The negotiations went very well with the Great President
  3. >You credit it to the day off you had
  4. >You and Celestia were raring to go after that intimate moment you had
  5. >You got back to Canterlot around sundown, greeted Luna, who was full of questions about Neighpon and the negotiations
  6. >Celestia took up the reigns of answering her gauntlet of questions, allowing you to retire for the night
  7. >You warped back into your room via the teleport rune, and threw down your suitcase and sighed, plopping down on the bed
  8. >The one thing you loved about coming back to Canterlot was this bed
  9. >It was so damn comfy
  10. >You took off your clothes, down to your underwear, and slid between the sheets, falling asleep
  12. >The next day, you got up with the rising of the sun
  13. >You sat up, yawning a bit and going to the bathroom
  14. >One shit and one shower later, you slip on some clothes and your hat, ready to seize the day
  15. >Featherduster knocks on your door, and you bid her to enter
  16. >She places your meal of banana nut bread, coffee with cream and eggs over easy on the table, as well as a scroll
  17. >You thank her and sit down, unrolling the parchment
  18. >Two train one way tickets fall out, almost landing in your coffee
  19. >You save them from their caffeine jacuzzi and look at the note
  20. >It's a letter from Celestia saying that she has arranged for you to stay at the Sleepy Stables in Ponyville for a week, and that you are to depart after breakfast
  21. >You sigh, rolling it back up and pocketing your tickets, and tackle your meal
  22. >You were used to moving around a lot, and you were glads that this time it would be for pleasure, and not for business
  23. >You finish your meal with relative haste and move on to packing your bag
  24. >Out go the dirty clothes, in go a fresh set
  25. >Just enough for a week, thankfully
  26. >You decide to wear your Luna hat to Ponyville, just to mix things up
  27. >You finish packing and brush your teeth, and head out to the train station
  29. >The Canterlot Landing is a nexus of activity, ponies boarding and leaving trains constantly
  30. >The scent of steam and smoke is heavy in the air
  31. >The sounds of families meeting and friends visiting is heard all around
  32. >You find your train, give the conductor your tickets, and take your seat
  33. >Celestia sprung on these tickets, getting you the luxury car, seeing as you would scarcely fit in the seats anywhere else
  34. >Even the booth you are sitting in is kind of cramped
  35. >Seats are pretty comfy though, so you don't mind
  36. >Time passes and more ponies enter the train, but none of them sit in the luxury cart
  37. >They all look like Pegasai and Earth Ponies
  38. >They probably were just visiting Canterlot, and couldn't afford the luxury seat
  39. >Some of them had their fillies with them, and they stopped to stare at you
  40. >You turned to say hello, but they quickly ran off when you spoke
  41. >Kids will be kids, you supposed
  42. >Soon all the ponies bound for Ponyville were on, and with a shout of 'All aboard!' The train started to move
  43. >You closed your eyes as the train left the station, hoping to catch a snooze during the ride
  46. >Much like your trip back from Neighpon, the train ride was without incident
  47. >You awoke when the trail was slowing down, rolling your neck out a bit and looking out the window
  48. >Ponyville was much different than Canterlot, that was for sure
  49. >Smaller houses, simpler designs, and probably simpler ponies
  50. >You chuckled inwardly as you stood and moved to depart from the train
  51. >The landing in Ponyville was much smaller than in Canterlot, but you managed and you were soon on your way into Ponyville proper
  52. >You got some odd looks because of your attire, but your hat blocked out most of them
  53. >You were thankful for your hat, since it blocked out other ponies judging eyes and acted as a funnel of sorts
  54. >You were never quite used to being outside, what with so much sound and color and activity
  55. >The hat muffled some of that energy into a manageable amount, and you were thankful for that
  56. >You became lost in your own thoughts for a while before realizing something
  57. >You had no idea where the Hotel was
  59. >You didn't panic, though, and decided to talk to one of the locals
  60. >Thankfully, you wouldn't have to speak in a foreign language in order communicate with them
  61. >You came upon two mares, a unicorn with a minty turqouise coat and white hair, and an Earth Pony with an offwhite coat and hair that was purple and blue
  62. >They were chatting about something to do with candy, but they both stopped when you approached them.
  63. >You smiled and tried to remain amiclbe
  64. 'Hello. My name is-'
  65. >You were cut off by a fangirl squeal from the unicorn and a sigh from the Earth pony
  66. >She wasted no time, jumpping from her seat and standing on her hind legs, reaching out with her front hooves to shake your hand vigoursly
  67. >'HimynamesLyraandthisiBonBonandyoumustbeBigHatandohmygoshI'veheardsomuchaboutyou-'
  68. >She's speaking at 100 words per second, but you are able to process it all thanks to your magic mind
  69. >Lyra has an odd fixation with humans, it seems, much to Bon-Bons chargin, and has been following your exploits and political carrer
  70. >Seems you have a fan
  71. >You indulge her fantasies about hands and scratch her behind her ears, and she melts like putty in your hands
  72. >Her eyes roll back in her head, and she passes out, causing you to jump a bit
  73. 'Oh. Oh dear. I'm terribly sorry. . .'
