
TellMe 0.4.0 - Enchantments dump example

Jan 15th, 2017
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  1. +---------------------------------+--------------------------------+-------------+-----------+
  2. | Registry name | Name | Type | Rarity |
  3. +---------------------------------+--------------------------------+-------------+-----------+
  4. | minecraft:aqua_affinity | enchantment.waterWorker | ARMOR_HEAD | RARE |
  5. | minecraft:bane_of_arthropods | enchantment.damage.arthropods | WEAPON | UNCOMMON |
  6. | minecraft:blast_protection | enchantment.protect.explosion | ARMOR | RARE |
  7. | minecraft:depth_strider | enchantment.waterWalker | ARMOR_FEET | RARE |
  8. | minecraft:efficiency | enchantment.digging | DIGGER | COMMON |
  9. | minecraft:feather_falling | enchantment.protect.fall | ARMOR_FEET | UNCOMMON |
  10. | minecraft:fire_aspect | | WEAPON | RARE |
  11. | minecraft:fire_protection | | ARMOR | UNCOMMON |
  12. | minecraft:flame | enchantment.arrowFire | BOW | RARE |
  13. | minecraft:fortune | enchantment.lootBonusDigger | DIGGER | RARE |
  14. | minecraft:frost_walker | enchantment.frostWalker | ARMOR_FEET | RARE |
  15. | minecraft:infinity | enchantment.arrowInfinite | BOW | VERY_RARE |
  16. | minecraft:knockback | enchantment.knockback | WEAPON | UNCOMMON |
  17. | minecraft:looting | enchantment.lootBonus | WEAPON | RARE |
  18. | minecraft:luck_of_the_sea | enchantment.lootBonusFishing | FISHING_ROD | RARE |
  19. | minecraft:lure | enchantment.fishingSpeed | FISHING_ROD | RARE |
  20. | minecraft:mending | enchantment.mending | BREAKABLE | RARE |
  21. | minecraft:power | enchantment.arrowDamage | BOW | COMMON |
  22. | minecraft:projectile_protection | enchantment.protect.projectile | ARMOR | UNCOMMON |
  23. | minecraft:protection | enchantment.protect.all | ARMOR | COMMON |
  24. | minecraft:punch | enchantment.arrowKnockback | BOW | RARE |
  25. | minecraft:respiration | enchantment.oxygen | ARMOR_HEAD | RARE |
  26. | minecraft:sharpness | enchantment.damage.all | WEAPON | COMMON |
  27. | minecraft:silk_touch | enchantment.untouching | DIGGER | VERY_RARE |
  28. | minecraft:smite | enchantment.damage.undead | WEAPON | UNCOMMON |
  29. | minecraft:thorns | enchantment.thorns | ARMOR_CHEST | VERY_RARE |
  30. | minecraft:unbreaking | enchantment.durability | BREAKABLE | UNCOMMON |
  31. +---------------------------------+--------------------------------+-------------+-----------+
  32. | Registry name | Name | Type | Rarity |
  33. +---------------------------------+--------------------------------+-------------+-----------+
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