
Erf / untitled thingy part 2

Aug 19th, 2013
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  1. Spirit moved both her hooves to each side of Mono's chest, givinv him double the treatment. He immediatly lost it and howled in uncontrollable laughter as she just smiled at him. "HAHAHAHAHNOHOHOHAHA" he cried, shaking left and right to escape. but to no avail.
  2. >"Then give uuupppp~"
  3. Mono flailed to and fro, he couldn't think. just laugh and thrash about. "HAHAOOOKHAHA YOUAAAHAWINAAHA". Spirit immediatly stopped and stood up, and walkes back to where the round had started.
  4. Mono's laughter slowly subsided into a miffed look as he leered over to his mother, taking time to catch his breath as he stood and moved to position. " just got lucky, now I'm gonna be serious"
  5. Spirit was having a blast, she even starteyd galloping in place abit
  6. >"Mono, no need to take it so seriously, hehe. Aren't you having fun?"
  7. Mono took a moment to ponder, in actuality, he was. But he wasn't about to admit that. "Just get ready mom, this time...nehehe...I got it this time" [ok, more ponylike tactic this time, I'll fake her out with a quick hop left, right, then right again and donkey k...] "mom?"
  8. Spirit had begun to hum and bounce her head, She really wasn't taking this seriously at all. Mono could only look on at her blatant carelessness before he got abit annoyed. "Mom, come on. I'm about to attack here." Mono stared, tapping the ground as she seemed to just give him a look and ignore him. He growled abit [Fine then, I'll just take advantage of this then!]. Again, with a warcry, he sprung his attack into action at the unsuspecting Spirit. He bounced left, then right, then right again. And beelined towards his mother. And with a quick 180, turned and succesfully donkey kicked his mother's side as hard as he could. [..haha..nahahaha! I DID IT, TAKE THAT MOM....wait...MOM!] Mono realised he just hit his mother with a fairly damaging kick, especially such a kick coming from a pony. He got his hindlegs back down and turned "Mom! i'm sorry..I......". At that moment, his mouth went agap. His mother was still ignoring him, still humming, as if he didn't hit her at all. His eye twitched [ way, that's impossible. That was a direct hit! GRRRRRRRRR, HOW ABOUT THIS THEN!?] Slowly, Mono got on his hindlegs and balanced himself. Then, with surprisngly quick movement, began punching his mother in quick succesion "ORAORAORAORAORAORAORA!" With one final punch he lost balance and landed on all fours, he took a breath and looked up. His bottom lip began to quiver as his attack did absolutly nothing. Spirit turned to him with a smile.
  9. >"Oh Mono, that was sweet of you giving me a massage like that"
  10. Mono could only look, bewildered as he said under his breath "'s useless"
  11. Spirit turned to him, and lowered her head to meet his eyes, giving him a serious look. Mono jumped back, shaking [Why...why is she l-looking at me like that?!]
  12. >"my turn"
  13. With lightning quick reflexes and the grace of a swan, Spirit jumped from her position, landing behind Mono as he stood there stunned, and landing on her hindlegs no less. With a quick sweeping kick, she knocked Mono straight up screaming. However, with motherly care. She expertly caught him and balanced him on her right front hoof and looked at him with a gentle smile. Mono himself was flailing like mad, and yet she still kept him balanced. "hdjdjensisifjd, I give I give! Don't hurt me Do..." he immediatly stopped the moment he felt a kiss on his nose, he slowly opened his eyes, and saw his mothers tender smile. [.......] ".....huh?" Mono then looked down, and saw he was quite high up on what, at the time he didn't know was his mother's hoof and flailed with fright. "GnaaaaAAA! TOO HIGH" Yes sadly, Mono was afraid of even the not to lofty of heights, half a paranoia, half of breaking his legs and being put down, he didn't know ponies of this world heal as naturally as humans. With one quick jerk, he falls. But Spirit, as expertly as she got him up. Had expertly caught him and rolled onto her back. Spirit's mood was a flutter as she laughed, holding Mono gently onto her belly. She simply had a blast playfully messing with her son, she had hoped too that Mono's mood and anxiety was lifted and that he had had as much as a good time as her. Mono however, was staring at the ceiling. His eyes wide, his fur and mane completely rustled. "Mo-mom?" he said with stutter. Spirit gave him a gentle hug, she thought he must be alittle shaken from her little trick.