  74. >Bon-Bon sighs. 'It's fine. She's always wanted this. . .I'm sure she's happy, if not comatose.'
  75. 'Indeed. Ah, but yes. I'm a bit new in town. Could you point me in the direction of Sleepy Stables?'
  76. >She tells you how to get there, and you thank her
  77. >You ask if she needs any help with Lyra, but she says no, she's hoisted Lyra on her back and carried her home more times then she cares to count
  78. >You nod and resume your journey
  80. >You arrive at the Sleepy Stables motel, and get the key to your room
  81. >The rooms are a bit small, smell faintly of hay, have bathrooms with toilets that hardly work, and the matress is a bit stiff
  82. >There's no desk, and only a small dresser, and a handful of books on a nightstand near the bed
  83. >There's a lightbulb hanging above your bed with a pull cord, and it sways constantly
  84. >You sigh, setting your bag down and plopping on the bed
  85. >It's not that great, but you are content
  86. >You can finally do as you wish with no worry of sudden changes in schedule
  87. >No need to learn the local customs or language of this town
  88. >No interruptions to your writing or reading-
  89. >You feel a rustling in your hat
  90. >Curiously, you take it off and flip it over
  91. >Suddenly Pinkie Pie's head pops out
  93. >You almost drop it in shock, but instead sigh with a smile
  94. 'You are quite good at that.'
  95. >You recall she appeared in your hat. . .somehow. . .during your first meeting at The Gilded Leaf
  96. >She gigglesnorts at the compliment. 'Thanks! I'm good at surprising people!' She says with that bubbly personality. 'I heard from somep0ny you were new in town. You know what I do to new ponies in town, riiiiiiight~?'
  97. 'Indeed. But I just arrived, and I'm tired, and have yet to unpack.'
  98. >'But a party will be sure to perk you right up! There'll be snacks and cake and punch and pie and. . .'
  99. 'Pinkie.'
  100. >'I'll invite all my friends and they'll all love to see you again after so long and. . .'
  101. 'Pinkie.'
  102. >You say a bit more forcibly this time
  103. >'And I'm sure Rarity would love to ask about Canterlot fashion and-'
  104. >You poke her nose, and it makes a honking noise
  105. >You have to try your hardest to keep a straight face
  106. 'Pinkie. You remember Crankie Doodle?'
  107. >She nods
  108. 'And you remember that sometimes, you should give your friends some space?'
  109. >She nods again
  110. 'So give me some time to unpack and get my bearings, and I will be at full partying capacity. Organize it for about. . .oh, six in the evening?'
  111. >She smiles and nods vigorously. 'You promise you'll show up?'
  112. 'If I am lying, may Celestia burn the flesh from my bones.'
  113. >There seems to be a pause, and then she giggles. 'I'll see you at Sugercube Corner! Can't miss it!'
  114. >She ducks back into your hat, and disappears without a word
  115. >You sigh and smile, your mood brightened by Pinkie's attitude
  116. >You begin to process of unpacking everything, the idea of going to the party giving you renewed energy
  119. >You spend the rest of the day wandering around Ponyville, getting to know the locals and the inns and outs
  120. >You met three young fillies who sought their cutie marks, and you gave them some words of wisdom
  121. >You met a gray Pegasus who was a mite clumsy and had strange eyes, and you gave her company and words of compassion
  122. >You met a large unicorn colt who ran the local doughnut parlor, and shared words of gossip with one another
  123. >Eventually, the sun began to set, and the clocktower showed it was getting close to the time of the party
  124. >You made your way over to the bakery where Pinkie said she worked, and saw that it was dark inside
  125. >You were curious, but you figured it was a surprise
  126. >You opened the door, and, suddenly, lights and confetti and all sorts of streamers.
  127. >"SURPRISE!"
  128. >You smiled and say all the ponies in the room
  129. >The main six were there, as well as some of the ones you met during the day
  130. 'Oh, this is so wonderful. Thank you, all of you.'
  131. >Pinkie Pie giggled. 'Yooooooou're welcome!' She said. 'Speaking of, there's some ponies you haven't met yet! Let me introduce them to you!'
