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Anon the White vs Anon the Nameless

a guest
Apr 26th, 2014
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  27. Maybe some shitty side-stories would help out the thread, yes?
  28. >With a loud popping noise, the portal disappears from behind you.
  29. >You slowly stand up, reaching your full height. You feel a bit taller, actually. Hm.
  30. >You have no idea how you got here. There's nobody around you, and you can barely see a thing.
  31. >Still, you had a pretty good idea where you were... a hunch, yes, but still an idea
  32. >After all, you'd read this story a hundred times before, preceded by greater than symbols and coated green
  33. >You slowly pulled your phone out of your pocket, using its display as a makeshift light.
  34. >Yep
  35. >You're right
  36. >Around you, you see a ruined castle. A familiar ruined castle.
  37. >Those vines were from the Everfree.
  38. >You were in Equestria
  39. >Normally you'd be jumping for joy, but something seemed... Off
  40. >The whole world around you was unsettling
  41. >Well, it was the ruins of an evil castle, but...
  42. >Something wasn't right.
  43. >You slowly descended the stairs in front of you, making as little noise as possible. Who knew what lurked in the Equestrian night.
  44. >"Halt, one I have brought here."
  45. >You freeze, almost shitting yourself
  46. >"But do not worry, and do not fear."
  47. >The corners of your mouth twitch in a smile.
  48. >Zecora.
  49. >That explained the portal.
  50. >Although it didn't explain why she was doing this, at night, in the ruins of the castle.
  51. >"...Zecora."
  52. >...Shit.
  53. >You weren't supposed to know that name
  54. >She doesn't seem surprised, though
  55. >"Yes, it is me/ the one who has summoned thee"
  56. >Eh
  57. >Kinda a sketch rhyme but it worked
  58. >"Come, we must go back to my abode / So my tale can be first heard, then showed"
  59. Doing Zecora was a mistake, fucking Rhymes, Jesus
  60. >You nod as she turns around. You fall into step behind her, careful to dodge branches and vines.
  61. >Eventually, you reach her cottage. You duck under the door to get in, then sit on the floor. No way any of her chairs are big enough.
  62. >"So what's the deal?"
  63. >Zecora turns to you, a solemn look on her face
  64. >"A moon ago, on a festival night / Something appeared that made the world not right / A dark creature full of hate / at the point where it seemed to late / In desperation, performed a spell / A spell which made the world unwell."
  65. >You stare at her intently. This is starting to sound familiar.
  66. >"A creature like you, tall and strong / Appeared, and then the world let wrong / Harmony was interrupted / Our history was so corrupted / The elements all fell in turn / the Nightmare finished her return / And, as a reward for his deception / Nightmare moon made him the exception"
  67. >Your throat suddenly feels very tight
  68. >You know this story
  69. >"The strongest of us were taken over / Made into slaves, and, moreover / The night has fell and it lasts forever / All decency they seek to sever / So, I thought, with no other option / That I could lose all semblance of caution / And summoned one here, just like the other / You, the human, the monster's brother / In hopes that you could stop the madness / and rescue us from eternal sadness."
  70. >You take a shaky breath
  71. >Yeah.
  72. >Yeah, you knew this story.
  73. >You'd masturbated to it multiple times, in fact
  74. >You speak quietly
  75. >"I know the story, Zecora."
  76. >She nods
  77. >"The ancient rites made some mention / Of with with a strange ascension / To knowledge of things as they are / A knight to defend the most holy star."
  78. >A knight.
  79. >Presumably, a white one.
  80. >Kinda funny how you used that to make fun of the idiots who hated the thread you were now living in.
  81. >You grunt and speak up
  82. >"What do you want me to do."
  83. >"Ah, Anonymous, I want a few simple actions:"
  84. >She leans over across her table, her eyes - which burn with hatred and anger - Right next to yours
  85. >"I want him punished for his infractions."
  86. >You consider her words for a moment, then give a slight, almost imperceptible nod
  87. >As fun as the fantasy was, the reality was horrifying
  88. >That psychopathic freak needed to go down.
  89. >...Now the only issue was destroying his multiple legions of guards, and Nightmare Moon, who could probably kill you like electric lighting killed oil lamps
  90. >Suddenly, you have an idea
  91. >They have an army
  92. >You need a bigger one
  93. >"Zecora. What do you know about Changelings?"
  94. >She's taken about
  95. >"Love-sucking shapeshifters, cruel and foul / The mere thought makes me scowl"
  96. >She was really pushing it with that one
  97. >That barely rhymed
  98. >You shake your head, banishing the off-topic thoughts from your head
  99. >"Can you get me to their leader?"
