
Lich Doctor Chapter Nine

Jan 25th, 2013
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  1. >You are Anonymous. And the time has finally come.
  2. >The time of your self sworn contract to be fulfilled.
  3. >Now is the time that you will finally begin the process of passing the torch from Man to Pony.
  4. >You hope.
  5. >The only thing standing in your way now was these two ponies.
  6. >One of which outright refused, for valid enough reasons.
  7. >Mayor Mare had refused your offer of being caretaker of your complex, even with all the perks it comes with, because she had Ponyville to manage.
  8. >Which was fair enou-wait a sec...
  9. >...
  10. >Mother of God.
  11. >Mayor Mare.
  12. >Dyes her hair gray.
  15. >Good lord contain yourself man, this is supposed to be an important moment! Plus, Luna can never see you losing it right now. She'd never let you hear the end of it.
  16. >Containing yourself as best you can, the only evidence of you cracking up is a slight clanking of your armor and the crown sliding a quarter inch to the right on your head.
  17. >Twilight is currently reading the contract with great interest, as if she's trying to divine the very nature of the universe from that one scroll.
  18. >Her face slowly scrunches up a bit and then she speaks.
  19. >”So, let me get this straight. This contract states that it I agree to watch over this place while you go out and evaluate whether or not the sentient races are worthy of the gifts of Man, I gain limited access to the same power source you draw from?”
  20. “That is correct. You will be limited only to the defense, maintenance, and preservation of all property and lands that are contained within this complex. To the exclusion of myself and anyone who has been given my permission, no one will be allowed inside or on the grounds around this complex unless they have your permission. You will have absolute control over this area. No one will be able to tell you what to do.”
  21. >Both you and Twilight say “Except for myself.”
  23. “Glad you understand things.”
  24. >”I don't know If I'll be able to do this Anonymous.”
  25. >Uh oh. This may be bad.
  26. “Why is that?”
  27. >“I'm one of the bearers of the Elements of Harmony. I need to be able to defend Equestria if needed. I can't do that if I'm stuck here.”
  28. >Oh. That's all? You thought it was something serious.
  29. “No need to worry about that Twilight. I was doing your job before you were even thought of. And the main advantage of being me is I don't need the Elements. I shall swear a most solemn vow to protect Equestria and beyond should you agree to my conditions.”
  30. >You've been doing that anyways, but she doesn't need to know that.
  31. >You weren't going to lie to the mare, but you WERE going to stack the deck as much as possible. You needed to fulfill the promise you made to yourself.
  32. >Hearing this, Twilight shows visible relief at your statement. However, she's still on the fence about accepting your terms. Let's see if you know this mare as well as you think you do.
  33. “Remember all those things I've shown you so far? There's so much more. Thousands upon thousands of years of history. All contained within these walls. I dare say that it is more than you'll ever be able to study...”
  35. >You let that last bit hang in the air before you steal a glance at Twilight. Apparently she took your bait as a challenge.
  36. >Yep, you still had that silver tongue. In a figurative sense.
  37. >Furrowing her brows, she appeared deep in thought until she finally relented and breathed a sigh.
  38. >”Alright Anonymous, you have a deal.”
  39. >JACKPOT.
  40. “Excellent. Now to complete the contract, all's you have to do is sign your name in blood.”
  41. >“Umm...I'm sorry, did you say...blood?”
  42. “Yes. Blood. That's what magically binding contracts are signed in. Is there a problem?”
  43. >“Oh! N-no, no problem at all!”
  44. >Such a chicken. She's even breaking out in a cold sweat.
  45. “Twilight, you do realize that among many other things, I'm a DOCTOR, right? A magic doctor at that. Besides, there isn't much blood needed. Just a drop or two.”
  46. >This seemed to sooth her frazzled nerves a tad, but not much.
  47. >You snap your finger and a quill with a razor sharp tip appears before Twilight.
  48. “At your own pace then.”
  50. >You are Princess Celestia.
  51. >And you are beginning to question the wisdom behind yelling at your Captain of the Guard. And everyone else for that matter.
  52. >It seems that every guardspony is now skiddish at your presence.
  53. >Well, what is done cannot be undone. Besides, the return of Anonymous has you more concerned.
  54. >Even if what Luna said about Anonymous making the Elements of Harmony is true, he still possessed the ability to make another Discord, or worse.
  55. >So, too bad if anyone got their feelings hurt over your outbursts.
  56. >Anonymous could not be allowed to continue existing in Equestria another moment longer. He was too large a danger to your subjects.
  57. >The clearing of the Everfree around Anonymous' front door is going smoothly.
  58. >The citizens of Ponyville were kind enough to point you in the right direction to Anonymous. His large front door wasn't hard to find after that.
  59. >You can't help but be a tad impressed by the sheer size of the door.
  60. >Clearing out the forest to your satisfaction took about an hour, even with your magic.
  61. >A pack of timberwolves gave your troops a bit of trouble as did a rather thick patch of poison joke, but other than that, everything proceeded without incident.
  62. >Now, the time has come to lure Anonymous out.
  63. “Shining Armor.”
  64. >Shining Armor is immediately by your side.
  65. >”Y-Yes, your Highness!”
  66. “Ready the men. We begin shortly.”
  67. >Shining rushes off to order his men into formation.
  68. >You figure that the simplest methods have always worked the best for you.
  69. >Plus, Mother always taught you it was polite to knock first.
  70. >So, you follow her advice.
  71. >You bring a hoof down on the metal door. Hard.
  73. >A nice comfy movie chair, a bag of popcorn, and a silver screen to watch the events unfold.
  74. >Nothing could make this moment better!
  75. >Well, except for one thing.
  76. >But you're not giving the readers the satisfaction of an introduction.
  77. >That would ruin the suspense!
  78. >So instead, you go back to watching current events, munching away on your popcorn.
  79. >Princess Luna is now with Anonymous, Twilight has basically signed her immortal soul over to a Lich druid that's literally older than dirt, and Princess Celestia has declared Luna an Enemy of the State. AGAIN.
  80. >Celestia also carved away a good chunk of the Everfree AND is about to pick a fight with the most dangerous thing in the planet!
  81. >You couldn't have stacked the deck like this using your old methods. No, they were far too obvious.
  82. >These “subtlety” and “organized chaos” ideas really have had their payoffs. A little whisper in Celly's mind here, a tug at Lulu's sanity there, and a little nudge on Twily's curiosity.
  83. >It was simply sublime what chaos the littlest changes can cause.
  84. >Things were shaping up for the perfect storm, and it's all thanks to you!
  85. >Speaking of perfect, one thing is missing.
  86. >You snap your fingers and a glass of strawberry milk appears.
  87. >No one can know your shame.
  88. >Except the readers. They won't tell.
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