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Transcript Intel LH

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Aug 25th, 2016
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  1. [24.08.2016 01:32:37] LH~Le.Gerant: Greetings.
  2. [24.08.2016 01:32:40] LH~Le.Gerant: May I have a word with you?
  3. [24.08.2016 01:32:52] [LN]-LNF-Miami: Ryan: Talk.
  4. [24.08.2016 01:33:01] LH~Le.Gerant: I have been here for the past hour looking for one of you guys.
  5. [24.08.2016 01:33:11] LH~Le.Gerant: In fact, I told a trader that I did not pirate to get one of you guys but I felt he didn't see the need.
  6. [24.08.2016 01:33:29] [LN]-LNF-Miami: Ryan: I see you have some cardamine in your hold. Drop it.
  7. [24.08.2016 01:33:35] LH~Le.Gerant: Roger.
  8. [24.08.2016 01:33:43] LH~Le.Gerant: Should I also drop the pilots too? As I said, I am here for a talk.
  9. [24.08.2016 01:33:48] LH~Le.Gerant: I have been looking for one of you for some time now.
  10. [24.08.2016 01:33:52] [LN]-LNF-Miami: Ryan: Yes, drop them.
  11. [24.08.2016 01:34:26] LH~Le.Gerant: Sorry, my shield's not too strong right now.
  12. [24.08.2016 01:34:27] [LN]-LNF-Miami: Ryan: So what is it that you want?
  13. [24.08.2016 01:34:34] LH~Le.Gerant: I would like to talk man to man actually.
  14. [24.08.2016 01:35:09] [LN]-LNF-Miami: Ryan: Negative.
  15. [24.08.2016 01:35:20] [LN]-LNF-Miami: Ryan: You can "have a word" with me like this.,
  16. [24.08.2016 01:35:27] LH~Le.Gerant: Alright.
  17. [24.08.2016 01:35:36] LH~Le.Gerant: To be honest, I am thinking a lot about my life right now
  18. [24.08.2016 01:35:43] LH~Le.Gerant: And am I doing the right thing, as a Pirate I mean?
  19. [24.08.2016 01:35:55] [LN]-LNF-Miami: Ryan: No, you're not.
  20. [24.08.2016 01:36:00] LH~Le.Gerant: I was exiled from Gallia for my political views and in the end, the only ones that took me in were Pirates
  21. [24.08.2016 01:36:04] LH~Le.Gerant: Liberty didn't exactly like me as a Gallian
  22. [24.08.2016 01:36:08] LH~Le.Gerant: However, the more I work for them
  23. [24.08.2016 01:36:14] LH~Le.Gerant: The more I wonder, is this really what I wanted?
  24. [24.08.2016 01:36:18] LH~Le.Gerant: Am I doing the right thing
  25. [24.08.2016 01:36:20] LH~Le.Gerant: I have a lot of mental remose
  26. [24.08.2016 01:36:29] LH~Le.Gerant: Remorse, sorry for the stutter.
  27. [24.08.2016 01:36:32] [LN]-LNF-Miami: Ryan: Mhm.
  28. [24.08.2016 01:36:45] [LN]-LNF-Miami: Ryan: What was your occupation in Gallia.
  29. [24.08.2016 01:36:53] LH~Le.Gerant: I was a politician
  30. [24.08.2016 01:37:10] LH~Le.Gerant: I never wanted to go to war, I never wanted Gallia to go for this kind of expansion and put in danger everybody's life.
  31. [24.08.2016 01:37:14] LH~Le.Gerant: I lobbyed against it but in the end it only had me exiled
  32. [24.08.2016 01:37:36] [LN]-LNF-Miami: Ryan: Ironic, that you went on to choose a lifestyle of violence.
  33. [24.08.2016 01:37:45] LH~Le.Gerant: I was forced by circumstances.
  34. [24.08.2016 01:38:05] LH~Le.Gerant: I felt my life in danger in Liberty as an exiled Gallian.
  35. [24.08.2016 01:38:07] LH~Le.Gerant: But you are right
  36. [24.08.2016 01:38:27] LH~Le.Gerant: Do you think I have any chance of redemption?
  37. [24.08.2016 01:38:54] [LN]-LNF-Miami: Ryan: Well, you would have to be put into custody. Being part of a pirate faction is a criminal act.
  38. [24.08.2016 01:39:15] LH~Le.Gerant: I fear for my life. A lot of people want me dead out there, all because of my origins.
  39. [24.08.2016 01:39:16] [LN]-LNF-Miami: Ryan: Then face our justice system. But, one day perhaps you will be able to be a free citizen.
  40. [24.08.2016 01:39:25] [LN]-LNF-Miami: Ryan: I see.
  41. [24.08.2016 01:39:38] LH~Le.Gerant: I have been able to make a life for myself as a pirate so far but I deeply regret everyone I've extorted. Thankfully nobody
  42. [24.08.2016 01:39:41] LH~Le.Gerant: has been hurt so far.
  43. [24.08.2016 01:39:46] LH~Le.Gerant: As I am not a killer.
  44. [24.08.2016 01:40:38] [LN]-LNF-Miami: Ryan: I am glad to hear that. But Liberty does not take kindly to piracy. There were other paths. Why the Hackers?
  45. [24.08.2016 01:40:52] [LN]-LNF-Miami: Ryan: Are you sure there was not another way...
  46. [24.08.2016 01:40:58] LH~Le.Gerant: They were simply the first to extend a hand rather than extend a gun to my head.
  47. [24.08.2016 01:41:09] LH~Le.Gerant: I was freshly exiled, unsure of my future and of my own life.
