

Mar 13th, 2024
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  1. version: "3"
  3. networks:
  4. nginx-proxy_default:
  5. # external: true
  6. driver: bridge
  7. # nginx-internal:
  8. # nginx-nm:
  9. # external: true
  10. # nginx:
  11. # driver: bridge
  12. # external: false
  13. mysql:
  14. # external: true
  16. services:
  17. nextcloud:
  18. profiles: ["all"]
  19. user: 1000:1000
  20. image: nextcloud
  21. container_name: nextcloud
  22. restart: always
  23. ports:
  24. - 10000:80
  25. volumes:
  26. - nextcloud:/var/www/html
  27. networks:
  28. - nginx-proxy_default
  29. # - nginx
  30. # jellyfin:
  31. # build:
  32. # #./jellyfin/ffmpegof/docker/jellyfin
  33. # #image:
  34. # #environment:
  35. # # - TZ=Europe/Berlin
  36. # # - FFMPEGOF_DATABASE_TYPE=postgres
  37. # # - FFMPEGOF_DATABASE_HOST=localhost
  39. # # - FFMPEGOF_DATABASE_NAME=ffmpegof
  41. # # - FFMPEGOF_DATABASE_PASSWORD=supersecurepassword
  42. # ports:
  43. # - 8096:8096 # public should access via reverse proxy
  44. # volumes:
  45. # - ./jellyfin/config:/config:Z
  46. # - ./jellyfin/cache:/config/cache:z
  47. # - ./jellyfin/transcodes:/config/transcodes:z
  48. # - ./jellyfin/subtitles:/config/data/subtitles:z
  49. # - ./jellyfin/media:/var/storage/media:ro # optional media folder, usually readonly is enough
  50. # restart: always
  51. # nfs-server:
  52. # image:
  53. # cap_add:
  54. # - SYS_ADMIN
  55. # environment:
  56. # # - TZ=Europe/Berlin
  57. # - NFS_EXPORT_0=/config/cache *(rw,sync,no_subtree_check,no_root_squash)
  58. # - NFS_EXPORT_1=/config/transcodes *(rw,sync,no_subtree_check,no_root_squash)
  59. # - NFS_EXPORT_2=/config/data/subtitles *(rw,sync,no_subtree_check,no_root_squash)
  60. # - NFS_EXPORT_3=/var/storage/media *(rw,sync,no_subtree_check,no_root_squash) # optional media folder
  61. # ports:
  62. # - 2049:2049
  63. # volumes:
  64. # - ./jellyfin/cache:/config/cache:z
  65. # - ./jellyfin/transcodes:/config/transcodes:z
  66. # - ./jellyfin/subtitles:/config/data/subtitles:z
  67. # - ./jellyfin/media:/var/storage/media:ro # optional media folder, readonly is ideal since workers only read files and transcode them to other dirs
  68. # restart: always
  70. jellyfin:
  71. profiles: ["all"]
  72. image: bitwrk/jellyfin-rffmpeg:latest
  73. container_name: jellyfin
  74. user: 1000:1000
  75. command: /bin/bash chmod +x / && ./
  76. ##export jellyfin_data_path="/config"
  77. # #network_mode: 'host'
  78. # # enviorment:
  79. ## jellyfin_data_path: /config
  80. volumes:
  81. # - ./rffmpeg.old/rffmpeg:/usr/local/bin/rffmpeg
  82. - ./jellyfin/
  83. - ./jellyfin/config:/config
  84. - ./jellyfin/cache:/cache
  85. - ./jellyfin/media:/media
  86. - ./jellyfin/media2:/media2:ro
  87. - ./jellyfin/rffmpeg.yml:/etc/rffmpeg/rffmpeg.yml
  88. - ./.ssh:/config/.ssh:ro
  89. restart: 'unless-stopped'