  132. >You weren't sure how she knew that, but you didn't question it
  133. >Pinkie will be Pinkie, you supposed
  135. >The party was in full swing after the introductions
  136. >You were battered with questions from Rarity and Twilight, about fashion and Celestia, respectively
  137. >Applejack and Rainbow Dash wanted to know about the apple market and the Wonderbolts
  138. >Fluttershy was quiet, speaking only when addressed, and often only with a 'meep'
  139. >All your life you had been answering questions
  140. >You mention, halfheartedly, you've probably got a series of question marks on your butt right now
  141. >This got some laughs from everyone
  142. >The party was rather mild; no blasting music, no hard alchohol
  143. >Pinkie Pie seemed to be enjoying herself, mentioning she didn't often party mild, and she liked partying wild
  144. >But she knew you were a mild sort of person, and tailored the party accordingly
  145. >You couldn't help but give her a hug for being so considerate
  146. >And with her oddly stretchy limbs, she pulled all of her friends into a grouphug
  147. >You felt a warmness in your heart, not unlike the warmth you feel when embracing Celestia
  148. >Feelsincandescentman.jpg
  151. >The party eventually peters out, all the ponies pleasantly full on sweets and treats, and had their fill of punch and company
  152. >You all part ways for the night, making arrangements to spend time with them throughout the week
  153. >This would culminate on a farewell party on the final day before your train left
  154. >You headed back to your hotel room, and disrobed
  155. >You took a shower in the cramped bathroom, dried off with the towels that were strangely soft
  156. >You went to bed with your hat on the pillow next to you, drifting off into sleep
  157. >For once, your dreams were filled with merriment and mirth
  159. >The next week was hectic, as usual
  160. >But instead of being a bad kind of hectic, it was a good kind
  161. >Instead of being forced to see strangers for business, you saw friends for recreation
  162. >You thought it ironic that you had sought to escape schedules, and yet you were bound to one
  163. >This one was somewhat flexible, and much more enjoyable, however
  164. >When the time came to depart Ponyville and head to Canterlot, there was an air of sadness in in the town
  165. >Not a soul seemed to be around as you headed to the train platform
  166. >And curiously, there was a large tent near it as well
  167. >You decided to peek in, and were aghast at what you saw
  168. >It was your farewell party, all organized inside this tent
  169. >Everyone was there, and the sheer magnetite of the party made your first one seem so boring
  170. >They seemed to want to make a lasting impression on you
  171. >The train pulled in as the refreshments started to fade, and the mood turned somber again
  172. >All the ponies, Pinkie Pie especially, were sad to see you go
  173. >Poor Pinkie Pie was crying waterfalls of tears
  174. >You assured them you would visit again, and they all brightened up at that fact
  175. >As you boarded the train, the town crowded around the tracks and the platform, waving goodbye and saying how they would miss you
  176. >You would have to take these vacations more often, that's for sure!
  177. >The train departed, and you stared out the window, seeing the scenery of Ponyville fade into Canterlot
  178. >It was evening when you arrived, and you were tired
  179. >You made your way back to your suite, happy to be home
  180. >You went over and lit the oil lamp, turning to your bed
  181. >And saw Celestia there, sitting down and looking at you with a coy expression
  183. >You sigh, setting you bag down and cracking your knuckles
  184. 'My work is never over, is it?'
  185. >'OH, this is hardly work. Come now, I've missed you so much.' She says, adopting a puppydog look and feigning tears
  186. >You sigh and make your way over to the bed, straddling her and sitting down on body, just behind the wings
  187. >They unfurled before you as you took your position, and you began to massage them tenderly, pulling out the loose feathers as you did
  188. >She quivered under you, trying to keep her regal air about her, and failing miserably
  189. >The two of you casually talked as you massaged her, about the events that happened in Ponyville and Canterlot
  190. >She teased you, asking what you learned about friendship, and you told her that you are not Twilight
  191. >She changed the color of your hat to Twilight's color scheme, and you sighed, mimicking Twilight's voice to the best of your ability and giving a bogus friendship report
  192. >She took a stern tone with you, saying that you shouldn't take your studies so lightly, especially when they have allowed you and your friends to save Equestria as a whole twice
  193. >She then adds that if you continue to disappoint her, she'll send you to the mooooooooooooon!
  194. >Laughs were had all around
  195. >You mention you would like to return some day, and she agreed to have you take these vacations more often, for the health of your body and soul
  198. >When she was satisfied with your work, she asked you to get off and you did, laying down on your bed
  199. >You sighed as you closed your eyes, hearing Celestia move off the silk sheets
  200. >You heard the sound of her horn glowing with magic as she removed your hat, and tucked you under the sheets of the bed
  201. 'I could have done that myself, you know.'
  202. >You say, with the faintest hint of indignity
  203. >She smiles and leans in, kissing your cheek
  204. >'I figure you have earned a reward for being so skilled with your hands, Anonymous.' She said softly
  205. 'Being with you is reward enough. Well, maybe that and 500 bits. . .'
  206. >She giggled as she turned to leave, bidding you a good night and reminding you that your duties resumed tomorrow
  207. >You closed your eyes and slept peacefully, ready to tackle what may come
  208. >You had friends in high places and low places, and they all loved you in that special sort of friendly way
  209. >Your heart was warm, your body was mended, and your soul was soothed
  210. >You would be ready for anything
  211. >Or so you thought
  212. >But for now, rest, and with it came beautiful, wonderful dreams
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