  14. >"Yes Mono, are you alright?"
  15. "Y-yeah...I am...b-but. HOW DID YOU DO ALL THAT!?" Mono rolled off his mother's belly and stared into her eyes, he had regained his composure quickly from being so high, but only because he could not fathom how his mother was so nimble and quick. [That's impossible! Nopony could pull that off, NONE. It's not physically possible!] Spirit just smiled, she felt she had nothing to hide.
  16. >"Well Mono, I trained with alot of martial arts masters when I was younger."
  17. Mono grew excitingly curious. [Martial arts? They have those too? Wait....] "Mom, why would you need to learn martial arts? Does it have to do with Dad?"
  18. >"Not at all"
  19. Spirit thought abit, she didn't know if her son could understand what she was about to explain to him.
  20. >"Mono, let me explain something. I wasn't always a mild mannered ticket girl for the train station"
  21. She motioned her head to her cutie mark, a bird with flower petals around it.
  22. >"Let's just say that this, my cutie mark, represents my love of nature. And that I was much more.....extreme about it in my youth"
  23. Mono could already tell she was trying to dumb it down for him, but he already guessed what she was.
  24. "So you were an enviromentalist, one of those big time ones that actually do something about it, right?"
  25. Spirit gulped in surprise, she didn't think Mono would be THAT knowledgable. She wondered...
  26. >"Did your father tell you that?"
  27. "Nope, but now I know for sure you are" Mono's interest in cookies had dissapeared entirely, he simply must know how his mother was able to be so acrobatic and smooth. Half out of pure curiousity, the other to see that if it is true, then he could get an idea on how to make himself physically capable. Spirit was at a loss, she didn't think her son would suddenly be so interested in her past. Especially since moments before he was scared of being so high, and before that had cookies on the brain.
  28. >"Well...Mono, I was kind of like that yes. Before I knew your father. I would go here and there. Making sure nothing would happen to forests and trees and animals too."
  29. "By fighting big business right? Ruining thier plans?"
  30. >"Mono? How do you know about things like that?"
  31. Mono swallowed [oh shit....Wh..what do I say?] Mono started to panic and think. He looked into his mother's inquisitive eyes, then downwards. [SHIT, HOW DO I MAKE IT SOUND LEGIT!?!?!] "uhhhh, I like to read dad's newspaper sometimes?" Spirit didn't believe that, her son is smart. But his ability to lie is poor. She knew enough from him now that if it wasn't Train who told him, then who? how did he know that much in general.
  32. >"Mono, do not lie to me."
  33. She gave him a stern look, she did not look pleased. Spirit could never comprehend the truth, and Mono, besides being scared, was wondering why now it seemed to click to his mother he was actually smarter than normal. He had to think fast.[...ngh...come on...the truth...truth...hmmmm...maybe] Mono looked up at his mother. "mom, It's just I read those smaller newspaper things whenever you guys take me to the station. They have alot of interesting facts". This was a half truth, Mono in his old life had learned of crazy enviromentalists through tabloids when he thought they were facts. But it was enough so he didn't give any of his usual tells of lying. Spirit sighed and shook her head.
  34. >"Mono, those are tabloids, you shouldn't read those. They are nothing but lies."
  35. "oooooohhhhhh ok" Mono held back his sigh of relief, he already knew that of course. Spirit stood up, and looked at Mono. She had now began to wonder if her son was so smart due to a talent of reading, to the point that he reads anything he can get his hooves on. It only seemed especially puzzling because she usually never sees him reading. But he knows about strategy, and tactics, and enviromentalists. It would only probably strike her as supernatural if her son was actually as nimble as her. As for Mono, he felt he was going in too deep. And further going deeper would arouse suspicion. This annoyed him of course, since he never aroused suspicion before and thought he could handle it in stride. [Fuck....Why did I panic? All this time I wanted to showcase my superiority....and I panic?] Spirit looked at Mono and wondered abit more, she had to look at this like a mother, and figured it might be better to encourage him.