  100. >"There's no need... Anonymous, is it?"
  101. >You almost break your neck turning around
  102. >There, standing in the doorway, is Queen Chrysalis
  103. >How the fuck did she-
  104. >"Did you honestly think that we didn't know what you were doing, Zecora? We have eyes everywhere."
  105. >She suddenly shapeshifts, revealing a totally alien blue pony. You'd never seen this guy before
  106. >"Yeah, I can sell you essence of Forlorn Flower. Best prices in Equestria!"
  107. >God his voice was annoying
  108. >You're glad he wasn't on the show
  109. >Chrysalis changes back, laughing
  110. >"It was obvious the ritual you intended to conduct. Why you would ever want to bring another one of those monsters here, I'll never know. Now..."
  111. >Zecora, still paralyzed with fear, scrambles to move further into her hut. She's backed up against a wall, however.
  112. >"You really made a mistake, Zebra. There is no way I'm letting that... That thing do what the other one did to Celestia. So..."
  113. >Chrysalis's horn lights up, sinisterly
  114. >"First I'll take care of you. Then, him."
  115. >Not really thinking about it, you tackle her.
  116. >She growls, still underneath you, and her horn blasts you with magic
  117. >And again
  118. >And again
  119. >It barely even tickles
  121. >You shove a hand over her mouth
  122. >She tries to resist but it's useless
  123. >Jesus.
  124. >You had a lot of power in this world
  125. >Thankfully, you weren't going to abuse it
  126. >You slowly move your head next to hers, still preventing her from moving
  127. >Chrysalis tries to seem tough, but there's fear in her eyes
  128. >Immense fear
  129. >You open your moth to speak
  130. >She can probably feel your breath on her ear
  131. >...Yeah, maybe you shouldn't have done the whole "lean-in-close" thing. That was seeming a bit rape-ey.
  132. >Ah well, too late now.
  133. >"Chrysalis, queen of Changelings
  134. >Her legs kick from under you, desperately trying to shove you off.
  135. >You can barely feel it.
  136. >"I am not here to hurt you. I want to cause no harm to you."
  137. >Renewed kicking
  138. >"The only one I want to harm is him."
  139. >You can feel the surprise go through her body
  140. >"I am not a good person. Not by any stretch of the imagination. From what I know of you, you aren't either."
  141. >You slowly remove your hand. She keeps her mouth shut
  142. >"But I think we can both agree that a line has been crossed here. Crossed, ran over, and left so far behind it's barely visible."
  143. >She nods, slowly understanding what you're getting at
  144. >"I'm not okay with that. I'm not okay with him."
  145. >You slowly crawl off her, and she sits up. Still, she remains silent.
  146. >"And, after what he's done..."
  147. >You try to find the right words
  148. >She leans in slowly, in anticipation
  149. >"I want his head on a fucking platter."
  150. >Her face breaks into a wicked grin.
  151. >"Excellent."
  152. >You smile back
  153. >"I take it you're in?"
  154. >"Oh, I'm in. It's getting awfully hard to feed off of love in the world that monster is creating."
  155. >You nod
  156. >"I'd imagine."
  157. >"Now... If we're going to do this, we're going to need a plan, correct?"
  158. >"Affirmative"
  159. >Eh, it sounded military-ish
  160. >You have to play the part if you're actually gonna do this
  161. >"Well... My entire horde is at your disposal. Speaking of which..."
  162. >She appears to swallow something, as if clearing her throat. When she speaks again, it's like a thousand different voices laid over each other, each vibrating through the air around you.
  163. >"Changelings. He is not our enemy."
  164. >All around you, you hear the faint buzz of insect wings
  165. >The entire forest is humming
  166. >Jesus
  167. >How many of them are there?
  168. >You turn to Zecora, who spent the last few minutes staring at you and the Queen
  169. >"Thanks for bringing me here. Motherfucker needs to go down."
  170. >She only nods in response.
  171. >"Is there anything else you can help me with?"
  172. >She opens her mouth to speak...
  173. >"There is one more thing / Not a trinket or ring / A weapon, while small / Will let you kill them all"
  174. >She gestures
  175. >On the wall behind her is a wicked-looking metal boomerang
  176. >Jesus H Christ, that looks like it can cut through fucking solid iron
  177. >You walk up and grasp it
  178. >Sturdy
  179. >Heavy
  180. >Solid
  181. >Perfect.
  182. >You nod to Zecora.
  183. >"This will all be over soon."