  90. # network_mode: "host"
  91. ports:
  92. - 8096:8096
  93. # networks:
  94. # - nginx
  95. # shadowsocks:
  96. # image: dockage/shadowsocks-server:latest
  97. # ports:
  98. # - "8388:8388"
  99. # environment:
  100. # - SS_PASSWORD=sK4mmi@=
  101. # - SS_METHOD=aes-256-cfb
  102. # 3#mysql:
  103. #networks:
  104. # - nginx # profiles: ["all"]
  105. # - 8096:8096
  106. #image: mariadb
  107. # image: arm64v8/mysql:5.7
  108. #Nginx Service
  109. # chisel:
  110. # image: jpillora/chisel
  111. # command: server --port 1080 --socks5 --reverse
  112. # ports:
  113. # - "1080:1080"
  114. # stdin_open: true
  115. # tty: true
  116. # restart: "no"
  117. # subsocks:
  118. # image: luyuhuang/subsocks
  119. # restart: always
  120. # expose:
  121. # - '4444'
  122. # a ports:
  123. # - '4444:4444'
  124. # volumes:
  125. # - ./config.toml:/subsocks/config.toml
  126. #3# chisel:
  127. # profiles: ["all", "chisel"]
  128. # image: jpillora/chisel
  129. # command: chisel server --port 1080
  130. # ports:
  131. # - "1080:1080"
  132. # nginx:
  133. # profiles: ["all"]
  134. # image: nginx:alpine
  135. # volumes:
  136. # - /etc/nginx-docker/nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf:ro
  137. # - /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:/etc/nginx-docker/nginx.conf:ro
  138. # container_name: webserver
  139. # restart: unless-stopped
  140. # tty: true
  141. # ports:
  142. ## - "80:80"
  143. # - "443:443"
  144. # networks:
  145. # - nginx
  146. # - nginx-proxy-manager
  147. nginx-proxy-manager:
  148. profiles: ["all"]
  149. image: 'jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:latest'
  150. restart: unless-stopped
  151. ports:
  152. # These ports are in format <host-port>:<container-port>
  153. - '80:80' # Public HTTP Port
  154. - '443:443' # Public HTTPS Port
  155. - '81:81' # Admin Web Port
  156. # Add any other Stream port you want to expose
  157. # - '21:21' # FTP
  158. networks:
  159. # - nginx
  160. - nginx-proxy_default
  161. # Uncomment the next line if you uncomment anything in the section
  162. # environment:
  163. # Uncomment this if you want to change the location of
  164. # the SQLite DB file within the container
  165. # DB_SQLITE_FILE: "/data/database.sqlite"
  167. # Uncomment this if IPv6 is not enabled on your host
  168. # DISABLE_IPV6: 'true'
  169. # networks:
  170. # - nginx
  171. volumes:
  172. - ./data:/data
  173. - ./letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt
  174. cowrie:
  175. profiles: ["all"]
  176. image: cowrie/cowrie
  177. volumes:
  178. - ./prickly-pete/var/cowrie/log:/cowrie/cowrie-git/var/log/cowrie
  179. - ./prickly-pete/src/configs/cowrie.cfg:/cowrie/cowrie-git/etc/cowrie.cfg
  180. - ./prickly-pete/userdb.txt:/cowrie/cowrie-git/etc/userdb.txt
  181. ports:
  182. #- "22:2222" # ssh (use this if you have :22 free!)