  36. >"Well, Mono...if you like to read, I could probably get you a library card. Then we could visit the library and get you a whole lot of nice books to read"
  37. Mono looked up at her and paused [Hrnnn, I guess for the time being I'll just have to be more careful until I can get past such a stu...wait what? library? pffft, for what? Kiddie books?] "Mom, you don't have to do that. I don't like to read fictional books too much" [I miss TV]
  38. >"Well, you don't have to. But if you want real Equestrian facts. They have weekly news and a history archive. That way you don't need to rely on tabloids to know whats what"
  39. Mono thought for a moment. [I am always bitching to myself about how things work around here, all the magic and talking ponies and such.....not a bad idea actually] "Mom, I'd really really like that! I want to learn alot about Equestria!" he gave his biggest smile, some of it was fake, but he did have an interest to learn about the world around him. Spirit felt abit of relief, it seemed her son was just curious about the world, and not doing anything shady. She even had half the idea that he was secretly part of his own enviromental group. But she dashed that thought as enviromental matters became nary a concern when Princess Celestia has taken more approaches to keeping the land as natural as possible anyway, with places like Manehatten being of only real concern.[I do want to learn alot more about Celestia.No kings or queens, just a princess. All I really know about her is her involvement in the DD wars and her defeating some dude named discord. Surely someone of such majestic magnitude would see that I'm capable of such great things.....I wonder if she has ever taken on a personal student. neheheh, I bet if she did, whoever it was will be a speckle compared to me]
  40. Spirit tossed whatever worries left aside, surely her son wasn't anything more than a curious little colt. She looked at the clock on the wall and saw it was 3. She looked at Mono and smiled.
  41. >"Mono, are you hungry?"
  43. Mono looked at her, then rubbed his belly. "mmm, yeah..I guess all that action made me hungry. Are you gonna make lunch?"
  44. >"mhmmm, steamed vegetables with some roasted oaks. Sounds delicious huh?"
  45. Mono nodded "yup! can't wait!" [How did I even become a vegetarian? ogh, being a pony is wierd sometimes]
  46. >"Alrighty. You go off and play while I whip us up some."
  47. "Will do! super enviromom!" he saluted, Spirit smiled abit, feeling alittle nolstalgic. And walked to the kitchen to cook lunch. Mono looked around the living room, and decided to move whatever furniture he could back in place as he escaped into his thoughts. [I can accept losing, seems this world has an odd version of the law of physics altogether. Magic, unponylike movements, mystical creatures and princesses. Seems like a little girl's cartoon to me. It sucks being so young, but atleast I can use it to my advantage to step up above the pack....maybe make some friends....] he began to frown [ngh...I can't forget about mom or dad though...they care so much about me....its so odd. It's so odd sometimes that they love me so much.] Mono took a breath and plopped onto the rug. He didn't feel much like playing by himself, a feeling he sometimes wish his memories would dissapear so he can enjoy playing with toys and such. But no, he simply plopped. And went into his thoughts. [This world is so strange, there can be nasty rumors and stuff. But everypony, or atleast Mom and dad and Max....seem so nice. Humans....people, you never knew what it could be behind those smiles. But here, it feels so genuine. Ahh hell, even fighting mom was....pretty cool.] Mono looked slowly around and blinked. [Plus this place has actual magic...wish I could do some, or atleast fly. But I guess originally being a human meant being born a normal earth pony. Still...] Mono chuckled to himself [I automatically know I'm greater than any other pony, I just need to get used to all these new rules and physics. Mom....damn...even being an earth pony herself. She flew...just..flew. I want that, combine that with my knowledge and I think I could even rule this place if I wanted. But heh, of course I would have to make sure Mom and Dad live in prosperity too.] Mono sighed to himself [But I keep making mistakes though, for some reason, I lose track of things or don't make sound moves or decisions. It's like I regressed in some way mentally. I should have known that flying kick would fail. And yet I tried it anyway....god Mono, are you truly that stupid? Then...] Mono snorted, and looked forward blankly. [there is this "friend" business, I know I need one. This lonely feeling I way around that. But...even if I can get passed this so called reputation. How could I stand