  184. >Then, under your breath:
  185. >"One way or another."
  186. >You walk out of her cut. Chrysalis is waiting there with you
  187. >"What is that?"
  188. >You raise an eyebrow, questioning what she means
  189. >"In your hand."
  190. >"This?"
  191. >You hold up the boomerang
  192. >Chrysalis nods
  193. >"I- I haven't seen one of those before."
  194. >In response, you throw it
  195. >Which apparently you know how to do
  196. >Huh. Who knew?
  197. >It flies in a semi-circle, slicing off a solid five-inch-thick tree branch like it's butter and coming back to your hand. You catch it with ease. Surprisingly, it doesn't cut you
  198. >Maybe it's magic
  199. >Chrysalis laughs again
  200. >"Wonderful! Oh, this will truly be a great friendship."
  201. >You smirk.
  202. >Really, you were trying not to think of what was happening in the world around you.
  203. >"So. I have one more thing I want to do before we go. Do you know how safe Ponyville is?"
  204. >"Ponyville? Mostly untouched by the Nightmare troops."
  205. >"Good. There's somebody I need to see."
  206. >"You know people in this world?"
  207. >Chrysalis looks extremely confused
  208. >"...Sorta."
  209. >You had a dragon to talk to.
  210. ****
  211. >An hour later, you and Chrysalis are standing on the balcony of the library
  212. >She gave you a lift up there
  213. >Which was kind of fun. She could carry a surprising amount.
  214. >Now the only challenge was breaking into this library without anybody noticing
  215. >Probably not as bad as it could be, at least
  216. >"I don't see what's the point of this"
  217. >Goddamn, this bitch could whine
  218. >You didn't really care, though
  219. >You were pretty sure that a dragon would shut her right the fuck up
  220. >"It's necessary. Trust me. Now..."
  221. >You stick one end of the boomerang in the door and push downwards
  222. >It goes right through the deadbolt
  223. >Jesus, this was sharp
  224. >Slowly, you pry the door open, careful not to make any noise
  225. >This shouldn't be that hard
  226. >Hopefully
  227. >You walk inside, surprisingly light-footed. Now... He would probably be asleep right now...
  228. >You navigate your way to Twilight's room. You have a hunch he'd be in there.
  229. >Fortunately, you are correct
  230. >He's sleeping in her bed
  231. >It's kind of adorable
  232. >Chrysalis' eyes go wide behind you.
  233. >"Is that-"
  234. >You quickly put a hand over her mouth. She gets the point and shuts up immediately.
  235. >Thankfully, Spike doesn't stir
  236. >Well, at least, he doesn't stir any more than he was before
  237. >He's obviously in a nightmare
  238. >Poor thing
  239. >And you're planning on making his day a lot worse
  240. >You swallow
  241. >What you are about to do is utterly distasteful. You're going to pretty much rob this kid of his childhood and most of his innocence
  242. >Better than what the other motherfucker would do, though
  243. >And, well...
  244. >Any level of collateral damage was acceptable at this point
  245. >You jump onto the bed, covering Spike's Mouth with your palm
  246. >He's instantly awake, eyes full of fear
  247. >Not that he can do much
  248. >You have the rest of his body crushed underneath yours
  249. >You're at least four times his size
  250. >Hopefully, that wouldn't be true for much longer
  251. >You can feel his muscles uselessly try to contract underneath you
  252. >He doesn't get to the point of movement, of course.
  253. >"Don't be afraid. Don't be scared."
  254. >Spike continues to struggle underneath you
  255. >"Sssshhhh... Sssshhh... I'm not him. I'm not him."
  256. >You stroke his cheek softly, trying to calm him down
  257. >Which, come to think of it, is fucking creepy
  258. >Whatever
  259. >"I'm not him... I'm his opposite, I'm the one who's going to go after him..."
  260. >Spike still doesn't believe you
  261. >"Spike, if I was him, I wouldn't be alone. I'd have a whole legion of nightmare guards. But I don't, and for good reason, Spike. I'm against him."
  262. >You continue to ssshhh him as his struggling slows down
  263. >"I need your help, Spike. I'm sorry I had to scare you but I need your help. Twilight needs your help, Spike."
  264. >At that, he freezes
  265. >You slowly lift your hand up, allowing him to talk
  266. >Of course, you're ready to quickly prevent him from making noise if he screams, but you need to let him talk
  267. >"...Twilight?"
  268. >His voice is a whisper
  269. >"Yes, Spike. Twilight needs you desperately."
  270. >His lip begins to quiver
  271. >He's about to cry
  272. >"What's- What's happened to her?"