  183. - "22:2222" # ssh
  184. # networks:
  185. # - nginx
  186. vaultwarden:
  187. profiles: ["all"]
  188. container_name: vaultwarden
  189. image: vaultwarden/server:latest
  190. restart: unless-stopped
  191. volumes:
  192. - ./data/:/data/
  193. ports:
  194. - 8000:80
  195. networks:
  196. - nginx-proxy_default
  197. # - nginx
  198. gitea:
  199. profiles: ["all"]
  200. image: gitea/gitea:latest
  201. container_name: gitea
  202. environment:
  203. - USER_UID=1000
  204. - USER_GID=1000
  205. restart: always
  206. # networks:
  207. # - nginx
  208. volumes:
  209. - ./gitea:/data
  210. - /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro
  211. - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
  212. ports:
  213. - "3000:3000"
  214. - "222:22"
  215. homarr:
  216. profiles: ["all"]
  217. container_name: homarr
  218. image:
  219. restart: unless-stopped
  220. volumes:
  221. - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock # Optional, only if you want docker integration
  222. - ./homarr/configs:/app/data/configs
  223. - ./homarr/icons:/app/public/icons
  224. - ./homarr/data:/data
  225. ports:
  226. - '7575:7575'
  227. networks:
  228. - nginx-proxy_default
  229. # - nginx
  230. db:
  231. profiles: ["all"]
  232. image: mariadb:latest
  233. environment:
  235. - MYSQL_DATABASE=powerdnsadmin
  236. - MYSQL_USER=pdns
  237. - MYSQL_PASSWORD=mypdns
  238. ports:
  239. - 3306:3306
  240. restart: always
  241. volumes:
  242. - /pda-mysql:/var/lib/mysql
  243. # networks:
  244. #W - nginx
  245. #command:
  246. unbound:
  247. container_name: unbound
  248. image: "mvance/unbound:latest"
  249. expose:
  250. - "55"
  251. # networks:
  252. # - dns
  253. ports:
  254. - "55:53/tcp"
  255. - "55:53/udp"
  256. volumes:
  257. - "./unbound/my_conf/forward-records.conf:/opt/unbound/etc/unbound/forward-records.conf"
  258. - "./unbound/my_conf/a-records.conf:/opt/unbound/etc/unbound/a-records.conf"
  259. restart: unless-stopped
  260. pdns:
  261. #build: pdns
  262. profiles: ["all"]
  263. image: pschiffe/pdns-mysql
  264. hostname: pdns
  265. domainname:
  266. restart: always
  267. depends_on:
  268. - db
  269. links:
  270. - "db:mysql"
  271. # networks:
  272. # - nginx
  273. ports:
  274. - "56:53"
  275. - "56:53/udp"
  276. - "8081:8081"
  277. volumes:
  278. - /etc/bind/bind.conf:/bind.conf
  279. - /etc/bind/
  280. environment:
  281. - PDNS_launch=bind,gmysql
  282. - PDNS_bind-config=/bind.conf
  283. - PDNS_gmysql_host=db
  284. - PDNS_gmysql_port=3306
  285. - PDNS_gmysql_user=pdns
  286. - PDNS_gmysql_dbname=powerdnsadmin
  287. - PDNS_gmysql_password=mypdns
  288. - PDNS_master=yes
  289. - PDNS_api=yes
  290. - PDNS_api_key=VW8weXhMSHhOdGV6ZFU2
  292. - PDNS_webserver=yes
  293. - PDNS_webserver-allow-from=,,,
  294. - PDNS_webserver_address=
  295. - PDNS_webserver_password=secret2
  296. - PDNS_version_string=anonymous
  297. - PDNS_default_ttl=1500
  298. - PDNS_allow_notify_from=
  299. - PDNS_allow_axfr_ips=
  300. # - PDNS_forward-zone=spidershomelab.local=
  301. web_app:
  302. profiles: ["all"]
  303. image: powerdnsadmin/pda-legacy:latest
  304. container_name: powerdns_admin
  305. ports:
  306. - "8082:80"
  307. depends_on:
  308. - db
  309. restart: always
  310. links:
  311. - db:mysql
  312. - pdns:pdns
  313. logging:
  314. driver: json-file
  315. options:
  316. max-size: 50m
  317. environment:
  318. - SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI=mysql://pdns:mypdns@db/powerdnsadmin
  322. # networks:
  323. # - nginx
  324. volumes:
  325. nextcloud:
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