having pea brained friends? Maybe I am overthinking it. Mom has been right so far, and....ugh...I guess I shouldn't question a physics breaking mare. I..I just hope she's right and I can find a friend who is right for me. Got to be careful if it's a filly though, I'm an expert doctor] Mono chuckled again [hehe, I wonder how puberty as a pony will be. ugh, I wonder if I could even get it up to a mare. Will I auto like them? or will I cause some sort of controversy if I fall in love with something with hands,feet, and boobs or something.] Mono circled his hoof on the rug [First things first though, I got to study more of this world if I want to properly show my genius. And somehow figure out how to display such genius without saying "LEL, I WAS HUMAN GAIZ". I'd either be taken away to be expiremented on or..hmn...Could they send a technical dead man back? But it's gonna be hard, pegasi and unicorns have such stupid advantages already. Mnnn..] Mono felt a tinge of sadness in his heart. [no one ever noticed how hard I worked or all the great things I did, I was always taken advantage of....But now, I have a chance to make something of myself. And if an earth pony is the one who surpasses that of even the intellect of royalty, then respect will only be that much greater.] Mono looked up [I cannot lose sight of this for any reason, friends and shit, thats fine. But I have to succeed no matter what. So I will take even this loss as a learning expirience.] Mono rolled onto his back, and merely stared blankly [God i'm great, a few kinks in my thinking. But alittle time and study will fix that. I just need a better handle on my emotions and planning.'d think I was a kid or something with how I act sometimes.] Mono looked at his hoof [Still wish I had fingers, eh. Maybe I should stop dancing the idea of ruling Equestria. Maybe royal advisor or analysis guy. Still, if I ever got that far, man...that would be so fucking badass.] Mono smiled to himself [ahh, then there is school itself. Haha, thats not even a worry. Just a formality really...gehehehhahaha!] Mono started to laugh and whispered to himself "It will probably be my first stepping stone really.....hmnnn" Mono started to rub his tummy [i'm hungry....hmmm] Mono licked his leg and cringed [I taste....terrible. I'm never gonna have any cannibal urges atleast] Mono got up to take a peek in the kitchen, of course lunch wasn't close to done. He sighed and walked back into the living room and looked at his blank flank [Cutie marks huh? Wonder how that even works? Does it just magically appear, or is it like an ID print or something? If it's so important, mine better be something badass. I..hmm?] Mono heard the front door open. He looked back and saw his father, coated with grease, and tiredly went to the hat rack to hang his bowler hat. Train was alot more dull looking than his mother, Red with a brown bushy mane, bushy mustache, train tracks for a cutie mark, Dark gold eyes,generic looking to say the least. But that bowler hat, apparantly was his great grandad's lucky hat. passed down through generations of his family. "Dad!..Dad geez, you look awful". Train huffed and peered at Mono, and gave him a tired smile
  48. >"haha, no more than usual after a hard day's work son. hmmm"
  49. Train took a look at Mono, his fur and mane was very unkempt.
  50. >"Speaking of which, what happened to you champ?"
  51. Mono sighed and looked at him "Mom decided to show me her...fighting skills."
  52. Train felt a twinge, like a truck had hit his face, and coughed
  53. >"Mono....whatcha mean little buddy?"
  54. "You'd know dad, we had a mock fight and she beat me twice without even hurting me. Though she said something about knocking you out in one blow"
  55. Train felt weak, he hasn't seen his wife do anything like that in years, and now he's hearing that she showed off to his son. He wondered why, if only because he remembers when he was a guardsman for the train station before it officially opened. And had been trounced by Spirit many times before they got to know eachother.
  56. >"I'ma....I'm gonna go talk to your mother, I'm gonna assume from that smell that she's in the kitchen right son?"
  57. Mono smiled abit, he caught on to his fathers overreacted body signals [oh come on dad, she's not mad at you. hehe, damn though. you seem to got some PTSD going on. haha] Mono nodded, and watched as his father walked into the kitchen, he followed and stood behind the threshold and just watched the show
  58. >Train: "hey dear, whatcha umm..making?"
  59. Spirit turned and happily smiled at Train, giving him a loving head nuzzle.
  60. >Spirit: Hello dear! oh not much, steamed veggies and roasted oats.
  61. Spirit frowned
  62. >Spirit:I didn't make enough for you dear, I didn't know you were coming.