  273. >...Jesus, you were a bastard.
  274. >You sigh.
  275. >"Spike. I need you to promise me that, no matter what, you aren't going to scream. Crying is okay. Trust me. But... You can't make too much noise. Nobody can know I'm here."
  276. >He sniffles and nods, trying to be brave
  277. >Well
  278. >Time to crush this kid's soul
  279. >"Spike, Twilight tried to defeat Nightmare Moon. At the absolute last second, however, she summoned a creature. A creature who looked like me. I'm guessing you know some of that, yes?"
  280. >"Yes, but- I heard she was taken to the dungeon, and- and the castle, and... and nobody knows what's happening to her! I just want to-"
  281. >"Spike"
  282. >He stops speaking, but he's still crying
  283. >Well
  284. >Nothing to lose.
  285. >"I know what's happening to her."
  286. >"H- How?"
  287. >"I- I've had a bit of a window to here. A fuzzy window, but a window. I've been able to, uh... Observe his actions. The other human's."
  288. >"And... And's what's he doing?"
  289. >You take a deep breath
  290. >"She's been getting raped."
  291. >Spike's face is almost comical
  292. >Okay, fuck almost, it's goddamn hilarious
  293. >In a dark way but still
  294. >His eyes are like Dinner plates
  295. >That was probably the last thing he expected
  296. >"Specifically, she's been getting groomed - psychologically tortured into thinking she likes it. Violated in new and creative ways."
  297. >"But- But-"
  298. >He's full-out sobbing now
  299. >You slowly roll off him, letting him curl into the fetal position
  300. >Okay
  301. >Phase one done
  302. >Breal-
  303. >You decide to not use that word
  304. >Emotionally weaken the dragon.
  305. >Now to sway his mental state a bit
  306. >"I know what you're feeling. I understand it. You're shocked, horrified, non-believing. How could anybody be so evil to do that? Especially to Twilight. She's so sweet, so kind. Out of every living thing in Equestria, she deserved that the least."
  307. >You can hear his sobs
  308. >Now comes the real gamble
  309. >"But, Spike, you can't focus on the sadness. You can't live in that soul-crushing sadness. Because that's not all you're feeling. Reach inside yourself, Spike. What's there."
  310. >"Nothing!"
  311. >You can barely make out what he's saying through is thick voice
  312. >"I--- Feel--- Nothing but---"
  313. >"No, Spike, NO!"
  314. >Your voice grows in intensity
  315. >"There is something else there!"
  316. >"W- what?"
  317. >"Deep, deep, deep inside, there's a fire. There's a fire. A dragon's fire, Spike. I know you feel it, because it's in your nature, as it is in mine."
  318. >His sobs are marginally quieter
  319. >Now you had him.
  320. >"You're angry, Spike."
  321. >You're silent
  322. >After a minute, his sobs calm down.
  323. >"You're angrier than you have eve been before. That bastard. That motherfucking bastard. He did this. He's a monster. He's evil."
  324. >You can see his breathing get more intense
  325. >Now you had him.
  326. >"He- He needs to go down, doesn't he? Deep inside, you need him to go down. You want nothing more. You want him gone. You want him to pay."
  327. >Spike looks up at you
  328. >His eyes are very different
  329. >No longer sad or terrified, but enraged
  330. >Piece
  331. >Of
  332. >Fucking
  333. >Cake
  334. >This shit was almost too easy
  335. >"You want him dead, Spike. You want him fucking gone, right now."
  336. >Probably not realizing it himself, Spike nods
  337. >"But we can't just attack. We have to be subtle. But, rest assured, that motherfucker is going to pay for what he did to Twilight. His ass is gone. He might as well be dead already."
  338. >You give a small smile
  339. >"And I'm going to help you kill him. Now, just to make sure on the same page... How do you feel?"
  340. >"I-"
  341. >Spike is having trouble making actual words in his rage
  342. >"Spike... Spike want him dead. Spike make him pay."
  343. >Yep.
  344. >You got him.
  345. >Dragons were easier to do this too than you thought
  346. >And this time, there would be no Rarity to save him
  347. >Because Rarity... Well, when he saw what-
  348. >You suddenly realize that you have no idea what to call the other guy
  349. >Hm. "Nameless!Anonymous" sounded appropriate.
  350. >Yeah.
  351. >Anyway
  352. >Once Spike saw what NamelessAnonymous had done to his precious Rarity, he was going to be far beyond the threshold of no return
  353. >It was starting to come together
  354. >Just as planned
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