

Jan 23rd, 2018
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  1. -----------------------------------------------------------------
  2. autoexec.cfg
  3. -----------------------------------------------------------------
  4. //==============================================
  5. // CONFIG EXT
  6. //==============================================
  7. // Launch Options: -novid -nojoy -threads 4 -noaafonts -high -console -tickrate 128 -freq 144 -refresh 144 +exec autoexec.cfg
  8. // Windows sens: 6/11
  9. // Mouse Accel: Off
  10. // DPI: 800
  11. // USB Rate: 1000
  12. // Windows sensitivity: 6
  13. // In-game sensitivity: 2.5
  14. // Zoom sensitivity: 1
  15. // m_rawinput: 1
  16. // Resolution: 1024x768
  17. // AR: 4:3
  18. // Scaling: stretched
  19. // Monitor Hz: 144
  21. // ************** ALTERE TUDO AO SEU ESTILO **************
  22. // ************** ALTERE TUDO AO SEU ESTILO **************
  23. // ************** ALTERE TUDO AO SEU ESTILO **************
  25. //==============================================
  26. // autoexec - CFG - PERSONALIZADA
  27. //==============================================
  28. unbindall
  29. clear
  30. //————————————————————————
  31. // Rede
  32. //————————————————————————
  33. rate "128000"
  34. cl_cmdrate "128"
  35. cl_updaterate "128"
  36. cl_interp "0"
  37. cl_interpolate 0
  39. //————————————————————————
  40. // Game
  41. //————————————————————————
  42. fps_max_menu "144"
  43. fps_max "501"
  44. cl_forcepreload "1"
  45. cl_disablehtmlmotd "1"
  46. mat_monitorgamma "1.60000"
  47. cl_disablefreezecam "1"
  48. cl_freezecameffects_showholiday "0"
  49. cl_join_advertise "2"
  50. cl_timeout "9999"
  51. closeonbuy "1"
  52. cl_use_opens_buy_menu "0"
  54. //————————————————————————
  55. // Mouse
  56. //————————————————————————
  57. sensitivity "2.5"
  58. zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse "1"
  59. m_rawinput "1"
  60. m_customaccel "0"
  61. m_customaccel_exponent "1"
  62. m_customaccel_max "0"
  63. m_customaccel_scale "0"
  64. m_mouseaccel1 "0"
  65. m_mouseaccel2 "0"
  66. m_mousespeed "1"
  67. m_forward "1"
  69. //————————————————————————
  70. // Som
  71. //————————————————————————
  72. volume "0.2"
  73. voice_enable "1"
  74. voice_scale "0.1"
  75. snd_menumusic_volume "0"
  76. snd_roundstart_volume "0"
  77. snd_roundend_volume "0"
  78. snd_mapobjective_volume "0"
  79. snd_tensecondwarning_volume "0.02"
  80. snd_deathcamera_volume "0"
  81. snd_mvp_volume "0.031154"
  82. snd_mute_losefocus "0"
  83. snd_front_headphone_position "45.0" // 43.2 (5:4 resolution), 45.0 (4:3 resolution), 50.2 (16:10 resolution), or 53.2 (16:9 resolution)
  84. snd_rear_headphone_position "90.0"
  85. snd_headphone_pan_exponent "1.2"
  86. snd_headphone_pan_radial_weight "0.5"
  88. //————————————————————————
  89. // Viewmodel
  90. //————————————————————————
  91. cl_viewmodel_shift_left_amt "0.500000"
  92. cl_viewmodel_shift_right_amt "0.250000"
  93. viewmodel_fov "65.000000"
  94. viewmodel_offset_x "2.500000"
  95. viewmodel_offset_y "-2.000000"
  96. viewmodel_offset_z "-2.000000"
  97. viewmodel_presetpos "0"
  98. viewmodel_recoil "1.0"
  99. cl_bob_lower_amt "5.000000"
  100. cl_bobamt_lat "0.100000"
  101. cl_bobamt_vert "0.100000"
  102. cl_bobcycle "0.98"
  103. cl_righthand "0"
  105. //————————————————————————
  106. // HUD
  107. //————————————————————————
  108. safezonex "0.850000"
  109. safezoney "1"
  111. cl_hud_background_alpha "0.000000"
  112. cl_hud_bomb_under_radar "1"
  113. cl_hud_color "1"
  114. cl_hud_healthammo_style "1"
  115. cl_hud_playercount_pos "1"
  116. cl_hud_playercount_showcount "1"
  117. cl_hud_radar_scale "1.300000"
  119. hud_scaling "0.850000"
  120. hud_showtargetid "1"
  121. hud_takesshots "0"
  123. cl_radar_always_centered "0"
  124. cl_radar_icon_scale_min "0.600000"
  125. cl_radar_rotate "1"
  126. cl_radar_scale "0.350000"
  127. cl_radar_square_with_scoreboard "0"
  128. cl_radar_always_centered "0"
  129. cl_radar_icon_scale_min "0.600000"
  130. cl_radar_rotate "1"