  63. Train chuckled abit
  64. >Train: tis ok dear, I had some grub at the station before I left. eheh...hey can I ask ya something?
  65. >Spirit: hmmm? what is it dear?
  66. >Train: Well uhhmm, Mono told me you and him...sorta play fought. Said you did a few moves...eheh...everything ok dear?
  67. >Spirit: Nothing out of the ordinary, though we do have some things to talk about. Not infront of open ears though.
  68. >Train: hnn?
  69. Spirit gave a small point over to Mono, and whispered.
  70. >Spirit: Mono needs a stallion to stallion talk, he is having a few anxiety issues that you need to help him with. It's about school.
  71. [oh come on, don't do that. I wanna know the goods] Mono tried walking closer, but his mother walked over to him and have him a nuzzle. She would have to talk about this with her husband later.
  72. Spirit: "Mono, are you ready for lunch?"
  73. Mono nodded "Yeah! I'm starvin, then cookies right?"
  74. Spirit:"Mhmmm! I don't see why not!"
  75. Spirit walked back over to train and silently whispered.
  76. Spirit:"And dear, don't get paranoid because I wanted to have abit of classic fun~. Because if you want to, we could always go round eighty nine if you want to remember the bad times of our entanglment"
  77. Spirit giggled and started to prep the food. Train just stood there abit, he figured his day just made him abit jumpy, and in truth, before Spirit became his wife. He was always getting trounced by her. He thought abit of telling Mono the whole story, if only to mend abit of his ego, but for now he decided to wind down with a shower.
  78. >Train: "Well, you guys enjoy lunch. Gonna get me a relaxin shower." And with that, another day in the Tracks household passes by. Nothing else out of the norm happens for the rest of the day. And as night falls, and Spirit tucks her son into bed and bids him a pleasent night. Train waits outside, with knowledge of the day in hand. Spirit stepped out of Mono's room, bidding him another good night and closed his door. And sighed and looked at Train.
  79. >Spirit: Honey, do you think theres anything wrong with him?
  80. >Train: With Mono? No, doctors always said he's just fine and dandy.
  81. Spirit gave him an annoyed glance, and sighed abit in disbelief.
  82. >Spirit: Emotionally wrong dear.
  83. Train cringed abit at her face, and gave a chuckle
  84. >Train:Oh, hehe, oh right. Well...
  85. Train started to walk towards his and his wife's bedroom, Spirit following.
  86. >Train: He's still really young is all, he's probably just shy.
  87. >Spirit: I don't think that's it. Don't you find it abit odd that our son seems abit too smart? He hasn't even started school yet and he knows what strategy is, he can even say it AND enviromentalist without slurring his speech or making a mistake.
  88. >Train: Shouldn't we be proud of that?
  89. >Spirit: I am proud dear, but you couple that with the fact that being around others his age bothers him, just seems odd to me.
  90. They entered their bedroom, and just stood by the bed, talking to eachother.
  91. >Train:Bothers him? What gives you that idea?
  92. >Spirit: It's a feeling. Instinct really. You don't spend your time raiding warehouses and businesses without learning to understand your enemy. And our son definatly has something odd about him. I'm worried about him.
  93. Spirit took a breath, and frowned. She looked down. Train went over to her, and gave her a reassuring nuzzle.
  94. >Train: Has been years since ya did any of that dear. It really could be nothing too bad. Heck now, I bet his smarts came from you. He just catches on to things really fast.
  95. Spirit didn't smile, she felt she wasn't getting anywhere in this conversation.
  96. >Spirit:That's sweet dear, but this might be alittle more than that.
  97. Train saw that his wife was worried, that the possibility that it may be something more does exist. But he didn't want Spirit being brought down by it.
  98. >Train: Don't worry honey, I'll figure it out in the mornin' when I talk to him.
  99. Spirit looked up at him, she had faith in him. Even if he was ignorant sometimes, he always means well.
  100. >Spirit: I hope so. I just don't want school to be a mistake.
  101. >Train: It won't be, trust me. If he has any of my charm, he'll be happy and swimming in friends.