  48. [24.08.2016 01:41:15] LH~Le.Gerant: Circumstances were desperate and I was fearful
  49. [24.08.2016 01:41:44] [LN]-LNF-Miami: Ryan: So why the sudden change of heart.
  50. [24.08.2016 01:42:03] LH~Le.Gerant: Being able to have a drink again, as funny as that may sound.
  51. [24.08.2016 01:42:24] LH~Le.Gerant: Being able to sit at a bar and have Liberty Ale cleared me of my fear, realising my life was no longer in immediate danger
  52. [24.08.2016 01:42:28] LH~Le.Gerant: But everything I've done up to now dawned on me
  53. [24.08.2016 01:42:47] [LN]-LNF-Miami: Ryan: Ah.
  54. [24.08.2016 01:43:01] LH~Le.Gerant: Ever since I've been exiled, everything has been kind of a blur.
  55. [24.08.2016 01:43:09] LH~Le.Gerant: I feel like I'm barely waking up
  56. [24.08.2016 01:43:19] LH~Le.Gerant: They've given me this Cardamine, telling me it's procedure to bring that with us
  57. [24.08.2016 01:43:29] [LN]-LNF-Miami: Ryan: Leaving the Hackers would be a step in the right direction. And getting off the drugs.
  58. [24.08.2016 01:43:30] LH~Le.Gerant: But to be frank, we don't have much of that back in Gallia
  59. [24.08.2016 01:43:46] LH~Le.Gerant: Don't worry, you've got all I have, haven't touched the damn thing yet.
  60. [24.08.2016 01:44:20] [LN]-LNF-Miami: Ryan: Good.
  61. [24.08.2016 01:45:42] LH~Le.Gerant: I would follow you in custody, however I'm scared that I would simply "disappear" overnight. Still many big names that
  62. [24.08.2016 01:45:45] LH~Le.Gerant: wants me dead for none other than my origin
  63. [24.08.2016 01:46:13] [LN]-LNF-Miami: Ryan: Well, I'm afraid that is the only option.
  64. [24.08.2016 01:46:44] LH~Le.Gerant: I'm as good as dead if I go in custody right at this moment. Could we not establish a Private comms channel until I have the
  65. [24.08.2016 01:46:45] LH~Le.Gerant: all clear?
  66. [24.08.2016 01:46:51] LH~Le.Gerant: I never wanted Gallia to get involved into any of this
  67. [24.08.2016 01:47:05] LH~Le.Gerant: But here I am as an ex-Gallian citizen having to go through all this.
  68. [24.08.2016 01:47:36] [LN]-LNF-Miami: Ryan: I am required to take known criminals to Liberty in custody. If you intend to leave, it will be with me.
  69. [24.08.2016 01:47:48] LH~Le.Gerant: Where would you bring me
  70. [24.08.2016 01:49:05] [LN]-LNF-Miami: Ryan: For your own safety, the Zoner base, Bethlehem. From there you could board a prison ship en route to Sugarland.
  71. [24.08.2016 01:49:19] [LN]-LNF-Miami: Ryan: Or Huntsville.
  72. [24.08.2016 01:49:27] LH~Le.Gerant: Fine, I'll follow you.
  73. [24.08.2016 01:50:12] LH~Le.Gerant: I'm sorry friend, I cannot die yet.
  74. [24.08.2016 01:50:23] LH~Le.Gerant: They will find a way to make me disappear in Custody.
  75. [24.08.2016 01:50:25] [LN]-LNF-Miami: Ryan: Cut your engines.
  76. [24.08.2016 01:50:37] LH~Le.Gerant: I don't want to die just yet.
  77. [24.08.2016 01:50:46] LH~Le.Gerant: I will come back later once I know things have calmed down and my name has been forgotten.
  78. [24.08.2016 01:50:54] [LN]-LNF-Miami: Ryan: You are deviating from course. Cut your engines or I will engage.
  79. [24.08.2016 01:50:57] LH~Le.Gerant: When my life is no longer in danger from the higher ups.
  80. [24.08.2016 01:51:30] LH~Le.Gerant: I will contact you at another time.
  81. [24.08.2016 01:51:38] [LN]-LNF-Miami: Ryan: Negative.
  82. [24.08.2016 01:52:07] [LN]-LNF-Miami: Ryan: Who knows how many other traders will get extorted.
  83. [24.08.2016 01:52:19] LH~Le.Gerant: If they are, it will not by my hand no more.
  84. [24.08.2016 01:52:29] LH~Le.Gerant: I already have enough to eat for a long time.
  85. [24.08.2016 01:52:30] [LN]-LNF-Miami: Ryan: I find that hard to believe.
  86. [24.08.2016 01:52:44] [LN]-LNF-Miami: Ryan: Pirates don't settle for that.
  87. [24.08.2016 01:52:52] LH~Le.Gerant: I am not a pirate. I was forced by circumstances
  88. [24.08.2016 01:53:00] [LN]-LNF-Miami: Ryan: You are a Lane Hacker.
  89. [24.08.2016 01:53:05] LH~Le.Gerant: Only in name
  90. [24.08.2016 01:53:12] [LN]-LNF-Miami: Ryan: That's enough to convince me.
  91. [24.08.2016 01:53:21] LH~Le.Gerant: But I have not convinced myself of it yet.
  92. [24.08.2016 01:53:25] LH~Le.Gerant: I know I am more than that.
  93. [24.08.2016 01:53:29] [LN]-LNF-Miami: Ryan: Irrelevant.
  94. [24.08.2016 01:53:29] LH~Le.Gerant: and I cannot die yet
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