  131. cl_radar_square_with_scoreboard "0"
  133. net_graph "1"
  134. net_graphheight "1"
  135. net_graphholdsvframerate "0"
  136. net_graphipc "0"
  137. net_graphmsecs "400"
  138. net_graphpos "2"
  139. net_graphproportionalfont "0"
  140. net_graphshowinterp "1"
  141. net_graphshowlatency "1"
  142. net_graphshowsvframerate "1"
  143. net_graphsolid "1"
  144. net_graphtext "1"
  146. cl_showpos "0"
  148. cl_showloadout "0"
  149. cl_loadout_colorweaponnames "0"
  151. r_drawtracers_firstperson "1"
  153. cl_teamid_overhead_always "1"
  154. cl_autowepswitch "0"
  155. cl_showhelp "0"
  156. cl_autohelp "0"
  157. gameinstructor_enable "0"
  159. //————————————————————————
  160. // Crosshair
  161. //————————————————————————
  162. cl_crosshair_drawoutline "0.000000"
  163. cl_crosshair_dynamic_maxdist_splitratio "0.35"
  164. cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitalpha_innermod "1"
  165. cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitalpha_outermod "0.5"
  166. cl_scalecrosshair "1"
  167. cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitdist "7"
  168. cl_crosshair_outlinethickness "0.500000"
  169. cl_crosshair_sniper_show_normal_inaccuracy "0"
  170. cl_crosshair_sniper_width "2"
  171. cl_crosshair_t "0.000000"
  172. cl_crosshairalpha "255.000000"
  173. cl_crosshaircolor "5.000000"
  174. cl_crosshaircolor_b "255.000000"
  175. cl_crosshaircolor_g "0.000000"
  176. cl_crosshaircolor_r "255.000000"
  177. cl_crosshairdot "0.000000"
  178. cl_crosshairgap "-2.000000"
  179. cl_crosshairgap_useweaponvalue "0"
  180. cl_crosshairscale "0"
  181. cl_crosshairsize "2.500000"
  182. cl_crosshairstyle "4.000000"
  183. cl_crosshairthickness "0.500000"
  184. cl_crosshairusealpha "1"
  185. cl_fixedcrosshairgap "0"
  187. //————————————————————————
  188. // Binds
  189. //————————————————————————
  190. bind "1" "slot1"
  191. bind "2" "slot2"
  192. bind "3" "slot3"
  193. bind "4" "use weapon_hegrenade"
  194. bind "5" "slot5"
  195. bind "a" "+moveleft"
  196. bind "b" "+lookatweapon"
  197. bind "c" "use weapon_smokegrenade"
  198. bind "d" "+moveright"
  199. bind "e" "+use; slot5"
  200. bind "f" "use weapon_flashbang"
  201. bind "g" "drop"
  202. bind "h" "radio1"
  203. bind "i" "toggle net_graph 0 1"
  204. bind "j" "radio2"
  205. bind "k" "radio3"
  206. bind "l" "say <3"
  207. bind "m" "volume 0"
  208. bind "q" "r_cleardecals"
  209. bind "r" "+reload"
  210. bind "s" "+back"
  211. bind "t" "+spray_menu"
  212. bind "u" "messagemode2"
  213. bind "v" "buymenu"
  214. bind "w" "+forward"
  215. bind "x" "use weapon_incgrenade; use weapon_molotov"
  216. bind "," "toggleconsole"
  217. bind "ENTER" "messagemode"
  218. bind "SPACE" "+jump"
  219. bind "TAB" "+showscores"
  220. bind "CAPSLOCK" "noclip"
  221. bind "ESCAPE" "cancelselect"
  222. bind "SHIFT" "+speed"
  223. bind "ALT" "+voicerecord"
  224. bind "CTRL" "+duck"
  225. bind "UPARROW" "volume 0.8"
  226. bind "LEFTARROW" "voice_scale 0.06"
  227. bind "DOWNARROW" "volume 0.2"
  228. bind "RIGHTARROW" "voice_scale 0.1"
  229. bind "F1" "toggle sv_cheats 0 1"
  230. bind "F2" "mp_restartgame 1"
  231. bind "F3" "toggle sv_infinite_ammo"
  232. bind "F4" "toggle sv_showimpacts"
  233. bind "F5" "demo_timescale 0"
  234. bind "F6" "demo_timescale 0.5"
  235. bind "F7" "demo_timescale 1"
  236. bind "F8" "demo_timescale 5"
  237. BIND "F9" "toggle cl_draw_only_dethnotices 0 1"
  238. bind "F12" "exec autoexec.cfg"
  239. bind "F11" "exec treino.cfg"
  240. bind "MOUSE1" "+attack"
  241. bind "MOUSE2" "+attack2"
  242. bind "MOUSE4" "volume 1;voice_enable 0"
  243. bind "MOUSE5" "volume 0.8;voice_enable 1"
  244. bind "MWHEELUP" "+jump"
  245. bind "MWHEELDOWN" "+jump"
  247. bind "z" "show";alias show show1;alias show1 "+cl_show_team_equipment; alias show show2";alias show2 "-cl_show_team_equipment; alias show show1"
  249. //————————————————————————
  250. // Binds de Compra
  251. //————————————————————————
  252. //########## Nav Keys ##########
  253. bind "INS" "buy ak47; buy m4a1;"
  254. bind "DEL" "buy defuser;"
  255. bind "HOME" "buy mp7;"