  102. Spirit looked at Train, stared deep into his eyes. Remembering back on how she fell in love with him in the first place. Then contemplated on his words. Train suddenly felt abit uneasy. But Spirit just stared, perhaps she was overreacting. Becoming one of those overprotective moms.
  103. >Spirit: Do you think I'm worrying to much?
  104. >Train: err...alittle dear. I's not like he's a changeling or anything.
  105. >Spirit: I..mmmmm. Maybe you're right. It has been awhile, it might just be me being paranoid.
  106. >Train: no, just being a mom.
  107. Spirit smiled alittle, it really could be as simple as that. She gave Train a smile, a smile that turned eerily awkward.
  108. >Spirit:Another thing dear....what was with you earlier.
  109. Train looked left and right, he was confused.
  110. >Train: Whatcha mean?
  111. Spirit inched closer, making Train uneasy.
  112. >Spirit: Oh, you suddenly being all terrified when you heard I pulled some old moves~
  113. Train started to feel REAL uneasy
  114. >Train: eheh..heheh..oh that. Well, dear...umm..
  115. Spirit giggled at him
  116. >Spirit: Are you scared of me? or ashamed that I kept whupping you?
  117. >Train: i-it's not that honey's just you never even gave me a warning. You just kept swooping in and hitting me in the head.
  118. Spirit grinned abit, holding back a titter and rubbed Train's head.
  119. >Spirit: Well I had to keep coming back, none of you were taking my demands seriously. >Train: With Hillsdale's entire stake on the station, we...sorta couldn't. We needed it.
  120. >Spirit: Well I know that now dear, but everyone was willing to sacrifice the peaceful forest north of here for it. or atleast was...
  121. Spirit slid her hoof from Train's head, gently down to his backside. Making him blush.
  122. >Spirit: Do you remember how we officially met?
  123. >Train: ehe, how could I forget? It was the only darn time you didn't knock me out.
  124. >Spirit: Mhmmm, You saw me coming that time. I missed, and broke my right hoof. I thought I was done for sure. But hid me from everyone under that tarp.
  125. >Train: Well now, know. You were hurt something fierce, I couldn't let them find ya in that condition.
  126. Spirit turned to him, and slowly leaned towards him with a sly smile.
  127. >Spirit: Waaassss that the oooonnllyyy reason dear?
  128. Train buckled abit, red filling his cheeks.
  129. >Train:Well, ummmm....ummm
  130. >Spirit:ummmmmmmm whaaaaat?
  131. >Train: Well, were kinda cute, too.
  132. Spirit gave an angry sounding huff and brushed passed Train, smacking his face lightly with her tail and turning her head back at him with a smile.
  133. >Spirit: Cute enough to ponynap me back home.
  134. >Train: He-hey now, It wasn't like that. It was just sorta my fault I dodged that time. I felt bad, anywhere else and ya had been arrested.
  135. Spirit giggled at him and kissed his nose
  136. >Spirit: I know that dear, You were so cute. Blaming yourself that I broke my leg. Even when it was your job to catch me or any trespasser in the first place.
  137. >Train:ehe...yeah, you were cute too ya know. Always trying to slip away with your broken leg. You...really cared about that forest.
  138. >Spirit: Mhmmm, I also thought you wouldn't understand. I was kind of stubborn, you were telling me this and that about why we need the station. And I just said some....really mean things to you, and still didn't turn me away.
  139. >Train: Not in my nature to, and speaking of nature. ehe, When you finally told me you were trying to protect the forest. Well, heh...I agreed with you. Wouldn't have been right to just make all those critters homeless.
  140. Spirit smiled warmly at Train, and gave him another kiss on the lips.
  141. >Spirit:I remember. You wrote all night to a letter for Celestia. And in...well one short day, she decreed that the train, and any train really must not run through forests,grottos, lots of places. And the station had to lay tracks around it all.
  142. >Train: eyup,thanks to you though, ya did inspire me.
  143. >Spirit: You did too you know. Speaking of which. Do you remember, the eighty eighth time I took you down?
  144. Spirit moved close, and started nibbling gently on Train's ear.He felt like he was about to melt.
  145. >Train:..ummmm...ahmmm....ummmm..
  146. Spirit giggled in his ear.
  147. >Spirit: Oh yes, hehe, that was too easy too.
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