  256. bind "END" "buy molotov; buy incgrenade; buy smokegrenade;"
  257. bind "PGUP" "buy vest;"
  258. bind "PGDN" "buy vesthelm;"
  259. // ########## Numpad ##########
  260. bind "KP_INS" "buy vesthelm"
  261. bind "KP_END" "buy m4a1;buy ak47"
  262. bind "KP_DOWNARROW" "buy smokegrenade"
  263. bind "KP_PGDN" "buy molotov; buy incgrenade"
  264. bind "KP_LEFTARROW" "buy mp7"
  265. bind "KP_5" "buy flashbang"
  266. bind "KP_RIGHTARROW" "buy hegrenade"
  267. bind "KP_HOME" "buy tec9; buy fiveseven"
  268. bind "KP_UPARROW" "buy ump45"
  269. bind "KP_PGUP" "buy awp"
  270. bind "KP_ENTER" "buy vest"
  271. bind "KP_DEL" "buy defuser"
  273. //————————————————————————
  274. // CSGO CONFIG
  275. //————————————————————————
  277. // Qualidade global das sombras..................Alta
  278. // Detalhe dos modelos e texturas................Baixo
  279. // Detalhe dos efeitos...........................Baixo
  280. // Detalhe do shader.............................Baixo
  281. // Redenrizacao multinuclear.....................Ativado
  282. // Antiserrilhado de mult. amostras..............Nenhum
  283. // Antiserrilhado FXAA...........................Desativado
  284. // Modo de filtragem das texturas................Bilinear
  285. // Aguardar sinc. vertical.......................Desativado
  286. // Desfoque de movimento.........................Desativado
  288. echo by
  289. echo NORUS
  290. echo
  291. echo CFG CARREGADA!
  292. //mat_savechanges
  293. host_writeconfig
  295. -----------------------------------------------------------------
  296. treino.cfg
  297. -----------------------------------------------------------------
  298. // COMMANDS
  299. sv_cheats 1
  300. god
  302. bot_mimic_yaw_offset 0 //quando bots te imita, olham na mesma direcao
  303. mp_teammates_are_enemies 0
  304. mp_autokick 0
  305. mp_autoteambalance 0
  306. mp_limitteams 0
  307. mp_maxmoney 50000
  308. mp_startmoney 50000
  309. mp_buytime 99999
  310. mp_buy_anywhere 1
  311. mp_roundtime_defuse 61
  312. mp_friendlyfire 1
  313. mp_solid_teammates 1
  314. mp_spawnprotectiontime 0
  315. mp_spectators_max 99
  316. mp_td_dmgtokick 0
  317. mp_timelimit 99999
  318. mp_tkpunish 0
  319. mp_respawn_on_death_ct 1
  320. mp_respawn_on_death_t 1
  321. mp_round_restart_delay 2
  322. sv_infinite_ammo 1
  323. bot_difficulty 3
  324. sv_grenade_trajectory 1 // mostra trajetoria das granadas
  325. sv_showimpacts 1
  326. sv_spec_hear 1
  327. sv_alltalk 1
  328. sv_deadtalk 1
  329. sv_full_alltalk 1
  330. sv_damage_print_enable 1
  331. cl_showpos 1 //mostra velocidade
  332. sv_noclipspeed 4
  334. ammo_grenade_limit_default "999"
  335. ammo_grenade_limit_flashbang "999"
  336. ammo_grenade_limit_total "99999"
  339. // BINDS TREINO
  340. bind "CAPS_LOCK" "noclip"
  341. bind "F1" "toggle bot_crouch"
  342. bind "F2" "toggle bot_mimic"
  343. bind "F3" "toggle bot_stop"
  344. bind "F4" "toggle bot_place"
  346. bind "f5" "toggle bot_dont_shoot"
  347. bind "F6" "toggle sv_showimpacts"
  348. bind "F7" "toggle sv_showimpacts_penetration"
  349. bind "F8" "sv_showimpacts_time 0.4"
  351. bind "F9" "sv_showimpacts_time 15"
  352. bind "F10" "bot_kick"
  353. bind "F11" "bot_add_t"
  354. bind "F12" "bot_add_ct"
  356. echo " CFG de treino executada "
  357. echo " ___________________________________________________________________ "
  358. echo "| F1 | F2 | F3 | F4 |"
  359. echo "|Bots agaichados | Bots imitam | Bots param | Posicionar bot |"
  360. echo "|________________|________________|________________|________________|"
  361. echo " ___________________________________________________________________ "
  362. echo "| F5 | F6 | F7 | F8 |"
  363. echo "| BOTs atiram |Mostrar Impactos| Penetracao inf.|Inf. duracao 0.4|"
  364. echo "|________________|________________|________________|________________|"
  365. echo "| F9 | F10 | F11 | F12 |"
  366. echo "|Inf. duracao 1.5| Kickar BOTS |Adicionar BOT TR|Adicionar BOT CT|"
  367. echo "|________________|________________|________________|________________|"
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